constructing a tree given it's inorder is easy enough.
But, let's say you are supposed to construct a tree based on it's preorder (+ + y z + * x y z for example).
It's easy to see that + is the root, and how to continue in the left subtree from there.
But.. how do you know when you are supposed to "switch" to the right subtree?
Usually, inorder is considered the difficult case.
For preorder, you'll just have a grammar like this.
expr ::= operator expr expr | var
An operator is followed by exactly two well-formed expressions. This can be parsed easily using recursion
If you parse a tree and get a variable, return the variable.
If you parse a tree and get an operator, parse the two following trees as right/left subtrees.
While reading Compiler Design in C book I came across the following rules to describe a context-free grammar:
a grammar that recognizes a list of one or more statements, each of
which is an arithmetic expression followed by a semicolon. Statements are made up of a
series of semicolon-delimited expressions, each comprising a series of numbers
separated either by asterisks (for multiplication) or plus signs (for addition).
And here is the grammar:
1. statements ::= expression;
2. | expression; statements
3. expression ::= expression + term
4. | term
5. term ::= term * factor
6. | factor
7. factor ::= number
8. | (expression)
The book states that this recursive grammar has a major problem. The right hand side of several productions appear on the left-hand side as in production 3 (And this property is called left recursion) and certain parsers such as recursive-descent parser can't handle left-recursion productions. They just loop forever.
You can understand the problem by considering how the parser decides to apply a particular production when it is replacing a non-terminal that has more than one right hand side. The simple case is evident in Productions 7 and 8. The parser can choose which production to apply when it's expanding a factor by looking at the next input symbol. If this symbol is a number, then the compiler applies Production 7 and replaces the factor with a number. If the next input symbol was an open parenthesis, the parser
would use Production 8. The choice between Productions 5 and 6 cannot be solved in this way, however. In the case of Production 6, the right-hand side of term starts with a factor which, in tum, starts with either a number or left parenthesis. Consequently, the
parser would like to apply Production 6 when a term is being replaced and the next input symbol is a number or left parenthesis. Production 5-the other right-hand side-starts with a term, which can start with a factor, which can start with a number or left parenthesis, and these are the same symbols that were used to choose Production 6.
That second quote from the book got me completely lost. So by using an example of some statements as (for example) 5 + (7*4) + 14:
What's the difference between factor and term? using the same example
Why can't a recursive-descent parser handle left-recursion productions? (Explain second quote).
What's the difference between factor and term? using the same example
I am not giving the same example as it won't give you clear picture of what you have doubt about!
term ::= term * factor | factor
factor ::= number | (expression)
Now,suppose if I ask you to find the factors and terms in the expression 2*3*4.
Now,multiplication being left associative, will be evaluated as :-
As you can see, here (2*3) is the term and factor is 4(a number). Similarly you can extend this approach upto any level to draw the idea about term.
As per given grammar, if there's a multiplication chain in the given expression, then its sub-part,leaving a single factor, is a term ,which in turn yields another sub-part---the another term, leaving another single factor and so on. This is how expressions are evaluated.
Why can't a recursive-descent parser handle left-recursion productions? (Explain second quote).
Your second statement is quite clear in its essence. A recursive descent parser is a kind of top-down parser built from a set of mutually recursive procedures (or a non-recursive equivalent) where each such procedure usually implements one of the productions of the grammar.
It is said so because it's clear that recursive descent parser will go into infinite loop if the non-terminal keeps on expanding into itself.
Similarly, talking about a recursive descent parser,even with backtracking---When we try to expand a non-terminal, we may eventually find ourselves again trying to expand the same non-terminal without having consumed any input.
A-> Ab
Here,while expanding the non-terminal A can be kept on expanding into
A-> AAb -> AAAb -> ... -> infinite loop of A.
Hence, we prevent left-recursive productions while working with recursive-descent parsers.
The rule factor matches the string "1*3", the rule term does not (though it would match "(1*3)". In essence each rule represents one level of precedence. expression contains the operators with the lowest precedence, factor the second lowest and term the highest. If you're in term and you want to use an operator with lower precedence, you need to add parentheses.
If you implement a recursive descent parser using recursive functions, a rule like a ::= b "*" c | d might be implemented like this:
// Takes the entire input string and the index at which we currently are
// Returns the index after the rule was matched or throws an exception
// if the rule failed
parse_a(input, index) {
try {
after_b = parse_b(input, index)
after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_b)
after_c = parse_c(input, after_star)
return after_c
} catch(ParseFailure) {
// If one of the rules b, "*" or c did not match, try d instead
return parse_d(input, index)
Something like this would work fine (in practice you might not actually want to use recursive functions, but the approach you'd use instead would still behave similarly). Now, let's consider the left-recursive rule a ::= a "*" b | c instead:
parse_a(input, index) {
try {
after_a = parse_a(input, index)
after_star = parse_string("*", input, after_a)
after_b = parse_c(input, after_star)
return after_b
} catch(ParseFailure) {
// If one of the rules a, "*" or b did not match, try c instead
return parse_c(input, index)
Now the first thing that the function parse_a does is to call itself again at the same index. This recursive call will again call itself. And this will continue ad infinitum, or rather until the stack overflows and the whole program comes crashing down. If we use a more efficient approach instead of recursive functions, we'll actually get an infinite loop rather than a stack overflow. Either way we don't get the result we want.
Goal: find a way to formally define a grammar that recognizes elements from a set 0 or 1 times in any order. Subsequently, I want to parse it and generate an AST as well.
For example: Say the set of valid strings in my language is {A, B, C}. I want to define a grammar that recognizes all valid permutations of any number of those elements.
Syntactically valid strings would include:
(the empty string)
B A, and
Syntactically invalid strings would include:
A A, and
To be clear, defining all possible permutations explicitly in a CFG is unacceptable for my purposes, since larger sets would be impossible to maintain.
From what I understand, such a language fails the pumping lemma for context free languages, so the solution will not be context free or regular.
What I'm after is called a "permutation language", which Benedek Nagy has done some theoretical work on as an extension to context free languages.
Regarding a parser generator, I've only found talk of implementing parsers with a permutation phase (link). Parsers evidently have an exponential lower bound on the size of resulting CFG, and I haven't found any parser generators that support it anyhow.
A sort-of solution to this problem was written in ANTLR. It uses semantic predicates to 'code around' the issue.
Assuming that the set of alternative strings is fixed and known in advance, say of size n, one can come up with a (non context-free) grammar of size O(n!). This is not asymptotically smaller than enumerating all permutations, so I suppose it cannot be considered a good solution. I believe that this grammar can be reformulated as a context-sensitive grammar (although in the form I'm suggesting below it is not).
For the example {a, b, c} mentioned in the question, one such grammar is the following. I'm using lower case letters for terminal symbols and upper case letters for non-terminals, as is customary. S is the initial non-terminal symbol.
S ::= XabcY
XabcY ::= aXbcY | bXacY | cXabY
XabY ::= ab | ba
XacY ::= ac | ca
XbcY ::= bc | cb
Non-terminals X and Y enclose the substring in the production which has not been finalized yet; this substring will eventually be replaced by a permutation of the terminals that are given between X and Y (in some arbitrary order).
Abstract problem description:
The way I see it, unparsing means to create a token stream from an AST, which when parsed again produces an equal AST.
So parse(unparse(AST)) = AST holds.
This is the equal to finding a valid parse tree which would produce the same AST.
The language is described by a context free S-attributed grammar using a eBNF variant.
So the unparser has to find a valid 'path' through the traversed nodes in which all grammar constraints hold. This bascially means to find a valid allocation of AST nodes to grammar production rules. This is a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) in general and could be solved, like parsing, by backtracking in O(exp(n)).
Fortunately for parsing, this can be done in O(n³) using GLR (or better restricting the grammar). Because the AST structure is so close to the grammar production rule structure, I was really surprised seeing an implementation where the runtime is worse than parsing: XText uses ANTLR for parsing and backtracking for unparsing.
Is a context free S-attribute grammar everything a parser and unparser need to share or are there further constraints, e.g. on the parsing technique / parser implementation?
I've got the feeling this problem isn't O(exp(n)) in general - could some genius help me with this?
Is this basically a context-sensitive grammar?
Area returns AnyObject -> Pedestrian | Highway
Highway returns AnyObject -> "Foo" Car
Pedestrian returns AnyObject -> "Bar" Bike
Car returns Vehicle ->"Car"
Bike returns Vehicle ->"Bike"
So if I have an AST containing
AnyObject -> AnyObject -> Vehicle [name="Car"] and I know the root can be Area, I could resolve it to
Area -> Highway -> Car
So the (Highway | Pedestrian) decision depends on the subtree decisions. The problem get's worse when a leaf might be, at first sight, one of several types, but has to be a specific one to form a valid path later on.
So if I have S-attribute rules returning untyped objects, just assigning some attributes, e.g.
A -> B C {Obj, Obj}
X -> Y Z {Obj, Obj}
B -> "somekeyword" {0}
Y -> "otherkeyword" {0}
C -> "C" {C}
Z -> "Z" {Z}
So if an AST contains
/ \
"0" "C"
I can unparse it to
/ \
just after I could resolve "C" to C.
While traversing the AST, all constraints I can generate from the grammar are satisfied for both rules, A and X, until I hit "C". This means that for
A -> B | C
B -> "map" {MagicNumber_42}
C -> "foreach" {MagicNumber_42}
both solutions for the tree
are valid and it is considered that they have equal semantics ,e.g. syntactic sugar.
Further Information:
unparsing in XText
grammar constraints for unparsing, see Serializer: Concrete Syntax Validation
Question 1: no, the grammar itself may not be enough. Take the example of an ambiguous grammar. If you ended up with a unique leftmost (rightmost) derivation (the AST) for a given string, you would somehow have to know how the parser eliminated the ambiguity. Just think of the string 'a+b*c' with the naive grammar for expressions 'E:=E+E|E*E|...'.
Question 3: none of the grammar examples you give is context sensitive. The lefthand-side of the productions are a single non-terminal, there is no context.
Is there a (simple) way, within a parsing expression grammar (PEG), to express an "unordered sequence"? A rule such as
Rule <- A B C
requires A, B and C to match in order. A rule such as
Rule <- (A B C) / (B C A) / (C A B) / (A C B) / (C B A) / (B A C)
allows them to match in any order (which is what we want) but it is cumbersome and inapplicable in practice with more terms in the sequence.
Is the only solution to use a syntactically looser rule such as
Rule <- (A / B / C){3}
and semantically check that each rule matches only once?
The fact that, e.g., Relax NG Compact Syntax has an "unordered list" operator to parse XML make me hint that there is no obvious solution.
Last question: do you think the addition of such an operator would bring ambiguity to PEG?
Grammar rules express precisely the sequence of forms that you want, regardless of parsing engine (e.g., PEG, LALR, LL(k), ...) that you choose.
The only way to express that you want all possible sequences of just of something using BNF rules is the big ugly rule you proposed.
The standard solution is to simply define:
rule <- (A | B | C)*
(or whatever syntax your parser generator accepts for lists) and semantically count that only 3 forms are provided and they are unique.
Often people building parser generators add special "extended BNF" notations to let them describe special circumstances; you gave an example use {3} as special syntax implying that you only wanted "3 of" under the assumption the parser generator accepts this notation and does the appropriate enforcement. One can imagine an extension notation {unique} to let you describe your situation. I've never seen a parser generator that implemented that idea.
I've got a simple grammar. Actually, the grammar I'm using is more complex, but this is the smallest subset that illustrates my question.
Expr ::= Value Suffix
| "(" Expr ")" Suffix
Suffix ::= "->" Expr
| "<-" Expr
| Expr
| epsilon
Value matches identifiers, strings, numbers, et cetera. The Suffix rule is there to eliminate left-recursion. This matches expressions such as:
a -> b (c -> (d) (e))
That is, a graph where a goes to both b and the result of (c -> (d) (e)), and c goes to d and e. I'm trying to produce an abstract syntax tree for these expressions, but I'm running into difficulty because all of the operators can accept any number of operands on each side. I'd rather keep the logic for producing the AST within the recursive descent parsing methods, since it avoids having to duplicate the logic of extracting an expression. My current strategy is as follows:
If a Value appears, push it to the output.
If a From or To appears:
Output a separator.
Get the next Expr.
Create a Link node.
Pop the first set of operands from output into the Link until a separator appears.
Erase the separator discovered.
Pop the second set of operands into the Link until a separator.
Push the Link to the output.
If I run this through without obeying steps 2.3–2.7, I get a list of values and separators. For the expression quoted above, a -> b (c -> (d) (e)), the output should be:
A sep_1 B sep_2 C sep_3 D E
Applying the To rule would then yield:
A sep_1 B sep_2 (link from C to {D, E})
And subsequently:
(link from A to {B, (link from C to {D, E})})
The important thing to note is that sep_2, crucial to delimit the left-hand operands of the second ->, does not appear, so the parser believes that the expression was actually written:
a -> (b c -> (d) (e))
In order to solve this with my current strategy, I would need a way to produce a separator between adjacent expressions, but only if the current expression is a From or To expression enclosed in parentheses. If that's possible, then I'm just not seeing it and the answer ought to be simple. If there's a better way to go about this, however, then please let me know!
I haven't tried to analyze it in detail, but: "From or To expression enclosed in parentheses" starts to sound a lot like "context dependent", which recursive descent can't handle directly. To avoid context dependence you'll probably need a separate production for a From or To in parentheses vs. a From or To without the parens.
Edit: Though it may be too late to do any good, if my understanding of what you want to match is correct, I think I'd write it more like this:
Graph :=
| List Sep Graph
Sep := "->"
| "<-"
List :=
| Value List
Value := Number
| Identifier
| String
| '(' Graph ')'
It's hard to be certain, but I think this should at least be close to matching (only) the inputs you want, and should make it reasonably easy to generate an AST that reflects the input correctly.