polymorphic instances for typeclasses in Mercury language - typeclass

Consider next declaration:
:- type wrap(T) ---> wrap(T).
:- inst wrap(I) ---> wrap(I).
:- typeclass infer_wrap(A, B) <= ((A -> B)).
:- instance infer_wrap(A, wrap(A)).
Mercury (10.04) produces:
monad.m:011: In instance declaration for `monad.infer_wrap(A, monad.wrap(A))':
monad.m:011: the first arg is a type variable
Even without functional dependency it will not allow to declare instance with type variables.
Am I missing something or Mercury doesn't allow instances which doesn't end with ground instance?
Is there any way to declare instance for polymorphic type which is wrapper for any type (without constraints)? Maybe there exists some special typeclass like all_types(T)?

Short answer:
Mercury doesn't support type variables in instance declarations. (which is what the compiler is complaining about).
Long answer:
There is no way create such a typeclass instance. Since the typeclass will be valid for all values of A maybe you don't need a typeclass at all. But it looks like you're trying to create Monads, currently this is impossible and we have no plans to support it in the immediate future


F# generalization by overloading

Given the type
type T =
static member OverloadedMethod(p:int) = ()
static member OverloadedMethod(p:string) = ()
Let's suppose we want to create a generic function that resolves to the specific overload based on the type of the parameter. The most intuitive way would be
//Case 1
let inline call o = T.OverloadedMethod o //error
call 3
call "3"
but this, despite the inline definition, doesn't work and the compiler complains
Error FS0041 A unique overload for method 'OverloadedMethod' could not
be determined based on type information prior to this program point. A
type annotation may be needed. Candidates: static member
T.OverloadedMethod : p:int -> unit, static member T.OverloadedMethod :
p:string -> unit
We can achieve what we want though, for example using the "operator trick"
//Case 2
type T2 =
static member ($) (_:T2, p:int) = T.OverloadedMethod(p)
static member ($) (_:T2, p:string) = T.OverloadedMethod(p)
let inline call2 o = Unchecked.defaultof<T2> $ o
call2 3
call2 "3"
The F# compiler here does (apparently) some more work and doesn't simply fall back to the .NET resolution.
Yet, this looks ugly and implies code duplication. It sounds like Case 1 should be possible.
What technical reasons justify this behaviour? My guess is that there is some trade-off (perhaps with .NET interoperability), but couldn't find more information.
From the posts I extract this as a reason:
"a trait call is an F# compiler feature, so there must be two different ways of writing a simple call and a trait call. Using the same syntax for both is not convenient because it might be confusing, some uses could arise where a simple call is compiled as a trait call accidentally".
Let's put the question in a different perspective:
Looking at the code, it really seems straightforward what the compiler should do:
1) call is an inline function, so defer compilation to the use site
2) call 3 is an use site, where the parameter is of type int. But T.OverloadedMethod(int) exists, so let's generate a call to it
3) call "3" like previous case with string in place of int
4) call 3.0 error as T.OverloadedMethod(float) doesn't exist
I would really like to see a code example where letting the compiler do this would be a problem that justifies requiring the developer to write the additional code for the trait call.
At the end of the day, isn't one of F# strengths "conciseness and intuitiveness"?
Here we are in presence of a case where it looks like it could be better.
The trade-offs stem from the fact that this it's a completely erased compiler trick. This means that:
C# code can't see (and take advantage of) any call2 function, it can only see your two $ method overloads.
All information about call2 is gone at runtime, meaning you couldn't invoke it through reflection, for example.
It won't show up in call stacks. This may be a good or a bad thing -- for example, in recent versions of the F# compiler, they've selectively inlined certain functions to make async stacktraces a bit nicer.
The F# is baked in at the call site. If your calling code in is assembly A call2 comes from assembly B, you can't just replace assembly B with a new version of call2; you have to recompile A against the new assembly. This could potentially be a backwards compatibility concern.
A rather interesting benefit is that it can lead to drastic performance improvements in specialized cases: Why is this F# code so slow?. On the flip side, I'm sure there are circumstances where it could cause active harm, or just bloat the resulting IL code.
The reason of that behavior is that T.OverloadedMethod o in
let inline call o = T.OverloadedMethod o
is not a trait call. It's rather simple .NET overloading that must be solved at the call site, but since your function type doesn't imply which overload to solve it simply fails to compile, this functionality is desired.
If you want to "defer" the overload resolution you need to do a trait call, making the function inline is necessary but not sufficient:
let inline call (x:'U) : unit =
let inline call (_: ^T, x: ^I) = ((^T or ^I) : (static member OverloadedMethod: _ -> _) x)
call (Unchecked.defaultof<T>, x)
Using an operator saves you many keystrokes by inferring automatically these constraints but as you can see in your question, it requires to include a dummy parameter in the overloads.

Type name as identifier in F#

I just started to study F# and accidentally wrote this binding
let List = 1
Now when I try to obtain List methods such as 'filter' I get this error
error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'filter' is not defined.
Of course using method with full type name like Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.filter is still working.
I'm wondering why it is possible to use type name as identifier in F# and how I can set back name List to type List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.
When I tried to reassign like this
type List = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<'T>
I get
Error FS0039: The type parameter 'T is not defined.
Thank you!
In F# you can redefine almost everything and shadow existing definitions. This applies to both types (well actually types have a different behavior regarding shadowing, they shadow their values as you open the namespaces) and values but not interchangeably since values and type (and also modules) can somehow coexist at the same time in the scope. The compiler will do his best to find out which one is.
You are not forced to, but it's a common good practice in F# not to use let bindings in uppercase.
Regarding your second question, you are using a type parameter in the right side which doesn't exist in the left side of the assignment, it should be:
type List<'T> = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List<'T>
But notice that filter doesn't belong to the type. It's rather defined in the List module.
You should just rename your let binding from List to something sensible - as Gustavo mentioned, your definition is shadowing the core List module from F# and there is no way to use List to refer both to your integer and to the module. Shadowing core functions will make your code pretty confusing. It's also a good idea to use camelCase for let bindings, but that's a matter of taste.
If you insist on shadowing List, then you won't be able to call List.filter using List.filter. If you wanted something shorter, you could define module alias:
module FsList = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List
Note that your attempt to do something similar with List<'T> does not do the same thing, because functions such as filter are in a module named List rather than being static members of the type. With this, you can call filter using FsList.filter.

How to disambiguate clashing constructor names

See for example Data.Maybe.Base in the stdlib — all Maybe, Any, and All have a just constructor.
Agda allows these definitions. How can one specify which one to use?
Each data type comes with its own module. So Maybe, All and Any are all type constructors and modules simultaneously. Thus you can write Maybe.just, All.just or Any.just to disambiguate the constructor. Or it can be disambiguated by type inference (unification is a more appropriate term) or an explicit type signature like Thilo said in their comment. (It's not true however that you'll get an error if there some ambiguity -- you'll get an unsolved meta).

Unknown need for type annotation or cast

I know I must be missing something really obvious here. B.GetInstance().Call() generates the error: Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved.
I'm using v1.9.9.9.
type A() =
member x.Call() = B.GetInstance().Call()
and B() =
static member GetInstance() = new B()
member x.Call() = ()
I just discovered that this works: (B.GetInstance() :> B).Call()
Any idea why the cast is necessary?
Frequently when you've got a recursive set of methods whose types to infer, F# needs help. A more pleasant alternative would be to annotate the definition of B.GetInstance:
type A() =
member x.Call() = B.GetInstance().Call()
and B() =
static member GetInstance() : B = new B()
member x.Call() = ()
I believe that the reason you run into this problem is that F# tries to solve all inferred types on all methods in A and B simultaneously (because they are defined as mutually recursive types), and this leads to problems, but perhaps someone from the F# team will weigh in.
The quick summary is that in a recursive group (e.g. members in one type, or members of recursive types like we have here) F# reads the declarations in left-to-right top-to-bottom order, followed by the definitions in left-to-right top-to-bottom order. So in this instance when it reaches the definition of A.Call, it has not yet read the definition of B.GetInstance and therefore does not (yet!) know that the return type of GetInstance will be B.
Keith's answer nails it for this situation, you can provide a type annotation to specify the return type of GetInstance in its declaration.
Forcing F# type inference on generics and interfaces to stay loose
for a deep discussion of what's going on here.
Note also that in your original attempt, you don't need to "cast" (the potentially dynamic operation, using :>), instead you can just "annotate" (statically declare a type, using :) to get it to compile. But makes more sense to put the type annotation in the method declaration for GetInstance (generally, prefer addition annotations to method signatures instead of arbitrary places inside bodies).

Regarding F# Object Oriented Programming

There's this dichotomy in the way we can create classes in f# which really bothers me. I can create classes using either an implicit format or an explicit one. But some of the features that I want are only available for use with the implicit format and some are only available for use with the explicit format.
For example:
I can't use let inline* (or let alone) inside an explicitly defined class.
The only way (that I know) to define immutable public fields (not properties*) inside an implicitly defined class is the val bla : bla syntax.
But there's a redundancy here. Since I'll end up with two copy of the same immutable data, one private, one public (because in the implicit mode the constructor parameters persist throughout the class existence)
(Not so relevant) The need to use attributes for method overloading and for field's defaults is rather off putting.
Is there anyway I can work around this?
*For performance reasons
EDIT: Turns out I'm wrong about both points (Thanks Ganesh Sittampalam & MichaelGG).
While I can't use let inline in both implicit & explicit class definition, I can use member inline just fine, which I assume does the same thing.
Apparently with the latest F# there's no longer any redundancy since any parameters not used in the class body are local to the constructor.
Will be gone in the next F# release.
This might not help, but you can make members inline. "member inline private" works fine.
For let inline, you can work around by moving it outside the class and explicitly passing any values you need from inside the scope of the class when calling it. Since it'll be inlined, there'll be no performance penalty for doing this.
