API to translate US English to UK English - translation

Google Translate and Bing Translator does not support US English to UK English.
Do you know any API to translate US English to UK English?

As far as I could investigate, idiomatic translation doesn't seem to be supported by any translate API. Nonetheless, I think your question is very valid and in the future an idiomatic translator could be implemented for these translation services
There is a feature request for such goal in the public issue tracker of Google if you would like to keep track of it.


Is there an API to get Indian pincodes?

I'm building an application in which I need get pincodes (India) of the users and get the city and the state details. I have not found an effective way to do this other than scrape the internet for pincodes which is quite cumbersome and time consuming.
Is there any API available for this purpose?
P.S. I'm new to stackoverflow.
You can use Indian Pincodes API. I built this for one of our projects. It's simple and you do not need any authentication.

Phonetic Characters in Google Translation API

I am using the Google Translation API, here is an example request to getting 'Hello' from English to Simplified Chinese:
Google Translation API - 'Hello' From English to Chinese
And as you can see this is pretty much all the data it returns:
Which is not very helpful to a user who might want to be able to speak it, so does Google Translation API return any pinyin or phonetic typing so it might return that as:
Ni Hao
This isn't possible with the current API. See:
Get Chinese Romanization from Google Translate API
Apparently it is still an open issue that Google has not implemented into the API.

Determining language of twitter posts

What is the best way to determine the language of twitter posts.
There is the language parameter that comes with the streaming API but it doesn't really seem to be very accurate. Even many Japanese posts are labelled as English.
What have others done to sort out the langauges?
I've had very good results with this PHP package:
It is fast and open source. We use it to select English only posts for a site we run at http://2012twit.com.
google have language detection within their Translate API if using evil external services is a go-er?

Streaming API with languages

Is there anyway i can retrieve only English tweets using the Twitter's Live Straeming API?
It seems like using "sample" or "filter" results around 60-70 percent of non-English tweets.
I haven't found a good solution to this, I've solved this using the following:
1) filter by lang attribute equal to "en".
2) I found that several non-english languages are still in the english labelled tweets. So, I downloaded spanish, dutch, and indonesian word lists, and checked for number of non-english word occurrences in tweets. More than 1, and I discard it as non-english.
3) I think I need to filter for portuguese as well, need to investigate this.
Filtering only English-language messages from the twitter stream is an active research area. You could use an off-the-shelf language identification system to locally process the stream and select only messages in English. One such system is langid.py. Full disclosure, I am the author of langid.py.
Another system I know of is ldig by Nakatani Shuyo. I haven't had a chance to experiment with it yet, but it is made specifically for language identification of Twitter messages.
Twitter will soon be releasing a new (or updated) attribute just for this purpose! See their blog post, Introducing new metadata for Tweets
The new lang attribute specifies the language the Tweet was written in, as identified by Twitter's machine language detection algorithms.
At the time of this writing the lang attribute and language parameter haven't yet appeared, however check the Calendar of API changes to see when they plan on releasing it (currently just specifies "2013").
Update 3/30/2013:
The lang attribute was added to the Streaming API on March 26, 2013. In addition, it was also made available on the REST API on March 6, 2013.
For use in the Twitter Streaming API, language is now a request parameter:
So for English you'd add 'language=en' into your request parameter string.
Twitter just finished it!!
cf calendar API:
March 26, 2013 lang attribute & language parameter appears on streaming Blog post Streaming API.
The twitter API rocks!!

how is language translation done in facebook?

i would like to know, how is the language translation done in facebook ?
Are they using google translate, or any licensed software ?
I want to enable language translation in my website, and i want similar to that of facebook.
How Can this be done, if at all possible ?
Google has good translation API that will convert your text in to given language. However if you want to translate a larger paragraph you need to go for human translation. Because Google translation is not converting grammar of other languages. Now there are good services available that allow automate the human translation like http://mygengo.com/
Facebook's partner for search and for translate functions is Microsoft Bing.
To use it similarly you need to use the API provided, see 'Translator' here at their Developer page:
Source of my info: several websites including
