iPad AdMob integration issues - ads showing but not much more - ipad

I have an AdMob ad integrated in my iPad game app and seeing two issues:
The test ad I get is the wrong size.
I am not sure if this is intentional or will fix itself when the app is live.
When I click the test ad in my app (AdMob Test iPhone Ad), it disappears and I get no more ads.
Neither 'applicationWillTerminateFromAd' or 'didPresentFullScreenModalFromAd' are called.
The app continues to run as expected, but no more ads show.
Is that normal?
What can it be if not normal?
Thanks in advance to any of you masters that can shed light on this issue - otherwise, my app is ready to be submitted!
ps. I have free codes for the paid version if anyone interested!!

OK, got it, and here is how:
1. I used the wrong size. I tried to get a 748x90 pixel ad. The correct size is 748x110
This resolved the wrong size issue.
2. The test ad messes up for some reason, but using the following function let me test with real ads and they worked.
Happy developer - next stop: Apple!
- (BOOL)useTestAd {
return NO;


Why am I getting admob clicks before iphone app is released

The past couple of iphone apps I have released have gotten clicks on admob before they even get released to the appstore! I do not know what's going on. Every time I test I always use the xcode simulator which uses test ads and I never install on my iphone! I do not want to get my admob account banned. Does anybody have any ideas about what is going on? I tried using different phones to archive and upload my build but still this problem persists. I have looked everywhere and I have not found anybody who has had this same problem. Is it maybe incorrectly displaying where the revenue is coming from? Also any time a test interstitial popped up on the simulator, I never clicked on it, always x'ed it out.
There are various possibilities:
It is possible that also the test ads are counted.
Apple review team may be playing with the app.
You are not always connected to the test Ad service.
i think that making sure that test ads are turned on and not counted on Admob's side would be a solution. also this link might be useful https://support.google.com/admob/answer/2753860?hl=en

how do i know that my iAd will work after app release?

How would i know that iAds will be working after my App is released on the store?
on developer release i am getting the banner as seen in the image. Am I on the right track?
That's pretty much it. Once you've got that on and are seeing test Ads and are following all the proper development rules they will just start showing up in your App a couple of days after it hits the store.

Will iAd test ads disappear in Xcode after app approval?

I'm updating my app and although iAds are still not being served to my app due to its recent approval, the test ads aren't showing anymore in xCode. Will the test advertisements disappear after approval even in the simulator?
Ok so i talked to developer support on the phone and got the answer and the problem has actually been solved today. Once your app is accepted, iAd most likely will not be implemented immediately; and contrary to popular belief this does effect how it shows on your xCode testing as well. Its been about 24 hours since it was accepted and iAd just appeared. So hopefully that can help someone in the future.
iAds are only shown if there are iAds available to be shown. Apple has to sell ads to make them available. I rarely see iAds in my apps. My guess is that there are more people displaying iAds than have been sold.
I use ad AdMob aggregator to show both iAds and Google Ads. Makes beer money that way at least.
He has a thread going in the Apple developer forums as well:
iAds will show test ads in a debug build on occasion (based on a setting). In the simulator or a test device, you can go into Settings - Developer - and change the Fill Rate or other settings as appropriate if you want to test always or never getting an ad. By default, it's around 50% or so.
Having your app released in the store has nothing to do with the test ads that get displayed in the debug builds not from the store.
So, the issue is most likely a bug in the code if ads, not even test ones, never appear.

iAd ads not appearing regardless of app used

Recently I no longer receive test ads on both the simulator and devices and I can't figure out why. To test I've used Apple's iAd suite and it does not appear on there either. I've changed the fill rate to 100% and yet didFailToReceiveAdWithError is called 100% of the time so I'm starting to think it's a problem with Xcode, bearing in mind these same apps were working absolutely fine last week. I downloaded a fresh set from Apple just in case I inadvertently tweaked something.
The only change I can think of is I've set up provisioning profiles but I should think that has nothing to do with it?
Any one have any ideas?
I've run Apple sample code (both on simulator and device) and ad doesn't appear too (I got the error code 3).
I've also tried to run the app with a AppID and mobile provision for an app on which I've enable iAD Network on itunesconnect, it didn't change anything.
Seems to be an Apple's server problem, the server is unable to send ads.

Chartboost behaving weird IOS

I'm trying to integrate chartboost to my app, I'm testing it on device, I added the device to the app on chartboost. If I set the app on chartboost to test mode it runs well, it always shows the test interestial ad, if I disable test mode it shows live ads (interestial and more aps as well) very rarely, most of the time it just not showing anything. In the campaign it also shows that I already had 1 install and 1 click on my campaign so I think I did everything well, but still the ads shows up very rarely, is that some kind of network issue or what?
please help
I tested on simulator, there it works well, what should be the problem on device?
There are few things you should know to help diagnose this issue:
Users only see each ad once per 24 hours. This means that after you've seen all ads currently targeting your conditions (country, language, device model, OS version, etc.) - no more ads will display.
The simulator automatically runs as a test device - this means that ad logic and targeting is ignored and you are guaranteed to see ads every time.
You can add a test device following these instructions to make your device behave the same as the simulator.
Because many advertisers target by country, there may be fewer ads available for your country. Chartboost has great fill rates for the North American markets, so this (probably) won't be a problem for most of your players.
Hope that helps!
Full Disclosure: I work at Chartboost
