Problem in GetRuleViolations method in NerdDinner tutotial -

I'm on about page 70 of the NerdDinner tutorial (MVC 1.0 version). It won't build at this point because it is saying the properties referred to in the GetRuleViolations (ie, Title, Description, etc) can't be resolved. I've compared my own project with the downloadable source code and can't figure out what is missing. The error VS 2008 is giving me is "The name 'Title' does not exist in the current context". I can see the declarations in the NerDinner.designer.cs file.

Did you make sure to import the namespace of the model type?


what's causing this Entity Framework 6 runtime error - type or namespace does not exist?

This is an ASP.NET (Framework v. 4.5.2) website currently running reliably in production. A new requirement called for adding a new column to an existing SQL Server table (apProduct) which has been done. I then made the necessary changes to the .edmx file, controllers, views, etc., and everything is compiling fine. However I'm now getting the runtime error below:
When I debug and set a breakpoint where apDepartment is first getting created, I expand the created objects and see this:
My attention is drawn to: "The metadata for 'EntityFrameworkDynamicProxies-AnkoMVC' is invalid."
Here is where apProduct is defined, clearly within the AnkoMVC.Models namespace:
Lastly, here is the DbContext class:
Can anyone offer suggestions on how to overcome this?
I found the problem in the #model reference in many of the views. Here is the faulty code:
This is the corrected #model reference:

#Html.DeleteConfirmation in a Plugin View (Admin) in core 2.0

Looking at core code examples of say... Edit Action for SpecificationAttribute. I am looking to replicate this delete function in the same manner in my plugin, however, getting an error.
Getting this error
'IHtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'DeleteConfirmation' and no extension method 'DeleteConfirmation' accepting a first argument of type 'IHtmlHelper' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have used in 3.90 but it getting error in 4.0 core Has anyone used #Html.DeleteConfirmation in a plugin (on administration side) that could give me a clues
I have a span element in the html like the following;
<span id="myattribute-delete" class="k-button">#T("Admin.Common.Delete")</span>
And trying to use #Html.DeleteConfirmation("myattribute-delete")
I know I probably need to double check my route, by the error is leading me to think the issue is not a routing issue.
As #Stephen stated it's not part of MVC, and it's custom helper by nopCommerce.
#Html.DeleteConfirmation is helper till/in nopCommerce 3.90, but in 4.0 it has been changed to
<nop-delete-confirmation asp-model-id="#Model.Id" asp-button-id="myattribute-delete" />
And that helper located at Nop.Web.Framework.TagHelpers.Adminso you have to add reference of it to your view file.

Unable to retrieve metadata for 'MVCMusicStore.Models.Album

In section 5 of the ASP>NET MVC Music Store example, "Creating the StoreManagerController," when I click "Add" I get the error,
There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Unable to retrieve metadata for 'MVCMusicStore.Models.Album.'
The popular solution is to comment out the connection string in Web.config. This did not work for me. After trying many things I decided to add the code manually, by taking it from the completed code that's included with the example. When I do that I receive the error,
Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Album' does not exist in the namespace 'MvcMusicStore.Models' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
and on line 31 I see the error,
public class _Page_Views_StoreManager_Index_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<IEnumerable<MvcMusicStore.Models.Album>>
Album is defined in the models folder. I have used webform development many times and am trying to add MVC to my repertoire. It seems to me "Album' is not registered, but I don't even know if that's appropriate lingo for MVC. What's the problem? I'm running this example in Visual Studio 2017.
The problem with line 31 is my project is named "MVCMusicStore". In the completed code I imported it's "MvcMusicStore". So it's looking at the wrong thing for the 'Album'namespace. Still don't know what causes the first error.
After correcting the namespace in the sample file, that error goes away and the new error is on the line;
#foreach (var item in Model{
the error is "System.NullReferenceException 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

Properties.Resources.XXXX Namespace or Module not Defined

I'm trying to read in the text (as a string) of an XML file from my Resources. The XML file is named MyXMLResourceFile.resx.
I tried using the C# way using
let myFile : string = Properties.Resources.MyXMLResourceFile
but it is giving me the error (under Properties):
The namespace or module 'Properties' is not defined.
I'm assuming I'm missing an open but have no idea what it would be.
Sorry, I'm still pretty new to F# coming from VB.
Additional information:
I made the resx file myself per this SO answer I then looked to see how others accessed it. In C# they did Properties.Resources.XXXX per this project I saw you could use ResourceManager but didn't see any method to read the whole file directly into a string.
The namespace or module 'Properties' is not defined.
That's because the namespace Properties is not defined. You probably brought the resx file from another project. Open the associated .Designer file, if it doesn't appear in the F# project, open it up in the original project. You will see a namespace with and a bunch of C# code, assuming the original project was in C#. The namespace of this file has to be the same namespace of the project where you are trying to call it.
But, since this is C# code, it won't run on a F# project. You have two choices: use a code generator to generate the associated .Designer class in F# code with the Properties namespace, (I don't know if such generator exists); or pre-compile the resx in the original project and reference it as a dll from your F# project, then you can access it with ResourceManager.

Content Processor Parameters in XNA 4 - what is missing?

I have a content processor in my XNA project and I would like to add a couple of parameters so I can control its behaviour for certain files in Visual Studio.
I follow the second section of this page:, which is the same info as on many other sites, however when I try to specify a property as a parameter I get "type or namespace cannot be found" for the three attributes.
Its probably something like a missing 'using' statement but without a working example project I can't find out what/where the namespace is.
You can find these classes in the System.ComponentModel assembly/namespace. For example, here's the MSDN documentation for the DisplayNameAttribute
