Terminal hangs when installing rb-rmagick - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to install rb-rmagick and running into some trouble. The installation stops at "Building rb-rmagick". I know it takes a while, so I let it run overnight, but still don't see any progress. I'm running it on a brand new MacBook Pro so speed/memory shouldn't be an issue.
From http://rb-rmagick.darwinports.com/, the instruction says to do cd /opt/local/bin/portslocation/dports/rb-rmagick before you run sudo port install rb-rmagick, but I don't have the portslocation directory in my bin.
I've installed macPort.

I found out there's actually an error after doing sudo port -v install rb-rmagick. A font file was missing. There are a couple of ways to solve this. trac.macports.org/ticket/19602 has some explanation.


Not a directory # rb_sysopen - /usr/local/bin/fuzzy_match

Im trying to install Cocoapods on macOS mojave with these terminal command $ sudo gem install cocoapods
and im getting this error
Can anyone help me with this problem ?
I had this exact error on a build machine, but it turned out that a previous install of jamf (Enterprise Mac management software) had mangled the /usr/local/bin folder, and had turned it into a symbolic link to a file.
It appears that on your system /usr/local/bin/fuzzy_match is not a real folder. Try inspecting the path and see if /usr/local/bin/ is still valid.

Docker .exe won't even launch on w10 enterprise

i have an issue when installing Docker. The .exe didn't want to launch (no error message on double click), i'm only able to install it why command line :
install --quiet
But then, if i'm able to see the service running in my task managment, it is not here un my task bar.
I'm on Windows 10 Enterprise v1709.
If i force install without --quiet, i have this console error message :
Failed to install: Windows version not compatible.
But my Windows version is clean and updated (hyper-v enable etc...)
It's almost impossible to find any solution after many hours on the problem.
If somebody had any clue :)
Thanks !

npm: not found when building Docker container

I had a developer create a Docker file for me -- and it's worked for months flawlessly. Recently I formatted my mac to clean some space, and re-ran the command to build the Docker container, and I got the following error:
See this screenshot
I'm not quite sure what the problem is. It builds properly on my other machines, but it's giving me a hard time on this new fresh install. I'm not a technical person, thanks everyone.
By looking at your screenshot it seems like you are not installing npm.
Please add npm to your apt-get install RUN command.

ios-webkit-debug-proxy blank devtools

I'm using ios-webkit-debug-proxy on Linux to try and debug an iOS Safari host using chrome.
The debug proxy runs and gives
Listing devices on :9221
Connected :9222 to Will's iPhone (8a48ac86edd4f299xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
The page localhost:9222
Opening the devtools though gives a whole lot of blank. Clicking on lots of things yields little.
Can someone with experience with these things give me a nudge? Cheers
What Chrome version are you using? This might happen as this feature is broken since chrome 38. Try downloading Chromium 37 to solve the issue.
Checkout this Bug Report for details:
Old binaries can be obtained from here:
I followed this procedure from Ryan Ewen:
Comprehensive instructions for Windows:
Get files from https://github.com/fishbone1/remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter
Install iTunes (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/itunes/9pb2mz1zmb1s)
Install scoop (https://scoop.sh)
scoop install nodejs nvm
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
nvm install 11.15.0 (version 12 doesn't work for the final couple of steps)
nvm use 11.15.0 (might have to reopen PowerShell after this, it'll tell you)
npm install -g vs-libimobile cd to your download of remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter
npm install
npm start
Continue onto Step 3 from the readme
make sure you installed latest ios_webkit_debug_proxy:
brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
and then launch ios_webkit_debug_proxyusing command:
ios_webkit_debug_proxy -f chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html
BTW you must use developer's certificate to build the app!
Install the adapter with :
npm install remotedebug-ios-webkit-adapter -g
Then, run remotedebug_ios_webkit_adapter --port=9000

Can't compile Erlang R14B03 when trying install RabbitMQ using Homebrew on Mac OS X

I am developing a django app and it will utilize the Celery notification system. To use Celery I need the install the RabbitMQ server. I am trying to install it using homebrew. So I just:
sudo brew install rabbitmq
But erlang is a prerquisit for the install. So Homebrew tries to compile erlang-otp (R14B03), but during this process it always gets stuck for hours. I even let it sit over night and nothing happend. So I aborted the compilation and did:
sudo brew install -v erlang
to see the progress of the compile. It gets stuck a the and states the following error:
=== Entering application hipe
(cd ../main && make hipe.hrl)
sed -e "s;%VSN%;3.8;" ../../hipe/main/hipe.hrl.src > ../../hipe/main/hipe.hrl
erlc -W +debug_info +inline -o../ebin hipe_rtl.erl
(no error logger present) error: "Error in process <0.1.0> with exit value: {{badfun,[<<5 bytes>>,<<69 bytes>>,<<9 bytes>>,<<3 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<8 bytes>>,<<8 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<2 bytes>>,<<11 bytes>>,<<15 bytes>>,<<4 bytes>>,<<72 bytes>>,<<5 bytes>>,<<1 byte>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<10 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<6 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<7 bytes>>,<<6 bytes>>,<<12 bytes>>]},[{erlang,apply,2}]}\n"
I've tried it multiple times, but I get he same result. Could be because I have the wrong version of autoconf? Have any of you guys had a similar experience? What are some recommendations to get a successful compile?
I appreciate the help. Many thanks in advance.
Erlang has problems building with Xcode 4's compilers.
You should be able to get it to compile if you turn off optimization with CFLAGS=-O0.
You can get a pre-compiled package for Mac OSX from Erlang Solutions.
I had the same issue on a new Lion install with Xcode 4.1. The following command installed erlang successfully.
brew install erlang --use-gcc
