Ways of implementing Unit of Work in ASP.NET MVC - asp.net-mvc

I'm currently researching how to add the Unit of Work pattern to my existing ASP.NET MVC application that uses NHibernate. I'm seeing a lot of variety in the various implementations and I'm having trouble determining which methods will work best in a given situation.
To help, I thought I would ask the Stack Overflow community to list their favorite ways of implementing the Unit of Work pattern in their ASP.NET MVC applications.
Maybe you use IoC to instantiate an NHibernate session when you create your controller and then pass that on to the repository. Or maybe you create a unit of work class/interface. Don't hesitate to link to additional resources after you describe your approach.
Also, be sure to list any pros and cons associated with your method should they exist.

I implemented a Repository / UoW pattern around Entity Framework 4 POCO objects and it has turned out very well for us. We only expose the UoW to the Business/Service layer and have the Controller, or the Presenter in our case, to call these services to execute or retrieve data.
The pattern that we implemented used the following article as a guide: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff714955.aspx

This is a fantastic guide on the subject which I have used to great success with unit tests


Has anyone got a good example of unit of work with multiple repositories that is not using EF?

I am about to implement the unit of work pattern with MVC3.
I have:
MVC Service Layer (BLL)
Repository Layer
Multiple types of databases
I want my service layer to get the IUnitOfWork passed to it by my IOC container. (This is easy and not part of this question).
So my service layer will do this: (Note: this is pseudo code)
(using unitOfWork)
All the samples I can find use EF. Whilst one of my repositories might use EF others may not.
My question is then, can I use the Unit of work pattern across multiple repositories that may sit above different types of databases (ie... EF, Oracle... other)
So, if I want to wrap an update to a SQL database and an oracle database in the ONE unit of work call, is the unit of work the way to do it.
As I mentioned, all examples I can find are for 100% EF solution, I need to mix and match.
The UnitOfWork scope is essentially already defined in MVC since all of your logic is done within an action. The common pattern I've seen (and what I ended up doing in my app) is to handle your unit of work via an attribute you register globally to your app and handle setting up whatever unit of work logic (transactions etc) you need to in the OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted of that attribute. There are a few caveats like making sure that the action isn't a child action and checking for ModelState errors but there are examples of this online. Also note that if you do not use viewmodels exclusively in your views, you may run into issues with certain frameworks lazy loading data in a view after your unit of work scope has closed.
My project used nHibernate and I used these two posts as inspiration for my implementation. Hopefully they'll give you a few ideas as well.

Architecting ASP.net MVC App to use repositories and services

I recently started reading about ASP.net MVC and after getting excited about the concept, i started to migrate all my webform project to MVC but i am having a hard time keeping my controller skinny even after following all the good advices out there (or maybe i just don't get it ... ).
The website i deal with has Articles, Videos, Quotes ... and each of these entities have categories, comments, images that can be associated with it. I am using Linq to sql for database operations and for each of these Entities, i have a Repository, and for each repository, i create a service to be used in the controller.
so i have -
and the corresponding service
ArticleCategoryService ...
you see the picture.
The problem i have is that i have one controller for article,category and comment because i thought that having ArticleController handle all of that might make sense, but now i have to pass all of the services needed to the Controller constructor. So i would like to know what it is that i am doing wrong. Are my services not designed properly? should i create Bigger service to encapsulate smaller services and use them in my controller? or should i have an articleCategory Controller and an articleComment Controller?
A page viewed by the user is made of all of that, thee article to be viewed,the comments associated with it, a listing of the categories to witch it applies ... how can i efficiently break down the controller to keep it "skinny" and solve my headache?
Thank you!
I hope my question is not too long to be read ...
This is the side effect of following the Single Responsibility Pattern. If each class is designed for only one purpose, then you're going to end up with a lot of classes. This is a good thing. Don't be afraid of it. It will make your life a lot easier in the long run when it comes to swapping out components as well as debugging which components of your system aren't working.
Personally, I prefer putting more of my domain logic in the actual domain entities (e.g. article.AddComment(comment) instead of articleCommentService.AddComment(article, comment)), but your approach is perfectly fine as well.
I think you are headed in the right direction. The question is how to instantiate your services? I'm no MVC.NET guru, but have done plenty of service oriented Java projects and exactly the pattern you are discussing.
In Java land we would usually use Spring to inject singleton beans.
1) You can do the same thing in .NET, using dependency injection frameworks.
2) You can instantiate services as needed in the method, if they are lightweight enough.
3) You can create static service members in each controller as long as you write them to be threadsafe, to reduce object churn. This is the approach I use in many cases.
4) You can even create a simple, global service factory that all controllers access, which could simply be a class of singletons.
Do some Googling on .NET dependency injection as well.

How do I use dependency injection with an ASP.NET MVC model?

I would like to inject a dependency into an ASP.NET MVC model, but I can't figure out where in the pipeline to do the injection.
It's very straightforward with a ControllerFactory, but not nearly as much when dealing with models.
You can find a reasonable How-To on Shiju Vargheses Blog: ASP.NET MVC Tip: Dependency Injection with Unity Application Block
usually i inject dependencies in the controller like this
PersonController(IPersonRepository r)
\\ constrtuctor code
in the models probably when need some instance of something that inherits an interface you do something like this :
var r = container.Resolve<IPersonRepository>();
I ended up creating a service locator: http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html#UsingAServiceLocator
I find it easier than dealing with an IoC container and trying to insert my DI code all over the MVC pipeline.
I'd recommend reviewing S#arp Architecture
Open source framework addon for asp.net mvc.
Are you completely sure you need to inject a dependency into your domain model itself? An entity or business object will typically encapsulate the state and expose methods to modify that state according to business rules. Code that does not fall into this category typically will be found in a service. Have you read into the concept of a domain service at all? Perhaps using one would better suit your needs and you won't need to inject any dependencies into your domain itself.
Checkout this sample I've created based on Ayende's explanations on his blog. Basically, I use Castle as my IoC container and I use Mvc Contrib to add all controllers to the container and make Mvc get them from it. Then I can inject anything into the containers, such as NHibernate ISession.
If you want to inject stuff inside your model classes (entities), NH now supports Dependency Injection of Hibernate-managed objects. See this, this, and this for specific examples for Spring and Windsor.
What your talking about is more along the lines of the Active Record pattern.
Whether AR is possible or not will depend on which ORM/DAO your using.
The AR pattern is generally better suited for small projects.

TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0

Where can I find a good tutorial on TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0? I'd prefer a video tutorial but a text tutorial would be fine as well. I have a new project starting soon and I want to start off on the right foot.
The Storefront Videos from ASP.NET are a must watch series.
Any tutorial on TDD will be helpful for MVC. I've been doing TDD for sometime and found that it was a natural transition in MVC. There are a few peculiarities that I have found that need to be addressed.
You often need to mock up the HttpContext, which means that you need to assign a ControllerContext to the controller after it's created as that's the only way to inject the mock. The context will be used to provide the Session, Request, and Response objects in the controller (also mock them). New HttpContextBase, HttpSessionStateBase, ... classes make this much easier to do.
Because of (1), invest some time in putting together some helper classes in a separate class library that can be used by all of your test projects. These helper classes should contain methods that provide configurable (or multiple methods to provide specific configurations) of the mocked contexts. This will help keep your tests compact.
Use and assign a ValueProvider for testing methods that accept parameters if you aren't using ModelBinding (with corresponding parameters in the signature) for a controller action. This will allow you to use TryUpdateModel/UpdateModel without adding code to your controller to get data from the Request into those methods.
Use a mocking framework -- if that isn't obvious from above. It will be so much easier to write your tests if you mock out the dependencies. Writing your own mocks, IMO, is not worth it, though I know others don't share that opinion. I guess this isn't unique to MVC, but I thought I'd mention it.
Set up a separate set of tests that use reflection to test that appropriate attributes with appropriate properties are getting set on your methods. MVC makes heavy use of attributes for security and other cross-cutting aspects. These need to be tested as well.
Check out here. MVC store front is highly recommended.
I thought that Rob Conery's 'ASP.NET MVC Storefront Starter Kit' http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc-videos/#MVCStorefrontStarterKit were great for demonstrating TDD with ASP.NET MVC.

How should I structure a simple ASP.NET MVC app?

I've been reading a few things about ASP.NET MVC, SOLID and so on, and I am trying to figure out a simple "recipe" for small-to-medium ASP.NET MVC apps that would put these concepts together; the issue that I am most concerned with is ending up with controllers that are too complex and being like code-behind files in webforms, with all type of business logic into them.
I am considering the following architecture, for a small data-driven app:
Controllers: only handle requests, call an appropriate service and return the action result to the View;
Models: POCO, handle all the business logic, authorization etc. Depends on repositories, totally ignorant of persistence infrastructure.
Repositories: implement IRepository<T>, use dependency injection and is where my db code will reside; only receives and returns POCO.
I am considering having services between the controllers and the models, but if they will just pass forward method calls I am not sure how useful it would be.
Finally there should have unit tests covering the model code, and unit+integration tests covering the repository code (following the "red-green" practice, if possible)
Ian Cooper had a good post on exactly this recently:
The Fat Controller
Simple recipe: (view)Presentation Layer using ASP.NET, (controller)Code Behinds or AJAX Services Layer, (model)Application Services layer, Business Model layer, and Persistance/Data Access layer.
Of course you can slice and dice numerous ways to deal with complexities in order to build a clearly readable and understandable application.
For a recent discourse on the subject, which I have found to be very good, check out this newly published book: Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise.
These walkthroughs are quite helpful:
MVC Framework and Application Structure
Walkthrough: Creating a Basic MVC Project with Unit Tests in Visual Studio
Also see: aspnet-mvc-structuring-controllers
Rob Conery has the best answer IMO.
Check out his MVC Storefront Application, which comes with complete source code and video tutorials.
