Get calendar events from Calendar (possibly using ActiveDirectory) - ruby-on-rails

I need to start extracting events in a microsoft calendar.
I've never done this before, so just want pointing in the right direction.
Does anyone know if this is possible using Active directory?
Anyone have any examples of where this has been done before?

Active Directory is an authentication system, primarily. The calendar data would be stored in an application, I imagine Exchange as a guess, if you are using Microsoft technology.
This data is NOT exposed via Active Directory.

Related mvc5 online calendar

I use Sql Server and mvc5 .I want to make a page with calendar.The Calendar shows that whether employee come late or in time this information will come from database .I have searched some online calendars but I haven't dealed with it Do you have an idea how to make it?
You can go with fullcalendar to achieve this functionality. In this calendar, you can bind json data to the calendar. This is really awesome in terms of UI and events. I also used this to achieve the same functionality.
Go through to
If need any help, write here.

How to do online/offline sync with a ruby on rails application?

Is there any way to do offline syncing with a rails project?
In other words, our client is using their site to show a photo gallery, but they need to be able to do it without an active internet connection. At any time, they can get back online - and download any new data - to be able to continue showing their gallery?
You will have to make a javascript client application, that stores changes and state inside the HTML5 local storage. So for the user he can do actions, which can be saved/synced later to the server (e.g. when he is connected to the internet again).
Sproutcore would be ideal for this. I am not sure if any of the up and coming javascript libraries (Backbone.js, spine.js) interact with local storage.
Hope this helps.
I have decided to use rack-offline, but no one answered it.
It can be found at github if anyone is interested.

When did someone follow - Twitter API

I've been attempting to go over the Twitter API, albeit it has taken me a while and I'm being thrown back and forth between the old and the new site - however I was wondering if there is a date at all for when a user has decided to follow or; or if your able to tell when a user stopped following you?
I've been looking through here to no avail, but I wondered if anyone knew of a way of doing it (outside of a separate monitoring system of course!)
The Twitter API doesn't explicitly provide dates for when a user started following you or stopped following you. This is something that you would need to monitor in some fashion.

ASP.NET Tracking Code & Unique Visitors

I am trying to find a way to track and produce reports for my site (out of interest). Does anyone know of any articles/projects etc that you can
Track pages / unique visitors etc
Tracking 1) relative to timestamp etc
in mvc or just ?
P.S - I know google analytics etc is available but looking to create some basic stats for myself out of interest about how web analytics work ?
There are a couple of good ways to try and determine unique visitors, none of them are exact (which is why different analytics will report different numbers).
The first is to use a cookie. Create a cookie for the user for each time frame that you want to track uniques, so you could create one that expires in a day and one that expires in a month. You can then use both of those to track how many unique daily/monthly visitors you have. Of course this is not perfect since people can clear or refuse cookies, but it is pretty accurate.
The other way is to track uniques using a combination of the IP address and User Agent of the requesting user, this is probably slightly less accurate since if a company has a good IT group lots of internal users will have the same User Agent and since they are all coming from the same internal network could have the same IP address.
If you are interested in reading more about the different methods there is a great article about it here:
I blogged about simple module.
You can check it here
I would recommend using google analytics instead of reinventing the wheel. All you have to do is stick a bit of javascript in your master page and your done.
Yo can check Piwik out. Its an open source web analytics written using PHP and mysql.
you can find great article in
which is upgraded version of
with help of a Session Tracker class that runs in Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute and mailing reports on session end and lot of usefull tips
thanks Wayne Plourde for all that stuff

Interacting with Outlook appointments using rails

I have a rails application running on a Linux server. I would like to interact with Outlook/Exchange 2003 appointments from the rails application. For example, certain actions should trigger sending an appointment, and then preferably accepting/canceling the appointment in Outlook should trigger events in the application.
Failing this, is it possible to publish calendars that Outlook 2003 can read without requiring Outlook plugins? I note that Outlook 2003 does not support ical without plugins for example. Similarly, if this is not easily doable in Ruby, but is in another language (such as Perl for example) running on Linux then those suggestions would be welcome.
Any advice on how to achieve this, or where to start looking for answers would be gratefully received.
Outlook appointments are just e-mails with special header information. There's some information in this tutorial on the required parts. I sent a few meeting invites from my Outlook to my Gmail account and took a look at the raw headers there - you can figure most of the protocol out from that.
The iCalendar specs may help you, as well.
Thanks for everyones help. I found something that showed me how to do this with Perl, and ported it over to ruby. I've blogged about it for those looking for a solution
If you can upgrade to Exchange 2007, you can use Exchange Web Services that is more powerful and convenient to use than WebDAV.
At work, I inherited a Rails app that allow users to create single appointments. I was asked to write code to link those appointments in the app to users' outlook calendars, so that they are always in sync. Sounds to me very similar to what you want to do.
I don't think I'm allowed to publish the exact code I wrote though. Anyway I'll give you a bit idea on how I addressed it.
Exchange Web Services only provide API in C# (no surprise, it's Microsoft. Technically, you can use other languages since it's actually SOAP.). I wrote a middleware in C# that does the sync between Exchange server and the Rails app. When users do scheduling in the app, changes are sent to the middleware so changes can be reflected to their outlook calendars. Meanwhile, the middleware registers Push Notification subscriptions for all users -- every time changes are made in Outlook, the middleware will be immediately notified, which in turn faithfully reflect those changes in the app as well. Of course, recurring appointments are also supported.
Hope that helps you.
Take a look at the project RExchange on github.
For accessing appointments, you can just access the Calendar folder on Exchange using WebDav. For creating appointments, please refer to RFC2445 for details.
Further to ceejayoz's comment, you can also use ActionMailer to catch the replies that are sent back, and act on them - you'll need some form of unique id in a place that will be included in the reply though.
