how do I efficiently implement SO-like favorite and voting feature? -

I'm using ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server 2008 and Forms Authentication. Suppose I am building a question-answer site like SO.
Here is the issue I am running into:
Users can view almost all the questions when not logged in, like they can on SO. Question-fetching query etc is almost written.
Now, if a user is logged in, he should also be able to tell whether he has already voted or "favorited" this question, like on SO.
Do I go back and rewrite all my
queries to include userIdInt
parameter even when the user is
anonymous just to know this
Or when a user logs
in, I store what all he has voted on
and keep track of that throughout
his session?
Both seem cumbersome, but 1) seems more efficient at least. Anybody know how SO does this or more efficient way?
I think it doesn't keep track of whether the user has voted, but it does seem to keep track of whether the user has "favorited" that question.

You could use multiple interfaces, one for anonymous access, and one for authenticated access, and perform different queries for each:
// Just example code - not
interface IAnonymousReader
IEnumerable<Answer> GetAnswers(int page, int countPerPage);
interface IAuthenticatedReader
IEnumerable<AuthenticatedAnswer> GetAnswers(int page, int countPerPage,
int userId);
// An alternative here is to get userId from concrete class, and pass in ctor
This would require that you write multiple queries, or that you get back data that you just throw away. You can avoid code duplication by constructing your query programatically. You could avoid writing the queries to begin with by using ORM.
As for the data, you could normalize the data, so that voting information is in a separate table, but still bound to the answer. When you're doing the query for anonymous users, simply don't join/query that table.


How can I use group membership to restrict results?

In an MVC application, for a given action that all users are authorized to perform, I would like to filter results based on the user's group membership. For instance ...
Users in GroupA should only see records pertaining to BuildingX.
Users in GroupB should only see records pertaining to BuildingY.
Users in GroupC should see all records.
I have no problem using authorization filters to restrict access to Actions, but I'm having a much harder time finding how to restrict access to data short of explicitly modifying statements every place where data is fetched.
Assuming your records are in a database, the roles membership model doesn't extend to the database out of the box. You can build a roles-based access control for your database, but you will likely save time using a simpler approach. For example, using code like this in your controller:
if (Roles.IsUserInRole("GroupA")) {
// Get data for GroupA.
// Display data...
A year later, working on a different but related issue, I found the EntityFramework.DynamicFilters package which does exactly what I need!

MVC Session for storing user information vs DB call

I have a user details area that is split out on to about 6 different pages (details, contact, preferences, etc). I need to have access to all of the user details after login.
I was going to add the user details to a Session like this after login so that I could access them all from the different pages without having to call the database on each page;
Session["name"] = name;
Session["bla"] = bla;
However I've googled and some people talk about saving the session to a database, which sounds like i may as well not use it. The users may not access every page or require access to all of this information, so it could be seen as a bit needless to add them all to a Session.
Is there a recommended practice for storing user information like this? I also have an ID that needs to be shown on every page. Perhaps something like this is better for a session and the more detailed info pages to keep with their own database calls?
EDIT: I am using Umbraco 7.2.8 and am getting the member details from the MemberService. I am worried that it hits the database each time though. My code to get the Member details and also the custom member properties (currently in each controller) is;
// Get the details of the user currently logged in
var profileModel = Members.GetCurrentMemberProfileModel();
// Get the custom properties for the member
var member = memberService.GetByUsername(profileModel.UserName);
model.Firstname = profileModel.Name;
model.Email = profileModel.Email;
model.specialID = member.Properties["specialID"].Value.ToString();
Any pointers would be great!
If you use the built in Umbraco Member service (link 1, link 2) to manage your users, you'll have a relatively simple way to get current logged in member. It's also easy to manage the member profiles with custom data fields and so on. No need to think too much about sessions and such.
Edit: take a look in here - specifically the GetCurrentPersistedMember() method - Umbraco is using caching to save current member
There are three popular ways to store the data in memory
1) Caching
2) Session
3) Static Classes
Out of above three I will always prefer Caching, as numerous articles suggested and I too agree that Sessions are comparatively slow than Caching & Static classes. I would always prefer caching over sessions.
But whatever you use, make sure that you are initializing them at single place, so that all the sessions and caching used in whole application is known to every developer. This will help in code re-usability & reduces the duplication of initializing the same value again in system. It will also help in code-maintainability.

ASP Mvc Nhibernate Issue

I am experiencing some bizarre problems with Nhibernate within my MVC web application.
There is not 1 consistent error, I keep getting loads of random ones:
Transaction not successfully started
New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor
Unexpected row count: -1; expected: 1
To give a little context to the setup, I am using Ninject to DI the sessions and other Nhibernate related objects, currently I am using RequestScope however I have tried SingletonScope. I have a large and complicated data model, which is read out as a whole, but persisted back in separate parts, as these can all be edited and saved individually.
An example would be having a Customer object, which contains a address object, a contact object, friends object, previous orders object etc etc...
So the whole object is read out, then mapped to the UI domain models and then displayed in different partials within the page. Each partial can be updated individually via ajax, so you may update 1 section or you could update them all together. It seems mainly to give me the problems when I try to persist them all together (so 2-4 simultanious ajax requests to persist chunks of the model).
Now I have integration tests that work fine, which just test the persistence and retrieval of entities. As a whole and individually and all pass fine, however in the web app they just seem to keep throwing random exceptions, and originally refused to persist outside of the Nhibernate cache. I found a way round this by wrapping most units of work within transactions, which got the data persisting but started adding new errors to the mix.
Originally I was thinking of just scrapping Nhibernate from the project, as although I really want its persistance/caching layer, it just didnt seem to be flexible enough for my domain, which seems odd as I have used it before without much problem, although it doesn't like 1-1 mappings.
So has anyone else had flakey transaction/nhibernate issues like this within an ASP MVC app... I know this may be a bit vague as the errors dont point to one thing, and it doesn't always error, so its like stabbing in the dark, but I am out of ideas so any help would be great!
-- Update --
I cannot post all relevant code as the project is huge, but the transaction bit looks like:
using (var transaction = sessionManager.Session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted))
// Do unit of work
catch (Exception)
Some of the main problems I have had on this project have stemmed from:
There are some 1-1 relationships with composite keys, but logically it makes sense
The Nhibernate domain entities go through a mapping layer to become the UI domain entities, then vice versa when saving. Problem here is that with the 1-1 mappings, when persisting the example Address I have to make a Surrogate Customer object with the correct Id then merge.
There is ALOT of Ajax that deals with chunks of the overall model (I talk like there is one single model, but there are quite a few top level models, just one that is most important)
Some notes that may help. I use windsor but imagine the concepts are the same. Sounds like there may be a combination of things.
SessionFactory should be created as singleton and session should be per web request. Something like:
.ToMethod( context => context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession() )
Be careful of keeping transactions open for too long, keep them as short lived as possible to avoid deadlocks.
Check your queries are running as as expected by using a tool like NHProf. Often people load up too much of the graph which impacts performance and can create deadlocks.
Check your mappings for things like not.lazyload() and see if you actually need the additional data in the queries and keep results returned to a min. Check your queries execution plans and ensure adequate indexes are in place.
I have had issues with mvc3 action filters being cached, which meant transactions were not always started, but would attempt to be closed causing issues. Moved all my transaction commits into ActionResults in the controllers to keep transaction as short as possible and close to the action.
Check your cascades in your mappings and keep the updates to a minimum.

Nhibernate (and ORMs in General): work with Objects or ObjectIds?

This is something that has been pulling at me for a while. Consider a (MVC type) web application with an ORM (e.g. Nhiberate) as the data access layer.
On one hand - the OOP/Rich domain model hand - I feel I should be passing around (references to) the real objects I am talking about.
On the other hand - the DB/Web App hand - I feel that it is easier and more efficient just to pass the integer Ids of the objects rather than the object themselves.
Consider an ecommerce catalogue type application:
The user is logged in and navigates to a product page.
They post a comment.
The controller action tasked with persisting this comment has 3 pieces of information: a) The user id (from the auth cookie or wherever), b) The product id (probably from the querystring), and c) the comment text.
Now, what what is best practice here? Is it really worth inflating the user and product objects (e.g. by getting them from the repository, with all the DB work that entails) when we know that all they will be used for is so the ORM can read their IDs and set the appropriate foreign keys in the DB table that stores the comments?
What are peoples views on this? Perhaps web apps should be given a little more leway than other apps, due to their stateless nature? I imagine there will be 'it depends' answers, but maybe some people are purists about the issue.
This is a general question which probably is applicable to many platforms, but if giving examples I would prefer them to be ASP.NET MVC if possible.
Thank you.
NHibernate has the load operation (as opposed to doing a get) exactly for this reason.
new Comment
Text = commentTextFromScreen,
User = session.Load<User>(userID),
Product = session.Load<Product>(productID)
In the above example, you are telling NHibernate: I know these already exist in the database, so don't bother selecting them right now. NHibernate will return proxy objects for them and a select won't happen against the database as long as you don't attempt to access any properties on the objects.
For more info check out Ayende's blog post: The difference between Get, Load, and query by id.

Redirect After Post in ASP.NET MVC

I am using the Redirect After Post pattern in my ASP.NET MVC application. I have
the following scenario:
User goes to /controller/index where he is asked to fill a form.
Form values are POSTed to /controller/calculate.
The Calculate action performs calculation based on input and instantiates a complex object containing the results of the operation. This object is stored in TempData and user is redirected to /controller/result.
/controller/result retrieves the result from TempData and renders them to the user.
The problem with this approach is that if the user hits F5 while viewing the results in /controller/result the page can no longer be rendered as TempData has been expired and the result object is no longer available.
This behavior is not desired by the users. One possible solution would be instead of redirecting after the POST, just rendering the results view. Now if the user hits F5 he gets a browser dialog asking if he wants to repost the form. This also was not desired.
One possible solution I thought of was to serialize the result object and passing it in the URL before redirecting but AFAIK there are some limitations in the length of a GET request and if the object gets pretty big I might hit this limitation (especially if base64 encoded).
Another possibility would be to use the Session object instead of TempData to persist the results. But before implementing this solution I would like to know if there's a better way of doing it.
Further investigating the issue I found out that if I re-put the result object in TempData inside the /controller/result action it actually works:
public ActionResult Result()
var result = TempData["result"];
TempData["result"] = result;
return View(result);
But this feels kind of dirty. Could there be any side effects with this approach (such as switching to out-of-process session providers as currently I use InProc)?
Store it in the Session with some unique key and pass the key as part of the url. Then as long as the session is alive they can use the back/forward button to their heart's content and still have the URL respond properly. Alternatively, you could use the ASP cache, but I'd normally reserve that for objects that are shared among users. Of course, if you used the parameters to the calculation as the key and you found the result in the cache, you could simply re-use it.
I think redirect after post makes much more sense when the resulting Url is meaningfull.
In your case it would mean that all data required for the calculation is in the Url of /controller/result.
/controller/calculate would not do the calculation but /controller/result.
If you can get this done thinks get pretty easy: You hash the values required for the calculation and use it as the key for the cache. If the user refreshes he only hits the cache.
If you cant have a meaningfull url you could post to /controller/index. If the user hits F5 calculation would start again, but a cache with the hash as key would help again.
TempData is generally considered useful for passing messages back to the user not for storing working entities (a user refresh will nuke the contents of TempData).
I don't know of more appropriate place than the session to store this kind of information. I think the general idea is keep session as small as possible though. Personally I usually write some wrappers to add and remove specific objects to session. Cleaning them up manually where possible.
Alternatively you can store in a database in which you purge stale items on a regular basis.
I might adopt a similar idea to a lot of banks on their online banking sites by using one-time keys to verify all POSTs. You can integrate it into a html helper for forms and into your service layer (for example) for verification.
Let's say that you only want to post any instance of a form once. Add a guid to the form. If the form does not post back and the data is committed then you want to invalidate the guid and redirect to the GET action. If say the form was not valid, when the page posts back you need a new (valid) guid there in the form waiting for the next post attempt.
GUIDs are generated as required and added to a table in your DB. As they are invalidated (by POSTS, whether successful or not) they are flagged in the table. You may want to trim the table at 100 rows.. or 1000, depending on how heavy your app will be and how many rendered but not yet posted forms you may have at any one time.
I haven't really fine tuned this design but i think it might work. It wont be as smelly as the TempData and you can still adhere to the PRG pattern.
Remember, with PRG you dont want to send the new data to the GET action in a temp variable of some sort. You want to query it back from the data store, where it's now committed to.
As Michael stated, TempData has a single purpose -> store an object for one trip only and only one trip. As I understand it, TempData is essentially using the same Session object as you might use but it will automatically remove the object from the session on the next trip.
Stick with Session imho rather than push back in to TempData.
