I'm having trouble with an upgraded 2008 build. I'm using the Upgrade template.
Everything builds fine, but when I get to GetImpactedTests it crashes.
Anyone experienced something similar?
Can I turn off GetImpactedTests? Can't find a property for it.
TF270015: 'MSBuild.exe' returned an unexpected exit code. Expected '0'; actual '255'.
From the build log:
TeamFoundationServerUrl="http://ourserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection" BuildUri="vstfs:///Build/Build/23071"
Analyzing labels Release_2.3.10301.14 and Release_2.3.10302.2.
TeamFoundationServerUrl="http://ourserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection" BuildUri="vstfs:///Build/Build/23071"
From the event log:
Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException.
Fault offset: 0x00000000000536ba
Faulting process id: 0xd14
Faulting application start time: 0x01cb772eb97a8234
Faulting application path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 2cb88eb5-e323-11df-8d1d-0050568d001c
I added /p:PerformTestImpactAnalysis=false for now, and it works
In the first few days,everything is running ok.But after then if I click my App to run it, it will crash immediately.
Edit: If I install it again with Xcode, it's ok again, it's a cycle...
Here is the crash report I got:
OS Version: iPhone OS 12.2 (Build 16E227)
Architecture: arm64
Report Version: 28
Data Source: KPerf Lightweight PET
Kernel Cache: 0xffffffe000000000 53367679-EAC3-F9BC-B3A1-9B4AB7EBF3CC
Shared Cache: 0x23f0c000 BFBB889C-67F5-3193-9F53-E9429CB8D4A4
Reason: UIKit-runloop-SpringBoard: timeout 931ms
Command: SpringBoard
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard
Version: ??? (???)
PID: 52
Duration: 0.90s
Steps: 18 (50ms sampling interval)
Hardware model: N71mAP
Active cpus: 2
What's the possible reason for this? I cann't find out which part of my code is broken, so it is hard to post my code here. And I am hoping to locate the problem with only this crash report.
After updating OpsCenter 6.0.X to 6.1.2 using yum, OpsCenter frequently crashes with the following error in opsenterd.log:
2017-08-25 10:03:34,066 [opscenterd] ERROR: Unhandled error in Deferred: No agents available to query for getDsePerformanceStatusFromOneAgent.
File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 1124, in _inlineCallbacks
result = g.send(result)
File "/usr/share/opscenter/jython/Lib/site-packages/opscenterd/Cluster.py", line 1301, in callOnAgent
Any idea how to fix this?
I was able to resolve this by updating the run directory file /etc/opscenter/clusters/< clustername >.conf
tmp_dir = /path/to/agent/tmp
But this is a temporary solution.
I am experiencing an issue were as when trying to build any IOS app (even a blank app with a single button and no code behind at all) using Xamarin on Visual Studio 2015, i receive the below error message:-
1>------ Build started: Project: anotherTest, Configuration: Debug iPhone
1> Generated session id: 918b34de762e8cb2603d83fb22be8494
1> Generated build app name: anotherTest
1> Connecting to Mac server
1> anotherTest -> D:\Local sites\XamarinFresh\anotherTest\anotherTest\bin\iPhone\Debug\anotherTest.exe
1> Detected signing identity:
1> Code Signing Key: "iPhone Developer: xxxx xxxxx (2YL57YJ875)" (62943356AF268E06164BD4D6432932995AF3A2CA)
1> Provisioning Profile: "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: net.xxxxx.*" (05eb6d91-b645-4b45-ae20-b1c23576702c)
1> Bundle Id: net.xxxxx.anothertest
1> App Id: QCQ62TK5N6.net.xxxxx.anothertest
1> SecKey API returned: -25320, (null)/Users/xxxxxxx/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/anotherTest/918b34de762e8cb2603d83fb22be8494/bin/iPhone/Debug/anotherTest.app: unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(1541,3): error : Tool exited with code: 1. Output: SecKey API returned: -25320, (null)/Users/xxxxx/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/builds/anotherTest/918b34de762e8cb2603d83fb22be8494/bin/iPhone/Debug/anotherTest.app: unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets(1541,3): error :
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I have reinstalled Visual Studio 2015 and done all the available Xamarin updates, the Mac is accessible with the latest versions of all software and and the key chain settings have been set to always allow.
Can anyone shed any light on what is happening or why it doesn't build?
On macOS when you type security error -25320 you get a further clue on what the issue is:
security error -25320
Error: 0xFFFF9D18 -25320 In dark wake, no UI possible
So, the code signing is triggering a UI challenge, of which it's not being allowed due to the way Xamarin runs builds. I came across this method of importing your keychain on macOS to avoid the issue:
security set-key-partition-list -S apple: -k <Password> -D <Identity> -t private <your.keychain>
Shout out to Bochun Bai for spending 3 weeks with Apple support to finding the solution to a somewhat similar sounding -25308 issue and posting it to https://sinofool.net/blog/archives/322
error of the following will appear when you have made a jenkins build of unity.
----- Total AssetImport time: 6.818127s, AssetImport time: 6.808909s, Asset hashing: 0.005416s [60.9 KB, 10.972655 mb/s]
Platform assembly: /Applications/Unity4.6.2/Unity.app/Contents/Frameworks/Mono/lib/mono/2.0/System.Data.dll (this message is harmless)
System memory in use before: 71.7 MB.
Unloading 137 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0 / Dirty serialized files: 0)
System memory in use after: 66.8 MB.
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6940.
Total: 18.863014 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.248059 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.096515 ms MarkObjects: 1.745080 ms DeleteObjects: 0.012070 ms)
Scripts have compiler errors.
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Utilities/Argv.cpp Line: 127)
Aborting batchmode due to failure:
Scripts have compiler errors.
Thread 'UnityLookForNewInputDevices' is still running!
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Threads/Thread.cpp Line: 68)
Thread was not cleaned up!
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Threads/Posix/PlatformThread.cpp Line: 45)
FATAL: Unity3d command line execution failed with status 1
Build step 'Invoke Unity3d Editor' marked build as failure
FTP: Current build result is [FAILURE], not going to run.
Finished: FAILURE
Try search "error" in Jenkins console output. It's very easy to overlook what actually causing build fail. The error show in the bottom of console output is the result. The useful information is where all warnings and errors are shown like you normally see in IDE like visual studio. I spend a whole afternoon found out I should always use Control + F instead of my eyes to search through things like Jenkins console output.
The output shows you the problem: you have script errors. Until you fix your script errors, you won't be able to build.
You haven't included the script errors, so no-one can give you any more info. When you fix them, you'll probably find that it's nothing to do with Jenkins, and the question title is unrelated.
Usual causes of this:
You have some editor scripts in you project
You forgot to put #if guards around editor scripts and/or external scripts
You forgot to copy/paste one of your 3rd party libraries or plugins onto the machine where you're doign the build - and it's not in source control already (where it should be).
I am trying to install the BES 10(Blackberry enterprise service 10) in windows 7 os . I am stuck in SRP configuration. It Caught stuck in finalize initialization with the following error. Any idea to resolve them.
**<#01>[10000] (07/02 13:54:19.638):{0xDF8} CWebRequestWrapper::SubmitData: WinHttpQueryHeaders failing. Error code: 0. Status code: 405.
<#01>[10000] (07/02 13:54:19.638):{0xDF8} CRestApiWrapper::SetCertificateAttributes error sending data, result is [486003]
<#01>[10000] (07/02 13:54:19.638):{0xDF8} CDataContainer::DoApplyImpl: UbitexxCoreDataCon failed to apply. Result: 486023.
<#01>[10000] (07/02 13:54:19.638):{0xDF8} [CUbitexxCoreDataCon::Apply]: Failed to apply 'configuration.core.url.primary1' parameter.
<#02>[20000] (07/02 13:54:19.638):{0xDF8} CInstallStepSeq::PreApplyProcess: Errors encountered while applying Core Module. Core module may not be operational.**