I do genealogy research. I have books with information on many pages. Is there a way for me to use the book isbn and associate it with a particular page? I may find many references to different individuals in the same book. I copy the page, but would like to be able to print the isbn number of the source and include the page number.
I think your going to have to clarify your question preferably with some code showing what you have so far. Barcodes are just serial numbers, there is no reason you can't combine the ISBN + page number into a barcode and print it out.
Can you search for submissions (over all subreddits) to find those having a particular keyword use in the discussions i.e comments of that submission?
I am trying to :
Collect all the submission ids and hence the comments that have this word say "awesome".
I would also like to know if there are some subreddits that are likely to have this word used often based on the comments?
I have already looked at PRAW & PSAW documentation and even found the exact solution to this problem i.e the aggs paramter but apparently it is not working at the moment? Every query gives me a JSON that is empty(with the same code as in the documentation)?
I was wondering if there are alternatives or workarounds to this? Or something that could solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for your time.
I have been spending some time watching the search queries that bring people to my site on google analytics recently, in order to see if people are finding exacty what they are looking for and if not creating that new content. But i figured an easier way would be to what search queries are popular. But containing a keyword that relates to my site.
for example, i want to see all the most queried search terms that contain "in japanese".
like "dog in japanese", "i love you in japanese"
I have found http://www.google.com/trends/
but after playing with it for a while it doesnt seem like i can do this. seems like i can just see popularity of spesific queries. I dont want to see how popular specific queries are, i want to see what queries containing x are popular. Anywhere i can do this?
If you join the Google AdWords program, you can use the Keyword Planner tool to try out keywords and immediately get the number of searches per month in a chosen geography. This is a very interesting tool. See http://adwords.google.com.
I'm not sure this question belongs here on SO though.
I am using Joomla v1.6 and am need of some assistance. I have aprox. 50 videos with titles that are a numeric value. I want the site's visitors to enter the title number and be immediately forwarded to the appropriate article. Due to the ongoing videos being added, a menu will not work and a search module will display a majority of the videos. Since the user might be watching the incorrect video if a choice is given (search results). I guess what I need is to limit the steps/clicks the visitor has to use to see their video choice.
I have spent the last three weeks looking to no avail. I have two Joomla.org post will no answers.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
If you have the video numbers in the title, won't they come up in the URL?
For example, article titled '12345' which I assume contains your video:
SEO off: index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1:12345&catid=7:video&Itemid=101
SEO on: /component/content/article/7-video/1-12345
idea: You could probably really easily do a form submit using something like Jumi and just match the url pattern with a little php, substituting the submitted form video number for the last part of the url.`
I think you can use K2 to categorize and manage your videos.
K2 is similar to Joomla's built-in com_content, but has many extra features.
You can download it here:
I am working on a erp system, being developed using Ruby on Rails. I want to create a sales order by reading the contents of the email. I can recognize by reading the contents if its a sales order or inquiry.
Now a step forward I want to read email and fetch the items in the list. I am planning to take words from the email and search them in the database under items. I can't fix a certain format for the email.
I am going to use following approach.
I'll be using ferret(initially, may switch to sphinx or similar) to search the items in the emails content.
1). Loop through items table and search them for exact phrase match.
2). Search email for item name split keyword. Email.find_with_ferret("items nice name")
3). Fuzzy search Email.find_with_ferret("items nice name~")
Please help me to improve this.
You're going to need to intercept the emails with rails. Here's a decent article explaining the various approaches to doing this:
I need to generate seo meta keyword tags based upon user generated wiki content.
Say I have an article and a predefined list of keywords/phrases, is there some good method to grab matched article keywords? Keywords may not be of one word length and will be given a predefined weight as to which keywords are used first. Some implementation of Nokogiri seems the obvious choice but I wondered if there were something more complete for this exact scenario.
You could process your text thanks to a semantic API, it will give you a list of potential keywords + the score associated.
I've begun to develop this gem: https://github.com/apneadiving/SemExtractor
It still needs some improvements for error handling but it's fully operational to query the following engines:
Semantic Hacker from Textwise
Yahoo Boss
If you're only wanting to grab keywords for the meta keyword tag, that's not really worth your time. Google doesn't pay attention to those anymore.
Here's a good post about it, with a video of Matt Cutts from Google explaining that the meta keyword tag doesn't play a part in search engine rankings.
What is worth your time? Good title tags.