Blackberry 9800 Simulator Crashing When Launching Browser - blackberry

The Blackberry 9800 simulator is crashing when launching the browser, throwing
JVM Error 104: Uncaught
This is a clean install of the simulator with no 3rd party applications installed to it. I strictly wanted to use it for testing web applications. All other applications on the device seem to work without error.

I managed to get it working.
Exit the Simulator (if running)
Go to c:\program files\Research In
Right click BlackBerry Smartphone
Simulators 6.0.0
Click Properties
Select the Security Tab
Click The Edit button
Click the Add... button
Add your user account to with "Full
control" checked
Click the OK button
Launch the simulator and all should be well.

This solution didn't work for me, but reinstalling as described here did.

right click, and launch like administrator (W7)


React Native IOS simulator Debug menu not opening

This is my first time using react native IOS. I was trying to run my application in ios simulator. But the problem is I need to set debug server host & port for device in dev settings. cmd + d tried but no response debug menu is not opening struck here if anyone has a fix please post here. Its a blocker could not move forward. I am not using useFrameworks. Thanks in advance.
When you are on simulator tab go to I/O menu -> keyboard and check "use hardware keyboard".
This should do the job.
simulator I/O tab
Felix's answer solved my problem, but there are a couple of other things to try.
You can press "d" in the Metro terminal console and it will send a signal to open the menu remotely. (However this doesn't always work either). You'll see:
info Opening developer menu...
I have found CMD-r (reload) starts recording the screenshot in the simulator as that key is already bound, so I experimented and found just pressing "r" works for reload. Then I found just pressing "d" in the focused simulator opens the debug menu.

Xcode 9.1 cant start the Iphone simulator

I just installed Xcode 9.1,before Xcode 9.1,when I click the "Play" button on top,the Iphone simulator start automatically.But after install Xcode 9.1,the iPhone simulator didnt start,no error,no phone appear on screen,only Xcode show build success.
Can somebody tell me how to solve this?So I can test the project on Iphone simulator.
After looking for a question in So,I able to start the simulator,by doing
Click on Target next to Play Button -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Change
the Executable to "My Project"
The iphone simulator can start,but it give me this error
Any idea?
There seems to be a issue with iPhone simulator.You can see this issue in fastlane's git hub page as well. Happens more often when you are using command line tools.
Solution : Simply tap command + space opens hot search, type simulator and hit enter,
your simulator might not load and show an error thats fine. Now go to actions select simulator and say Reset Content and Settings.
Now go back to your Xcode and re run the code. Hope this resolves the issue

How can I debug an iOS app executed in mobile not launched by Xcode?

I am developing an application for iOS in Objective C with Xcode. This application schedules local push notifications every 6 hours and it is crashing when I open the push notifications.
I need to debug the error to solve it. I can have the mobile connected to Xcode, but as the app is executed from local push notification I can't see the error messages on my Xcode debug console, as I haven't launched my app from Xcode.
Is there a way to have the iOS device connected to my Mac and see what error is happening?
I know that I can go to the mobile settings to view logs, but these logs are too ambigous for me aren't giving any error.
In addition to opening the console log as described by #saurabhgoyal you can tell Xcode to wait for your app to launch and then attach the debugger to it when it does.
Select the scheme you're using to build your app, select edit scheme, and click on the run icon. Then Look for a pair of radio buttons titled "Launch" and select the one with the name "Wait for executable to be launched."
Then when you run your app in Xcode it builds it and installs it on the device but does not launch it.
When your notification fires and the app launches the debugger attaches to your app and you can debug as normal (except that NSLog statements don't print to the debug console any more - an annoyance.)
Yes there is a way to see device logs on Mac.
Connect your iOS device to the Mac system using USB
Launch Xcode–>Window–>Devices
Select your device from the left panel
Now you can see the logs on the screen including the background activities.
In order to save the running logs.
Reproduce the issue or start working on your device on a the app you wanted to capture the logs. After the issue is reproduced click on the Save Console icon bottom right corner Xcode screen
For more details please visit this link
Hope this Helps!
Check your crash log
1.Launch Xcode on your desktop machine.
2.Open the Xcode Devices window. (Window menu -> Devices and Simulators, or Cmd-Shift-2.)
3.Find your device in the left sidebar, then select “device logs”.
Choose a Chrome crash (or multiple crashes) and select “Export” at the bottom of the Organizer window.

ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate

I'm having trouble with the iOS simulator. I'm currently on 10.7 and was using the simulator to test my website. During the testing, I switched the iOS version via the tool bar, and the application froze and quit. Upon restarting, I get the following error message, with a finder window, inviting me to choose an application:
"ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate"
Here's what I've tried to fix the issue:
1: Attempt to identify the application it needs, but the only thing i could see to open was a printer app and the ios simulator app, which just results in a "only one iOS simulator can run at a time" error message.
2: Restart the Mac.
3: Download the new Xcode tools from the app store.
4: Restart again.
None of this has helped, and I'm really stuck without it at the moment. If anyone knows how to resolve the problem, I would be grateful to hear any suggestions. Thanks.
Give this a shot.
Open up a new shell, and shoot of this command: sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (assuming thats the location of the instal).
Then run the Xcode installer you got from the app store.
This removes all the plist files that were also installed with xcode, which aren't removed when you simply reinstall. This is as close as you can come to a complete xcode refresh without reinstalling your OS.
Here's an alternative solution that worked for me... the answer selected here did not. I created a blank, "hello world" project and simply ran it. When you run the app, it sends the app to the simulator and voila! iOS Simulator has an app to simulate. From that point forward, you should be able to open the iOS Simulator without a problem.
After a while longer trying various things, it seems like I may have fixed it.
When asking for an application to open, I opened Xcode, and (weirdly) that opened up and left the testing shell visible, with the tool bar intact. I then selected the current version from the device options and hit the home button, and suddenly everything appeared.
Weird thing to have suddenly happened, but there you go.
I still can't test in iOS 3, so that's a bit of a problem, but not a disaster either!

how to Run two BlackBerry simulators in windows eclipse?

How to Run two instance of BlackBerry simulator in windows eclipse?
The documentation regarding developing with BlackBerry Messenger indicates that you can run two simulators at once, at least with the simulators that come bundled with the BBM SDK.
You cannot. If you try, you will get an error message saying only one simulator can run at a time.
What you need to do is:
Install the blackberry eclipse plugins twice and make two
workspace of each eclipse.
Run the two simulators in each eclipse and error like "could not
open port 19780 and it is use by another program....." will pop
out in one of your simulator.
So made the changes in pin,
data-port values in .bat files, files inside
MDS and fledge-settings.conf in one of your simulator... but this
changes will not be reflected on your eclipse.
So what you need to do is, when you click the debug configuration from your
eclipse, you will see the simulator option there. So, click the simulator and change the PIN value, whatever you have made the changes in .bat files.. and just after that in the simulator you will again find the option of network, there unselect the disable registration button...once all this changes is made click apply and restart your eclipse... this will surely solved your problem
