TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 -

Where can I find a good tutorial on TDD with ASP.NET MVC 1.0? I'd prefer a video tutorial but a text tutorial would be fine as well. I have a new project starting soon and I want to start off on the right foot.

The Storefront Videos from ASP.NET are a must watch series.

Any tutorial on TDD will be helpful for MVC. I've been doing TDD for sometime and found that it was a natural transition in MVC. There are a few peculiarities that I have found that need to be addressed.
You often need to mock up the HttpContext, which means that you need to assign a ControllerContext to the controller after it's created as that's the only way to inject the mock. The context will be used to provide the Session, Request, and Response objects in the controller (also mock them). New HttpContextBase, HttpSessionStateBase, ... classes make this much easier to do.
Because of (1), invest some time in putting together some helper classes in a separate class library that can be used by all of your test projects. These helper classes should contain methods that provide configurable (or multiple methods to provide specific configurations) of the mocked contexts. This will help keep your tests compact.
Use and assign a ValueProvider for testing methods that accept parameters if you aren't using ModelBinding (with corresponding parameters in the signature) for a controller action. This will allow you to use TryUpdateModel/UpdateModel without adding code to your controller to get data from the Request into those methods.
Use a mocking framework -- if that isn't obvious from above. It will be so much easier to write your tests if you mock out the dependencies. Writing your own mocks, IMO, is not worth it, though I know others don't share that opinion. I guess this isn't unique to MVC, but I thought I'd mention it.
Set up a separate set of tests that use reflection to test that appropriate attributes with appropriate properties are getting set on your methods. MVC makes heavy use of attributes for security and other cross-cutting aspects. These need to be tested as well.

Check out here. MVC store front is highly recommended.

I thought that Rob Conery's 'ASP.NET MVC Storefront Starter Kit' were great for demonstrating TDD with ASP.NET MVC.


When was the default AccountController sample changed?

I asked this question over on the forums, and nobody seems to know what i'm talking about. I'm not sure why that is, but I figured I'll ask here to see if there is anyone with some insight.
Back when MVC2 was released, it included a sample AccountController that wrapped the built-in Membership and FormsAuthentication classes with testable interfaces and services. I read a lot about this, and it was considered a good thing because the Membership and FormsAuthentication classes were not easily testable.
Recently, I generated a new sample project with my up to date (SP1, MVC3, Tools Update, etc..) environment and I find that the AccountController is now much simpler. Gone are the Interfaces and MembershipService and FormsAuthenticationServices. The sample now calls the Membership and FormsAuthentication classes directly.
I'm wondering if anyone knows when this happened and why? Are the testable interfaces no longer considered correct? Was there a technical reason to change this?
The best I can figure is that this happened as a part of the change to remove a possible vulnerability when passing return url's on the open url.
Any insight?
The new model resembles EF's code first approach where the AccountModel is a POCO class. Inside the new API there are no longer abstractions but direct calls to static methods such as FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie making this code difficult to unit test. Not something I would recommend basing your real world application code upon.
And, yes, they have fixed a vulnerability inside the LogOn method which was not verifying if the return url is a relative url before redirecting.
Personally I would recommend you using abstractions in order to weaken the coupling between your controller logic and its dependencies. This will make the code easier to unit test.
For me passing all those domain models to views without using view models are total anti-patterns and I have never bothered with them. I simply create an empty project and do the things my way. I mean in the default project they even use ViewBag for Christ sake!
The Account Controller was changed with the MVC3 tools update (When they also included the use of jQuery via Nuget)

Ways of implementing Unit of Work in ASP.NET MVC

I'm currently researching how to add the Unit of Work pattern to my existing ASP.NET MVC application that uses NHibernate. I'm seeing a lot of variety in the various implementations and I'm having trouble determining which methods will work best in a given situation.
To help, I thought I would ask the Stack Overflow community to list their favorite ways of implementing the Unit of Work pattern in their ASP.NET MVC applications.
Maybe you use IoC to instantiate an NHibernate session when you create your controller and then pass that on to the repository. Or maybe you create a unit of work class/interface. Don't hesitate to link to additional resources after you describe your approach.
Also, be sure to list any pros and cons associated with your method should they exist.
I implemented a Repository / UoW pattern around Entity Framework 4 POCO objects and it has turned out very well for us. We only expose the UoW to the Business/Service layer and have the Controller, or the Presenter in our case, to call these services to execute or retrieve data.
The pattern that we implemented used the following article as a guide:
This is a fantastic guide on the subject which I have used to great success with unit tests

What does it mean to unit test an MVC view?

On a new ASP.NET MVC application we are following a TDD approach, using NUnit for unit testing and Unity for Dependancy Injection.
Our views are being made as "dumb" as possible by adjusting our models to supply data in the most appropriate fashion for our views.
Is there a merit in unit testing our views? If so - how?
The advantage of the MVC pattern is that views are supposed to be very lightweight and contain no code that needs to be tested.
If a view does contain code that needs to be tested, it should be moved out into the controller or model and unit tested there.
I was just reading a good article by Justin Etheredge earlier this week regarding ASP.NET MVC testing.
Here's the link:
Building Testable ASP.NET MVC Applications
Justin does indeed address the testing of views in a small "sidebar" section of the article and states the following:
ASP.NET MVC Code-Behind Pages
If you were following ASP.NET MVC before the final release, you may have noticed that the code-behind pages have been removed from the framework. These pages served no functionality in the ASP.NET MVC framework and promoted putting logic into views, where it does not belong. Any logic contained in views is difficult to test in much the same way that code-behind files in ASP.NET Web Forms are difficult to test.
I tend to agree with this in that I would consider logic inside a "view" to be something of a "smell" and, personally, I'd be looking for a way to remove such logic and place it inside the controller or the model where it's much easier to test.
I'm not (yet) familiar with MVC in particular, but I have a good knowledge of the MVC pattern. Generally I would say that you don't gain much more by testing your view. By using the MVC approach most (if not all) your domain logic resides inside your controller classes and the business logic in your business/service layer classes. So unit-testing your service layer should guarantee that your business logic is satisfied (which is the main goal). Investigating further testing of your controllers (with mock objects for Http requests if you need) guarantees that your domain logic is fine.
So unit testing your views doesn't sound to me to give your more benefits. I've heard about view testing just in relationship with recorders (or similar frameworks) which simulate user clicks on the UI etc...
The nice thing about the MVC pattern is that you are able to unit test far more of the UI layer than other patterns (or anti-patterns). However, testing the views really can't be done as a unit test because it would require an external dependency (like a browser).
This doesn't mean you shouldn't test views, it just means that you can't unit test views. Functional/integrations tests are still a good idea.

What are the most important things to test in an ASP.NET MVC application?

Most of the stackoverflow posts about ASP.NET MVC unit testing talk about a specific issue or specific thing to test such as testing HtmlHelpers. Others on the subject of best practices have surprisingly few answers. Available videos I have watched are completely useless in my opinion - and mind blowingly long (by the time you've watched 1.5 hours and not learned anything).
What I want to know from people who've actually been doing this is :
What are the most important things to test first
What doesn't need testing (shock horror for me saying that but I'm not after 100%)
What is hard to test and how have you overcome difficult thins to test.
What things can break in refactoring that a test won't catch.
I'm not new to how to unit test - but I'm very new to actually doing it consistently. I'd really appreciate lessons learned from those who are experts in unit testing ASP.NET MVC.
I'm really looking for specific things you might only find out after having tried it - not jsut general advice like 'use interfaces' - although of course any suggestions are welcome.
Oh and lets say I've decided to use Microsoft's unit testing - just becasue its already there. I think all answers would apply to all testing frameworks though.
Test your routing. You should use RouteLink to remove ambiguity when you generate a URL in your View, but when you submit a URL, you are dependent upon the routing system to select the correct route. So test that the URL patterns you support do in fact return the correct route.
Test your controller actions. Use a mock repository, and test that manually invoking each action has the results you expect.
Test all business logic in your model. This is obvious, and little different from non-MVC applications.
Test any custom view helpers you write. Although I don't generally unit test views, view helpers are different.
Test your JavaScript. There are unit testing frameworks for this, that testing JavaScript is so easy that such frameworks are hardly necessary. But testing JavaScript is incredibly important, due to the tendency of the language to hide errors from you.
If you have written any custom model binders, they need special attention. For one thing, it is a lot easier to debug a model binder via a unit test than when it is "live" in the application.
I'd like to elaborate on testing controller actions:
Verify you get the proper ActionResult. A redirect is different from a view.
Also verify the expected view name. If you rely on the default view, it should be empty.
Verify you get the proper view model.
Verify all branches in your action. Keep them to a minimum and move them to a helper / service when they grow too many.
In short, verify anything from the ActionResult that you will use.
I dont think the answer has to be specific to ASP.NET MVC.
Like any other application, the most important thing you have to test is your core logic.
That is, your model code and your controller actions.

What Is ASP.Net MVC?

When I first heard about StackOverflow, and heard that it was being built in ASP.Net MVC, I was a little confused. I thought ASP.Net was always an example of an MVC architecture. You have the .aspx page that provides the view, the .aspx.vb page that provides the controller, and you can create another class to be the model. The process for using MVC in ASP.Net is described in this Microsoft article.
So my question is. What Does ASP.Net MVC provide that you wouldn't be able to do with regular ASP.Net (even as far back as ASP.Net 1.1)? It is just fancy URLs? Is it just for bragging rights for MS to be able to compare themselves with new technologies like Ruby On Rails, and say, "We can do that too"? Is there something more that ASP.Net MVC actually provides, rather than a couple extra templates in the File->New menu?
I'm probably sounding really skeptical and negative right now, so I'll just stop. But I really want to know what ASP.Net MVC actually provides. Also, if anybody can tell me why it's Model-View-Controller and not in order of the layers of View-Controller-Model or Model-Control-View depending on whether you are going top to bottom, or vice versa, I'd really appreciate that too.
Also, it's probably worth pointing out that I've never really cared for the web forms (AKA server controls) model either. I've only used it minimally, and never on the job.
.aspx doesn't fulfill the MVC pattern because the aspx page (the 'view') is called before the code behind (the 'controller').
This means that the controller has a 'hard dependency' on the view, which is very much against MVC principles.
One of the core benefits of MVC is that it allows you to test your controller (which contains a lot of logic) without instantiating a real view. You simply can't do this in the .aspx world.
Testing the controller all by itself is much faster than having to instantiate an entire pipeline (application, request, response, view state, session state etc).
Scott Guthrie explained it in this post "ASP.NET MVC Framework"
It enables clean separation of concerns, testability, and TDD by
default. All core contracts within
the MVC framework are interface based
and easily mockable (it includes
interface based
intrinsics). You can unit test the
application without having to run the
Controllers within an ASP.NET process
(making unit testing fast). You can
use any unit testing framework you
want to-do this testing (including
NUnit, MBUnit, MS Test, etc).
It is highly extensible and pluggable. Everything in the MVC
framework is designed so that it can
be easily replaced/customized (for
example: you can optionally plug-in
your own view engine, routing policy,
parameter serialization, etc). It
also supports using existing
dependency injection and IOC container
models (Windsor, Spring.Net,
NHibernate, etc).
It includes a very powerful URL mapping component that enables you to
build applications with clean URLs.
URLs do not need to have extensions
within them, and are designed to
easily support SEO and REST-friendly
naming patterns. For example, I could
easily map the /products/edit/4 URL to
the "Edit" action of the
ProductsController class in my project
above, or map the
URL to a "DisplayPost" action of a
BlogEngineController class.
The MVC framework supports using the existing ASP.NET .ASPX, .ASCX, and
.Master markup files as "view
templates" (meaning you can easily use
existing ASP.NET features like nested
master pages, <%= %> snippets,
declarative server controls,
templates, data-binding, localization,
etc). It does not, however, use the
existing post-back model for
interactions back to the server.
Instead, you'll route all end-user
interactions to a Controller class
instead - which helps ensure clean
separation of concerns and testability
(it also means no viewstate or page
lifecycle with MVC based views).
The ASP.NET MVC framework fully supports existing ASP.NET features
like forms/windows authentication, URL
authorization, membership/roles,
output and data caching,
session/profile state management,
health monitoring, configuration
system, the provider architecture,
Primarily, it makes it very easy to create testable websites with well defined separations of responsibility. Its also much easier to create valid XHTML UIs using the new MVC framework.
I've used the 2nd CTP (I think they're on five now) to start work on a website and, having created a few web applications before, I have to say its hundreds of times better than using the server control model.
Server controls are fine when you don't know what you're doing. As you start to learn about how web applications should function, you start fighting them. Eventually, you have to write your own to get past the shortcomings of current controls. Its at this point where the MVC starts to shine. And that's not even considering the testability of your website...
No more auto-generated html IDs!!! Anyone doing any sort of javascript appreciates this fact.
ASP.Net with it's code behind is almost MVC - but not - the one big thing that makes it not is that the codebehinds are tied directly to the aspx's - which is a big component of MVC. If you are thinking of the codebehinds as the controller - the should be completely decoupled from the view. The new .NET MVC rounds this out - and brings a complete MVC framework. Though there are existing ones for .NET already (see Spring.NET).
I looked through a couple simple examples such as this one. I can kind of see the difference. However, I don't really see how MVC uncouples the view from the controller. The view still references stuff that's in the controller. I do see how it makes it much easier to test, and that at least in MVC the controller doesn't have any knowledge of the view. And you wouldn't have to process the view to call methods in the controller. I can see that's quite a leap, even though at first glance it may not seem like much.
I do agree with #Will about fighting server controls. I've never worked in a situation where they were actually used, but many people I know who have, have run into quite a few limitations with them.
Article about MVC Vs Web form
