Sharepoint 2007 File Upload , Page cannot be Displayed - sharepoint-2007

Having a bit of strange Sharepoint 2007 issue , especially for a Monday.
Here's the scenario: Users within organisation cannot upload files to ANY doc Lib.
User is able to click upload, browse, select the file without any problems. As soon as he/she clicks OK, they immediately get a standard IE error : Page cannot be displayed.
The MOSS Server is setup in a DMZ where it is Internet accessible. When accessing it from the Internet (which I'm doing), the uploading works fine. It's only when users who are in the organisation try to upload anything, they get the error. Users within the organistaion also access the site using the Internet IP as no direct route exists between Internal Network and DMZ.
We have a LINUX Firewall involved (Yuck, I know), and clients also have Norton AV.
I suspect some kind of networking issue, or maybe the AV. Any ideas?

Ok. The issue was related to intermittant connectivity loss. All fixed now


.com extension adds random characters/numbers

I'm using a domain name with this general structure:
However, when I click it, I get a 404 message saying:
And when I look in the URL, it's not but surprisingly
How did YkPWZ/ appear automatically and what can I do to eliminate this issue? Sometimes accessing works fine, but most of the time the browser automatically tacks on some random characters at the end of the URL, throwing the 404 message. This is not a browser-specific issue and I've had a few colleagues replicate this issue on different operating systems (both desktop and iOS).
P.S. If it matters at all, I generated my website using Github Pages (markdown files, not HTML).
I'm quite certain this is an issue on the GoDaddy side of things, though I'm unable to find any official documentation on the subject. As noted in comments above, the redirect isn't coming from GitHub Pages.
I found an old thread discussing the issue. Here is a brief summary:
GoDaddy may use redirects like this to handle load balancing on their shared hosting servers.
In several cases, users contacted GoDaddy to ask about the problem and
had the issue resolved, but
were never told the technical specifics of what was happening.
If you wish to stay with GoDaddy I recommend contacting them and sending them to the link I found above. They may be able to resolve the issue for you, though I wouldn't expect an explanation.
Alternatively, you can use another web host. In many circles, GoDaddy isn't rated very highly. It's lucky that there are so many web hosts to choose from. Alternatively, you can use a custom domain directly with GitHub Pages, bypassing a third-party host entirely.

cannot access

I just heard from my friend that open 3.0 is out.
I want to try this but I cannot access
It says :
Coming soon: Another fine website hosted by WebFaction.
Site not configured
If you are the owner of this website and weren’t expecting to see this message, here are some potential causes and solutions:
You recently created a new website record, but opened the URL before your changes were activated in the web server and DNS configuration. Wait a moment and refresh.
You created a new website record without the current subdomain (for example, www). Return to the control panel to add the current subdomain to the website record and refresh.
You added a new domain in the control panel but didn’t create a site record to link it with an application. Create a website record with the control panel and refresh.
Your website record is set for HTTPS, but you visited a HTTP URL (or vice-versa). Open the URL with the other protocol.
You tried to access your website by IP address. Access the website by domain name instead.
There is a problem with your account. Check the control panel for unresolved support tickets and check your email for recent messages from
For more details, please see Error: Site not configured.
I'm sure that I'm not blocked because I use a vpn service.
there was some kind of attack, but only the the main site is down.
if you wanted the src:
The site was hacked, and they are trying to restore it (according to Alexander Shishkov).
OpenCV DevZone ( is still up.
UPDATE: It's now back online.

using \\servername\sharename in IE9 not being picked up as intranet site

I have a very basic intranet site for our company, and it's main purpose is to link to SMB shares on our network, so people can open files and edit them, without the need to then reupload to the site.
What I have, is a basic < a href="\IP ADDRESS\SHARENAME\">< /a>
The issue seems to be, regardless of whether I use the IP address, or the actual DNS name of the machine, IE9 always seems to think the intranet is an internet site, and stops these links from working.
Let's say for example, the web server address is, and I have a share on that same server for a global phone directory spreadsheet. I want someone to be able to click on the link on the page, and have it open that file directly.
So for the href, I put in \\\intranet\phone directory\list.xls
Or something like that. IE9 (which is what all our users are using), considers this link to point to file:// directory/list.xls
That's great, but as it doesnt consider this to be on the intranet, it blocks the file:// protocol, and the link does nothing.
If I add the site to my trusted sites list, it then works correctly. So I am wondering if there is a way on the programming side of things, that will let me create these kind of links and have them auto picked up as an intranet link?
Failing that, I will post on serverfault, and see if someone can guide me on applying a policy to add this site to trusted sites for all users and computers.
Many thanks
As it turns out, I was accessing the intranet by using either the FQDN or the IP address of the server.
As this article shows, , if I just use the server name instead, and drop the domain name from the end, the links behave as I would like.
Sorry for this useless question.
Thanks, Eds

iframe data on webpage inside of a UIwebView my domain won't load others will

So I published my app and I wish to upgrade it. My app is entirely local HTML5 inside a UIwebView. My webpages show images from local storage and from 3rd party domains and from my own domain. Works great. I also load 3rd party webpages using iframe works great. When I attempt to load a webpage from my own domain the page will not load in an iframe. Why not? It does not matter if I point to the DNS or IP of the page. Same thing, will not load.
When I installed my own web server I named it The configuration before this break was my domain was pointing to a host with an alias at Network Solutions Now it is pointing to an IP. The failure began when was pointing to I deleted this host name from my server and it now works like before.
Thanks for your help Alex, This caught me so off guard that I had a hard time slowing down my thoughts to realize what I had done to break it and my published app was broken so I was a little freaked:) send me an e-mail and I'll send you a promo-code. (iPhone) -Brad

Accessing a share point site using the object model

I am trying to access a share point site using the SP object model from a console application.
I am trying to do something like this..
SPSite site = new SPSite(sitePath)
//Operations go here
This works fine when the share point site and the console app are on the same machine.
However when the console app and the site are on different machines, I get an error "The Web application at "http://server/url" could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application"
Here are the things that I have already done:
1) I have tried accessing the site via both IP address as well as machine name, assuming that it could be a DNS resolution issue.
2) Initially I impersonated using a farm admin account, still i could not access. Then I added myself as the farm admin, still no joy.
4) The site is accessible via IE. So it is not a permission issue I guess.
5) I have tried almost all the solutions suggested by various links obtained by googling the error message.
I am trying this on share point 2010. A similar issue occurs on 2007 also. Sometimes its kind of frustrating to do SharePoint development , since I get the feeling of stumbling from one error to the next, with no clue as to what could be wrong and the error messages not being helpful in the least :(
That is true because you can't run server object model on another machine. You can use client object model
