i've removed all references to bold (gui=bold, cterm=bold, term=bold) in the color syntax file slate.vim but i still see some bolded text. for example in a python file, the keywords class, def, try, except, return, etc. are still in a bold blue font.
also how to disable bold in status messages, like "recording" or "Press ENTER or type command.."?
Instead of removing =bold references you should replace them by
Put the following line in the .vimrc file.
set t_md=
Just in case someone is using iTerm on MacOS and also has this problem (since the same color scheme and vimrc settings under Ubuntu never gave me this problem), there is an option in iTerm under Preference->Profiles->text that stops iTerm from rendering any bold text. That's an easier and quicker fix.
try also to remove the occurrences of standout.
You can find highlighting groups by doing the following:
:sp $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim | source %
You can find where colors and font options were defined by doing:
:verbose highlight ModeMsg
(replace ModeMsg by your highlight group)
In vim, :scriptnames shows a list of all scripts loaded at vim startup.
In bash, grep -rl "=bold" $VIM shows a list of all files in your vim folder that contain that string. If $VIM is not set, or if you have a space in the filename (windows users), cd to your vim directory and run the command with . in place of $VIM
You can compare the two lists to find the files that need editing. Replace =bold with =NONE as stated in the previous answer by Tassos.
A side note: :hi Shows all current highlight formatting, with examples to demonstrate how the syntax is actually being rendered. In my case, standout had no effect on whether the font appeared bold.
Here's the easiest method:
In /colors directory enter sed -i 's/=bold/=NONE/g' *.vim
In /syntax directory enter sed -i 's/=bold/=NONE/g' *.vim
This will replace every instance in all those *.vim files.
For me, it was a tmux/screen issue. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/237530/tmux-causing-bold-fonts-in-vim led me to TERM=screen-256color which resolved my problem. It might also be worth exploring the difference when TERM is xterm vs. xterm-256color.
#devskii 's answer in the comment, above, works great for me. I'm going to include specifically the unbolding part here & wiki the answer. (If #devskii would like to make it an answer, I'll delete this... if I can delete wiki answers.)
Put this in your .gvimrc and smoke it:
" Steve Hall wrote this function for me on vim#vim.org
" See :help attr-list for possible attrs to pass
function! Highlight_remove_attr(attr)
" save selection registers
silent! put
" get current highlight configuration
redir #x
silent! highlight
redir END
" open temp buffer
" paste in
silent! put x
" convert to vim syntax (from Mkcolorscheme.vim,
" http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=85)
" delete empty,"links" and "cleared" lines
silent! g/^$\| links \| cleared/d
" join any lines wrapped by the highlight command output
silent! %s/\n \+/ /
" remove the xxx's
silent! %s/ xxx / /
" add highlight commands
silent! %s/^/highlight /
" protect spaces in some font names
silent! %s/font=\(.*\)/font='\1'/
" substitute bold with "NONE"
execute 'silent! %s/' . a:attr . '\([\w,]*\)/NONE\1/geI'
" yank entire buffer
normal ggVG
" copy
silent! normal "xy
" run
execute #x
" remove temp buffer
" restore selection registers
silent! normal ggVGy
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call Highlight_remove_attr("bold")
I can't figure out how to copy from vim, and paste to another console tab.
For instance, I'm using the preconfigured nvimdocker / ansible-neovim-pyright container. I did try:
set mouse= I can copy/paste with middle click, but I get the column with line numbers in the clipboard. Makes it unpracticable to copy few lines of script.
set mouse=nv This is great, I can select the text without the line numbers. Potentially right-click->Copy. But none of the * (highlight clipboard) nor + (system clipboard) registers are working. (None of the middle-click or explicit paste will work).
Obviously, it's not possible to access the system clipboard from remote, and xclip cannot help. I think the problem is similar when using a remote nvim through SSH (with no X redirection).
But how could I have the 'highlight' clipboard ? Is there maybe a (n)vim command to temporarily disable the left column with numbers/git/modifs/coc-errors ?
In my Docusaurus project my internal links work on my local environment, but when I push to GitLab they no longer work. Instead of replacing the original doc title with the new one it adds it to the url at the end ('https://username.io/test-site/docs/overview/add-a-category.html'). I looked over my config file, but I do not understand why this is happening.
I tried updating the id in the front matter for the page, and making sure it matches the id in the sidebars.json file. I have also added customDocsPath and set it to 'docs/' in the config file, though that is supposed to be the default.
id: "process-designer-overview"
title: "Process Designer Overview"
sidebar_label: "Overview"
# Process Designer
The Process Designer is a collaborative business process modeling and
design workspace for the business processes, scenarios, roles and tasks
that make up governed data processes.
Use the Process Designer to:
- [Add a Category](add-a-category.html)
- [Add a Process or Scenario](Add%20a%20Process%20or%20Scenario.html)
- [Edit a Process or Scenario](Edit%20a%20Process%20or%20Scenario.html)
I updated the add a category link in parenthesis to an md extension, but that broke the link on my local and it still didn't work on GitLab. I would expect that when a user clicks on the link it would replace the doc title in the url with the new doc title ('https://username.gitlab.io/docs/add-a-category.html') but instead it just tacks it on to the end ('https://username.gitlab.io/docs/process-designer-overview/add-a-category.html') and so the link is broken as that is not where the doc is located.
There were several issues with my links. First, I converted these files from html to markdown using Pandoc and did not add front matter - relying instead on the file name to connect my files to the sidebars. This was fine, except almost all of the file names had spaces in them, which you can see in my code example above. This was causing real issues, so I found a Bash script to replace all of the spaces in my file names with underscores, but now all of my links were broken. I updated all of the links in my files with a search and replace in my code editor, replacing "%20" with "_". I also needed to replace the ".html" extension with ".md" or my project would no longer work locally. Again, I did this with a search and replace in my code editor.
Finally, I ended up adding the front matter because otherwise my sidebar titles were all covered in underscores. Since I was working with 90 files, I didn't want to do this manually. I looked for a while and found a great gist by thebearJew and adjusted it so that it would take the file name and add it as the id, and the first heading and add it as the title and sidebar_label, since as it happens that works for our project. Here is the Bash script I found online to convert the spaces in my file names to underscores if interested:
find $1 -name "* *.md" -type f -print0 | \
while read -d $'\0' f; do mv -v "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
Here is the script I ended up with if anyone else has a similar setup and doesn't want to update a huge amount of files with front matter:
# Given a file path as an argument
# 1. get the file name
# 2. prepend template string to the top of the source file
# 3. resave original source file
# command: find . -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 -I file ./prepend.sh file
file_name=$("basename" -a "$filepath")
# Getting the file name (title)
heading=$(grep -r "^# \b" ~/Documents/docs/$title.md)
# Prepend front-matter to files
id: $title
title: $heading1
sidebar_label: $heading1
echo "$TEMPLATE" | cat - "$filepath" > temp && mv temp "$filepath"
This script is supposed to open a series of web pages in a new browser window, and then open TextEdit with predetermined text and links.
Safari does what it is supposed to.
Text edit opens and pastes the text I want, but the links are not clickable.
I know I could just right click and choose Substitutions> Add Links> myself, but I am trying to automate the entire process.
I appreciate your time and efforts on my behalf! Thank you!
to OpenTextEditPage()
-- Create a variable for text
set docText to ""
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
-- Define the text to be pasted into TextEdit
set docText to docText & "Some text to show in TextEdit." & linefeed & "
My favorite site about coding is http://stackoverflow.com/
My favorite site for paper modeling is http://www.ss42.com/toys.html
My favorite site for inventing is http://www.instructables.com/howto/bubble+machine/
" & linefeed & "Click the links above to improve your mind!" as string
-- Past the above text and links into TextEdit
set the text of the front document to docText & "" as string
tell application "System Events"
tell process "TextEdit"
-- highlight all text
keystroke "a" using command down
-- Think of a clever way to right click and choose Substitutions> Add Links>
-- Or think of another clever way to turn all URLs into links please.
end tell
end tell
end tell
end OpenTextEditPage
to OpenWebPages()
-- Start new Safari window
tell application "Safari"
-- activate Safari and open the StackOverflow AppleScript page
make new document with properties {URL:"http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=applescript"}
-- Yoda is watching you
open location "http://www.ss42.com/pt/Yoda/YodaGallery/yoda-gallery.html"
-- Indoor boomerang
open location "http://www.ss42.com/pt/paperang/paperang.html"
-- Are you a Human ?
open location "http://stackoverflow.com/nocaptcha?s=f5c92674-b080-4cea-9ff2-4fdf1d6d19de"
end tell
end OpenWebPages
According to this question I built this little handler. It takes a path to your rtf-file like makeURLsHyper((path to desktop folder as string) & "TestDoc.rtf") and worked quite fine in my little tests. But it doesn't care about text formatting at this point.
on makeURLsHyper(pathOfRtfFile)
-- converting the given path to a posix path (quoted for later use)
set myRtfPosixPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of pathOfRtfFile)
-- RTF Hyperlink start
set rtfLinkStart to "{\\\\field{\\\\*\\\\fldinst HYPERLINK \""
-- RTF Hyperlink middle
set rtfMiddlePart to "\"}{\\\\fldrslt "
-- RTF Hyperlink end
set rtfLinkEnd to "}}"
-- use sed to convert http-strings to rtf hyperlinks
set newFileContent to (do shell script "sed -i bak -e 's#\\(http[^[:space:]]*\\)#" & rtfLinkStart & "\\1" & rtfMiddlePart & "\\1" & rtfLinkEnd & "#g' " & myRtfPosixPath)
end makeURLsHyper
Have a nice day, Michael / Hamburg
I have a relatively complicated suite of OMake files designed for cross-compiling on a specific platform. My source is in C++.
I'm building from Windows and I need to pass to the compiler include directories which have spaces in their names. The way that the includes string which is inserted in the command line to compile files is created is by the line:
public.PREFIXED_INCLUDES = $`(addprefix $(INCLUDES_OPT), $(set $(absname $(INCLUDES))))
At some other point in the OMake files I have a line like:
INCLUDES += $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include")
In the middle of the command line this expands to:
-IC:\Library location with spaces\Path with spaces\include
I want it to expand to:
-I"C:\Library location with spaces\Path with spaces\include"
I don't want to change anything but the "INCLUDES += ..." line if possible, although modifying something else in that file is also fine. I don't want to have to do something like change the definition of PREFIXED_INCLUDES, as that's in a suite of OMake files which are part of an SDK which may change beneath me. Is this possible? If so, how can I do it? If not, in what ways can I make sure that includes with spaces in them are quoted by modifying little makefile code (hopefully one line)?
The standard library function quote adds escaped quotes around its argument, so it should do the job:
INCLUDES += $(quote $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include"))
If needed, see quote in Omake manual.
In case someone else is having the same problem, I thought I'd share the solution I eventually went with, having never figured out how to surround with quotes. Instead of putting quotes around a name with spaces in it I ended up converting the path to the short (8.3) version. I did this via a a simple JScript file called shorten.js and a one line OMake function.
The script:
// Get Access to the file system.
var FileSystemObject = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// Get the short path.
var shortPath = FileSystemObject.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments(0)).ShortPath;
// Output short path.
The function:
ShortDirectoryPath(longPath) =
return $(dir $(shell cscript /Nologo $(dir ./tools/shorten.js) "$(absname $(longPath))"))
So now I just use a line like the following for includes:
INCLUDES += $(ShortDirectoryPath $(dir "$(LIBRARY_LOCATION)/Path with spaces/include"))
I'd like to grep the following in BBedit.
<dc:subject>Knowledge, Mashups, Politics, Reviews, Ratings, Ranking, Statistics</dc:subject>
Replace with:
<dc:subject>Social web, Email, Twitter</dc:subject>
Replace with:
<dc:subject>Social web</dc:subject>
Basically, when there's more than one category, I need to find the comma and space, add a linebreak and wrap the open/close around the category.
Any thoughts?
Wow. Lots of complex answers here. How about find:
(there's a space after the comma)
and replace with:
I'm not sure what you meant by “wrap the open/close around the category” but if you mean that you want to wrap it in some sort of tag or link just add it to the replace.
Would give you
Social web
Or get fancier with Replace:
Would give you
Social web
In that last example you may have a problem with the “Social web” URL having a space in it. I wouldn't recommend that, but I wanted to show you that you could use the \1 backreference more than once.
The Grep reference in the BBEdit Manual is fantastic. Go to Help->User Manual and then Chapter 8. Learning how to use RegEx well will change your life.
Weird, when I first looked at this it didn't show me your full example. Based upon what I see now you should
I don't use BBEdit, but in Vim you can do this:
%s/(_[^<]+)</dc:subject>/\=substitute(submatch(0), ",[ \t]*", "</dc:subject>\r", "g")/g
It will handle multiple lines and tags that span content with line breaks. It handles lines with multiple too, but won't always get the newline between the close and start tag.
If you post this to the google group vim_use and ask for a Vim solution and the corresponding perl version of it, you would probably get a bunch of suggestions and something that works in BBEdit and then also outside any editor in perl.
You can use sed to do this either, in theory you just need to replace ", " with the closing and opening <dc:subject> and a newline character in between, and output to a new file. But sed doesn't seem to like the html angle brackets...I tried escaping them but still get error messages any time they're included. This is all I had time for so far, so if I get a chance to come back to it I will. Maybe someone else can solve the angle bracket issue:
sed s/, /</dc:subject>\n<dc:subject>/g file.txt > G:\newfile.txt
Ok I think I figured it out. Basically had to put the replacement text containing angle brackets in double quotes and change the separator character sed uses to something other than forward slash, as this is in the replacement text and sed didn't like it. I don't know much about grep but read that grep just matches things whereas sed will replace, so is better for this type of thing:
sed s%", "%"</dc:subject>\n<dc:subject>"%g file.txt > newfile.txt
You can't do this via normal grep. But you can add a "Unix Filter" to BBEdit doing this work for you:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
while(<>) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ /<dc:subject>(.+)<\/dc:subject>/;
my $content = $1;
my #arr;
if ($content =~ /,/) {
#arr = split(/,/,$content);
my $newline = '';
foreach my $part (#arr) {
$newline .= "\n" if ($newline ne '');
$part =~ s/^\s*(\S*(?:\s+\S+)*)\s*$/$1/;
$newline .= "<dc:subject>$part</dc:subject>";
print $newline;
How to add this UNIX-Filter to BBEdit you can read at the "Installation"-Part of this URL: http://blog.elitecoderz.net/windows-zeichen-fur-mac-konvertieren-und-umgekehrt-filter-fur-bbeditconverting-windows-characters-to-mac-and-vice-versa-filter-for-bbedit/2009/01/