How many concurrent upload can a Rails App handle - ruby-on-rails

We are expect to serve few thousands uploads within 2 or 3 minutes. Most of the uploads will be about 20 -> 200 Mb.
Technically, I think upload has not much to do with Rails, but rather the WebServer (Apache/Nginx), so as long as the server can handle concurrent requests, then there not much work for Rails app to do (except to move the file to proper storage and to create database record to track the file).
Is my assumption right? Normally, how many concurrent uploads a single Rails App process can be expected to handle? (Given the Rails App could take 20 ms with all the calculation, moving file and create database record, but the connection must be kept alive for 1 minute so that the file can be successful transferred)

Not really but close. A single rails application instance can only handle a single request at a time but it's easy to use a server that has a pool of these instances using nginx and passenger or mongrels and a load balancer.
You should create a load test to confirm any of your assumptions.
I would use curl to simulate 10/100/1000 users uploading a few megabytes using multiple processes and tune the upload speed to simulate slow clients to see how that affects your performance. Measure the response times for 10 concurrent requests and record and observe the results.
You could use the nginx upload module and by-pass rails if you can and if that helps. Always test your assumptions.


Django or Ruby-On-Rails max users on one server deployment and implcations of GIL

I'm aware of the hugely trafficked sites built in Django or Ruby On Rails. I'm considering one of these frameworks for an application that will be deployed on ONE box and used internally by a company. I'm a noob and I'm wondering how may concurrent users I can support with a response time of under 2 seconds.
Example box spec: Core i5, 8Gb Ram 2.3Ghz. Apache webserver. Postgres DB.
App overview: Simple CRUD operations. Small models of 10-20 fields probably <1K data per record. Relational database schema, around 20 tables.
Example usage scenario: 100 users making a CRUD request every 5 seconds (=20 requests per second). At the same time 2 users uploading a video and one background search process running to identify potentially related data entries.
1) Would a video upload process run outside the GIL once an initial request set it off uploading?
2) For the above system built in Django with the full stack deployed on the box described above, with the usage figures above, should I expect response times <2s? If so what would you estimate my maximum hits per second could be for response time <2s?
3) For the the same scenario with Ruby On Rails, could I expect response times of <2s?
4) Specifically with regards to response times at the above usage levels, would it be significantly better built in Java (play framework) due to JVM support for concurrent processing.
Many thanks

Split Heroku Web Workers by URL

Firstly: I realise in an ideal world I could achieve this using SOA. Humour me :)
Imagine I have a rails app running on heroku with very minimal traffic in terms of user requests, they can be happily served by 1 web dyno.
I also have a machine somewhere in the world which is regularly and repeatedly submitting large files to my application via as fast as it is able.
The large files eat up my web dynos and so the user experience is bad. I increase the web dynos, but the large file uploads continue to tie them all up in long requests.
Is there some way I can keep one worker in 'reserve' which will not respond to the big upload requests and concentrate on serving user traffic for other URLs?
Note: I have a similar situation to this one where automated large image uploads are eating my requests and delaying users accessing the API, albeit on a larger scale.
I think you're effectively asking: "Is there a way to partition my web dynos so that only some respond to a certain subset of requests".
The answer (today) is no unfortunately. Heroku routes randomly across all your web dynos.
What web server are you running on your web dyno? Are you using a concurrent web server? If you're not, that may have a large impact (in that it won't tie the dyno up nearly as much).
Have you explored a different architecture where instead of your other app submitting big uploads, it submits pointers to the big payloads. That way your web dyno can simply dump them on a queue, and your workers can fetch the payloads and process - and then you can scale by increasing the number of workers.

Uploading multiple files to heroku serially locks up all dynos

Its my understanding that when I upload a file to my heroku instance its a synchronous request and I will get a 200 back when the request is done, which means my upload has been processed and stored by paperclip.
I am using plupload which does a serial upload (one file at a time). On Heroku I have 3 dynos and my app becomes unresponsive and I get timeouts trying to use the app. My upload should really only tie up at most a single dyno while all the files are being uploaded since its done serially and file 2 doesnt start until a response is returned from file 1.
As a test I bumped my dynos to 15 and ran the upload. Again I see the posts come into the logs and then I start seeing output of paperclip commands (cant remember if it was identify or convert) and I start getting timeouts.
I'm really lost as to why this is happening. I do know I 'can' upload directly to s3 but my current approach should be just fine. Its an admin interface that is only used by a single person and again at most it should tie up a single dyno since all the uploaded files are sent serially.
Any ideas?
I've been working on the same problem for a couple of days. The problem, so far as I understand, is that when uploading files through heroku, your requests are still governed by the 30 second timeout limit. On top of this, it seems that subsequent requests issued to the same dyno (application instance) can cause it to accrue the response times and terminate. For example, if you issue two subsequent requests to your web app that each take 15 seconds to upload, you could recieve a timeout, which will force the dyno to terminate the request. This is most likely why you are receiving timeout errors. If this continues on multiple dynos, you could end up with an application crash, or just generally poor performance.
What I ended up doing was using jquery-file-upload. However, if you are uploading large files (multiple MBs), then you will still experience errors as heroku is still processing the uploads. In particular I used this technique to bypass heroku entirely and upload directly from the client's browser to s3. I use this to upload to a temp directory, and then use carrierwave to 're-download' the file and process medium and thumbnail versions in the background by pushing the job to Qu. Now, there are no timeouts, but the user has to wait for the jobs to get processed in the background.
Also important to note is that heroku dynos operate independently of each other, so by increasing the number of web dynos, you are creating more instances of your application for other users, but each one is still subject to 30 second timeouts and 512Mb of memory. Regardless of how many dynos you have, you will still have the same issues. More dynos != better performance.
You can use something like Dropzonejs in order to divide your files in queue and send them separately. That way the request wont timeout.

How should I build a VPS that will host multiple small Rails applications?

Up until now, I've always built my VPS dedicated to running just a single application in multiple instances, mostly with Unicorn. That way I could set up the whole environment to fit perfectly for that one specific application and be happy with it.
But now I need to build a VPS, that will host multiple small Ruby applications. Some of them will be Rails and some Sinatra. They will have basically zero traffic (under 100 visits per day), which means I don't even need multiple instances of a single app.
I don't really have experience with other servers than unicorn + nginx, but what I think I need would look something like this.
request to app1, gets loaded into memory and serves the request
request to app2, gets loaded into memory and serves the request
request to app3, there is not enough free memory
app1 gets killed before the app3 is booted to serve the request
I know this isn't an exactly perfect scenario, but imagine having a 10 or 20 small apps on a single server, where each app gets 5 hits a day. They don't exactly need to be up and running at all times.
As far as I know, Heroku does this with their free tier, where Dynos get killed after some idle time, and then they get loaded back up when a request comes in. That's basically what I need to do on my own server.
I would recommend using Apache + Passenger. Passenger by default loads the application only when you need it, e.g. the first request will take a bit longer (actually as long as it takes to load your framework).
If the application is idle for some predefined time, it will be removed from memory.
Setup is very easy and adding new applications is just adding one line in your apache configuration.

Heroku | Different performance parameters for different parts of your application

I have an Rails 3 application hosted on heroku, it has pretty common configuration where I have a client facing part of my application say: and an admin part of my application
I want my client facing part of my application to be fast, and I don't really care about how fast my admin module is. What I do care about is that I do not want usage on my admin site to slow down the client facing part of my application.
Ideally my client-side of the app with have 3 dedicated dynos, and my admin side will have 1 dedicated dyno.
Does anyone have any idea on the best way to accomplish this?
If you split the applications you're going to have share the database connections between the two apps. To be honest, I'd just have it one single app and give it 4 dynos :)
Also, Dynos don't increase performance, they increase throughput so you're capable of dealing with more requests a second.
For example,
Roughly - If a typical page response is 100ms, 1 dyno could process 10 requests a second. If you only have a single dyno and your app suddenly receives 10 requests per second then the excess requests will be queued until the dyno is free'd up to process those requests. Also requests > 30s will be timed out.
If you add a second dyno requests would be shared between the 2 dynos so you'd now be able to process 20 requests a second (in an ideal world) and so on as you add more dynos.
And remember a dyno is single threaded, so if it's doing something ANYTHING ie rendering a page, building a pdf and including receiving an uploaded image etc then it's busy and unable to process further requests until it's finished and if you don't have an more dynos requests will be queued.
My advice is to split your application into it's logical parts. Having a separate application for the admin interface is a good thing.
It does not have to be on the same domain as the main application. It could have a global client IP restriction or just a simple global Basic Auth.
Why complicate things and stuff two things into one application? This also lets you eperimenting more with the admin part and redeploy it without affecting your users.
