Reporting Service for Amazon RDS? - ruby-on-rails

I'm curious if anyone has any leads for me on this:
I have a business app that we're building, that could benefit from some out of the box reporting services. Looking for reports that can be created and customized by the end user, without (too much) developer support. Think crystal reports / MS Access reports, but better and all web based interface.
Ideally, this would be a SAAS that I could buy, and that could hook directly up to my Amazon RDS instance. Then I would create frames around it within my business app for the end users.
I don't want to write my own reporting system - but I need it to be in the cloud to work with my system. Or be something I could install on a rails app.
So far, all I've found are brochure pages for services I've never heard of or developer solutions for rails on github. (meaning they have great report creation tools, but no front-ends for users.)
If anyone has any leads, or experience in this, I'd be happy to hear it.
This is a cloud based reporting system developed for exactly this problem. It uses either Word or Open Office templates that can be edited and maintained by the end user with little or no developer support. There is a front end interface for the user to manage and upload their templates. Changes to the templates are reflected in report output instantly. Once deployed, your application simply calls the web service with the data to inject into the report (JSON, XML) which is then delivered back in a variety of formats including pdf, doc, html.
We have used this in the education sector for some time and found that it saves us a lot of time because the business owners can take on the task of developing the report formats in familiar MS Word and they prefer it that way.
I also know of a developer who has built an iPad app over it too. Docmosis streams pdfs back to the device and emails a copy to a specified email address. You can integrate it from most environments.


Adobe SiteCatalyst:How to export the groups with list of usernames and report suite

i am working on Adobe SiteCatalyst.
i am able to download the groups with column names Group Name,Description,Users and Report Suites.
In above list am getting count of users and report suites.but i need a exact name instead of count how this can be done using Adobe Site Catalyst..
Please help me..
I don't know of a built in report that will get you this. If there is a small number of users and you don't need to do it very often then you can do this manually. But it would be a pain.
If you think it is worth investing some time into this because you have a lot of users and/or you need to do this report often then you can use the Enterprise API to automate this report.
You will need to create a user with the Web Services permission. Then using that username and secret (be careful to use the exact format from the Admin tools->Company Settings->Web Services as there is a "loginCompany:username" format and special Shared Secret)
Then you can use the APIs assuming you have some development experience. This is a good starting point. and also look at GetGroups.
Best of luck C.

How to retrieve the list of top 1000 games in the iOS App Store in real-time

I'd like to retrieve the list of top 1000 apps (specifically games) in the iOS App Store in real-time. This information is public (at least the top 300), but Apple doesn't offer any API or automated way to fetch these lists. Does anyone know a good service for this?
I've listed similar topics in forums below, as well as different useful resources. Most of these help you track your own applications, but I'm interested in following trends for ALL apps in the App Store.
Similar topics:
How can I use Appstore API to get top100 list? What is the common architecture to build a appstore application website?
There appears to be no documented public API, but you can (currently) still get at the data.
You can use wireshark (or similar) to figure out the URL sequences and the user agent that iTunes on a Mac or PC uses to get all the popularity sorted pages that it displays when manually clicking through the pages. It's all (currently) done in plain HTTP. You can get 100's of pages for many 1000's of apps this way. Then parse and decode the XML returned for these URLs to get the app names displayed on each page. A bunch of perl scripts driving wget or curl might work.
Note that the URLs, user agent and the format of the XML returned often changes when Apple updates iTunes. So you will need to periodically re-adapt your retrieval mechanism.

Display a SSRS reports in an iPad App [duplicate]

This is more of a general "how do I get started" question. I would like to display my company's SSRS Integrated Sharepoint Reports in an iPad App, but I'm not sure where to start. Googling this concept didn't return any results.
We would like a native feel without displaying the reports in a Web View container.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!
Maybe you can use the webservice to get the parameters and build a little query interface. You'd have to figure out what to put in your dropdown boxes I believe.
Get params with that and then submit call the render method which would return the report to you in the desired format. Be sure to read the remarks there.
I have no clue if this would actually work. My organization built an interface like this for reporting services 2000, but it used the URL-based submitting method.
Good luck, I'd love to know if this works for you.
Using the web service is definitely your best bet. You should be able to query all the parameter information you need from the service and then render it in various formats (html is probably your best bet).
I know it's definitely doable, as I've used the web service to build custom scripts that render and and send out PDF versions of reports. It would essentially be the same task. You can find plenty of information on the web for working with it.
look at
The Website shows a server based solution to display reporting services reports on the ipad (including autentification, etc.)
With SQL Server 2012 SPI, you can now access a SSRS report from an iPad by browsing the SharePoint library or viewing the report in a Web part.
For more information about viewing and interacting with SSRS reports on the iPad, see View Reporting Services Reports on Apple iOS devices (SSRS iPad).

Business Intelligence Application for iPad

I have some experience in iPhone development. Now one client wants to develop a BI (Business Intelligence) related iPad app for their organisation.
As I have no previous experience in development of such an application, I googled a bit & learned that these BI related apps show various data present in an organisation in various chart/graphical formats to the user.
Q1) So what is the best way to pull these data from server?
Q2) Also is there any API / Framework available to do this kind of app in iPad?
If anyone has any other suggestions, please post here.
There are a TON of ways to do this. You can build it with most any technology that your organization uses. The main key is to keep a clear separation of tiers. Build a web application that queries your database and have it present the information as XML or JSON. You can then parse the data and present it in your iOS application.
For actually doing data visualization, you will want to take a look at Core-Plot. I've used it on projects and it has worked well:
If your customer wants an out-of-the-box solution for getting their BI on mobile devices, take a look at Actuate/BIRT. They have a simple way to get it into mobile.

Selectively uploading files to a website

My office uses a piece of software that generates XML based reports. These reports also reference images files which are created during the generation of a report.
I'm trying to develop an ASP.NET MVC web app that will allow users to share and collaborate on these reports. The site will read the XML data into a database, as well as store the images files to be viewed on the site.
However, the problem I'm having now is the reporting software generates many more images then are actually needed by my site. After reading through the XML report data my site will typically find that it really only needs a few images uploaded out of all images that were exported by the software.
I don't want to waste bandwidth or time by having the user upload every single image to the site, as most would end up just being deleted after the site reads through the XML file.
Is there any other way to allow a web-app to selectively upload files from a users computer? Ultimately I would like for the site to be able to read in the XML report file, determine what image files it needs, and then proceed to upload only those images.
Could this be accomplished through java script in the page? What about a silver light?
I know I could develop a stand alone executable that would handle parsing the XML and uploading the images. But I'm trying to avoid requiring the user to install anything to use this site.
unfortunately for security reason it's not very easy to have a web app access the local drive and copy files to the server. However, here are some suggestions:
Create an activeX that has full access to the users computer. (IE Only, has to be installed) basic activex, old example to upload files.
Create an applet, similar to ActiveX (cross browser). Example
Completely different idea, but maybe a bit simpler, you could have the user upload the xml, the server would determine which images it needs and display it to the user. The user could then do a multiple file upload of just the files you listed.
Best of luck.
