Tweets not available on public timeline, but tweets are not protected...what may be the cause? - twitter

I started to use the Twitter Search API to create a view into our company's multiple twitter streams. For one of the accounts, the Search API only returns mentions of the account (i.e. in other people's tweets), but does not return tweets from the account. That account does not have it's tweets protected. Does anyone know what can be happening?
Just to make sure that it's not my coding, I also tested it at and the tweets didn't show up either.

I recently had the same problem but then I found
Indeed, the account was just created and the tweets started appearing later on. Anyway, even if it isn't new or protected there are several other reasons you might find on that page. Worst case scenario, drop an e-mail to Twitter and ask what's the cause, I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough.
Good luck!


Facebook Graph API User object subscriptions Whitelisting

in my iPhone app, I implemented the Facebook API, to piggy back on their user identification.
Now, rather than polling Facebook every once in a while to see if the information of a logged in user has changed, I would like to use the 'User object subscriptions'. From this document I learned, that I have to create a Callback URL (done, and tested), and that my app needs to be Whitelisted.
On I can't find a way to apply for being whitelisted, and Google doesn't seem to be my friend anymore.
I hope you are.
The docs are stating
...some of these objects may require your app to be whitelisted by Facebook for access.
Basic Realtime Updates should work without any whitelisting involved, at least they do so for myself.
Whitelisting your app is not always easy to do, as certain APIs are meant to be quite restricted at a developer level. You can find further information about whitelisting here if you have not already done so.
As far as whitelisting, in your case I believe it just a matter of your app settings and IP whitelisting, which you can find more information about here .

IOS twitter feed tutorial

I am currently building an app where they require all their users to be able to view their feeds only.
I looked at a lot of tutorials online which talk about the new api v1.1 of twitter and now authentication is required at all times.
I see a lot of examples and even successfully followed several of them like
I even saw a tutorial posted on the twitter dev page.Following all of these focused on a few key elements
Using ACAccount to retrieve the account settings of the current user
Using the SLRequest to encapsulate the HTTP request made to the twitter api
Retrieving the data in JSON format, parsing it and presenting it to the user
Well my question is, I do not want user specific feeds. It's like a company updates their twitter regularly, users using the app should get feeds regarding the company. So I was wondering if there was a way, the app provides some default or hard coded authentication information ?
Is there some sort of tutorial, library or anything out there to help me move in the correct direction ?
Thank You for your time and help.
Your going to want to implement the following API call to get that information:
Once your application is authorized you can make a call to,
That should give you the information you're looking for.

Twitter web application to show tweets mentioning me

Recently under some youtube videos there have been a Twitter feed, showing all tweets relevant to the video and what people are saying about it.
I was wondering how I could implement it on my website, except showing tweets relevant to my company's name.
Thanks in advance :D
Well this is a very general question so I'm providing you with a general answer. Use the Twitter API to pull data that is marked with #YourCompanyName or #YourCompany.
Pretty straight forward.

Twitter feed on corporate site

I have a corporate website that I want to pull in tweets to, but i'm getting a rate limit using the http feed. So, I want to use an authenticated method to get the tweets.
Do I really have to register an application to do this, even though it's not really an application and my users will never be entering or changing the twitter account info.
Also, my corporate site doesn't have a public address, and registering an application through twitter appears to require a public url. So how can I get around this? Do I have to create a "fake" application with a public url, just to generate my keys?
Thanks for any help on this.
If your site is behind a proxy server along with all your users, using Javascript/jQuery won't help. All the requests will still be coming from the same IP and will hit a rate limit, as you're doing now.
The other issue is that you don't need to register an app to request a feed. Apps are only needed for Oauth, and getting a feed doesn't need that.
The best way to deal with this is to get the feed with a server script, store it on the server, and then deliver the server copy to the web pages. If you request the feed less than 150 times per hour, you won't have a limit problem.
If you want more than a single feed, you can use the streaming API to get all the tweets for up to 400 keywords or from up to 5,000 users. This still doesn't need a registered app, since the streaming API still allows Basic Auth.
Just wanted to post this for future reference and in case anyone else has the same question. The solution to my problem, was to register an application on twitter. But since I'm just using a single user, you don't have to do the regular OAuth steps of generating a request for a key, getting the response etc. Every app you register in twitter get's its own "Access Token" that you can use to retrieve tweets etc. So, this is what I ended up doing to solve the problem I was having.
Additional details: My main concern was having to do the OAuth steps of requesting an access code etc... Since my application is only a single user implementaion (just pulling in our company related tweets from company held twitter accounts), it just seemed unneccesary to have to do all of that. But what I found was that when you register an app on twitter, you get a private access token for each app. You can view a little information about that here:
It sounds like you are pulling the feed down over http on the server? You could just limit the updates so you don't hit the rate limit.
I would recommend instead doing this on the client side. There are a lot of very easy to use embeddable java script twitter clients out there. The rate limiting problem would dissapear as the feed would be coming from the desktop and not the server (unless they just kept refreshing it).
The Twitter developer wiki lists a few.
JQuery plugin for Twitter
Tweet (another JQuery plugin)

Using oAuth to retrieve tweets of a particular ID (equivalent to a page in facebook)

I need to know as to how to implement oAuth in an iphone application.
I have already gone through lot many posts but none of them shows as to How to retrieve tweets from a user profile (like we access facebook wallposts). I tried using an example named bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone but all it does is show the Login prompt and posts a sample Twit at my Twitter profile.
I need to make an application where
the user can view twits for a particular page (same as accessing the wall post for a Page)
Post tweets that will appear on his profile or if possible then also at the profile page for given ID
I was able to fetch the tweets for a particular id using but may be due to closing of Basic authentication it does not return to me tweets older than a specific time period.
The Twitter search API is not meant to retrieve the tweets from one particular user, even though it does seem to work (up to a certain point back in time). As far as I know the search API does not need authentication, so you're not in trouble regarding the deprecation of Basic authentication there.
To retrieve the tweets for a user, you need to retrieve their timeline. Be sure to use OAuth authentication, as indeed Basic authentication no longer works now.
Check out for more information. The API is documented quite well. You mention basic authentication, so perhaps you could start with to get you going?
