Joomla and JoomlaFCK Editor - editor

I have Joomla site and default front end editor JoomlaFCK (now it's new version JoomlaCK editor). When some member (they are all Author type of user) try to write some article, he can write it, but can't publish it, so I have to publish it from the back end. I check all Joomla options, but not found anything. I know it's simple, maybe right in front of me, but it's very annoying for me. Help. TIA.
P.S. If there is some better editor, I can think of change.

By default, an author will not have permission to publish the item. They would need to be a publisher. Look at the user information in Users and change their group.


I just installed Jenkins and lost my username. How do I find this?

Yeah... it's a pretty dumb to do, but life happens.
Question... How do I find out my username for Jenkins if I forgot it? I'm not looking for password recovery; I wrote that down and it's safe. But, in the rush to get builds going, I forgot to write down the Jenkins user name.
I know I could just reset the the account completely, and there are plenty of search returns for that. But, I'd like to avoid that work if possible. Again, I have the password, just forgot the username.
I found the answer.
Using a quick file and text parser (a la visual studio), I opened the complete %JENKINS_HOME% folder (your DevOps gal knows where this is) on a different computer with a known (and remembered) user name.
Then I searched for the known username.
The username is located in the %JENKINS_HOME%/users/users.xml file.
Go to %JENKINS_HOME%/users/users.xml
Look through here for the user name

Can not edit foreign key field in Django admin and pop-up form is not really popping up

I am using Django-suit for admin panel. My 'user' model has 'address' and 'contact' fields as foreign key. When trying to change the user's info, the address and contact fields has change/edit and add new options beside them. But the change/edit option remains disabled (see image).
Besides, when I click on add new icon, a new form window is supposed to pop-up. But instead it take me to the form in same browser tab. Any insight for solving this problem?
After getting question from #Efi MK, I tried once again to dig into the problem, and found my mistake with the help from this post (Django admin add related object doesn't open popup window?).
The main project was previously implemented using Django-1.6. I was extending the project by adding some new features using Django-1.11. The problem is, the static files I was using for Django-admin, were from previous version. The 'collectstatic' command didn't replace those files from previous version which has same name as new version. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that.
I deleted whole 'static' folder, ran 'collectstatic' again, and both of the problems mentioned in the question were solved. Thanks, Efi for asking :)

Change help link in the Visual Editor of MediaWiki

Is there a way to change the help link in the toolbar dropdown in the new visual editor of MediaWiki?
I tried setting
"visualeditor-help-link":"mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide/de"
as proposed here, but then my MediaWiki could not parse the JSON file. My goal is to link to the MediaWiki help page, that can be found here. The normal version:
did not work, neither did this:
You should never ever change the source code of MediaWiki core or any extension. It makes an upgrade process much more hard and complicated. There are other ways to achieve a high customization of the user interface language :)
For your problem, it should be enough to create the following page in your wiki (like any other page, but you need the editinterface user right, which is assigned to sysops by default):
Put the link you want to use into the textarea (without any wikitext, e.g. "Help:VisualEditor" (without any ")) and save the page.
After reloading the VisualEditor (maybe you need to clear your browser's cache using Ctrl + F5) the link should point to the new target you specified in the message above. If you use a message cache, it is maybe needed to rebuilt it.

How to avoid "automation server can't create object" without changing the browser security settings?

Recently I got the error "automation server can't create object", for which I know the solution is to add your website to trusted sites and enable the setting: "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting". But since this is a security issue, I searched for an alternative workaround but came up with nothing.
So, I am wondering if there is any other work around for this?
Please look at this SO question. Check if you did everything that was discussed there.
The first thing is to implement IObjectSafety interface. Then sign the activex and installer and CAB. You might also want to look at this example how to implement an activex.

How to add "Project Description" in FogBugz?

When I create a new project (or even when I edit the Sample Project) there is no way to add Description to the project.
Or am I blind to the obvious?
There's no such thing as a project description, really. There's a column in the Projects page which is used so you can see which project is the default, built-in inbox, and we couldn't think of anything better to put as the column header for that column.
You are not crazy. It is used internally and not even stored in the database. I wondered the same thing when I first started using FogBugz, but found a forum entry to answer my question. As of today, I still don't think they have implemented it. Jump over to FogCreek and submit a request, if you would like to make it editable.
"Description" missing from Project?
How to Edit a Project Description
The description is mostly for system projects, like e-mail inbox.
You might be able to set one in the underlying DB table.
