RoR: Sinatra producing error "uninitialized constant" - ruby-on-rails

I'm new to Ruby on Rails (formerly and currently PHP expert) so forgive my ignorance but I'm trying to get Sinatra working as middleware to redirect some old urls since I tried the gem rack-rewrite and couldn't get that to work either.
I am using code samples from ASCIIcast so in my routes.rb I have the following:
root :to => HomeApp
(^ I'm redirecting the root only for testing)
In my lib folder I have home_app.rb
class HomeApp < Sinatra::Base
get "/" do
"Hello from Sinatra"
When I start the server (or if its already running) it produces the error:
routes.rb:10: uninitialized constant HomeApp
Which seems that it just isn't aware of the lib/home_app.rb file.
I have included Sinatra in my Gemfile and ran bundle install and confirms it is included.
I just want to reroute old urls from my old site to my new ruby app but can't get any of this middleware/rack stuff working. All documentation assumes you aren't a total newb or is for RoR pre-3.0.

You don't need to use Sinatra if you want to redirect some URLs. You can use the new redirect method. See the Rails Dispatch article.
match "/stories/:year/:month/:day/:name" => redirect("/%{name}")
constraints :user_agent => /iPhone/, :subdomain => /^(?!i\.)/ do
match "*path" => redirect {|params, req| "{req.fullpath}" }
In your specific case, the problem is that the HomeApp class is not loaded. Either add the /lib folder to your load path changing application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/lib )
or require the file.


Ruby on Rails production mode Uninitialize Constant error in Heroku

My apps work fine in development mode on my localhost. But when i deploy my apps to Heroku i have an error like this :
/app/app/controllers/api/v1/Associations/associations_controller.rb:1:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Api::V1::Associations (NameError)
I dont know whats wrong with my code. In my controller i have defined the class name like below :
class Api::V1::Associations::AssociationsController < Api::V1::ApiController
I already put this code on my application.rb but still no luck:
config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/api/*"]
I have routes like below :
namespace :api do
namespace :v1, :defaults => {:format => :json} do
namespace :associations do
get "/index" => "associations#index"
post "/create" => "associations#create"
post "/join" => "associations#join"
resources :associations_groups
resources :group_joined_by_springs
resources :group_created_by_springs
Everything works fine in my local using development mode. I cannot figure out how to solve this errors. I hope someone could help me.
P/s : I already looked all the solution provided on this site.
Edit (Rake routes)
Below is my routes for Associations
api_v1_associations_index GET /api/v1/associations/index(.:format) api/v1/associations/associations#index {:format=>:json}
api_v1_associations_create POST /api/v1/associations/create(.:format) api/v1/associations/associations#create {:format=>:json}
api_v1_associations_join POST /api/v1/associations/join(.:format) api/v1/associations/associations#join {:format=>:json}
move your api directory in to the app directory and remove this setting from application.rb - config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/api/*"]
All subdirectories of app in the application and engines present at boot time. For example, app/controllers. They do not need to be the default ones, any custom directories like app/workers belong automatically to autoload_paths.

HttpHelpers routing methods in mounted rails engine results in uninitialized constant "controller name"

My environment:
Rails 3.2.8
Ruby 1.9.3p194
Fedora 16 x86_64
This problem seems specific to Rails Engines.
It seems that when using the HttpHelpers in a Rails Engine's routes file, I get "uninitialized constant Controller" when accessing a route via a browser. But, if I use a URL matcher in the Engine's routes file, it routes correctly.
Here's how I created a failing example:
$ rails plugin new my_engine --mountable
$ cd my_engine
$ rails g controller things index
$ rails s -p 3005
The controller generator uses the HttpHelpers#get method by default, so at this point the Rails Engine's config/routes.rb file looks like:
MyEngine::Engine.routes.draw do
get "things/index"
And, the test/dummy application's config/routes.rb file looks like:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount MyEngine::Engine => "/my_engine"
So, I should be able to hit http://locahost:3005/my_engine/things/index and see the Things#index view from the Engine. But, instead in the browser I see:
Routing Error
uninitialized constant ThingsController
If I manually change the Engine's config/routes.rb file to:
MyEngine::Engine.routes.draw do
#get "things/index"
match "things/index" => "things#index"
... and hit http://locahost:3005/my_engine/things/index, I see the correct Things#index view.
I noticed that when I use the HttpHelpers#get method in the Engine's config/routes.rb file, and run rake routes from the test/dummy directory, I see:
$ rake routes
my_engine /my_engine MyEngine::Engine
Routes for MyEngine::Engine:
things_index GET /things/index(.:format) things#index
But, if I change the Engine's config/routes.rb file to use the URL matcher method, I see:
$ rake routes
my_engine /my_engine MyEngine::Engine
Routes for MyEngine::Engine:
things_index /things/index(.:format) my_engine/things#index
Notice that when using the URL matcher, the controller and action are correctly namespaced under the engine. While, when using the HttpHelpers#get, the controller and action seem to be non-namespaced.
So, my question: Am I doing something wrong here? Or, is this a bug?
Note: I searched the rails issues and didn't see anything directly related to this. Though I did see several other engine and routing issues.

why doesn't this routing work on heroku but works locally?

I have the following in my routes.rb file for Rails 3:
13 namespace :user do
14 root :to => "users#profile"
15 end
I get this error on heroku:
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant User::UsersController):
I already restarted the application.
I am doing this because I am using devise and this is what it says on the wiki:
The problem is that Rails is expecting there to be a controller within a module called Users because that's what namespace :user infers. Perhaps you meant to use scope instead of namespace?
scope :path => "user" do
root :to => "users#profile"
Note: in this situation if you've only got one route it would not be wise to use scope, but if you've got multiple ones with the /user prefix then it would be fine to. If you only had one, I would do this instead:
get '/user', :to => "users#profile"
Heroku environments run in production mode. When you run locally, you run in development mode, which accounts for at least one difference. Try this instead:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s
and see if you notice the same error.

Rails3 - oauth-plugin problem

I'm trying to use oauth-plugin on a Rails application I'm developing, but I keep running into problems.
To make sure I'm not making any mistake, I started an application from scratch (using Rails 3.0.3). Here are the steps I followed:
Create da new rails application (rails.test)
Edited its Gemfile to include:
gem "oauth-plugin", ">=0.4.0.pre1"
gem "oauth", "0.4.4"
Generated oauth-consumer, by running script/rails g oauth_consumer
Edited oauth_consumers.rb to include my keys for Google integration:
:options => {
:site => "",
:request_token_path => "/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken",
:access_token_path => "/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken",
:authorize_path=> "/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken"
Edited routes.rb to add the route for oauth_consumer:
resources :oauth_consumers
Edited application_controller.rb to implement the logged_in? method as follows:
def logged_in?
Now when I access http://localhost:3000/oauth_consumers/google I get the following error:
uninitialized constant GoogleToken
Does anyone know what causes this error and how can I fix it? GoogleToken is a class that should have been auto generated by oauth-plugin, so I can't tell why I'm getting this uninitialized constant error.
The GoogleToken class doesn't get auto-generated unless you pass "google" to the generator like so:
script/rails g oauth_consumer google
or for rails 3:
rails g oauth_consumer google
Also check to ensure the relationship is set up in the user model like so:
has_one :google, :class_name => "GoogleToken", :dependent => :destroy
Did you remember to run bundle install from terminal after editing your Gemfile? Sounds like your Rails app doesn't know about these gems yet.
I have the same problem, i think a solution could be in this:
You need some sort of authentication like restful-authentication plugin, if you uncomment line 27..29 in your oauth_consumers_controller.rb file, you'll jump to next step!

Sinatra app as Rails 3 subpath

I'm trying to get a sinatra app as a subpath in my rails 3 app.
Specifically, the resque queuing system has a sinatra based web interface that I would like to have accessible through /resque on my usual rails app.
You can see the project here:
I found some people talking about adding a rackup file and doing this sort of thing:
run \
"/" =>,
"/resque" =>
But I don't really know where to put that or how to make it run. My deployment is with passenger, but it would me nice to also have it running when I run 'rails server' too. Any suggestions?
I've made some progress by putting the following in config/routes.rb:
match '/resque(/:page)', :to =>"/resque" =>
Which seems to work pretty well, however it loses the public folder, (which is defined within the gem I guess), and as a result, there is no styling information, nor images.
You can setup any rack endpoint as a route in rails 3. This guide by wycats goes over what you are looking for and many of the other things you can do in rails3:
For example:
class HomeApp < Sinatra::Base
get "/" do
"Hello World!"
Basecamp::Application.routes do
match "/home", :to => HomeApp
Yehuda (/Scott S)'s solution doesn't work for me with Rails 3.0.4 and Sinatra 1.2.1... setting :anchor => false in the matcher is the key:
# in routes.rb
match "/blog" => MySinatraBlogApp, :anchor => false
# Sinatra app
class MySinatraBlogApp < Sinatra::Base
# this now will match /blog/archives
get "/archives" do
"my old posts"
(answer c/o Michael Raidel -
