Iconv.conv in Rails application to convert from unicode to ASCII//translit - ruby-on-rails

We wanted to convert a unicode string in Slovak language into plain ASCII (without accents/carons) That is to do: č->c š->s á->a é->e etc.
We tried:
cstr = Iconv.conv('us-ascii//translit', 'utf-8', a_unicode_string)
It was working on one system (Mac) and was not working on the other (Ubuntu) where it was giving '?' for accented characters after conversion.
Problem: iconv was using LANG/LC_ALL variables. I do not know why, when the encodings are known, but well... You had to set the locale variables to something.utf8, for example: sk_SK.utf8 or en_GB.utf8
Next step was to try to set ENV['LANG'] and ENV['LC_ALL'] in config/application.rb. This was ignored by Iconv in ruby.
Another try was to use global system setting in /etc/default/locale - this worked in command line, but not for Rails application. Reason: apache has its own environment. Therefore the final solution was to add LANG/LC_ALL variables into /etc/apache2/envvars:
export LC_ALL="en_GB.utf8"
export LANG="en_GB.utf8"
export LANGUAGE="en_GB.utf8"
Restarted apache and it worked.
This is more a little how-to than a question. However, if someone has better solution I would like to know about it.

You can try unaccent approach instead.


Using Umlaut or special characters in ibm-doors from batch

We have a link module that looks something like this:
const string lMod = "/project/_admin/somethingÜ" // Umlaut
We later use the linkMod like this to loop through the outlinks:
for a in obj->lMod do {}
But this only works when executing directly from DOORS and not from a batch script since it for some reason doesn't recognize the Umlaut causing the inside of the loop to never to be run; exchanging lMod with "*" works and also shows the objects linked to by the lMod.
We are already using UTF-8 encoding for the file:
pragma encoding, "UTF-8"
Any solutions are welcome.
Encode the file as UTF-8 in Notepad++ by going to Encoding > Convert to UTF-8. (Make sure it's not already set to UTF-8 before you do it).

VSCode complains a Ruby UTF-8 file has invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)

Using Rails 5.2 and Ruby 2.3 (ruby files by default are UTF-8).
If I check the file in the terminal:
file -I <filename>.rb
it shows UTF-8:
<filename>.rb: text/x-ruby; charset=utf-8
Yet in the file there is a string with a German umlaut character as you can see in the screenshot.
In pre v2.0 of Ruby you could use magic comments to tell Ruby the files encoding, but obviously this file is already UTF-8.
What I am trying to figure out is 2 things:
How did a UTF-8 file get this US-ASCII character inside it?
How can I fix it (so VS-Code is not showing it as incorrect)? I wonder if perhaps something to do with an extension or setting in VS-Code?.
In answer to (1) I am guessing it was perhaps copy and pasted from a file that was encoded US-ASCII (like Word)?
However if I delete the character and type it again on my Mac using OPT + u + u then VS Code still complains. Hence question 2.
With regard to (2) I checked this:
echo LC_TYPE
and it was null.
So I added export LC_TYPE=$LANG to my ~/.bash-profile and restarted VSCode, but that did not solve it (and in the VSCode integrated terminal LC_TYPE is still null). Ref
There is no need to answer question 1, because if I delete the character and retype it, the same error shows up. So I now know it doesn't really matter how it got into the file, just need to know what is producing the warning.
I think the issue is in the linter.
"ruby.lint": {
"reek": true,
"rubocop": true,
"ruby": {
"unicode": true,
"fasterer": true,
"debride": false,
"ruby-lint": false
in settings.json unicode is not turned on by default for ruby.lint so you need to do that manually.

iconv C API: charset conversion from/to local encoding

I am using the iconv C API and I want iconv to detect the local encoding of the computer. Is that possible? Apparently it is because when I look in the source code, I find in the file iconv_open1.h that if the fromcode or tocode variables are empty strings ("") then the local encoding is used using the locale_charset() function call.
Someone also told me that in order to convert the locale encoding to unicode, all I needed was to use iconv_open ("UTF-8", "")
Unfortunately, I find no mention of this in the documentation.
And when I convert some iso-8859-1 text to the locale encoding (which is utf-8 on my machine), then during conversion I get errno=EILSEQ (illegal sequence). I checked and iconv_open returned no error.
If instead of the empty string in iconv_open I specify "utf-8", then I get no error. Obviously iconv failed to detect my current charset.
edit: I checked with a simple C program that puts(nl_langinfo(CODESET)) and I get ANSI_X3.4-1968 (which is ASCII). Apparently, I got a problem with charset detection.
edit: this should be related to Why is nl_langinfo(CODESET) different from locale charmap?
additional information: my program is written in Ada, and I bind at link-time to C functions. Apparently, the locale setting is not initialized the same way in the Ada runtime and C runtime.
I'll take the same answer as in Why is nl_langinfo(CODESET) different from locale charmap?
You need to first call
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

Rails 2.3.2/Ruby 1.8.6 Encoding Question - ActionController returning UTF-8?

I have a pretty simple Rails question regarding encoding that I can't find an answer to.
Rails 2.3.2/Ruby1.8.6
I am not setting any encoding options within the Rails environment currently, have left everything to defaults.
If I read a String from disk from a text file - and send it via Rails render :text functionality using Apache/Phusion, what encoding should the client expect?
Thank you for any answers,
Since about Rails 1.2, Rails sets Ruby 1.8's $KCODE magic variable to "UTF8". It includes ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Multibyte to patch around issues with otherwise ambiguous per-character/per-byte operators. Your text file should be UTF-8, Ruby will pass it through and your application layout should specify a META tag declaring the document's charset to be UTF-8 too:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Then it should all 'just work', but there are some gotchas described below.
If you're on a Mac, running "script/console" in Terminal.app and then pasting unusual character sequences directly into the terminal from e.g. the Character Viewer is a good way to play around and demonstrate this to your own satisfaction, since the whole OS works in UTF-8. I don't know what the equivalent would be for Windows or an arbitrary Linux distribution.
For example, "⇒" - RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW - is Unicode 21D2, UTF8 0xE2 (226), 0x87 (125), 0x92 (146). If I paste that into Terminal and ask for the byte values I get the expected result:
=> "UTF8"
>> "⇒"
=> "\342\207\222"
>> puts "⇒"
>> "⇒"[0]
=> 226
>> "⇒"[1]
=> 135
>> "⇒"[2]
=> 146
>> "⇒"[3]
=> nil
Note how you're still getting byte access with "[]". See the documentation on the Multibyte extensions in the Rails API (for Rails 2.2, e.g. at http://railsapi.com/) if you want to do string operations, otherwise things like "foo.reverse" will do the wrong thing; "foo.mb_chars.reverse" gets it right by using the "mb_chars" proxy.

convert jruby 1.8 string to windows encoding?

I want to export some data from my jruby on rails webapp to excel, so I create a csv string and send it as a download to the client using
send_data(text, :filename => "file.csv", :type => "text/csv; charset=CP1252", :encoding => "CP1252")
The file seems to be in UTF-8 which Excel cannot read correctly. I googled the problem and found that iconv can convert encodings. I try to do that with:
ic = Iconv.new('CP1252', 'UTF-8')
text = ic.iconv(text)
but when I send the converted text it does not make any difference. It is still UTF-8 and Excel cannot read the special characters. there are several solutions using iconv, so this seems to work for others. When I convert the file on the linux shell manually with iconv it works.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way?
Im using:
- jruby 1.3.1 (ruby 1.8.6p287) (2009-06-15 2fd6c3d) (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.6.0_19) [i386-java]
- Debian Lenny
- Glassfish app server
- Iceweasel 3.0.6
Do I have to include some gem to use iconv?
S.Mark pointed out this solution:
You have to use UTF-16LE encoding to make excel understand it, like this:
text= Iconv.iconv('UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8', text)
Thanks, S.Mark for that answer.
According to my experience, Excel cannot handle UTF-8 CSV files properly. Try UTF-16 instead.
Note: Excel's Import Text Wizard appears to work with UTF-8 too
Edit: A Search on Stack Overflow give me this page, please take a look that.
According to that, adding a BOM (Byte Order Mark) signature in CSV will popup Excel Text Import Wizard, so you could use it as work around.
Do you get the same result with the following?
cp1252= Iconv.conv("CP1252", "UTF8", text)
