Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords - latex

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input.
The manual states that
produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work.
if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I end up with "[]" in front of every keyword
and "[*]{\bfseries}" gives me an asterisk in the start of the document.
I also tried "\MakeUppercase" and "{\MakeUppercase}" for keywordstyle which resulted in several errors, the first being:
! Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 11
Minimal example:
and %r1, %r2
xor %r2, %r3
and %r4, %r5
I use Miktex for compilation of the tex files. So how do I force uppercase for Keywords?

In the manual, the brackets around the * look a bit different then the brackets around number. The reason is that the brackets around * are not meant to be used in the latex code, they just indicate that the presence of the * is optional. So try
- it worked for me.


Code in latex for braces

In LaTeX text, I sometimes need 'unpaired' parenthesis - ( without ) or vice versa; however, in such a case, delimiter check macro reports error. I found a simple solution: \symbol{40} and \symbol{41}, which aren't recognized as delimiters. The same works for brackets [ and ] (decimal codes are 91 and 93 respectively), but doesn't work for braces { and }. Their codes are 123 and 125 respectively, but \symbol{123} and \symbol{125} produce something like dash and quote. I use fontenc LCY, trying both text and math modes.
I've found a solution:\textbraceleft and \textbraceright, but why \symbol doesn't work in such a case?
Found it! This first code
\symbol{123} and \symbol{125}
as output, while
\symbol{123} and \symbol{125}
gives this output instead:
provides the desired font encoding (fontenc package).
A (not-so-further) reading suggestion: font encoding vs. input encoding.

Multiset notation in LaTeX

Does anyone know how to make (nice looking) double bracket multiset notation in LaTeX, i.e something like (\binom{n}{k}) where there are two outer brackets instead of 1 as in binomial? You can see an example of what I mean in under the heading "Multiset coefficients" with the double brackets.
In Wikipedia they typeset it as:
\left(\!\!{n\choose k}\!\!\right)
but although this works well for LaTeX in maths mode, with inline equations the outer bracket becomes much larger than the inner bracket.
I have also tried using
but it has an error with the double brackets.
I am using \binom as well in my document, so I would like the bracket sizes to be similar for \binom and \multiset.
You can explicitly specify the size of the brackets via
\big( \Big( \bigg( or \Bigg(
Then use \! for negative space to get the brackets closer to each other.
One can use the e-TeX \middle command as follows:
This assumes that you are using the AMSmath package. If not, replace \genfrac with the appropriate construct using \atop.
(Of course this is a hack: the proper solution would be scalable glyphs for the doubled parenthesis, but I can't find any fonts that provide it.)
I'm surprised it wasn't googlable either, so I'll provide a solution here for posterity's sake.
It is also possible to define two different new commands, using \tbinom and \dbinom (section 4.11.2 of the User's Guide for the amsmath Package):
Text $\inlinebnm{a}{b}$ text. %% inline
Text \inlinebnm{a}{b} text. %% inline (also ok thanks to ensuremath)
\displybnm{a}{b} %% display-style

Problem with theorem decimal numbering in LaTeX

Below is the beginning of my LaTeX code. When I compile, theorem numbers do not show the decimal point. For example, the output shows Theorem 11 instead of Theorem 1.1. How can I fix this ?
it looks like this is a setting of the style file you are using (svjour3)
in the version i found here, line 804 contains the line
which removes the separator. if you want you can add back the period ( \def\#thmcountersep{.} ) but if the style file was provided by a journal their default is probably their default. it may be worth having a look at some example articles from the journal
Have you tried putting a backslash before the period? Perhaps '.' serves some special function when you make theorems.

Quick way to make 26 macros (one for each letter)

Instead of making a macro for each letter, as in
Is there a way to loop over a character class (like capital letters) and generate macros for each? I'd also like to do the same for Greek letters (using bm instead of mathbf).
\def\mydefb#1{\expandafter\def\csname b#1\endcsname{\mathbf{#1}}}
New for Greek
\def\mydefgreek#1{\expandafter\def\csname b#1\endcsname{\text{\boldmath$\mathbf{\csname #1\endcsname}$}}}
\mydefallgreek {beta}{Gamma}{Delta}{epsilon}{etaex}{Theta}{Iota}{Lambda}{kappa}{mu}{nu}{Xi}{Pi}{rho}\mydefallgreek
$\bGamma\bDelta \bTheta \bLambda \bXi \bPi $
$\bbeta \bgamma\bdelta \bepsilon \betaex \btheta \biota \blambda \bkappa \bmu \bnu \bxi \bpi \brho$
Expanding on Andrew's answer, here is a solution without \expandafter:
\def\#nameedef#1{\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname}
This will define \bA, \bB, and so on, to expand to \mathbb{A}, \mathbb{B}, and so on.
Wouldn't be better to define one command
and it can be used both in text mode and math mode.
\[\bm{F(x)}=\int\bm\delta(x)\ dx]
\where \mb F is blah blah blah and \bm \delta is halb halb halb...
F(x)='inegral delta(x)'dx
Where F is blah blah blah and 'delta' is halb halb halb...
Outer dollars are there to leave math (roman) mode because \boldmath command has no effect in math mode. Inner ones switch back to math (bold). Additional braces (${\boldmath) ensures that \boldmath command will work only with #1
Another advantage of this code is testing new commands for existence of \bb and \bg. So you can't crash LaTeX makros easily.
I hope this is what you're looking for.
I would recommend doing:
as Crowley says, and similar for all the other alphabets. However, if you really want to do it using LaTeX code, here's one that seems to work:
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\csname\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter b\expandafter\c\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\expandafter\mathbb\expandafter{\c}}
I lost count of how many 'expandafter's there are in that! To get lowercase letters, replace the Alph by alph.

LaTeX \newcommand default argument: is empty?

I'm trying to write a simple example command that prints nothing without an argument, but with an argument it surrounds it with something.
I've read that the default value should be \#empty and the simple \ifx\#empty#1 condition should do the job:
\ifx\#empty#1 {} \else {(((#1)))} \fi
\optarg % (((empty)))
\optarg{} % (((empty)))
\optarg{test} % (((empty))) test
The latter three commands all print the empty word for some reason, and I want the first two to print nothing and the last to print (((test))).
I'm using TeXLive/Ubuntu. An ideas?
Try the following test:
\usepackage{xifthen}% provides \isempty test
{}% if #1 is empty
{(((#1)))}% if #1 is not empty
Testing \verb|\optarg|: \optarg% prints nothing
Testing \verb|\optarg[]|: \optarg[]% prints nothing
Testing \verb|\optarg[test]|: \optarg[test]% prints (((test)))
The xifthen package provides the \ifthenelse construct and the \isempty test.
Another option is to use the ifmtarg package (see the ifmtarg.sty file for the documentation).
Using the LaTeX3 xparse package:
In the underlying TeX engine with which LaTeX is written, the number of arguments a command can take is fixed. What you've done with the default [\#empty] is ask LaTeX to examine the next token to see if it is an open square bracket [. If so, LaTeX takes the contents of square brackets as the argument, if not, the next token is put back into the input stream and the default \#empty argument is used instead. So to get your idea to work, you have to use square brackets to delimit the optional argument when present:
You should have better luck with this notation.
It's annoying that you can't use the same brackets for an optional argument as you use for a required argument, but that's the way it is.
\usepackage{ifthen} % provides \ifthenelse test
\usepackage{xifthen} % provides \isempty test
{#2} % if no title option given
{~\emph{#1} #2} % if title given
simple note
\inlinenote[the title]{
simple note with title
