Custom principal in ASP.NET MVC -

I want to be able to access custom properties for an authenticated user like UserId and FirstName without querying the database each time. I found this site through a post on Stack Overflow and I like the approach - but I use IoC / repositories and decided not to try and get global.asax to communicate with the database for fear that it would be incompatible with the repository pattern.
Instead, I created an interface to CustomPrincipal and I use IoC (Castle) to create an instance and pass it to the controllers (and subsequently to my base controller).
The base controller uses methods I created in CustomPrincipal to achieve the same task that the blog author addressed in global.asax. Namely, CustomPrincipal is initialized from the database or cache and assigned to HttpContext.Current.User.
My controllers/views can then reference the properties as follows...
It works, but I'm sensing some code smells. First and foremost, if I reference HttpContext from the controllers I've killed my unit testing. I'm thinking about modifying my CustomPrincipal object to return the above value (such that I can mock it in my unit tests) but I'm wondering if this is a workaround as opposed to a good solution.
Am I going about this the right way? Are there minor tweaks I could do to make it a robust solution or should I start from scratch with FormsAuthenticationTicket or something to that effect?

I wanted to throw out an alternative idea just so people looking for this information can have some choices.
I went searching for a viable FormsAuthenticationTicket example and found that NerdDinner does a pretty decent job adding custom properties without impacting unit testing.
In my case, I modified my LogOn routine (which I was already mocking in my unit tests) to create a FormsAuthenticationTicket. NerdDinner encrypts the ticket and adds it as a cookie, but I am also able to add the encrypted ticket to cache like the original proposal. I also replaced the single UserData property with a JSON serialized object representing all of my custom properties.
CustomIdentityDTO dto = new CustomIdentityDTO {
UserId = userId, FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName };
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
1, // version
DateTime.Now, // creation
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), // expiration
false, // not persistent
string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(username, encTicket, ...
Then I retrieve the encrypted ticket (either from cache or cookies) in global.asax through a PostAuthenticateRequest handler much like NerdDinner (for cookie) or the blogger's proposal (for cache).
NerdDinner implements IIdentity instead of IPrincipal. References to the custom fields in the code are as follows:
((CustomIdentity)Page.User.Identity).FirstName // from partial view
((CustomIdentity)User.Identity).FirstName // from controller
After working with both methods, I find that NerdDinner's approach works very well. After switching over I haven't encountered much in the way of obstacles.

What about creating an ICustomPrincipalManager interface?
public interface ICustomPrincipalManager
ICustomPrincipal Current {get;}
It can be implemented by a class that accesses HttpContext, the database, caching, or whatever, but you could also mock the interface for unit testing. Your controllers would use the IoC framework to get your ICustomPrincipalManager, and then access information like this:


NHibernate and contextual entities

I'm trying to use NHibernate for a new app with a legacy database. It's going pretty well but I'm stuck and can't find a good solution for a problem.
Let's say I have this model :
a Service table (Id, ServiceName..)
a Movie table (Id, Title, ...)
a Contents table which associates a service and a movie (IdContent, Name, IdMovie, IdService)
So I mapped this and it all went good. Now I can retrieve a movie, get all the contents associated, ...
My app is a movies shop "generator". Each "service" is in fact a different shop, when a user enter my website, he's redirected to one of the shops and obviously, I must show him only movies available for his shop. The idea is : user comes, his service is recognized, I present him movies which have contents linked to his service. I need to be able to retrieve all contents for a movie for the backoffice too.
I'm trying to find the most transparent way to accomplish this with NHibernate. I can't really make changes to the db model.
I thought about a few solutions :
Add the service condition into all my queries. Would work but it's a bit cumbersome. The model is very complex and has tons of tables/queries..
Use nhibernate filter. Seemed ideal and worked pretty good, I added the filter on serviceid in all my mappings and did the EnableFilter as soon as my user's service was recognized but.. nhibernate filtered collections don't work with 2nd lvl cache (redis in my case) and 2nd lvl cache usage is mandatory.
Add computed properties to my object like Movie.PublishedContents(Int32 serviceId). Probably would work but requires to write a lot of code and "pollutes" my domain.
Add new entities inheriting from my nhibernate entity like a PublishedMovie : Movie wich only presents the contextual data
None of these really satisfies me. Is there a good way to do this ?
Thanks !
You're asking about multi-tenancy with all the tenants in the same database. I've handled that scenario effectively using Ninject dependency injection. In my application the tenant is called "manual" and I'll use that in the sample code.
The route needs to contain the tenant e.g.
A constraint can be set on the tenant to limit the allowed tenants.
I use Ninject to configure and supply the ISessionFactory as a singleton and ISession in session-per-request strategy. This is encapsulated using Ninject Provider classes.
I do the filtering using lightweight repository classes, e.g.
public class ManualRepository
private readonly int _manualId;
private readonly ISession _session;
public ManualRepository(int manualId, ISession session)
_manualId = manualId;
_session = session;
public IQueryable<Manual> GetManual()
return _session.Query<Manual>().Where(m => m.ManualId == _manualId);
If you want pretty urls you'll need to translate the tenant route parameter into its corresponding database value. I have these set up in web.config and I load them into a dictionary at startup. An IRouteConstraint implementation reads the "manual" route value, looks it up, and sets the "manualId" route value.
Ninject can handle injecting the ISession into the repository and the repository into the controller. Any queries in the controller actions must be based on the repository method so that the filter is applied. The trick is injecting the manualId from the routing value. In NinjectWebCommon I have two methods to accomplish this:
private static int GetManualIdForRequest()
var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
var routeValues = httpContext.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values;
if (routeValues.ContainsKey("manualId"))
return int.Parse(routeValues["manualId"].ToString());
const string msg = "Route does not contain 'manualId' required to construct object.";
throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, msg);
/// <summary>
/// Binding extension that injects the manualId from route data values to the ctor.
/// </summary>
private static void WithManualIdConstructor<T>(this IBindingWithSyntax<T> binding)
binding.WithConstructorArgument("manualId", context => GetManualIdForRequest());
And the repository bindings are declared to inject the manualId. There may be a better way to accomplish this through conventions.
The end result is that queries follow the pattern
var manual = _manualRepository
.Where(m => m.EffectiveDate <= DateTime.Today)
.Select(m => new ManualView
ManualId = m.ManualId,
ManualName = m.Name
and I don't need to worry about filtering per tenant in my queries.
As for the 2nd level cache, I don't use it in this app but my understanding is that you can set the cache region to segregate tenants. This should get you started:

Using NHibernate.AspNet.Identity

I am attempting to use identity and NHibernate.
I have created a new blank MVC site using .NET framework 4.5.1 and I have installed and followed the instructions for using nuget package NHibernate.AspNet.Identity as described here:
which involves making the following changes to the AccountController class default constructor:
var mapper = new ModelMapper();
var mapping = mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities();
var configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.AddDeserializedMapping(mapping, null);
var schema = new SchemaExport(configuration);
schema.Create(true, true);
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
UserManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(session));
I am getting the following exception:
No persister for: IdentityTest.Models.ApplicationUser
The ApplicationUser class doesn't have any additional properties to IdentityUser (which works fine for a Entity Framework implementation of Identity).
Can anyone offer suggestions as to how I can get identity to work with this NuGet package?
I have struggled very much with this library, which is making me question why this is the recommended library for using OWIN with NHibernate.
Anyway, to answer your question, the code you provided that you got from the github website adds NHibernate mappings for the library's classes. NHibernate doesn't have a mapping for ApplicationUser, it only has a mapping for it's base class. NHibernate needs a mapping for the instantiated class. This is problematic because you don't have access to the mapping code in the library's assembly, so you can't change it to use the ApplicationUser class instead. So the only way to get past this using the library as it is, is to remove the ApplicationUser class and use the library's IdentityUser class. Or, you could copy the mapping code from github and try using the same mapping for ApplicationUser.
Also, the library code and the code he gives for the AccountController does not ever open an NHibernate transaction, so even though the library calls Session.Save and Session.Update the data won't ultimately be saved in the database. After you open the session you need to open a transaction and save it as a private field on the class:
transaction = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
Then you need to call transaction.Commit() after your action in the AccountController finishes executing, so you will need to override OnResultExecuted:
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Keep in mind this example is oversimplified, and in a production application you need to have error checking where you will Rollback instead of Commit if there are errors, and you need to properly close/dispose of everything, etc.
Furthermore, even after you solve those problems, there are other issues with the library. I ended up having to download the source from github so I could modify the library in order to use it. There are at least 3 other blatant errors in the library's code:
1) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore:
public virtual async Task<TUser> FindAsync(UserLoginInfo login)
if (login == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("login");
IdentityUser entity = await Task.FromResult(Queryable
(IQueryable<IdentityUser>)Queryable.Select<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>(
// This line attempts to query nhibernate for the built in
// UserLoginInfo class and then cast it to the NHibernate version IdentityUserLogin,
// which always causes a runtime error. UserLoginInfo needs to be replaced
// with IdentityUserLogin
(IQueryable<IdentityUserLogin>)this.Context.Query<UserLoginInfo>(), (Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, bool>>)(l => l.LoginProvider == login.LoginProvider && l.ProviderKey == login.ProviderKey)),
(Expression<Func<IdentityUserLogin, IdentityUser>>)(l => l.User))));
return entity as TUser;
2) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.DomainModel.ValueObject:
protected override IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetTypeSpecificSignatureProperties()
var invalidlyDecoratedProperties =
p => Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(DomainSignatureAttribute), true));
string message = "Properties were found within " + this.GetType() +
#" having the
[DomainSignature] attribute. The domain signature of a value object includes all
of the properties of the object by convention; consequently, adding [DomainSignature]
to the properties of a value object's properties is misleading and should be removed.
Alternatively, you can inherit from Entity if that fits your needs better.";
// This line is saying, 'If there are no invalidly decorated properties,
// throw an exception'..... which obviously should be the opposite,
// remove the negation (!)
if (!invalidlyDecoratedProperties.Any())
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
return this.GetType().GetProperties();
3) In NHibernate.AspNet.Identity.UserStore: For some reason, at least when creating a user/user login using an external provider like facebook, when the user/user login is initially created, the Update method is called instead of the Add/Create causing NHibernate to try to update an entity that doesn't exist. For now, without looking more into it, in the UserStore update methods I changed the library's code to call SaveOrUpdate on the NHibernate session instead of Update which fixed the problem.
I have only ran simple tests with the library that have worked after my changes, so there is no telling how many other runtime / logic errors are in this library. After finding those errors, it makes me really nervous using it now. It seems there was absolutely no testing done with even simple scenarios. Take caution using this library.
I also struggled to use NHibernate.AspNet.Identity. I found it was much easier just to make my own implementation using NHibernate, which I've turned into a minimal worked example here:
They key parts are a simple implementation of IUserStore<TUser, TKey> and IUserPasswordStore<TUser, TKey> using an NHibernate session for persistence. Then it's just a matter of writing a bit of glue to tell Owin to use that code.

Obtaining the current Principal outside of the Web tier

I have the following ntier app: MVC > Services > Repository > Domain. I am using Forms authentication. Is it safe to use Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of my MVC layer to get the currently logged in user of my application or should I be using HttpContext.Current.User?
The reason I ask is there seems to be some issues around Thread.CurrentPrincipal, but I am cautious to add a reference to System.Web outside of my MVC layer in case I need to provide a non web font end in the future.
I have been following the advice recieved so far to pass the username into the Service as part of the params to the method being called and this has lead to a refinement of my original question. I need to be able to check if the user is in a particular role in a number of my Service and Domain methods. There seems to be a couple of solutions to this, just wondering which is the best way to proceed:
Pass the whole HttpContext.Current.User as a param instead of just the username.
Call Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of my web tier and use that. But how do I ensure it is equal to HttpContext.Current.User?
Stick to passing in the username as suggested so far and then use Roles.IsUserInRole. The problem with this approach is that it requires a ref to System.Web which I feel is not correct outside of my MVC layer.
How would you suggest I proceed?
I wouldn't do either, HttpContext.Current.User is specific to your web layer.
Why not inject the username into your service layer?
Map the relevant User details to a new Class to represent the LoggedInUser and pass that as an argument to your Business layer method
public class LoggedInUser
public string UserName { set;get;}
//other relevant proerties
Now set the values of this and pass to your BL method
var usr=new LoggedInUser();
usr.UserName="test value "; //Read from the FormsAuthentication stuff and Set
var result=YourBusinessLayerClass.SomeOperation(usr);
You should abstract your user information so that it doesn't depend on Thread.CurrentPrincipal or HttpContext.Current.User.
You could add a constructor or method parameter that accepts a user name, for example.
Here's an overly simplified example of a constructor parameter:
class YourBusinessClass
string _userName;
public YourBusinessClass(string userName)
_userName = userName;
public void SomeBusinessMethodThatNeedsUserName()
if (_userName == "sally")
// do something for sally
I prefer option number 2( use Thread.CurrentPrincipal outside of web tier ). since this will not polute your service tier & data tier methods. with bonuses: you can store your roles + additional info in the custom principal;
To make sure Thread.CurrentPrincipal in your service and data tier is the same as your web tier; you can set your HttpContext.Current.User (Context.User) in Global.asax(Application_AuthenticateRequest). Other alternative location where you can set this are added at the bottom.
sample code:
//sample synchronizing HttpContext.Current.User with Thread.CurrentPrincipal
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
//make sure principal is not set for anonymous user/unauthenticated request
if (authCookie != null && Request.IsAuthenticated)
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
//your additional info stored in cookies: multiple roles, privileges, etc
string userData = authTicket.UserData;
CustomPrincipal userPrincipal = PrincipalHelper.CreatePrincipal(authTicket.Name, authTicket.UserData, Request.IsAuthenticated);
Context.User = userPrincipal;
of course first you must implement your login form to create authorization cookies containing your custom principal.
Application_AuthenticateRequest will be executed for any request to server(css files, javascript files, images files etc). To limit this functionality only to controller action, you can try setting the custom principal in ActionFilter(I haven't tried this). What I have tried is setting this functionality inside an Interceptor for Controllers(I use Castle Windsor for my Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming).
I believe you are running into this problem because you need to limit your domains responsibility further. It should not be the responsibility of your service or your document to handle authorization. That responsibility should be handled by your MVC layer, as the current user is logged in to your web app, not your domain.
If, instead of trying to look up the current user from your service, or document, you perform the check in your MVC app, you get something like this:
//UpdateDocument does NOT authorize the user. It does only 1 thing, update the document.
myDocumentService.UpdateDocument(currentUsername, documentToEdit);
} else {
lblPermissionDenied.InnerText = #"You do not have permission
to edit this document.";
which is clean, easy to read, and allows you to keep your services and domain classes free from authorization concerns. You can still map Roles.IsUserInRole("DocumentEditorRole")to your viewmodel, so the only this you are losing, is the CurrentUserCanEdit method on your Document class. But if you think of your domain model as representing real world objects, that method doesn't belong on Document anyway. You might think of it as a method on a domain User object (user.CanEditDocument(doc)), but all in all, I think you will be happier if you keep your authorization out of your domain layer. MVC Controller - Constructor usage

I'm working on an MVC application and I have a question about using constructors for my controllers.
I'm using Entity Framework and linq to Entities for all of my data transactions. I need to access my Entity model for nearly all of my controller actions. When I first started writing the app I was creating an entity object at the beginning of each Action method, performing whatever work I needed to and then returning my result.
I realized that I was creating the same object over and over for each action method so I created a private member variable for the Entity object and started instantiating it in the constructor for each controller. Now each method only references that private member variable to do its work.
I'm still questioning myself on which way is right. I'm wondering A.) which method is most appropriate? B.) in the constructor method, how long are those objects living? C.) are there performance/integrity issues with the constructor method?
You are asking the right questions.
A. It is definitely not appropriate to create this dependencies inside each action method. One of the main features of MVC is the ability to separate concerns. By loading up your controller with these dependencies, you are making the controller for thick. These should be injected into the controller. There are various options for dependency injection (DI). Generally these types of objects can be either injected into the constructor or into a property. My preference is constructor injection.
B. The lifetime of these objects will be determined by the garbage collector. GC is not deterministic. So if you have objects that have connections to resource constrained services (database connections) then you may need to be sure you close those connections your self (instead of relying on dispose). Many times the 'lifetime' concerns are separated out into an inversion of control (IOC) container. There are many out there. My preference is Ninject.
C. The instantiation costs are probably minimal. The database transactions cost are where you probably want to focus your attention. There is a concept called 'unit of work' you may want to look into. Essentially, a database can handle transactions larger than just one save/update operation. Increasing the transaction size can lead to better db performance.
Hope that gets you started.
RCravens has some excellent insights. I'd like to show how you can implement his suggestions.
It would be good to start by defining an interface for the data access class to implement:
public interface IPostRepository
IEnumerable<Post> GetMostRecentPosts(int blogId);
Then implement a data class. Entity Framework contexts are cheap to build, and you can get inconsistent behavior when you don't dispose of them, so I find it's usually better to pull the data you want into memory, and then dispose the context.
public class PostRepository : IPostRepository
public IEnumerable<Post> GetMostRecentPosts(int blogId)
// A using statement makes sure the context is disposed quickly.
using(var context = new BlogContext())
return context.Posts
.Where(p => p.UserId == userId)
.OrderByDescending(p => p.TimeStamp)
// ToList ensures the values are in memory before disposing the context
Now your controller can accept one of these repositories as a constructor argument:
public class BlogController : Controller
private IPostRepository _postRepository;
public BlogController(IPostRepository postRepository)
_postRepository = postRepository;
public ActionResult Index(int blogId)
var posts = _postRepository.GetMostRecentPosts(blogId);
var model = new PostsModel { Posts = posts };
if(!posts.Any()) {model.Message = "This blog doesn't have any posts yet";}
return View("Posts", model);
MVC allows you to use your own Controller Factory in lieu of the default, so you can specify that your IoC framework like Ninject decides how Controllers are created. You can set up your injection framework to know that when you ask for an IPostRepository it should create a PostRepository object.
One big advantage of this approach is that it makes your controllers unit-testable. For example, if you want to make sure that your model gets a Message when there are no posts, you can use a mocking framework like Moq to set up a scenario where your repository returns no posts:
var repositoryMock = new Mock<IPostRepository>();
repositoryMock.Setup(r => r.GetMostRecentPosts(1))
var controller = new BlogController(repositoryMock.Object);
var result = (ViewResult)controller.Index(1);
This makes it easy to test the specific behavior you're expecting from your controller actions, without needing to set up your database or anything special like that. Unit tests like this are easy to write, deterministic (their pass/fail status is based on the code, not the database contents), and fast (you can often run a thousand of these in a second).

NHibernate: "failed to lazily initialize...", DDD approach

I'm trying to set up NHibernate in an ASP.NET MVC application using a DDD approach. However, I do get an error when trying to lazy load an objects related entity. Heres how I've structured my application:
Infrastructure layer:
Contains mapping files, repository implementations and a NHibernate bootstrapper to configure and build a session factory.
Heres a repository example:
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public Customer GetCustomerById(int customerId)
using (var session = NHibernateBootstrapper.OpenSession())
return session.Get<Customer>(customerId);
Domain layer:
Has simple POCO classes, repository and service interfaces
Application layer:
Contains Service implementations.
Heres a service example:
public class CustomerService : ICustomerService
private ICustomerRepository _repository;
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public Customer GetCustomerById(int customerId)
return _repository.GetCustomerById(customerId);
Presentation layer:
Contains the ASP.NET MVC application. And this is where I discovered my problem.
Using the MVC approach, I have a controller which, using the CustomerService service, gets a customer and displays the customer in a View (strongly typed). This customer has a related entity Contact, and when I try to access it in my View using Model.Contact, where Model is my Customer object, I get an LazyInitializationException.
I know why I get this. It's because the session used to retrieve the Customer in the CustomerRepository is dead by now. My problem is how I can fix this. I would like if I could avoid getting the related Contact entity for the Customer in my repository, because some views only need the Customer data, not the Contact data. If this is possible at all?
So to the question: is it possible to wait querying the database, until the presentation layer needs the related entity Contact?
I think that what I need is something like what this article describes. I just can't figure out how to implement it in infrastructure layer, or where should it be implemented?
Thanks in advance. Any help will be much appreciated!
As for session management it is common to use single session per request. You can see an example of implementation here. It is an open source project that were designed to setup new applications with the help of Nhibernate wery easy. source code can be founded here.
Hope it helps.
I also recommend Sharp Architecture.
Another approach, as well as suggestion, is to avoid passing entities to views. There're other problems with it except session management - business rules leaking into views, bloated/spagetti code in there, etc. Use ViewModel approach.
Another problem you'll get is storing your entities in Session. Once you try to get your Customer from Session["customer"] you'll get the same exception. There're several solutions to this, for example storing IDs, or adding repository methods to prevent lazy-loading of objects you're going to store in session - read NHibernate's SetFetchMode - which, of course, you can also use to pass entity to views. But as I said you better stick with ViewModel approach. Google for ViewModel, or refer to ASP.NET MVC In Action book, which uses samples of code from Also read this, for example.
Are all your properties and methods in your Customer class marked virtual?
How are you opening and closing your session? I use an ActionFilterAttribute called TransactionPerRequest and decorate all my controllers with it.
Check out this for an implementation.
