Shift-reduce: when to stop reducing? - parsing

I'm trying to learn about shift-reduce parsing. Suppose we have the following grammar, using recursive rules that enforce order of operations, inspired by the ANSI C Yacc grammar:
S: A;
| '(' S ')'
: P
| M '*' P
| M '/' P
: M
| A '+' M
| A '-' M
And we want to parse 1+2 using shift-reduce parsing. First, the 1 is shifted as a NUMBER. My question is, is it then reduced to P, then M, then A, then finally S? How does it know where to stop?
Suppose it does reduce all the way to S, then shifts '+'. We'd now have a stack containing:
S '+'
If we shift '2', the reductions might be:
S '+' P
S '+' M
S '+' A
S '+' S
Now, on either side of the last line, S could be P, M, A, or NUMBER, and it would still be valid in the sense that any combination would be a correct representation of the text. How does the parser "know" to make it
A '+' M
So that it can reduce the whole expression to A, then S? In other words, how does it know to stop reducing before shifting the next token? Is this a key difficulty in LR parser generation?
Edit: An addition to the question follows.
Now suppose we parse 1+2*3. Some shift/reduce operations are as follows:
Stack | Input | Operation
| 1+2*3 |
NUMBER | +2*3 | Shift
A | +2*3 | Reduce (looking ahead, we know to stop at A)
A+ | 2*3 | Shift
A+NUMBER | *3 | Shift (looking ahead, we know to stop at M)
A+M | *3 | Reduce (looking ahead, we know to stop at M)
Is this correct (granted, it's not fully parsed yet)? Moreover, does lookahead by 1 symbol also tell us not to reduce A+M to A, as doing so would result in an inevitable syntax error after reading *3 ?

The problem you're describing is an issue with creating LR(0) parsers - that is, bottom-up parsers that don't do any lookahead to symbols beyond the current one they are parsing. The grammar you've described doesn't appear to be an LR(0) grammar, which is why you run into trouble when trying to parse it w/o lookahead. It does appear to be LR(1), however, so by looking 1 symbol ahead in the input you could easily determine whether to shift or reduce. In this case, an LR(1) parser would look ahead when it had the 1 on the stack, see that the next symbol is a +, and realize that it shouldn't reduce past A (since that is the only thing it could reduce to that would still match a rule with + in the second position).
An interesting property of LR grammars is that for any grammar which is LR(k) for k>1, it is possible to construct an LR(1) grammar which is equivalent. However, the same does not extend all the way down to LR(0) - there are many grammars which cannot be converted to LR(0).
See here for more details on LR(k)-ness:

I'm not exactly sure of the Yacc / Bison parsing algorithm and when it prefers shifting over reducing, however I know that Bison supports LR(1) parsing which means it has a lookahead token. This means that tokens aren't passed to the stack immediately. Rather they wait until no more reductions can happen. Then, if shifting the next token makes sense it applies that operation.
First of all, in your case, if you're evaluating 1 + 2, it will shift 1. It will reduce that token to an A because the '+' lookahead token indicates that its the only valid course. Since there are no more reductions, it will shift the '+' token onto the stack and hold 2 as the lookahead. It will shift the 2 and reduce to an M since A + M produces an A and the expression is complete.


Is this grammar LR(2) and how can i determine it?

to determine if my parser is working correctly i need to find a lr(2+) grammar. After a quick research i have found this grammar and i believe that it is lr(2). However, i am not sure how to determine this.
Terminals: b, e, o, r, s
NonTerminals: A, B, E, Q, SL
Start: P
P -> A
A -> E B SL E | b e
B -> b | o r
E -> e | Ɛ
SL -> s SL | s
I would be glad, if someone is able to confirm or deny that this grammar is lr(2) and at best give me a brief explanation on how to determine it by myself.
Thank you very much!
I'm pretty sure it's LR(2), but I don't have an LR(2) parser generator handy to test it, which would be the definitive way to do the test. Of course, you could generate the parser tables by hand. It's not that complicated a grammar, so it shouldn't take you too long.
It's certainly not LR(1), as can be seen from the pair of inputs:
b e
b s e
The left-most derivations are:
P->A->b e
P->E B SL E->B SL E->b SL E->b s E->b s e
So at the beginning of the parse, the parser can either shift a b in order to follow the first derivation chain or reduce an empty sequence to E in order to proceed with the second derivation chain. The second token is needed to choose between these two options, hence a lookahead of at least 2 is required.
As a side note, it should be pretty simple to mine StackOverflow for LR(2) grammars; they come up from time to time in questions. Here's a few I found by searching for LALR(2): (I used a Google search with because SO's own search engine doesn't do well with search patterns which aren't words. Not that Google does it well, but it does do it better.)
Solving bison conflict over 2nd lookahead
Solving small shift reduce conflict
Persistent Shift - Reduce Conflict in Goldparser
How to reduce parser stack or 'unshift' the current token depending on what follows?
I didn't verify the claims in those questions and answers, and there are other questions which didn't seem to have as clear a result.
The most classic LALR(2) grammar is the grammar for Yacc itself, which is pretty ironic. Here's a simplified version:
grammar: %empty | grammar production
production: ID ':' symbols
symbols: %empty | symbols symbol
That simple grammar leaves out actions and the optional semicolon. But it captures the essence of the LALR(2)-ness of the grammar, which is precisely the result of the semicolon being optional. That's not a complaint; the grammar is unambiguous so the semicolon really is redundant and no-one should be forced to type a redundant token :-)

parsing maxscript - problem with newlines

I am trying to create parser for MAXScript language using their official grammar description of the language. I use flex and bison to create the lexer and parser.
However, I have run into following problem. In traditional languages (e.g. C) statements are separated by a special token (; in C). But in MAXScript expressions inside a compound expression can be separated either by ; or newline. There are other languages that use whitespace characters in their parsers, like Python. But Python is much more strict about the placement of the newline, and following program in Python is invalid:
# compile error
# compile error
def bar
However in MAXScript following program is valid:
foo x =
( // parenthesis start the compound expression
a = 3 + 2; // the semicolon is optional
print x
fn bar
x =
foo x
And you can even write things like this:
format "%," x
Which will evaluate fine and print 1,2,3,4, to the output. So newlines can be inserted into many places with no special meaning.
However if you insert one more newline in the program like this:
format "%,"
You will get a runtime error as format function expects to have more than one parameter passed.
Here is part of the bison input file that I have:
| if_expr
| while_loop
| do_loop
| for_loop
| expr_seq
"(" expr_semicolon_list ")"
| expr TK_SEMICOLON expr_semicolon_list
| expr TK_EOL expr_semicolon_list
"if" expr "then" expr "else" expr
| "if" expr "then" expr
| "if" expr "do" expr
// etc.
This will parse only programs which use newline only as expression separator and will not expect newlines to be scattered in other places in the program.
My question is: Is there some way to tell bison to treat a token as an optional token? For bison it would mean this:
If you find newline token and you can shift with it or reduce, then do so.
Otherwise just discard the newline token and continue parsing.
Because if there is no way to do this, the only other solution I can think of is modifying the bison grammar file so that it expects those newlines everywhere. And bump the precedence of the rule where newline acts as an expression separator. Like this:
%precedence EXPR_SEPARATOR // high precedence
// w = sequence of whitespace tokens
w: %empty // either nothing
| TK_EOL w // or newline followed by other whitespace tokens
w simple_expr w
| w if_expr w
| w while_loop w
| w do_loop w
| w for_loop w
| w expr_seq w
w "(" w expr_semicolon_list w ")" w
| expr w TK_SEMICOLON w expr_semicolon_list
| expr TK_EOL w expr_semicolon_list %prec EXPR_SEPARATOR
w "if" w expr w "then" w expr w "else" w expr w
| w "if" w expr w "then" w expr w
| w "if" w expr w "do" w expr w
// etc.
However this looks very ugly and error-prone, and I would like to avoid such solution if possible.
My question is: Is there some way to tell bison to treat a token as an optional token?
No, there isn't. (See below for a longer explanation with diagrams.)
Still, the workaround is not quite as ugly as you think, although it's not without its problems.
In order to simplify things, I'm going to assume that the lexer can be convinced to produce only a single '\n' token regardless of how many consecutive newlines appear in the program text, including the case where there are comments scattered among the blank lines. That could be achieved with a complex regular expression, but a simpler way to do it is to use a start condition to suppress \n tokens until a regular token is encountered. The lexer's initial start condition should be the one which suppresses newline tokens, so that blank lines at the beginning of the program text won't confuse anything.
Now, the key insight is that we don't have to insert "maybe a newline" markers all over the grammar, since every newline must appear right after some real token. And that means that we can just add one non-terminal for every terminal:
tok_id: ID | ID '\n'
tok_if: "if" | "if" '\n'
tok_then: "then" | "then" '\n'
tok_else: "else" | "else" '\n'
tok_do: "do" | "do" '\n'
tok_semi: ';' | ';' '\n'
tok_dot: '.' | '.' '\n'
tok_plus: '+' | '+' '\n'
tok_dash: '-' | '-' '\n'
tok_star: '*' | '*' '\n'
tok_slash: '/' | '/' '\n'
tok_caret: '^' | '^' '\n'
tok_open: '(' | '(' '\n'
tok_close: ')' | ')' '\n'
tok_openb: '[' | '[' '\n'
tok_closeb: ']' | ']' '\n'
/* Etc. */
Now, it's just a question of replacing the use of a terminal with the corresponding non-terminal defined above. (No w non-terminal is required.) Once we do that, bison will report a number of shift-reduce conflicts in the non-terminal definitions just added; any terminal which can appear at the end of an expression will instigate a conflict, since the newline could be absorbed either by the terminal's non-terminal wrapper or by the expr_semicolon_list production. We want the newline to be part of expr_semicolon_list, so we need to add precedence declarations starting with newline, so that it is lower precedence than any other token.
That will most likely work for your grammar, but it is not 100% certain. The problem with precedence-based solutions is that they can have the effect of hiding real shift-reduce conflict issues. So I'd recommend running bison on the grammar and verifying that all the shift-reduce conflicts appear where expected (in the wrapper productions) before adding the precedence declarations.
Why token fallback is not as simple as it looks
In theory, it would be possible to implement a feature similar to the one you suggest. [Note 1]
But it's non-trivial, because of the way the LALR parser construction algorithm combines states. The result is that the parser might not "know" that the lookahead token cannot be shifted until it has done one or more reductions. So by the time it figures out that the lookahead token is not valid, it has already performed reductions which would have to be undone in order to continue the parse without the lookahead token.
Most parser generators compound the problem by removing error actions corresponding to a lookahead token if the default action in the state for that token is a reduction. The effect is again to delay detection of the error until after one or more futile reductions, but it has the benefit of significantly reducing the size of the transition table (since default entries don't need to be stored explicitly). Since the delayed error will be detected before any more input is consumed, the delay is generally considered acceptable. (Bison has an option to prevent this optimisation, however.)
As a practical illustration, here's a very simple expression grammar with only two operators:
prog: expr '\n' | prog expr '\n'
expr: prod | expr '+' prod
prod: term | prod '*' term
term: ID | '(' expr ')'
That leads to this state diagram [Note 2]:
Let's suppose that we wanted to ignore newlines pythonically, allowing the input
a + b
That means that the parser must ignore the newline after the b, since the input might be
a + b
* c
(Which is fine in Python but not, if I understand correctly, in MAXScript.)
Of course, the newline would be recognised as a statement separator if the input were not parenthesized:
a + b
Looking at the state diagram, we can see that the parser will end up in State 15 after the b is read, whether or not the expression is parenthesized. In that state, a newline is marked as a valid lookahead for the reduction action, so the reduction action will be performed, presumably creating an AST node for the sum. Only after this reduction will the parser notice that there is no action for the newline. If it now discards the newline character, it's too late; there is now no way to reduce b * c in order to make it an operand of the sum.
Bison does allow you to request a Canonical LR parser, which does not combine states. As a result, the state machine is much, much bigger; so much so that Canonical-LR is still considered impractical for non-toy grammars. In the simple two-operator expression grammar above, asking for a Canonical LR parser only increases the state count from 16 to 26, as shown here:
In the Canonical LR parser, there are two different states for the reduction term: term '+' prod. State 16 applies at the top-level, and thus the lookahead includes newline but not ) Inside parentheses the parser will instead reach state 26, where ) is a valid lookahead but newline is not. So, at least in some grammars, using a Canonical LR parser could make the prediction more precise. But features which are dependent on the use of a mammoth parsing automaton are not particularly practical.
One alternative would be for the parser to react to the newline by first simulating the reduction actions to see if a shift would eventually succeed. If you request Lookahead Correction (%define parse.lac full), bison will insert code to do precisely this. This code can create significant overhead, but many people request it anyway because it makes verbose error messages more accurate. So it would certainly be possible to repurpose this code to do token fallback handling, but no-one has actually done so, as far as I know.
A similar question which comes up from time to time is whether you can tell bison to cause a token to be reclassified to a fallback token if there is no possibility to shift the token. (That would be useful for parsing languages like SQL which have a lot of non-reserved keywords.)
I generated the state graphs using Bison's -g option:
bison -o --report=all -g ex.y
dot -Tpng -oex.png
To produce the Canonical LR, I defined lr.type to be canonical-lr:
bison -o ex_canon.c --report=all -g -Dlr.type=canonical-lr ex.y
dot -Tpng -oex_canon.png

yacc shift-reduce for ambiguous lambda syntax

I'm writing a grammar for a toy language in Yacc (the one packaged with Go) and I have an expected shift-reduce conflict due to the following pseudo-issue. I have to distilled the problem grammar down to the following.
INT | IDENT | lambda | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2 }
'(' params ')' '{' stmt_list '}'
expr | params ',' expr
/* empty */ | expr
stmt | stmt_list ';' stmt
A lambda function looks something like this:
map((v) { v * 2 }, collection)
My parser emits:
conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
Given the input:
It correctly parses an expr by the '(' expr ')' rule. However given an input of:
(a) { a }
(Which would be a lambda for the identity function, returning its input). I get:
syntax error: unexpected '{'
This is because when (a) is read, the parser is choosing to reduce it as '(' expr ')', rather than consider it to be '(' params ')'. Given this conflict is a shift-reduce and not a reduce-reduce, I'm assuming this is solvable. I just don't know how to structure the grammar to support this syntax.
EDIT | It's ugly, but I'm considering defining a token so that the lexer can recognize the ')' '{' sequence and send it through as a single token to resolve this.
EDIT 2 | Actually, better still, I'll make lambdas require syntax like ->(a, b) { a * b} in the grammar, but have the lexer emit the -> rather than it being in the actual source code.
Your analysis is indeed correct; although the grammar is not ambiguous, it is impossible for the parser to decide with the input reduced to ( <expr> and with lookahead ) whether or not the expr should be reduced to params before shifting the ) or whether the ) should be shifted as part of a lambda. If the next token were visible, the decision could be made, so the grammar LR(2), which is outside of the competence of go/yacc.
If you were using bison, you could easily solve this problem by requesting a GLR parser, but I don't believe that go/yacc provides that feature.
There is an LR(1) grammar for the language (there is always an LR(1) grammar corresponding to any LR(k) grammar for any value of k) but it is rather annoying to write by hand. The essential idea of the LR(k) to LR(1) transformation is to shift the reduction decisions k-1 tokens forward by accumulating k-1 tokens of context into each production. So in the case that k is 2, each production P: N → α will be replaced with productions TNU → Tα U for each T in FIRST(α) and each U in FOLLOW(N). [See Note 1] That leads to a considerable blow-up of non-terminals in any non-trivial grammar.
Rather than pursuing that idea, let me propose two much simpler solutions, both of which you seem to be quite close to.
First, in the grammar you present, the issue really is simply the need for a two-token lookahead when the two tokens are ){. That could easily be detected in the lexer, and leads to a solution which is still hacky but a simpler hack: Return ){ as a single token. You need to deal with intervening whitespace, etc., but it doesn't require retaining any context in the lexer. This has the added bonus that you don't need to define params as a list of exprs; they can just be a list of IDENT (if that's relevant; a comment suggests that it isn't).
The alternative, which I think is a bit cleaner, is to extend the solution you already seem to be proposing: accept a little too much and reject the errors in a semantic action. In this case, you might do something like:
| lambda
| '(' expr_list ')'
{ // If $2 has more than one expr, report error
$$ = $2
'(' expr_list ')' '{' stmt_list '}'
{ // If anything in expr_list is not a valid param, report error
$$ = make_lambda($2, $4)
expr | expr_list ',' expr
/* empty */ | expr
stmt | stmt_list ';' stmt
That's only an outline; the complete algorithm includes the mechanism to recover the original parse tree. If k is greater than 2 then T and U are strings the the FIRSTk-1 and FOLLOWk-1 sets.
If it really is a shift-reduce conflict, and you want only the shift behavior, your parser generator may give you a way to prefer a shift vs. a reduce. This is classically how the conflict for grammar rules for "if-then-stmt" and "if-then-stmt-else-stmt" is resolved, when the if statement can also be a statement.
You can get this effect two ways:
a) Count on the accidental behavior of the parsing engine.
If an LALR parser handles shifts first, and then reductions if there are no shifts, then you'll get this "prefer shift" for free. All the parser generator has to do is built the parse tables anyway, even if there is a detected conflict.
b) Enforce the accidental behavior. Design (or a get a) parser generator to accept "prefer shift on token T". Then one can supress the ambiguity. One still have to implement the parsing engine as in a) but that's pretty easy.
I think this is easier/cleaner than abusing the lexer to make strange tokens (and that doesn't always work anyway).
Obviously, you could make a preference for reductions to turn it the other way. With some extra hacking, you could make shift-vs-reduce specific the state in which the conflict occured; you can even make it specific to the pair of conflicting rules but now the parsing engine needs to keep preference data around for nonterminals. That still isn't hard. Finally, you could add a predicate for each nonterminal which is called when a shift-reduce conflict is about to occur, and it have it provide a decision.
The point is you don't have to accept "pure" LALR parsing; you can bend it easily in a variety of ways, if you are willing to modify the parser generator/engine a little bit. This gives a really good reason to understand how these tools work; then you can abuse them to your benefit.

Example for LL(1) Grammar which is NOT LALR?

I am learning now about parsers on my Theory Of Compilation course.
I need to find an example for grammar which is in LL(1) but not in LALR.
I know it should be exist. please help me think of the most simple example to this problem.
Some googling brings up this example for a non-LALR(1) grammar, which is LL(1):
S ::= '(' X
| E ']'
| F ')'
X ::= E ')'
| F ']'
E ::= A
F ::= A
A ::= ε
The LALR(1) construction fails, because there is a reduce-reduce conflict between E and F. In the set of LR(0) states, there is a state made up of
E ::= A . ;
F ::= A . ;
which is needed for both S and X contexts. The LALR(1) lookahead sets for these items thus mix up tokens originating from the S and X productions. This is different for LR(1), where there are different states for these cases.
With LL(1), decisions are made by looking at FIRST sets of the alternatives, where ')' and ']' always occur in different alternatives.
From the Dragon book (Second Edition, p. 242):
The class of grammars that can be parsed using LR methods is a proper superset of the class of grammars that can be parsed with predictive or LL methods. For a grammar to be LR(k), we must be able to recognize the occurrence of the right side of a production in a right-sentential form, with k input symbols of lookahead. This requirement is far less stringent than that for LL(k) grammars where we must be able to recognize the use of a production seeing only the first k symbols of what the right side derives. Thus, it should not be surprising that LR grammars can describe more languages than LL grammars.

Producing Expressions from This Grammar with Recursive Descent

I've got a simple grammar. Actually, the grammar I'm using is more complex, but this is the smallest subset that illustrates my question.
Expr ::= Value Suffix
| "(" Expr ")" Suffix
Suffix ::= "->" Expr
| "<-" Expr
| Expr
| epsilon
Value matches identifiers, strings, numbers, et cetera. The Suffix rule is there to eliminate left-recursion. This matches expressions such as:
a -> b (c -> (d) (e))
That is, a graph where a goes to both b and the result of (c -> (d) (e)), and c goes to d and e. I'm trying to produce an abstract syntax tree for these expressions, but I'm running into difficulty because all of the operators can accept any number of operands on each side. I'd rather keep the logic for producing the AST within the recursive descent parsing methods, since it avoids having to duplicate the logic of extracting an expression. My current strategy is as follows:
If a Value appears, push it to the output.
If a From or To appears:
Output a separator.
Get the next Expr.
Create a Link node.
Pop the first set of operands from output into the Link until a separator appears.
Erase the separator discovered.
Pop the second set of operands into the Link until a separator.
Push the Link to the output.
If I run this through without obeying steps 2.3–2.7, I get a list of values and separators. For the expression quoted above, a -> b (c -> (d) (e)), the output should be:
A sep_1 B sep_2 C sep_3 D E
Applying the To rule would then yield:
A sep_1 B sep_2 (link from C to {D, E})
And subsequently:
(link from A to {B, (link from C to {D, E})})
The important thing to note is that sep_2, crucial to delimit the left-hand operands of the second ->, does not appear, so the parser believes that the expression was actually written:
a -> (b c -> (d) (e))
In order to solve this with my current strategy, I would need a way to produce a separator between adjacent expressions, but only if the current expression is a From or To expression enclosed in parentheses. If that's possible, then I'm just not seeing it and the answer ought to be simple. If there's a better way to go about this, however, then please let me know!
I haven't tried to analyze it in detail, but: "From or To expression enclosed in parentheses" starts to sound a lot like "context dependent", which recursive descent can't handle directly. To avoid context dependence you'll probably need a separate production for a From or To in parentheses vs. a From or To without the parens.
Edit: Though it may be too late to do any good, if my understanding of what you want to match is correct, I think I'd write it more like this:
Graph :=
| List Sep Graph
Sep := "->"
| "<-"
List :=
| Value List
Value := Number
| Identifier
| String
| '(' Graph ')'
It's hard to be certain, but I think this should at least be close to matching (only) the inputs you want, and should make it reasonably easy to generate an AST that reflects the input correctly.
