How can you draw candlestick charts on iOS? [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to Quartz, and I would like to draw a candlestick chart in iOS, but I don't know how.
How can I draw charts like this? Are there any good examples for iOS?

Core Plot may be able to do it. If not, it's probably a pretty easy thing to add to the Core Plot library.

You can do it with SwiftCharts, there are 2 candle sticks examples ready to use - one interactive and other not-interactive (with less overhead, in case you don't need interactivity)
(Disclosure: I'm the author)


Direct2D and custom shaped window [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does Direct2D support custom shaped windows? Say, drawing a circle over all other windows. If yes, could anyone give a link to an article or sample of such technique? Thanks.
Yep, it does.
Here is an article with examples, unfortunately, it goes in Russian, so use an online translator:

How to draw pie chart with animation in iOS 7? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was finding some good stuff for my app.
Actually i need to draw pie chart with animation if any one have an idea about it then please help me.
hi you can find many custom controls from
here some examples like
you can use one of them as per your requirements.
For simple pie charts, Look at this open source project CERoundProgressView
You'll need to include these 4 files in your project:
CERoundProgressView.h and .m
CERoundProgressLayer.h and .m
See methods for displaying pie chart. You can edit animation duration and change background and track colors of pie chart as well..
Look at this framework CorePlot
It is a plotting framework for OS X and iOS. It provides 2D visualization of data, and is tightly integrated with Apple technologies like Core Animation, Core Data, and Cocoa Bindings.
and also you may find this tutorial useful.
you can try this tutorial link...

iOS and Basic offline app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know about mapxbox/routeme and routeme but I need something basic. I need a basic map with all the countries and the only details it would be the name of the countries and the borders.
Can I do that with mapbox? Is there any easier way to do that?
The app should be offline and preload the maps.
iOS 7 support offline maps.
You just need to add tiles for specific area.
Tile contains overlay of map so we just need to add that overlay on the map.
For tiles you need to calculate area for which you need offline map and then get that area from OpenStreetMaps.
That's it.
Here is detailed Link tutorial for this.
After getting idea from tutorial you can easily understand the map structure and move ahead.

objective-c what graphics to use for simple 2d game [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a task of building 2d game (packman style) and I need to use open gl(any version) for drawing image (task says so). It means I should build "open gl application" in Xcode, or it is enough to use Core Graphics or UIViews?
I had a very positive experience in my experiments at writing a 2D "packman-style" game using Core Graphics: if you do it right, CALayer animation proves sufficiently reliable and simple to implement.
Here is a link to a great article that explains how you can implement animated sprites in Cocoa. The trick is to use image atlases to avoid managing multiple images at runtime.

What is the average color of a star? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am trying to procedurally generate point stars to create a starfield background for my game. I want to weight the color production based on an average star's real color. Can anyone point me in the direction of this sort of data?
I found a nice overview here. It shows some real examples. Maybe this will help you.
It is White. To be closer to the real thing apply redshift as the stars are further away and add or remove blue to account for star temperature and age.
