Where can I see how many users my Twitter-Application? - oauth

I created a Twitter-Application and want to know how many user use it (gave access to it).
I also remember seeing such a value when I was developing it, but can't find it anymore.
Can I see it somewhere or is my mind playing games with me?

Twitter used to display this number when you opened the application settings at http://twitter.com/oauth_clients, but it appears that they have taken this very useful number away.

You can email Taylor from Twitter to get the number.
You can get his email here:


Method of integrating a certain persons Twitter account into iOS App

In my app so far, I have to implement all the Twitter posts from a certain individual into a table view, and it automatically updates when the person tweets a certain post. Is it possible to mention a certain individual e.g. #John.. If it is possible, how can I do it? If not just let me know and I will delete this question as it could be too ambitious. Thanks!
I don't quite understand what you mean. I do a little!
There is a quick and easy way of doing this! One easy way is to use Twitters own SDK called Fabric. See Here
See this link for the timeline stuff and integration to your app Documentation
This should help you out!
P.S. Let me know how you get on!

Check if App is started with GameCenter challenge

Hello Stackoverflow Community,
I would really like to get help of you, because i am at this problem for around 2 weeks now, and i could not even find something that would help me a bit.
If i get a challenge for my app and click on it, my app will open.
Is there a way to get the information on what challenge i clicked and let me display e.g. the score that i have to beat inside my game?
I tried getting the Arguments that the app is started with, but there is nothing that looks like challenge related data in there.
I already managed to get all the challenges for my game, but there is now way i can tell which one i clicked on with that method.
Thanks for you help.
As of this writing, when you click the notification or open the game via the game center, no useful information is passed to your game.
All I have found are hacky solutions, like putting descriptive text (maybe the requestor's name) in the invite text and then showing that same text when displaying the list of available matches.

Adobe Analytics Slicing Tags

I have an iOS app where I have analytics setup (as most people do) that tracks a whole set of different scenarios. In a few of them, the data I send with the tag doesn't all get sent. What I mean by this is best demonstrated with an example. If I send the following data as a tag in one of my analytics:
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
Now, I wouldn't normally send all of that in just one tag, it would get broken up, but for example purposes, pretend that's what I want to send. For quite a few users, tags like this will get sliced up into all sorts of different tags, so when I actually look in SiteCatalyst, I end up seeing a bunch of tags that may resemble something like so:
successfully logg
nd hit the homescreen
User successfully logged into the app and hit the homescreen
User successfully logg
And so on. It breaks it up into a bunch of different parts, and then displays them all as separate tags. The ones that are affected get broken up into 15-20 different tags all of which are different parts of the full tag.
Here is the hard part: I can't reproduce the issue. I'm trying, but haven't been able to yet. I also am not very well versed in Adobe analytics and am not sure how the backend setup is for us on SiteCat.
Because of my inexperience with analytics, I'm not sure what more data may be helpful. My code doesn't do any truncation, it simply calls trackAppState:withContextData:, and the tags in my contextData get truncated like I showed.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Has anyone seen anything similar? Or could anyone point me in a direction that may get me started looking into this issue? I'm really at a loss of how to go about debugging this issue.
Edit: One piece of info that just hit me! I build up the tag in question (at least the current one I'm trying to reproduce, for all I know there are other tags that get truncated that aren't built up like this, I haven't gotten a chance to look into all of them yet.) using `-[NSString stringWithFormat:] and take the errorMessage that is returned as my message, so it's a dynamic tag.
It may have something to do with the stringWithFormat: message? Again, very lost as to where to even start with this one.
can you give us a sample of the code you use to call the trackAppState?
If it can help you you can enable debug logging for the Adobe Analytics library calling the method [ADBMobile setDebugLogging:YES]; in the appDidFinishLaunchingWithOption.
In this way you can see in the console how Adobe send the data.
You can also use the tool "Bloodhound" which is a proxy App developed by Adobe expecially for osx in order to let you sniff all the info sent by your App in real time, you can find it in the help section of the mobile marketing interface.

URL Schemes and Facebook App 5.0

There's a question already related to groups, but it seems it's much more than that. Have URL schemes been completely thrown out of the new app (aside from the generic fb://), or is there a new list of supported schemes?
In particular, we can't get to a place details page. I've also tried /pages, /page, /places, /place...
I'm not sure about those urls... but I just posted what I believe is a solution for facebook business pages.. it may help? Here it is below:
OK .. seriously this took me about 90 minutes of research to figure out. It works currently under facebook ios 5.0.1 for iPhone.. haven't tried it in iPad yet.
The url is fb://profile/132753734806
NOW the important part is that number. That links to one of my clients, Charles Scott. HOWEVER, that's not their FBID or Page ID.. their Page ID is 10150348920319807
so you would think it should be fb://profile/10150348920319807 but that gives me an error.
Here's how you get the correct code.. click on any of your page's photos.. here's an example for my client https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150348920319807&set=a.10150348920314807.356942.132753734806&type=1&theater
if you notice the FBID that does not work follows fbid= in that URL.. the number you WANT is just before the &type=1theater but following that last period. 132753734806 is the correct code to punch in after fb://profile/
I hope that makes some sense... I know zero about code or coding but this was bothering me so much and I knew there was a way.
Now, the two questions I would love to have answered/working.. 1. if this could work on android phones 2. create a working qr code for this url so people can scan with ios devices and have it open automatically
Good luck and I hope this helps everyone!
I tried Alessandro's way but did not succeed - the number he mentioned is new every time.
I tried fb://profile?id={pageId} and it worked in my case. {pageId} is simple page id number without any tricks. Facebook app version is 5.0.1

When did someone follow - Twitter API

I've been attempting to go over the Twitter API, albeit it has taken me a while and I'm being thrown back and forth between the old and the new site - however I was wondering if there is a date at all for when a user has decided to follow or; or if your able to tell when a user stopped following you?
I've been looking through here https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation to no avail, but I wondered if anyone knew of a way of doing it (outside of a separate monitoring system of course!)
The Twitter API doesn't explicitly provide dates for when a user started following you or stopped following you. This is something that you would need to monitor in some fashion.
