I have an ActiveRecord model with several virtual attribute setters. I want to build an object but not save it to the database. One setter must execute before the others. How to do?
As a workaround, I build the object in two steps
#other_model = #some_model.build_other_model
Where setup is:
class OtherModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def setup(other_params)
# execute the important_attribute= setter first
important_attribute = other_params.delete(:important_attribute)
# set the other attributes in whatever order they occur in the params hash
other_params.each { |k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) }
This seems to work, but looks kludgy. Is there a better way?
per neutrino's suggestion, I added a method to SomeModel:
class SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def build_other_model(other_params)
other_model = OtherModel.new(:some_model=>self)
It's a good thing that you have this manipulations done in an OtherModel's method, because you can just call this method and not worry about the order of assignments. So I would leave this part but just call it from a SomeModel's method:
class SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def build_other_model(other_params)
other_model = build_other_model
So then you would have
#other_model = #some_model.build_other_model(params[:other_model])
I took your idea of deleting the important attribute first in your setup method, but used alias_chain_method instead to make it more of a transparent process:
def attributes_with_set_important_attribute_first=(attributes = {})
# Make sure not to accidentally blank out the important_attribute when none is passed in
if attributes.symbolize_keys!.include?(:important_attribute)
self.important_attribute = attributes.delete(:important_attribute)
self.attributes_without_set_important_attribute_first = attributes
alias_method_chain :attributes=, :set_important_attribute_first
This way none of your code should change from the normal Rails style
#other_model = #some_model.other_models.build(params[:other_model])
I need defaults (from a remote service) in ModelA to be set before the object is passed to the view from ModelAController#new. I have used after_initialize for this. However, in #create I have a problem. If I use model_b.create_model_a(some_attributes), the attributes are passed in during initialization and then overwritten by the after_initialize call:
class ModelA < ActiveRecord::Base
after_initialize :set_defaults, if: :new_record?
def set_defaults
self.c = "default"
#actually a remote call, not something can be set as database default
class ModelB < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :model_a
class ModelAController < ApplicationController
#ModelA is nested under ModelB in routes.rb
#GET /model_bs/:model_b_id/model_as/new
def new
model_b = ModelB.find(params[:model_b_id])
#no problem
respond_with model_b.build_model_a
#POST /model_bs/:model_b_id/model_as
def create
model_b = ModelB.find(params[:id])
respond_with model_b.create_model_a({c: "not default"})
#at this point the model_a instance still has attribute c set to "default"
I could separate the create steps:
model_b = ModelB.find(params[:id])
model_a = model_b.build_model_a #should fire after_initialize
model_a.update_attributes({c: "not default"}) #overwrite default c value
But I feel like this makes the lifecycle of ModelA a bit of a trap for other programmers. This looks like an obvious candidate for refactoring the last two lines into one, but that would create this problem again. Is there a neater solution?
Make a conditional assignment:
def set_defaults
self.c ||= "default"
Alternatively instead of after_initialize hook set a default in attribute reader. That way you only set the default when you actually need attribute value, so it saves you a remote call if you don't need it:
def c
super || self.c = 'default'
I have a model base_table, and I have a extended_table which has extra properties to further extend my base_table. (I would have different extended_tables, to add different properties to my base_table, but that's non-related to the question I'm asking here).
The model definition for my base_table is like:
class BaseTable < ActiveRecord::Base
module BaseTableInclude
def self.included(base)
base.belongs_to :base_table, autosave:true, dependent: :destroy
# do something more when this module is included
And the model definition for my extended_table is like:
class TennisQuestionaire < ActiveRecord::Base
include BaseTable::BaseTableInclude
Now I what I want is the code below:
params = {base_table: {name:"Songyy",age:19},tennis_ball_num:3}
t = TennisQuestionaire.new(params)
When I created my t, I want the base_table to be instantiated as well.
One fix I can come up with, is to parse the params to create the base_table object, before TennisQuestionaire.new was called upon the params. It's something like having a "before_new" filter here. But I cannot find such kind of filter when I was reading the documentation.
Additionally, I think another way is to override the 'new' method. But this is not so clean.
NOTE: There's one method called accepts_nested_attributes_for, seems to do what I want, but it doesn't work upon a belongs_to relation.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks :)
After some trails&error, the solution is something like this:
class BaseTable < ActiveRecord::Base
module BaseTableInclude
def initialize(*args,&block)
handle_res = handle_param_args(args) { |params| params[:base_table] = BaseTable.new(params[:base_table]) }
def handle_param_args(args)
return unless block_given?
if args.length > 0
params = args[0]
if (params.is_a? Hash) and params[:base_table].is_a? Hash
yield params
How do you define a method for an attribute of an instance in Ruby?
Let's say we've got a class called HtmlSnippet, which extends ActiveRecord::Base of Rails and has got an attribute content. And, I want to define a method replace_url_to_anchor_tag! for it and get it called in the following way;
html_snippet = HtmlSnippet.find(1)
html_snippet.content = "Link to http://stackoverflow.com"
# => "Link to <a href='http://stackoverflow.com'>http://stackoverflow.com</a>"
# app/models/html_snippet.rb
class HtmlSnippet < ActiveRecord::Base
# I expected this bit to do what I want but not
class << #content
def replace_url_to_anchor_tag!
matching = self.match(/(https?:\/\/[\S]+)/)
"<a href='#{matching[0]}'/>#{matching[0]}</a>"
As content is an instance of String class, redefine String class is one option. But I don't feel like to going for it because it overwrites behaviour of all instances of String;
class HtmlSnippet < ActiveRecord::Base
class String
def replace_url_to_anchor_tag!
Any suggestions please?
The reason why your code is not working is simple - you are working with #content which is nil in the context of execution (the self is the class, not the instance). So you are basically modifying eigenclass of nil.
So you need to extend the instance of #content when it's set. There are few ways, there is one:
class HtmlSnippet < ActiveRecord::Base
# getter is overrided to extend behaviour of freshly loaded values
def content
value = read_attribute(:content)
decorate_it(value) unless value.respond_to?(:replace_url_to_anchor_tag)
def content=(value)
dup_value = value.dup
write_attribute(:content, dup_value)
def decorate_it(value)
class << value
def replace_url_to_anchor_tag
# ...
For the sake of simplicity I've ommited the "nil scenario" - you should handle nil values differently. But that's quite simple.
Another thing is that you might ask is why I use dup in the setter. If there is no dup in the code, the behaviour of the following code might be wrong (obviously it depends on your requirements):
x = "something"
s = HtmlSnippet.find(1)
s.content = x
s.content.replace_url_to_anchor_tag # that's ok
x.content.replace_url_to_anchor_tag # that's not ok
Wihtout dup you are extending not only x.content but also original string that you've assigned.
I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2 and I would like to know if the following is a "proper"/"correct"/"sure" way to override a setter method for a my class attribute.
attr_accessible :attribute_name
def attribute_name=(value)
... # Some custom operation.
self[:attribute_name] = value
The above code seems to work as expected. However, I would like to know if, by using the above code, in future I will have problems or, at least, what problems "should I expect"/"could happen" with Ruby on Rails. If that isn't the right way to override a setter method, what is the right way?
Note: If I use the code
attr_accessible :attribute_name
def attribute_name=(value)
... # Some custom operation.
self.attribute_name = value
I get the following error:
SystemStackError (stack level too deep):
actionpack (3.2.2) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/reloader.rb:70
Update: July 19, 2017
Now the Rails documentation is also suggesting to use super like this:
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
def attribute_name=(value)
# custom actions
Original Answer
If you want to override the setter methods for columns of a table while accessing through models, this is the way to do it.
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :attribute_name
def attribute_name=(value)
# custom actions
write_attribute(:attribute_name, value)
# this is same as self[:attribute_name] = value
See Overriding default accessors in the Rails documentation.
So, your first method is the correct way to override column setters in Models of Ruby on Rails. These accessors are already provided by Rails to access the columns of the table as attributes of the model. This is what we call ActiveRecord ORM mapping.
Also keep in mind that the attr_accessible at the top of the model has nothing to do with accessors. It has a completely different functionlity (see this question)
But in pure Ruby, if you have defined accessors for a class and want to override the setter, you have to make use of instance variable like this:
class Person
attr_accessor :name
class NewPerson < Person
def name=(value)
# do something
#name = value
This will be easier to understand once you know what attr_accessor does. The code attr_accessor :name is equivalent to these two methods (getter and setter)
def name # getter
def name=(value) # setter
#name = value
Also your second method fails because it will cause an infinite loop as you are calling the same method attribute_name= inside that method.
Use the super keyword:
def attribute_name=(value)
Conversely, to override the reader:
def attribute_name
In rails 4
let say you have age attribute in your table
def age=(dob)
now = Time.now.utc.to_date
age = now.year - dob.year - ((now.month > dob.month || (now.month == dob.month && now.day >= dob.day)) ? 0 : 1)
super(age) #must add this otherwise you need to add this thing and place the value which you want to save.
For new comers in rails 4 you don't need to specify attr_accessible in model. Instead you have to white-list your attributes at controller level using permit method.
I have found that (at least for ActiveRecord relationship collections) the following pattern works:
has_many :specialties
def specialty_ids=(values)
super values.uniq.first(3)
(This grabs the first 3 non-duplicate entries in the array passed.)
Using attr_writer to overwrite setter
attr_writer :attribute_name
def attribute_name=(value)
# manipulate value
# then send result to the default setter
For example, if I have a user model and I need to validate login only (which can happen when validating a form via ajax), it would be great if I use the same model validations defined in the User model without actually instantiating a User instance.
So in the controller I'd be able to write code like
User.valid_attribute?(:login, "login value")
Is there anyway I can do this?
Since validations operate on instances (and they use the errors attribute of an instance as a container for error messages), you can't use them without having the object instantiated. Having said that, you can hide this needed behaviour into a class method:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = self.new(attr => value)
unless mock.valid?
return mock.errors.has_key?(attr)
Now, you can call
User.valid_attribute?(:login, "login value")
just as you intended.
(Ideally, you'd include that class method directly into the ActiveRecord::Base so it would be available to every model.)
Thank you Milan for your suggestion. Inspired by it I created a simple module one can use to add this functionality to any class. Note that the original Milans suggestion has a logic error as line:
return mock.errors.has_key?(attr)
should clearly be:
return (not mock.errors.has_key?(attr))
I've tested my solution and it should work, but ofc I give no guarantees. And here's my glorious solution. Basically a 2-liner if you take away the module stuff.. It accepts method names as stings or symbols.
module SingleAttributeValidation
def self.included(klass)
module ClassMethods
def valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = self.new(attr => value)
(not mock.valid?) && (not mock.errors.has_key?(attr.class == Symbol ? attr : attr.to_sym))
To use your standard validation routines:
User.new(:login => 'login_value').valid?
If that does not work for you, build a custom class method for this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validate do |user|
user.errors.add('existing') unless User.valid_login?(user.login)
def self.valid_login?(login)
# your validation here
!User.exist?(:login=> login)
I had a hell of a time getting this to work in Rails 3.1. This finally worked. (Not sure if it's the best way to do it, I'm kind of a newb.). The problem I was having was that value was being set to type ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer, and was failing validation.
def self.valid_attribute?(attr, value)
mock = User.new(attr => "#{value}") # Rails3 SafeBuffer messes up validation
unless mock.valid?
return (not mock.errors.messages.has_key?(attr))
return true
I have gone with the custom class solution but I just wanted to make sure there was no better way
class ModelValidator
def self.validate_atrribute(klass, attribute, value)
obj = Klass.new
obj.send("#{attribute}=", value)
errors = obj.errors.on(attribute).to_a
return (errors.length > 0), errors
and I can use it like
valid, errors = ModelValidator.validate_attribute(User, "login", "humanzz")
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_each :login do |record, attr, value|
record.errors.add attr, 'error message here' unless User.valid_login?(value)
def self.valid_login?(login)
# do validation
Just call User.valid_login?(login) to see if login itself is valid
An implementation of the 'valid_attribute' method you are suggesting:
class ActiveRecord:Base
def self.valid_attribute?(attribute, value)
instance = new
instance[attribute] = value
list_of_errors = instance.errors.instance_variable_get('#errors')[attribute]
list_of_errors && list_of_errors.size == 0
How about: