how is language translation done in facebook? - translation

i would like to know, how is the language translation done in facebook ?
Are they using google translate, or any licensed software ?
I want to enable language translation in my website, and i want similar to that of facebook.
How Can this be done, if at all possible ?

Google has good translation API that will convert your text in to given language. However if you want to translate a larger paragraph you need to go for human translation. Because Google translation is not converting grammar of other languages. Now there are good services available that allow automate the human translation like

Facebook's partner for search and for translate functions is Microsoft Bing.
To use it similarly you need to use the API provided, see 'Translator' here at their Developer page:
Source of my info: several websites including


Is there an API for asking the Google Assistant general questions via plaintext?

I'm looking for a way to integrate the Google Assistant into my chatbot and be able to get answers to general questions like "whats the weather?", "how tall is X?", "what does X mean?" etc. (just how Google Home works). Ideally this would be over a REST API and I'd get the response back inside of a JSON payload.
I looked through the Google Assistant SDK docs but it wasn't clear on how I could host/build an API that does this. Any ideas on if something like this already exists?
Yes, you use the Google Assistant SDK.
There isn't a REST API, since other requirements for the SDK are poorly suited for REST. Instead it uses gRPC, which lets them publish a standard interface and lets you compile this interface to local language bindings.
IF you are using Python, C++, or Node.js, there are already libraries available which allow you to skip the gRPC setup yourself.

API to translate US English to UK English

Google Translate and Bing Translator does not support US English to UK English.
Do you know any API to translate US English to UK English?
As far as I could investigate, idiomatic translation doesn't seem to be supported by any translate API. Nonetheless, I think your question is very valid and in the future an idiomatic translator could be implemented for these translation services
There is a feature request for such goal in the public issue tracker of Google if you would like to keep track of it.

iOS translation apps url schemes

I'm trying to enable translating some text in my app. I want user to be able to launch whichever translation tool they use on their device (Google Translate or iTranslate) and see the translation without having to type it. For this, I'm using the url schemes:
Now, I need to pass the query to those apps. I know how to do this for iTranslate:
This is cool, now I would like to know how to do the same for Google Translate. It needs to automatically detect the language and translate it to english.
It is not currently possible to prefill UI elements in the Google Translate iOS application when opening it from googletranslate:// URLs. The contents of the URL after googletranslate:// appear to be completely ignored. So the most you can get from using these links at the moment is opening the iOS application.
If this does get implemented at some point in the future, one can test by opening a link like googletranslate://example%20text/?param=value&from=zh_TW. I would strongly recommend that you let your voice be heard on the Google Translate product forum by requesting this feature.
In the meantime, you may want to consider using Translation API to provide translations within your application. This can be achieved using the REST API.
If is there anyone still looking for the answer, you can use it like this.
You can change the parameters
sl = source language
tl = translation language
text = the thing you want to translate

Revit Add-in Localization

Is there a way with the API to convert/translate Revit standard terms such as 'Insulation', '3D view', 'View Templates', 'Detail Level' and other baked-in terms to a given language (such as German, Russian , Chinese, etc.)? I'd like to ensure that the messages I provide in my localized add-in use terms that the user is familiar with (with regard to Revit).
I think Jeremy's answer is probably the way to go for a comprehensive approach.
However - if you're looking for something more self-contained and quick-and-dirty, you could try the LabelUtilities class in the Revit API. :)
The LabelUtilties lets you look up the translated value of all of the thousands of builtin parameters, parameter groups, unit types, etc).
All of the pieces of text that you mentioned above are available as BuiltInParmater translations (although, admittedly, some are not available as plurals).
For example:
LabelUtils.GetLabelFor( BuiltInParameter.RBS_WIRE_INSULATION_PARAM );
==> "Insulation" in English.
(You can see all of the translated English BuiltInParameters in the Revit API reference under the BuiltInParameters page).
Good Luck!
The Autodesk localisation team uses a cross product corpus database NeXLT for terminology and message translation:
This link is accessible from outside the company and translation companies working with the localisation team around the world make use it for translating products for Autodesk platforms.
This answer is already published with a little more background on The Building Coder blog:

Determining language of twitter posts

What is the best way to determine the language of twitter posts.
There is the language parameter that comes with the streaming API but it doesn't really seem to be very accurate. Even many Japanese posts are labelled as English.
What have others done to sort out the langauges?
I've had very good results with this PHP package:
It is fast and open source. We use it to select English only posts for a site we run at
google have language detection within their Translate API if using evil external services is a go-er?
