Problem with theorem decimal numbering in LaTeX - latex

Below is the beginning of my LaTeX code. When I compile, theorem numbers do not show the decimal point. For example, the output shows Theorem 11 instead of Theorem 1.1. How can I fix this ?

it looks like this is a setting of the style file you are using (svjour3)
in the version i found here, line 804 contains the line
which removes the separator. if you want you can add back the period ( \def\#thmcountersep{.} ) but if the style file was provided by a journal their default is probably their default. it may be worth having a look at some example articles from the journal

Have you tried putting a backslash before the period? Perhaps '.' serves some special function when you make theorems.


Is there any way to automatically move periods inside quotation marks? (csquotes doesn't seem to work)

csquotes doesn't work in this case, maybe because I'm using a custom command:
\documentclass[12pt, letter, american]{article}
This is an \qq{example}.
\qq will not move the trailing period into the quotation, e.g. This is an \qq{example}. will still yield This is an “example”. I have written a book using \qq and would like to change the quotation styles to one which moves periods and colons into the quotes. Is there a safe way to achieve this automatically? Maybe a package different from csquotes? The only solution I've found on the net so far didn't work with spacing correctly.
See the csquotes documentation, section 9.2:
This is an \qq{example}.

Left justification of nomenclature description in LaTeX

I'm using a LaTeX template (provided by ASME) to write a conference paper.
The asme2e.cls class defines a "nomenclature" environment as follows:
% Nomenclature environment
which is used, in the .tex source file, as follows:
% [...]
\entry{$C_{visc}$}{Viscous friction coefficient.}
\entry{$M$}{Spool mass.}
% [...]
resulting in the description texts not being left justified (since a fixed horizontal space is inserted between the symbol (e.g.: M) and the description (e.g.: Spool mass.), but the symbols have different lengths (e.g.: Cvisc is longer than M).
Is there a way to fix the class to have left-justified descriptions?
(I did a few experiments with \dimexpr and the calc package, but just got a bunch of errors).
(I also asked ASME if they could provide an updated template, but I'm still waiting for their feedback...)
I couldn't solve the problem, but I found a "quick and dirty" workaround, using the Tabbing and setspace packages.
Here is the new .tex source:
% [...]
\entry{$C_{visc}$}\quad\quad\={Viscous friction coefficient.}\\
\entry{$M$}\>{Spool mass.}\\
\entry{$v$}\>{Spool velocity.}\\
% [...]
} % end \setstretch
(Clearly, I'm completely bypassing the \entry command defined by the asme2e.cls class for the nomenclature environment).
I also tried to edit the asme2ej.cls file but nothing working for me. Then I ended up using the tabbing and set space packages. However, I did not use the \setstretch, and my document compiled just fine.
\entry{XYZ}\quad\quad\={This is an example}\\
\entry{PQR}\>{This is an example}\\
\entry{ZXC}\>{This is an example}\\
\entry{CVN}\>{This is an example}\\
I ran into a similar issue when submitting a paper to an ASME journal. My solution was to edit the asme2e.cls file:
\newcommand\entry[2]{\noindent\hbox to 0.05\textwidth{##1}\ignorespaces##2\par}
You can change the amount of indentation by changing "0.05\textwidth".
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking, but see the following MWE:
\entry{$A$} {Parameter}
\entry{$B$} {Parameter}

Multiset notation in LaTeX

Does anyone know how to make (nice looking) double bracket multiset notation in LaTeX, i.e something like (\binom{n}{k}) where there are two outer brackets instead of 1 as in binomial? You can see an example of what I mean in under the heading "Multiset coefficients" with the double brackets.
In Wikipedia they typeset it as:
\left(\!\!{n\choose k}\!\!\right)
but although this works well for LaTeX in maths mode, with inline equations the outer bracket becomes much larger than the inner bracket.
I have also tried using
but it has an error with the double brackets.
I am using \binom as well in my document, so I would like the bracket sizes to be similar for \binom and \multiset.
You can explicitly specify the size of the brackets via
\big( \Big( \bigg( or \Bigg(
Then use \! for negative space to get the brackets closer to each other.
One can use the e-TeX \middle command as follows:
This assumes that you are using the AMSmath package. If not, replace \genfrac with the appropriate construct using \atop.
(Of course this is a hack: the proper solution would be scalable glyphs for the doubled parenthesis, but I can't find any fonts that provide it.)
I'm surprised it wasn't googlable either, so I'll provide a solution here for posterity's sake.
It is also possible to define two different new commands, using \tbinom and \dbinom (section 4.11.2 of the User's Guide for the amsmath Package):
Text $\inlinebnm{a}{b}$ text. %% inline
Text \inlinebnm{a}{b} text. %% inline (also ok thanks to ensuremath)
\displybnm{a}{b} %% display-style

How to write programming code containing the ' character in latex?

I am trying to write programming code in latex using the verbatim environment, but when I write
char ch = 'x';
then the ' -characters around x are displayed incorrectly (they look "curly"). How can I fix this problem?
Load the upquote package to fix this issue in verbatim mode.
If you want straight quotes in monospaced text mode (e.g., \texttt{...}), or indeed in any other font, then you can use the \textquotesingle command defined in the textcomp package:
\verb|'c'| \texttt{\upquote{h}}
\textsf{\upquote{h}} \upquote{h}
This will work well for fonts in any encoding rather than depending on a specific glyph slot (such as \char13 in the default OT1 encoding).
Adding \usepackage{upquote} to my preamble was sufficient.
Perhaps older versions of LaTeX or upquote required more work.
I have
What is wrong?
If you want to get something like this
\let \#sverbatim \#verbatim
\def \#verbatim {\#sverbatim \verbatimplus}
{\catcode`'=13 \gdef \verbatimplus{\catcode`'=13 \chardef '=13 }}
For displaying source code, you might consider using the listings package; it is quite powerful and offers an option to display “straight” quotation marks.
If you're seeing curly single right quotes in a verbatim environment, then the single right quote in your typewriter font is curly, and that's the correct one to use for what you're doing (which I assume is displaying some C code).
\textsf{``} and \textsf{''} come pretty close to straight quotes. No need for using any special packages.
This is what I got from another source, and this works.
Use `` to start the double quotes (this symbol is below ~ symbol on our keyboard)
Use '' to close the double quotes (this symbol is below the " symbol on our keyboard)
So, `` quote double, unquote double''
Same goes for single quotes, `quote single, unquote single'

Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input.
The manual states that
produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work.
if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I end up with "[]" in front of every keyword
and "[*]{\bfseries}" gives me an asterisk in the start of the document.
I also tried "\MakeUppercase" and "{\MakeUppercase}" for keywordstyle which resulted in several errors, the first being:
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 11
Minimal example:
and %r1, %r2
xor %r2, %r3
and %r4, %r5
I use Miktex for compilation of the tex files. So how do I force uppercase for Keywords?
In the manual, the brackets around the * look a bit different then the brackets around number. The reason is that the brackets around * are not meant to be used in the latex code, they just indicate that the presence of the * is optional. So try
- it worked for me.
