PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged is null - binding

i am implementing PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged and it's always null.
property string is right donno where is the problem
here is the code i am using
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public bool _playerGridVisibility ;
public bool PlayerGridVisibility
get { return _playerGridVisibility; }
_playerGridVisibility = value;
and in the xaml
Visibility="{Binding Path=AdsGridVisibility, Converter={StaticResource VC}}"
so can anyone knows the problem ?

One reason this could be happening is if your code does not deal with the original data context. You might have two copies of the view model and you might be updating the one that is not bound.


How to approach writing a WPF Custom Control in F#?

I am trying to understand how a wpf custom control could be written in F#.
As an example, I have the following C# code for a drag and drop on a canvas (in C#). It inherits from ListBox. I'm not looking for anybody to rewrite this. But I'm at a loss as to how it would be implemented in Elmish.wpf since there is no xaml to deal with. (I believe a Custom Control does not have a XAML interface).
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace Stargate.XI.Client.Views.CustomControls
public delegate void DropCompletedEventHandler(object sender, DropCompletedEventArgs e);
// To add a custom DropCompletedEvent to an ItemsControl, I would either have to have an attached property, as in
// or subclass an ItemsControl as below. Creating a simple custom control, like here, seems cleaner.
// Note: ItemsControl can't select items, only present collections. Only a Selector or one of it's descendants can select items
// Hence, only the ListBox or its derivative,ListView, have Selector's.
public class ChartCanvas : ListBox
public event EventHandler PlayMusicEvent;
public event EventHandler PauseMusicEvent;
public event EventHandler StopMusicEvent;
public event EventHandler DisposeMusicEvent;
public event EventHandler DisposePosterEvent;
#region DropCompletedEvent
// Create a custom routed event by first registering a RoutedEventID
// This event uses the bubbling routing strategy
public static readonly RoutedEvent DropCompletedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(
"DropCompleted", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(DropCompletedEventHandler), typeof(ChartCanvas));
// Provide CLR accessors for the event. The RoutedEventHandler, e.g., "DropCompleted" is used in the xaml declaration for the ImageCanvas.
public event DropCompletedEventHandler DropCompleted
add { AddHandler(DropCompletedEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(DropCompletedEvent, value); }
// This method raises the DropCompleted event
public void RaiseDropCompletedEvent(object datatype)
RaiseEvent(new DropCompletedEventArgs(DropCompletedEvent, datatype));
public ChartCanvas()
AllowDrop = true;
DragEnter += IC_DragEnter;
Drop += IC_Drop;
DragOver += IC_DragOver;
DragLeave += IC_DragLeave;
private void IC_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void IC_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
private void IC_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
var data = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text);
var dragSource = e.Data.GetData("DragSource");
private void IC_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
#region PlayMovie
private ICommand _playMovie;
public ICommand PlayMovieCommand
if (_playMovie == null)
_playMovie = new RelayCommand(
p => true,
p => this.PlayMovie());
return _playMovie;
private void PlayMovie()
PlayMusicEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region PauseMovie
private ICommand _pauseMovie;
public ICommand PauseMovieCommand
if (_pauseMovie == null)
_pauseMovie = new RelayCommand(
p => true,
p => this.PauseMovie());
return _pauseMovie;
private void PauseMovie()
PauseMusicEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region StopMovie
private ICommand _stopMovie;
public ICommand StopMovieCommand
if (_stopMovie == null)
_stopMovie = new RelayCommand(
p => true,
p => this.StopMovie());
return _stopMovie;
private void StopMovie()
StopMusicEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public bool Dispose
get { return (bool)GetValue(DisposeProperty); }
set { SetValue(DisposeProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Dispose. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty DisposeProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Dispose", typeof(bool), typeof(ChartCanvas), new PropertyMetadata(false,
(s,e) =>
ChartCanvas chartcanvas = s as ChartCanvas;
chartcanvas.DisposeMusicEvent?.Invoke(chartcanvas, EventArgs.Empty);
chartcanvas.DisposePosterEvent?.Invoke(chartcanvas, EventArgs.Empty);
Any suggestions to this newbie as to how to approach this would be much appreciated.

Conection MVVM Light with SelectionChanged

I'm creating app in UWP and i have question.
Can I somehow connection MVVM Light with SelectionChanged event (e.g. ListView) or with other event?
I would like that when I will click on some Item in ListView then I call SelectionChanged.
How do I do?
You can write the Method in ViewModel ,and use the x:bind to connection ViewModel.
The MVVMLight's method is use in WPF that cant bind the event in Method.
UWP can use x:bind to bind the UI event to ViewModel.
The sample:
<ListView SelectionChanged = "{x:bind view.SelectionChanged }"/>
private ViewModel View{set;get;}
public void SelectionChanged()
You can use ItemClick event that will run when you click the ListViewItem .
Inside your viewmodel something *.cs
public class RelayCommand : ICommand
private Predicate<object> _canExecute;
private Action<object> _execute;
public RelayCommand(Predicate<object> canExecute, Action<object> execute)
this._canExecute = canExecute;
this._execute = execute;
public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }
public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return _canExecute(parameter);
public void Execute(object parameter)
public class MyViewModel
private ICommand _doSelectionChangedCommand;
public ICommand DoSelectionChangedCommand
if (_doSelectionChangedCommand == null)
_doSelectionChangedCommand = new RelayCommand(
p => this.CanSelectionChanged,
p => this.DoSomeImportantMethod());
return _doSomething;
In your viewSomemthing.xaml
--For namespace
--Then go down to your control, we'll use Combobox as an example
<ComboBox ... />
<EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding DoSelectionChangedCommand}"/>

WP8 - Bind ProgressBar visibility

I have a simple thing to code, i checked other questions but couldn't it yet.
I have an application which loads some data from an xml file retrieved from the web, and then displays it inside a longlistselector.
I did it, it works, now i would like to add an indeterminate progressbar which stays active until I finished the data loading.
I enclosed the progressbar in a stackpanel, before my longlistselector, and i bound its visibility to the function ProgressBarVisibility (see code below).
<phone:PivotItem Header="Status">
<ProgressBar Value ="0" IsIndeterminate="True" Visibility="{Binding ProgressBarVisibility}"/>
<phone:LongListSelector Margin="0,0,-12,0" ItemsSource="{Binding PivotOne}">
<!-- lots of code here -->
In the MainViewModel.cs , that's how i wrote the thing.
using System.Windows;
public class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public MainViewModel()
this.PivotOne = new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>();
this.PivotTwo = new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>();
this.PivotThree = new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>();
/// <summary>
/// A collection for ItemViewModel objects.
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel> PivotOne { get; private set; }
public ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel> PivotTwo { get; private set; }
public ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel> PivotThree { get; private set; }
private string _detailPageTitle = "Default";
/// <summary>
/// DetailPageTitle ritorna il titolo della pagina di dettaglio. Viene settato nella funzione che carica la pagina secondaria
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string DetailPageTitle
return _detailPageTitle;
if (value != _detailPageTitle)
_detailPageTitle = value;
public bool IsDataLoaded
private set;
private Visibility _progressBarVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
public Visibility ProgressBarVisibility
return _progressBarVisibility;
if (value != _progressBarVisibility)
_progressBarVisibility = value;
private Visibility _progressBarVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
public Visibility ProgressBarVisibility
return _progressBarVisibility;
if (value != _progressBarVisibility)
_progressBarVisibility = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (null != handler)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void LoadData()
//progressbar is visible, data not loaded
this.IsDataLoaded = false;
ProgressBarVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
// Load Static and dynamic data -- populate the different pivots
// data loaded, progressbar collapsed
this.IsDataLoaded = true;
ProgressBarVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
So i included library, and used the visibility class.
Anyway, i cannot get the progressbar to disappear when the loading is done, it keeps going.
Any suggestion? where am i doing it wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Solution: loaddata is executed on the app activation, so the content is not even rendered at that moment.
Your MainViewModel must implement INotifyPropertyChanged to signal to the View that one of the properties has changed. In addition, when you change the ProgressBarVisibility property, it should fire the PropertyChanged event.
There are a number of MVVM frameworks that come with some implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, but you could easily implement something simple yourself.
You need to report the changed made to the view:
public Visibility ProgressBarVisibility { get; set; }
private Visibility _progressBarVisibility;
public Visibility ProgressBarVisibility
get { return _progressBarVisibility;}
set { _progressBarVisibility = value; RaisePropertyChanged("ProgressBarVisibility");}
Make sure you implement INotifyPropertyChanged or a base ViewModel that implement it (MVVMLigth : ViewModelBase).

Binding UIElement to local Data

I am having a class "BoolValue" where i declare a bool value and convert this into Dependency Property(Hope me had done that correct)
Now in xaml where im having a checkbox wants to check/uncheck depending on bool value.
Me attching the whole code guys, pls help.
<StackPanel Height="287" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="78,65,0,0" Name="stackPanel1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="309" DataContext="xyz" >
<CheckBox Content="" Height="71" Name="checkBox1" IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsCkecked, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
And here is the class
public class BoolValue : INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _isCkecked;
public bool IsCkecked
get { return _isCkecked; }
if (value == _isCkecked)
_isCkecked = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string property)
PropertyChangedEventArgs args = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property);
var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
//handler(this, args);
if (handler != null)
handler(this, args);
What is the actual DataContext of your StackPanel? Looks like you're looking for property change but in different DataContext.
Providing BoolValue is your CheckBox's DataContext, below should work:
public class BoolValue : INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool isChecked;
public bool IsChecked
get { return isChecked; }
if (isChecked != value)
isChecked = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(String propertyName)
// take a copy to prevent thread issues
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

With WPF DataBinding how do I have multiple clients for single source?

I have a data class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged and two WPF controls that DataBind to the same value. Only one WPF control is updated, why?
Here is my data class:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace TestMultiBind
class DataSource : INotifyPropertyChanged
static int _DataValue;
static DispatcherTimer tmr = new DispatcherTimer();
static int _ClientCount = 0;
#region InotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public int DataValue
get { return _DataValue; }
public DataSource()
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject()))
_ClientCount = _ClientCount + 1;
if (!tmr.IsEnabled)
tmr.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
tmr.Tick += new EventHandler(tmr_Tick);
void tmr_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
_DataValue = DateTime.Now.Second;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("DataValue"));
and here is my XAML
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<ProgressBar Height="20" Name="progressBar1" Value="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Path=DataValue}" Maximum="60">
<ProgressBar Height="30" Name="progressBar2" Value="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Path=DataValue}" Maximum="60">
I have tried to present the simplest example possible, thus I created a data class that uses a timer to update a value once per second. The real world problem I am trying to solve is data coming across a serial port that is to be displayed. Thus I need to store static data for the incoming data within the class as well as handling instance specific events for each of the clients (WPF controls) that are data bound to the control.
It would appear that my tmr_Tick routine is somehow instance specific to the first client as opposed to being static to the class and raising the multiple events required for each of the clients.
What am I missing here or doing wrong?
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, but it works. The problem with my initial code was that I needed both a static and a instance constructor for the class. The timer is created in the static constructor (which is only run once) while there needs to be one event handler per binding so this is handled in the instance constructor.
Here is the code that works:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace TestMultiBind
class DataSource : INotifyPropertyChanged
static int _DataValue;
static DispatcherTimer tmr = new DispatcherTimer();
#region InotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public int DataValue
get { return _DataValue; }
static DataSource()
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject()))
tmr.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10);
public DataSource()
if (!DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject()))
tmr.Tick += new EventHandler(tmr_Tick);
void tmr_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
_DataValue = DateTime.Now.Second;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("DataValue"));
