mvc5 online calendar -

I use Sql Server and mvc5 .I want to make a page with calendar.The Calendar shows that whether employee come late or in time this information will come from database .I have searched some online calendars but I haven't dealed with it Do you have an idea how to make it?

You can go with fullcalendar to achieve this functionality. In this calendar, you can bind json data to the calendar. This is really awesome in terms of UI and events. I also used this to achieve the same functionality.
Go through to
If need any help, write here.


SharePoint calendar in ios

As I am new to iOS(Swift),I don't know whether we can display and use SharePoint calendar in iOS or not .
If we can, then please tell me the way to display and to access its events.
Thank You in advance.
This is topic has been here for awhile.
Basically, there is no native approach to achieve this requirement, what Microsoft suggest is to use RSS. Also there are some third party solutions that with allow you to achieve this. However if you like to get your hands dirty and do it by yourself, there are some programmatic workarounds.
The one that I prefer because I know it works, is to use an Exchange Calendar, an iOS calendar can be connected to an Exchange Calendar.
Furthermore if you don't have a real dependency on your current SharePoint Calendar, you could simply migrate it to an Exchange Calendar, SharePoint is able to display Exchange Calendars natively, by doing this you will be able to access your calendar from SharePoint and iOS.
But lets say that you must preserve your current SharePoint Calendar and you cannot migrate it to Exchange, in this case you can sync your SharePoint Calendar with an Exchange Calendar programmatically, by using a SharePoint Event Receiver you can ensure that all your events will be replicated in your Exchange Calendar, you can use Exchange Object Model within your SharePoint Event Receiver code.
As you can imagine an Event Receiver is not the only alternative, there are other ways to achieve this by using different programmatic approaches, but you will need to invest some time to research this.

iOS: Google Calendar Example

Searching around the net for almost 1 day I still did not see any simple good example of an app that implements the Google Calendar API. Or even simple explanation on how to implement the API is still not available. Can someone help me please? I'm a newbie to iOS. I need to learn how to create an event using the Google Calendar API through my app in iOS. I need a sample simple code...
Here are some very useful links when trying to figure out the google calendar api. and mainly I just downloaded the source code from the second link and worked from there. It was great!
The Google Calendar API, like most Google API's, provides a straightforward REST interface. Instead of focussing first on how to create calendar events, learn how to interact with a RESTful web service. Once you know how to do that, you only have to learn what calls to make to accomplish your goal, and that's already well documented.

Get calendar events from Calendar (possibly using ActiveDirectory)

I need to start extracting events in a microsoft calendar.
I've never done this before, so just want pointing in the right direction.
Does anyone know if this is possible using Active directory?
Anyone have any examples of where this has been done before?
Active Directory is an authentication system, primarily. The calendar data would be stored in an application, I imagine Exchange as a guess, if you are using Microsoft technology.
This data is NOT exposed via Active Directory.

Google Calendar Event GUI

does anybody know, where I can find the Google Calendars Event-GUI?
I'm building an social networking site, which relies on google calendar.
For adding and changing events, I want to use googles GUI (i dont want to code this myself if there is a partial/control already existing).
Does anybody know where I can find this?
Checkout it's the full API documentation from Google. If what you want to do is supported, it's almost certainly written about here somewhere.
If you take a look at the docs page, there is a "Calendar Tools" section on the left hand side bar that has the tools available, including gadgets and an embeddable calendar.
If you want to code something yourself you'll probably want to look at retrieving events, updating events and creating events.
This article may also be helpful to you.
Although that is to embed just your calendar.

How to display events in the calendar using Ruby?

I am building a calendaring application in ruby on rails. I am using my own schema for storing events, but I don't know how to display events in calendar, and also how to add a calendar in my application.
Will I have to write code to display calendar or can I use any plugin to display calendar.
I think the calendar_helper plugin is what you want. It provides a calendar method to your views, which can be called to generate a month-view calendar in HTML.
You can pass it a block which builds the contents of each day's cell, which is where you would want to do whatever your event schema requires to pull in the day's events.
The EventCalendar plugin was created for this very reason. Easily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.
Screenshot(s) at:
There's a little list of candidates here.
The plugin on the page itself seems to offer some AJAX goodness, if that's something you're interested in.
I also had to build a calendar in rails. None of the existing calendar gems appealed to me as they did too much. I wanted to render the calendar myself so I could control the styling. I also had an existing Event model so I didn't need any kind of event handling. I ended up creating the cal gem. It's pretty straightforward when you look at the README. I plan to improve it to have weekly and daily calendars. Good luck!
