Using nested controllers - ruby-on-rails

Since my site had an admin section and a normal (front-end user) section, I needed to structure the articles controller in such a way that it was RESTful.
So what I did was , have 2 articles controllers, 1 nested under the admin namespace (which would result in admin/articles) and the other one as a normal articles resource (/articles).
(I followed this blog.)
Now I started facing issues such as
A copy of AuditObserver has been removed from the module tree but is still active!
2 questions .
Is this error really because of me using such a structure of nested resources?
Is it a good programming practice to use such a structure? If not, is there a better alternative?

The structure is perfectly fine, and your code will probably function just fine in production mode. The issue usually arises in development when modules or classes are not 'unloaded' after a first request. Without seeing the code it's hard to tell exactly which module or plugin might be causing this issue, but you might want to have a look at this blog post.
You can usually solve this issue by loading the offending module or class only once:
config.autoload_once_paths << '/path/to/class/or/module.rb'
or by reloading your plugins in development mode:
config.reload_plugins = true if Rails.env == 'development'


Models not reloading in development in Rails (3.2.11) project

I've searched fairly extensively for any advice and have yet to find it so, here goes:
My Rails project fails to automatically reload models in development. Reloading them currently requires a full server restart.
Previous instances of this issue have been related to non-activerecord files placed in the models directory, though this is not the case for me.
config.cache_classes is properly set to false in my development config file. Views and controllers reload without issue.
All of my rails components are version 3.2.11. I have tried disabling all of my development-specific gems to no avail. This is obviously not a productivity stopper, but it is quite an annoyance. Any help appreciated and I am happy to provide more information if it would help, though I am not using any exotic gems.
Some possibilities:
You are not really running on developement environment
You are changing a model within a namespace and didn't told rails to autoload the path
You are changing a file that is included in your class, not your class directly (or any of the many variants for this)
You are caching classes
Things might change according to the webserver you are using
How do you know it's not reloading?
I ask my question because I was having the exact same issue when I was trying to insert a debugger into what I thought was a piece of code that was being executed. I assumed the model wasn't being reloaded since it was not hitting the debugger but it was actually a call back that was redirecting me around the code with the debugger line in it.
So, it might be something other than your models not being reloaded.

Can multiple Rails Applications share models/common business domain data between them?

I have several use cases that manipulate and add to the same data at different points in the process.
Each of these use cases share many of the same models, and actions in the process but would require totally different views and structure.
I was thinking of trying out the tips in this article from 8thLight but this was written in 2007.
According to them, the trick is to
(1) make a new folder with the shared models right above the application.
(2) require this new folder or module in your application via enviorments.rb file
(which I believe the equivalent would be config/application.rb because I don't see enviornments.rb in Rails 3.)
They say some code like this will work (in environments.rb)
$: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/your_lib_path'
I tried this and it isn't working (in application.rb)...
config.autoload_paths += %W(../../../mardom_shared_models)
Is this the standard way to do this?
An API sounds like another way to do this...but...I don't know anything about API's here. Self-learning 6-Month Noob here)
Helping me get the above to work if it is possible I guess would be the specific question. Can I do this?
But any comments or articles on other matter would be appreciated.
I would need to modify the Rails generators here starting from this link:
I would rather put all models related stuff into a gem, and install gem locally to vengor/gems directory to simplify navigating in it.

Automatically reload rails module

I'm developing a ruby module that I include in my rails app. I want it to be reloaded automatically when it changes. I've done extensive googling, and looked at the various questions here that discuss it, but they all seem out of date or wrong.
How do I get an external module to be reloaded in rails when it changes? I've tried adding its name to ActiveSupport::Dependencies.unloadable_constants, but after I type reload! in the console, I can no longer refer to that symbol without a NameError: uninitialized constant foo, even if I do another require 'foo_module'. Does anyone know how to get this working?
Note: here is one possible dup, but note in the comments to the 'answer' that it never solved the problem for modules. There's also this question which has a dead link in the answer, and finally this one, which also doesn't solve it.
I found how to do this:
Make sure FooModule is in lib/foo_module.rb.
Use require_dependency to require your external library in lib/foo_module.rb.
These steps are both required, and no others are required.
There are two separate problems here.
The simpler of which is that you are using require, when you want load.
require will evaluate the code in a file once, no matter how many times that file/module is required.
load will evaluate the code in a file each time that file is loaded.
require is preferred to load used so that the files are not evaluated multiple times when many files depend on them.
The short version is that load can be used to reload modules that have already been loaded by require.
The more complicated problem is automatically reloading a module on change.
One of the possible duplicates listed in the question links to here. Which suggests prefixing any code that depends on your module with a conditional load of your module if it has changed since loading. You'll need to use a global variable to keep track of when a file was loaded.
N.B.: this should not be used on a production server, but should be fine on a development server or console.
I spent sometimes to research this issue as well.
Here's my findings on how to auto-reload require files in Rails without restarting server.
The solution is now available as a Ruby gem require_reloader.

Rails: Where to place plugin files

I am relatively new to Rails and recently found a couple of useful gems like authlogic that will help in getting the project up and about really fast. However, I have been wondering where to place the model, view, and controller files that are dependent on the plugin, but are core concepts of my project.
For example, is it better to place the User, Role, Session, etc.. models and related controllers with the plugin inside the vendor/ directory, or should I place them inside the root model/, view/, and controllers/ directories respectively?
Even models/views/controllers dependent on plugins should be kept in the app/model, app/view, and app/controllers directories along with your other code.
The "structural" reason is that the bulk of all those files will still be specific to your application. You will probably end up adding fields to the user, or adding has_many statements to your User model, etc. You want all that code with the rest of your core application code in the app directory.
The "functional" reason is that vender/plugins is only for the code specifically relating to that plugin and is treated differently during development. For instance, when you add a new plugin, it is not auto-loaded in development mode. So if your core files were there, they would not be auto reloaded even in development mode.
Anything you write should be in the standard directories. Use vendor for vendor-provided code.
Just as a heads up it is very hard to go wrong watching railscasts on topics you are new to.
Ryan Bates has two covering authlogic and authlogic with OpenID and in anticipation of your next step after authentication- authorization: He has some covering access control as well: Declarative Authorization, and CanCan.

When to consider creating your own Ruby module in a Rails app?

With a Ruby module, you can cluster together a bunch of methods that you might use in one place and then include them into a class so it's as if you had written them in that class.
What kinds of practical uses are there for Ruby modules in a rails app?
I would appreciate if someone could mention an example of where they've actually used a module of their own so I have a sense of what situations I should be thinking about creating them. Thanks.
1) Any time I'm about to duplicate (or substantially duplicate) a piece of code: "oh, i could just cut/paste into this other controller . . . "
2) Any time I write code that is very obviously going to be reused in the future.
3) Code of substantial size that has a specific purpose, where that purpose is fairly distinct from the main purpose of the controller/model. This is somewhat related to (2), but sometimes code won't get reused but a module helps for organization.
You can place them in the /lib directory and they'll be loaded with your Rails project.
For example, you can view this repo of mine of an old project: lib directory of a Rails project
So for example, I have the following module:
Module GCharts
class GoogleCharts
def some_method
And anywhere in my Rails app, I can access the methods.
So if I were to access it from a controller, I would simply do:
require 'google_charts'
We use modules for functionality that isn't tied to ActiveRecord models and hasn't been abstracted into a plugin or gem.
A recent example from our production code base is a library for integrating with Campaign Monitor for email list management. The core of the system uses our user model, but the actual interaction with the extenrl service is abstracted through a module that lives in /lib.
