Producing Expressions from This Grammar with Recursive Descent - parsing

I've got a simple grammar. Actually, the grammar I'm using is more complex, but this is the smallest subset that illustrates my question.
Expr ::= Value Suffix
| "(" Expr ")" Suffix
Suffix ::= "->" Expr
| "<-" Expr
| Expr
| epsilon
Value matches identifiers, strings, numbers, et cetera. The Suffix rule is there to eliminate left-recursion. This matches expressions such as:
a -> b (c -> (d) (e))
That is, a graph where a goes to both b and the result of (c -> (d) (e)), and c goes to d and e. I'm trying to produce an abstract syntax tree for these expressions, but I'm running into difficulty because all of the operators can accept any number of operands on each side. I'd rather keep the logic for producing the AST within the recursive descent parsing methods, since it avoids having to duplicate the logic of extracting an expression. My current strategy is as follows:
If a Value appears, push it to the output.
If a From or To appears:
Output a separator.
Get the next Expr.
Create a Link node.
Pop the first set of operands from output into the Link until a separator appears.
Erase the separator discovered.
Pop the second set of operands into the Link until a separator.
Push the Link to the output.
If I run this through without obeying steps 2.3–2.7, I get a list of values and separators. For the expression quoted above, a -> b (c -> (d) (e)), the output should be:
A sep_1 B sep_2 C sep_3 D E
Applying the To rule would then yield:
A sep_1 B sep_2 (link from C to {D, E})
And subsequently:
(link from A to {B, (link from C to {D, E})})
The important thing to note is that sep_2, crucial to delimit the left-hand operands of the second ->, does not appear, so the parser believes that the expression was actually written:
a -> (b c -> (d) (e))
In order to solve this with my current strategy, I would need a way to produce a separator between adjacent expressions, but only if the current expression is a From or To expression enclosed in parentheses. If that's possible, then I'm just not seeing it and the answer ought to be simple. If there's a better way to go about this, however, then please let me know!

I haven't tried to analyze it in detail, but: "From or To expression enclosed in parentheses" starts to sound a lot like "context dependent", which recursive descent can't handle directly. To avoid context dependence you'll probably need a separate production for a From or To in parentheses vs. a From or To without the parens.
Edit: Though it may be too late to do any good, if my understanding of what you want to match is correct, I think I'd write it more like this:
Graph :=
| List Sep Graph
Sep := "->"
| "<-"
List :=
| Value List
Value := Number
| Identifier
| String
| '(' Graph ')'
It's hard to be certain, but I think this should at least be close to matching (only) the inputs you want, and should make it reasonably easy to generate an AST that reflects the input correctly.


How to deal with the implicit 'cat' operator while building a syntax tree for RE(use stack evaluation)

I am trying to build a syntax tree for regular expression. I use the strategy similar to arithmetic expression evaluation (i know that there are ways like recursive descent), that is, use two stack, the OPND stack and the OPTR stack, then to process.
I use different kind of node to represent different kind of RE. For example, the SymbolExpression, the CatExpression, the OrExpression and the StarExpression, all of them are derived from RegularExpression.
So the OPND stack stores the RegularExpression*.
while(c ||
c = getchar();
switch(precede(, c){
case Less:
c = getchar();
case Equal:
c = getchar();
case Greater:
pop from opnd and optr then do operation,
then push the result back to opnd
But my primary question is, in typical RE, the cat operator is implicit.
a|bc represents a|b.c, (a|b)*abb represents (a|b)*.a.b.b. So when meeting an non-operator, how should i do to determine whether there's a cat operator or not? And how should i deal with the cat operator, to correctly implement the conversion?
Now i've learn that there is a kind of grammar called "operator precedence grammar", its evaluation is similar to arithmetic expression's. It require that the pattern of the grammar cannot have the form of S -> ...AB...(A and B are non-terminal). So i guess that i just cannot directly use this method to parse the regular expression.
Update II
I try to design a LL(1) grammar to parse the basic regular expression.
Here's the origin grammar.(\| is the escape character, since | is a special character in grammar's pattern)
E -> E \| T | T
T -> TF | F
F -> P* | P
P -> (E) | i
To remove the left recursive, import new Variable
E -> TE'
E' -> \| TE' | ε
T -> FT'
T' -> FT' | ε
F -> P* | P
P -> (E) | i
now, for pattern F -> P* | P, import P'
P' -> * | ε
F -> PP'
However, the pattern T' -> FT' | ε has problem. Consider case (a|b):
E => TE'
=> FT' E'
=> PT' E'
=> (E)T' E'
=> (TE')T'E'
=> (FT'E')T'E'
=> (PT'E')T'E'
=> (iT'E')T'E'
=> (iFT'E')T'E'
Here, our human know that we should substitute the Variable T' with T' -> ε, but program will just call T' -> FT', which is wrong.
So, what's wrong with this grammar? And how should i rewrite it to make it suitable for the recursive descendent method.
1. LL(1) grammar
I don't see any problem with your LL(1) grammar. You are parsing the string
and you have gotten to this point:
(a T'E')T'E' |b)
The lookahead symbol is | and you have two possible productions:
T' ⇒ FT'
T' ⇒ ε
FIRST(F) is {(, i}, so the first production is clearly incorrect, both for the human and the LL(1) parser. (A parser without lookahead couldn't make the decision, but parsers without lookahead are almost useless for practical parsing.)
2. Operator precedence parsing
You are technically correct. Your original grammar is not an operator grammar. However, it is normal to augment operator precedence parsers with a small state machine (otherwise algebraic expressions including unary minus, for example, cannot be correctly parsed), and once you have done that it is clear where the implicit concatenation operator must go.
The state machine is logically equivalent to preprocessing the input to insert an explicit concatenation operator where necessary -- that is, between a and b whenever a is in {), *, i} and b is in {), i}.
You should take note that your original grammar does not really handle regular expressions unless you augment it with an explicit ε primitive to represent the empty string. Otherwise, you have no way to express optional choices, usually represented in regular expressions as an implicit operand (such as (a|), also often written as a?). However, the state machine is easily capable of detecting implicit operands as well because there is no conflict in practice between implicit concatenation and implicit epsilon.
I think just keeping track of the previous character should be enough. So if we have
^--- we are here
c = a
pc = *
We know * is unary, so 'a' cannot be its operand. So we must have concatentation. Similarly at the next step
^--- we are here
c = b
pc = a
a isn't an operator, b isn't an operator, so our hidden operator is between them. One more:
^--- we are here
c = b
pc = |
| is a binary operator expecting a right-hand operand, so we do not concatenate.
The full solution probably involves building a table for each possible pc, which sounds painful, but it should give you enough context to get through.
If you don't want to mess up your loop, you could do a preprocessing pass where you insert your own concatenation character using similar logic. Can't tell you if that's better or worse, but it's an idea.

Compilers, finding FIRST set for grammar

I am reading the famous violet dragon book 2nd edition, and can't get the example from page 65, about creating the FIRST set:
We have the following grammar (terminals are bolded):
stmt → expr;
| if ( expr ) stmt
| for ( optexpr ; optexpr ; optexpr ) stmt
| other
optexpr → ε
| expr
And the book suggests that the following is the correct calculation of FIRST:
FIRST(stmt) → {expr, if, for, other} // agree on this
FIRST(expr ;) → {expr} // Where does this come from?
As the comment suggests, from where does the second line come from?
There is no error in the textbook.
The FIRST function is defined (on page 64, emphasis added):
Let α be a string of grammar symbols (terminals and/or nonterminals). We define FIRST(α) to be the set of terminals that appear as the first symbols of one or more strings of terminals generated from α.
In this example, expr ; is a string of grammar symbols consisting of two terminals, so it is a possible value of α. Since it includes no nonterminals, it cannot only generate itself; thus the only string of terminals generated from that value of α is precisely expr ;, and the only terminal that will appear in FIRST(α) is the first symbol in that string, expr.
This may all seem to be belabouring the obvious, but it leads up to the important note just under the example you cite:
The FIRST sets must be considered if there are two productions A → α and A → β. Ignoring ε-productions for the moment, predictive parsing requires FIRST(α) and FIRST(β) to be disjoint.
Since expr ; is one of the possible right-hand sides for stmt, we need to compute its FIRST set (even though the computation in this case is trivial) in order to test this prerequisite.

Overloading multiplication using menhir and OCaml

I have written a lexer and parser to analyze linear algebra statements. Each statement consists of one or more expressions followed by one or more declarations. I am using menhir and OCaml to write the lexer and parser.
For example:
Ax = b, where A is invertible.
This should be read as A * x = b, (A, invertible)
In an expression all ids must be either an uppercase or lowercase symbol. I would like to overload the multiplication operator so that the user does not have to type in the '*' symbol.
However, since the lexer also needs to be able to read strings (such as "invertible" in this case), the "Ax" portion of the expression is sent over to the parser as a string. This causes a parser error since no strings should be encountered in the expression portion of the statement.
Here is the basic idea of the grammar
stmt :=
| expr "."
| decl "."
| expr "," decl "."
expr :=
| term
| unop expr
| expr binop expr
term :=
| <int> num
| <char> id
| "(" expr ")"
decl :=
| id "is" kinds
kinds :=
| <string> kind
| kind "and" kinds
Is there some way to separate the individual characters and tell the parser that they should be treated as multiplication? Is there a way to change the lexer so that it is smart enough to know that all character clusters before a comma are ids and all clusters after should be treated as strings?
It seems to me you have two problems:
You want your lexer to treat sequences of characters differently in different places.
You want multiplication to be indicated by adjacent expressions (no operator in between).
The first problem I would tackle in the lexer.
One question is why you say you need to use strings. This implies that there is a completely open-ended set of things you can say. It might be true, but if you can limit yourself to a smallish number, you can use keywords rather than strings. E.g., invertible would be a keyword.
If you really want to allow any string at all in such places, it's definitely still possible to hack a lexer so that it maintains a state describing what it has seen, and looks ahead to see what's coming. If you're not required to adhere to a pre-defined grammar, you could adjust your grammar to make this easier. (E.g., you could use commas for only one purpose.)
For the second problem, I'd say you need to add adjacency to your grammar. I.e., your grammar needs a rule that says something like term := term term. I suspect it's tricky to get this to work correctly, but it does work in OCaml (where adjacent expressions represent function application) and in awk (where adjacent expressions represent string concatenation).

Left recursion, associativity and AST evaluation

So I have been reading a bit on lexers, parser, interpreters and even compiling.
For a language I'm trying to implement I settled on a Recrusive Descent Parser. Since the original grammar of the language had left-recursion, I had to slightly rewrite it.
Here's a simplified version of the grammar I had (note that it's not any standard format grammar, but somewhat pseudo, I guess, it's how I found it in the documentation):
expr + expr
expr - expr
expr * expr
expr / expr
( expr )
To get rid of the left-recursion, I turned it into this (note the addition of the NOT operator):
expr_term {+ expr}
expr_term {- expr}
expr_term {* expr}
expr_term {/ expr}
! expr_term
( expr )
And then go through my tokens using the following sub-routines (simplified pseudo-code-ish):
public string Expression()
string term = ExpressionTerm();
if (term != null)
while (PeekToken() == OperatorToken)
term += ReadToken() + Expression();
return term;
public string ExpressionTerm()
//PeekToken and ReadToken accordingly, otherwise return null
This works! The result after calling Expression is always equal to the input it was given.
This makes me wonder: If I would create AST nodes rather than a string in these subroutines, and evaluate the AST using an infix evaluator (which also keeps in mind associativity and precedence of operators, etcetera), won't I get the same result?
And if I do, then why are there so many topics covering "fixing left recursion, keeping in mind associativity and what not" when it's actually "dead simple" to solve or even a non-problem as it seems? Or is it really the structure of the resulting AST people are concerned about (rather than what it evaluates to)? Could anyone shed a light, I might be getting it all wrong as well, haha!
The shape of the AST is important, since a+(b*3) is not usually the same as (a+b)*3 and one might reasonably expect the parser to indicate which of those a+b*3 means.
Normally, the AST will actually delete parentheses. (A parse tree wouldn't, but an AST is expected to abstract away syntactic noise.) So the AST for a+(b*3) should look something like:
| |
Var Prod
| |
a +---+---+
| |
Var Const
| |
b 3
If you language obeys usual mathematical notation conventions, so will the AST for a+b*3.
An "infix evaluator" -- or what I imagine you're referring to -- is just another parser. So, yes, if you are happy to parse later, you don't have to parse now.
By the way, showing that you can put tokens back together in the order that you read them doesn't actually demonstrate much about the parser functioning. You could do that much more simply by just echoing the tokenizer's output.
The standard and easiest way to deal with expressions, mathematical or other, is with a rule hierarchy that reflects the intended associations and operator precedence:
expre = sum
sum = addend '+' sum | addend
addend = term '*' addend | term
term = '(' expre ')' | '-' integer | '+' integer | integer
Such grammars let the parse or abstract trees be directly evaluatable. You can expand the rule hierarchy to include power and bitwise operators, or make it part of the hierarchy for logical expressions with and or and comparisons.

Shift-reduce: when to stop reducing?

I'm trying to learn about shift-reduce parsing. Suppose we have the following grammar, using recursive rules that enforce order of operations, inspired by the ANSI C Yacc grammar:
S: A;
| '(' S ')'
: P
| M '*' P
| M '/' P
: M
| A '+' M
| A '-' M
And we want to parse 1+2 using shift-reduce parsing. First, the 1 is shifted as a NUMBER. My question is, is it then reduced to P, then M, then A, then finally S? How does it know where to stop?
Suppose it does reduce all the way to S, then shifts '+'. We'd now have a stack containing:
S '+'
If we shift '2', the reductions might be:
S '+' P
S '+' M
S '+' A
S '+' S
Now, on either side of the last line, S could be P, M, A, or NUMBER, and it would still be valid in the sense that any combination would be a correct representation of the text. How does the parser "know" to make it
A '+' M
So that it can reduce the whole expression to A, then S? In other words, how does it know to stop reducing before shifting the next token? Is this a key difficulty in LR parser generation?
Edit: An addition to the question follows.
Now suppose we parse 1+2*3. Some shift/reduce operations are as follows:
Stack | Input | Operation
| 1+2*3 |
NUMBER | +2*3 | Shift
A | +2*3 | Reduce (looking ahead, we know to stop at A)
A+ | 2*3 | Shift
A+NUMBER | *3 | Shift (looking ahead, we know to stop at M)
A+M | *3 | Reduce (looking ahead, we know to stop at M)
Is this correct (granted, it's not fully parsed yet)? Moreover, does lookahead by 1 symbol also tell us not to reduce A+M to A, as doing so would result in an inevitable syntax error after reading *3 ?
The problem you're describing is an issue with creating LR(0) parsers - that is, bottom-up parsers that don't do any lookahead to symbols beyond the current one they are parsing. The grammar you've described doesn't appear to be an LR(0) grammar, which is why you run into trouble when trying to parse it w/o lookahead. It does appear to be LR(1), however, so by looking 1 symbol ahead in the input you could easily determine whether to shift or reduce. In this case, an LR(1) parser would look ahead when it had the 1 on the stack, see that the next symbol is a +, and realize that it shouldn't reduce past A (since that is the only thing it could reduce to that would still match a rule with + in the second position).
An interesting property of LR grammars is that for any grammar which is LR(k) for k>1, it is possible to construct an LR(1) grammar which is equivalent. However, the same does not extend all the way down to LR(0) - there are many grammars which cannot be converted to LR(0).
See here for more details on LR(k)-ness:
I'm not exactly sure of the Yacc / Bison parsing algorithm and when it prefers shifting over reducing, however I know that Bison supports LR(1) parsing which means it has a lookahead token. This means that tokens aren't passed to the stack immediately. Rather they wait until no more reductions can happen. Then, if shifting the next token makes sense it applies that operation.
First of all, in your case, if you're evaluating 1 + 2, it will shift 1. It will reduce that token to an A because the '+' lookahead token indicates that its the only valid course. Since there are no more reductions, it will shift the '+' token onto the stack and hold 2 as the lookahead. It will shift the 2 and reduce to an M since A + M produces an A and the expression is complete.
