Adobe SiteCatalyst:How to export the groups with list of usernames and report suite - adobe-analytics

i am working on Adobe SiteCatalyst.
i am able to download the groups with column names Group Name,Description,Users and Report Suites.
In above list am getting count of users and report suites.but i need a exact name instead of count how this can be done using Adobe Site Catalyst..
Please help me..

I don't know of a built in report that will get you this. If there is a small number of users and you don't need to do it very often then you can do this manually. But it would be a pain.
If you think it is worth investing some time into this because you have a lot of users and/or you need to do this report often then you can use the Enterprise API to automate this report.
You will need to create a user with the Web Services permission. Then using that username and secret (be careful to use the exact format from the Admin tools->Company Settings->Web Services as there is a "loginCompany:username" format and special Shared Secret)
Then you can use the APIs assuming you have some development experience. This is a good starting point. and also look at GetGroups.
Best of luck C.


What is the simplest way to distribute Google Workspace Add-ons within an organization?

I often have to create small extensions for Google Workspace Apps ( Docs, Slides, Gmail etc) which I want to give some users access to. Sometimes only a selected number of users needs them, often only for a specific use case.
Those users are often not very technical experienced so I want to have a very simple setup process for them which does not include copying Appscript files from one place to another, or having a 10 step instruction.
The best solution I came up is to always create a Google Workspace Add-on (even when a simple editor script would also work) and share the AppScript Project with those user who want the Add-on. Then those users need to install it as a test deployment from the AppScript project.
This is not an ideal solution since I actually don't want to give those users access to the Appscript Project and source code.
Publishing the Add-on within the organisation would result in a better user experience since most users know how to install addons from the marketplace but since every Add-on would need a seperate gcp project this is way to much overhead for simple scripts.
Is there any better solution to this?

App Store price drops and updates info

I found a couple of websites which somehow collect App store price changes, updates, etc.
My question is - where does websites like:
get their info? I signed up as Apple affiliate and found that I can request apps info using the search or lookup APIs. But I can't send thousands of requests to check all apps day by day, it seems to be a huge task.
Is there any other available option to get this info?
They may be using this, Enterprise Partner Feed
It looks like it would provide what you're looking.
They are using EPF feed, provided by Apple.
You can check their Python tool to import feed to database.
You can also take a look on websites like:, or
If you know PHP (for example), you can write a simple spider to grab price drops and updates.
Just read more about PHP CURL library.

iOS app without API, alternatives?

Im thinking about learn to develop app for iOS. I had a lot of ideas, but most of them i would need the API of that website. For example:
The point is: is there any other possibility of collect/use information of a site without the API, anything else without the typical parsing or scraping?
Thanks you
To get the most up to date information to your users, you would need to use the API. If you want to store the data locally, you could do some initial scraping and build up your own database and distribute it within your app. This approach is not ideal because your data may become out of date quickly (unless you have a database update mechanism) and the owners of the sites you are scraping may not take too kindly on the matter

Using Google as a substitute of a web interface for an existing client server application

I am in researh mood and one of the tasks I have in my to do list is:
"Finalize the techonlogy to use for creating a web interface to my existing Client Server application".
My application is very rich and full of features. It makes sense it is has rich client UI, because it is a productivity tool. Many shortcuts, many things without any click. So I am not looking for a full replacement.
My app has some features that would be good to be used also from a web interface.
Some of them:
1) multi user calendar (every item I see in the calendar is linked to something in my app, for example "today 11:00: recall customer 'Dummy ltd'". This is not a simple memo, it is also linked to the customer), so i can see my and others tasks.
2) Confirm some task (yes I did this!)
3) see some report (some graph or some tabular report)
Of course this are not simple outputs, they can contain some logic (for example some calendar items must be readonly, some others can be edited).
This said, I was considering whether doing all this with Google would be a reasonable choice. In this way I don't have to install anything, simply interfacing with google would be enough. I can map my application users to one (or more) google users and use all the google features (calendar, charts, tasks, ....).
May you comment on this? Which are the good/bad points.
Some good points I can forsee:
1) no need to design any UI, just connect to an existing powerful and userfriendly system
2) the applicatino will automatically be compatible with google ("is it possible to export on google?" is a typical question I recieve)
3) google already provides the interface for the points I wrote above (tasks, calendar, charts, ...)
4) no deployment issues. No server hosting. just need to configure the users with some wizard.
Some bad points:
1) Which is the long term support? Will the Google APIs change every month or some of them will be stable for years?
2) How much may I push? How much is it possible to customize? I mean can I write some logic like "this item is readonly", "this item is not"? (afaik in google I can share a calendar with other people, in different ways, but there is no way to make only a part of it readonly. Of course I could do this with a trick, like having 2 calendars, one readonly and the other not. But is it possible to change the default google behaviour like for example in calendar case?)
3) of course I am limited, writing "from scratch" allows me to do everything.
Final note: my app is a Delphi client/server application. The communication will be done from an application server that will interact with the google apis.
As I understand, the API are stable, for example the Calendar API documentation says
Google periodically updates the
Calendar Data API in order to deliver
new features and to repair defects
discovered in previous versions. In
most cases, these changes will be
transparent to API developers.
However, occasionally we need to make
changes that require developers to
modify their existing applications.
So as long as the service exists I would expect only small changes. Services however can disappear from one day to the other (see Google Wave for example) so I would check the requirements of an 'exit strategy', at least a way to export the most critical information.
My application is very rich and full
of features. It makes sense it is has
rich client UI, because it is a
productivity tool
It sounds like Morfik might be a good choice for creating web interface for your application. Once you like it, you might even make the whole application in it. ;-)

Reporting Service for Amazon RDS?

I'm curious if anyone has any leads for me on this:
I have a business app that we're building, that could benefit from some out of the box reporting services. Looking for reports that can be created and customized by the end user, without (too much) developer support. Think crystal reports / MS Access reports, but better and all web based interface.
Ideally, this would be a SAAS that I could buy, and that could hook directly up to my Amazon RDS instance. Then I would create frames around it within my business app for the end users.
I don't want to write my own reporting system - but I need it to be in the cloud to work with my system. Or be something I could install on a rails app.
So far, all I've found are brochure pages for services I've never heard of or developer solutions for rails on github. (meaning they have great report creation tools, but no front-ends for users.)
If anyone has any leads, or experience in this, I'd be happy to hear it.
This is a cloud based reporting system developed for exactly this problem. It uses either Word or Open Office templates that can be edited and maintained by the end user with little or no developer support. There is a front end interface for the user to manage and upload their templates. Changes to the templates are reflected in report output instantly. Once deployed, your application simply calls the web service with the data to inject into the report (JSON, XML) which is then delivered back in a variety of formats including pdf, doc, html.
We have used this in the education sector for some time and found that it saves us a lot of time because the business owners can take on the task of developing the report formats in familiar MS Word and they prefer it that way.
I also know of a developer who has built an iPad app over it too. Docmosis streams pdfs back to the device and emails a copy to a specified email address. You can integrate it from most environments.
