converting gant build scripts into ant scripts - grails

I am pressmuming (without really knowing) that "gant" is superior to "ant", especially when building grails applications. I have some old, inherited, grails apps using ant. Is is possible or easy to convert existing build.xml files into gant build scripts?

If you have a go at using it, please
feel free to give feedback and/or make
bug reports and improvement requests
via the Gant JIRA.
The project for this script is being
maintained as a Bazaar branch. The
URL for the branch is
**, though if you want to browse the material rather than branch is you may
well want to use the URL


Why does the Jenkins API have packages for jenkins and hudson?

I'm trying to get into Groovy scripting in Jenkins, but there seems to be no docs about this and the API is kind of split between package hudson and jenkins. I understand that Hudson is Jenkins' former name, and my first guess is that the devs didn't rename the old packages, but used the new name for newer code - effectively creating a mess. Is this true or am I missing something?
You are somewhat right. Jenkins originated from Hudson , so left the old packages and classes as it is for 2 of the obvious reasons:
To support the old legacy classes and codes written/used all over world. Other wise it would be difficult for every developer to either change or use something like #deprecated #SuppressWarnings
It will take more time to change/restructure all the classes for Jenkins. Even Huge Java community also avoid such things and they only restructure the code when it requires the most. Like they did in Dictionary or Vector classes or even Collections framework during generics implementions.
You can also refer this page for some more answers: How to choose between Hudson and Jenkins?

Dart Editor equivalent of Eclipse command "Project >> Clean..."?

Is there an equivalent of the Eclipse "Project" menu "Clean..." command in the Dart Editor? If not, how can a project be cleaned of the files generated by the various tools?
Never heard of such a functionality in Dart.
What files of what tools? I guess from Run as JavaScript?
I guess the development goes in the direction that files are generated only in the build directory.
These files will be purged before rebuild.
But this is WIP.
I have the same question. However I am coming to this question with a suggestion. I would like people to consider the build model implemented by Apache Maven for Dart builds.
The nice thing about the maven model is that you can:
Define custom actions aside from the built-in ones.
Implement custom handlers for actions.
As for the clean action in Eclipse -- Add my vote for Dart Editor.
Eclipse normally use either Apache Ant or Apache Maven for build actions. 'Clean' is a standard action and found its way to the Build menu at a very early stage. Which gives me an idea;
Add some UI meta-management to the Dart Editor
Build tool = Current Dart build (default), OR user specified: Ant, Maven, ...
Build menu = Set standard actions, allow custom actions against the current build tool; e.g. a "database load".
I know with new frameworks and languages there's always more things to do that time to do it. There are probably better examples than just And or Maven. I'm just pondering some flexible options to make the Dart development environment a little "future proof". ;-)

Using ant build for my web project

I have my personal website and it is almost static with only a few instances of dynamic server-side code. Is it a good idea to build my project using Ant script? If yes, how to do it on an windows environment?
While reading Html5BolilerPlate related build script,I thought to migrate on H5BP and use their script. Is that advisable?
Any kind of automated way helps you to increase productivity. Ant is one tool that could and you should try.
I suspect what you need is some project automation / continuous integration. Tools like Jenkins/Judson can help there.

Generic ant rules script as an alternative to using Maven

Android has an ant script file with generic targets for compile, clean, etc.
Are there any open source ant scripts that define standard targets such as these for general java projects?
I don't want to bother installing and using maven, but I also don't want to bother creating and maintaining ant scripts for each project.
I'm guessing you are new to both Maven and Ant. If I'm wrong you can ignore the rest of this post :)
I don't know of any generic open source Ant files. I've never had the need to look for one. I think its well worth the effort to learn Ant and create your own generic script. Ant is easy to learn and it is a very flexible, powerful and reliable build tool. You'll find it quite easy to create a build file that you can reuse over and over again on different projects.
With regards to having to maintain Ant scripts, its a bit of a fallacy. You'll find that once you've got a script that works in a generic way you'll hardly ever have to touch it again except when you need to do things in a custom way (usually around packaging and deployment). When that happens, you'll be glad you're using a tool like Ant that gives you the flexibility to do what you want to be able to do without getting in your way.

MyEclipse builders and CI

I'm picking up support on a project that is currently built with MyEclipse and has a decent sized development team that has been working without any CI processes.
From what I can tell, the MyEclipse folks don't see any value in being able to build outside of the Eclipse platform, which makes no sense at all to me. Continuous Integration is extremely helpful when you have to integrate changes into a codebase from more than one development environment, and it's pretty tough to automate builds when you're tied to a GUI.
Does anyone have continuous integration processes set up around MyEclipse style project-sets? If so, what strategy did you use to accomplish it?
AFAIKT there is no OOTB feature that can generate an Ant script (or equivalent headless-build script) from MyEclipse, nor is there an exposed way to invoke MyEclipse builders from a build-script platform.
This would lead me to believe that I'll need to reverse engineer the scripts based on what MyEclipse generates, which I'd rather not have to do.
I'm not particularly concerned with a Maven-style solution for my needs, but if you know of one I'd like to hear about it. From my initial research it looks like Maven/MyEclipse integration is even worse.
This is remarkably similar to the problems I had working with a websphere 5.1 application that could only be built from WSAD6 running on build machine built from a disk image from the company IT dept. WSAD did have a headless mode. It was a real pain to get that working from Hudson.
I would not be surprised if there was a Maven plugin and/or Ant task for each of the builders you are using. I would start there.
Here is a Maven based solution so maybee a bit off topic for you..
In our company, we use MyEclipse as IDE and Hudson and Team City for continuous integration. The projects are Maven based, so Hudson and TC can work with them.
When you want to open the project in Eclipse, you have to check out the sources, setup maven repository path for eclipse with mvn eclispse:add-maven-repo, build them with mvn install and then run target mvn eclipse:eclipse, which creates the Eclipse project setup from the maven's POM configuration. Then it is possible to import the project into Eclipse and work with it seamlessly..
More information can be found on maven-eclipse-plugin project page
..seamlessly until you change something in the POM configuration - then you have to run the mvn eclipse:eclipse again and have the eclipse project configuration recreated acording to the new POM.. it's important not to forget about this step, unless your project in the IDE won't work properly and you'll be wondering why ;)
Me personally don't find this solution the best, but that's the way how Eclipse folks work with Maven :/
Hope this should inspire you at least :)
This is another reason why I intensely dislike Eclipse. The fact that an IDE can force you away from something that's acknowledged to be a best practice is shameful.
"AFAIKT there is no OOTB feature that can generate an Ant script (or equivalent headless-build script) from MyEclipse" - I'm not sure I understand why this is a problem. It's possible to write a simple Ant build.xml in an hour or two that would do the job for most Java EE apps packaged as WAR files. I don't know if you're using EJBs, but even adding app server specific tasks such as EJB and JSP compilation wouldn't be much of a challenge. If you can agree on a common directory structure it would even be reusable across projects.
With that Ant build.xml in hand, you should be able to drive your CI process simply by checking into Subversion. The Eclipse plug-ins to do that work well, I hear.
If it's really a problem, I'd recommend IntelliJ. It works nicely with CI based on either Cruise Control or Hudson or Jet Brains' own Team City. The cost isn't excessive, and it'll pay for itself quickly.
If I'm misreading your question, I apologize. But if I've got it right, there's no way I'd let the IDE dictate to the team this way.
