How to set the glyph for a toolbar button to blank? - delphi

I add a toolbar with some standard Delphi components to my application. Unfortunately, the stupid arrow is first glyph (does anyone even know what it is for?)
I would like to destroy it totally, or, at least, set itcs icon to blank, so that it blends in with the toolbar.
How can I do this?
I need some code which can be executed twice without causing an exception. Thanks

TToolButton gets its image from combining its ImageIndex property with the enclosing toolbar's Images property, which refers to a TImageList. To make a toolbar button have no image, assign ImageIndex := -1.
To remove the glyph from a TSpeedButton at design time, select the button, and then select the Glyph property in the Object Inspector. Press Del to clear the property. To do the same at run time, assign Button.Glyph := nil.
If you have a pre-made toolbar, such as TMediaPlayer or TDBNavigator, then you can't customize the buttons. They always show the arrow glyphs that are hard-coded in the control. You can choose to hide or show certain buttons, though. If you placed the control just to get a row of buttons and have no intention of using them to play media or navigate a database, then don't use that control. Just place a TPanel and put standalone buttons on it.


How do I 'revert to inherited' if control is not clickable?

Assume the following situation:
FrmBase has a TPanel named PnlClient, align alClient
FrmDescendant inherits from FrmBase
In FrmDescendant I change a PnlClient property
In FrmDescendant I place another control (say another TPanel named PnlDescendant) on PnlClient and align it alClient.PnlDescendant now completely covers PnlClient
I place lots of other components on PnlDescendant, not necessarily aligned, so I'm afraid to change PnlDescendant (e.g. setting align to alNone and resizing) and lose positions
How can I execute 'revert to inherited' for PnlClient?
There's nothing in the main menu, or in the popup menu for the controls in the Structure View...
Currently using Delphi 10.4.1 Sydney
This is easy for a keyboard user like myself:
Click on PnlDescendant in the form editor to make it the focused and selected control.
Press Esc to select its parent, PnlClient.
Press the Menu key on your keyboard to display the context menu of PnlClient. If you have a cheap keyboard without a Menu key, press Shift+F10 instead.
Click on "Revert to Inherited". (Or, much faster: press the menu item's underlined character, probably I.)
(But notice that this will remove PnlDescendant completely. Probably you didn't want that, but that's how it works.)

How to set the selective captions for TActionToolbar?

I have a TActionToolbar...But there's one "feature" I can't quite figure out how to control.
From the customize dialog (Vcl.CustomizeDlg.TCustomizeDlg) for a TActionToolbar. Note the caption options listbox:
So how exactly do you use selective captions? Right now it appears to be identical to "full" captions, as I can't seem to piece together how you tell Delphi which buttons should display selective captions (or what the selective caption wording should be if it is customizable)
TAction doesn't seem to have any properties that appear to relate to selective captions. The description and examples for TCaption didn't seem to get any hints either.
...Or is this just one of those cases where Delphi is showing some sort of standard windows dialog including features Delphi doesn't actually support?
So how exactly do you use selective captions?
As the same suggests it, it allows to have some buttons showing their caption and some others to don't show it.
Once you've set the action in your toolbar, click on the button. Then go in the inspector and go to the property "ShowCaption" and set it to false. For each button you will do that, the caption will be hidden.
I will try to place a graphic here showing that.
1-click the tool button
2-go to the object inspector
3-see the "ShowCaption" property and set it to "false"
4-then see the result, the first button is now showing its caption
I use that from time to time to gain some space on a toolbar with too much button to hide the caption on some obvious button.

Positioning of custom list box item components in Delphi XE5, Firemonkey

I've customised the style of a Firmeonkey list box item in such a way that now it can consist of 4 TLables in it. Each of the lable has Alignment as alNone.
I'm setting position of each of them in my code whenever i need to add any item. I've observed that when my list has scroll bar and if first component is not visible (i.e. i've scrolled down enough) at that time if i re-add all the items again in list box, then the position of TLabels in first items (or items which are not shown) get distorted.
For setting positions I am using below code :
(tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Position.X :=
(tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Position.X + (tmpListBoxItem.FindStyleResource('txtCol2') As TLabel).Width;
Any suggesstions, how can i overcome this issue.
Padam Jain
Firemonkey styles are repeatedly 'applied' and 'freed' as components appear and disappear from screen.
It is not enough to simply set properties of style objects once and expect those values to be remembered. What you need to do is either listen to the OnApplyStyleLookup event or override the ApplyStyle method of a custom component and use the same you have above to set the properties again.
This means you'll need somewhere to store the values you are going to set.
I would suggest for your situation that you subclass TListBoxItem so you can add suitable properties or fields and put your code in ApplyStyle.

How do I add buttons to a FireMonkey toolbar?

With 10 years of experience in development, I could not put new buttons on the Toolbar FireMonkey. Could anyone help me?
There is no component editor menu-item to add buttons or seperators, but you can drag buttons from the toolpallet to the toolbar. Or select the toolbar in the form and press F6. Type the name of the control you want on the toolbar and press enter.
TToolBar is now simply a container. You must drop your own controls onto it.
To add a control to a ToolBar, make sure that your ToolBar is selected on the form, select your child control in the Tool Palette, and then click the location in the ToolBar that you wish your child control to appear.
Another way to do this is to ensure that the ToolBar is selected and double-click the control in the Tool Palette. Whatever control is selected becomes the parent.
Many of the new FireMonkey UI controls are now simply containers, including TStatusBar.
To add a text line to TStatusBar, you must add your own TLabel or other control.
I found that the best way to put an image on a button was to literally drop a TImage onto the button and unset the TImage's HitTest property.
All FireMonkey controls are containers and can have child controls now. It might take a little longer to configure your UI, but you have a lot of flexibility.
Use the TLayout control for dividing up the parent control and aligning your controls. Use the Margin and Padding properties to adjust the spacing.

How to avoid image is Hidden by Button

I have kept an TImage component at the Top-right corner of a bitbutton.While loading of Form some part of image is Hidden by Button as like in image .How to avoid this.? and also tell me how to find corner of a Button such that i can place my image correctly to show notification correctly in case of Dynamically loaded buttons.
Yours Rakesh.
A TImage cannot be brought in front of a TBitButton since a BitButton is a windowed control (TWinControl). Instead of a TBitBtn or a TButton, you can use a control which does not descend from TWinControl, like a TSpeedButton.
The top-right corner of a button is at (Button.Left + Button.Width, Button.Top).
A TBitButton owns a window handle and only controls with an own window handle can be placed in front of it. You could place your bitmap on a TPanel (TPanel inherits from TWinControl and has a window handle), and this panel you can bring in front of any other control. Set the BorderStyle of the panel to bsNone, so it only works as a container and is not visible.
P.S. If your bitmap is as simple as the one in your example, you could directly write onto the panel and set the colors accordingly.
