I need to send to a server in POST an email (String) and a password (MD5 hash in byte[]).
Below how I get my MD5 hash where "password" is a String (what the user enter):
byte[] passMD5 = Crypto.encodeStringMD5(password);
And the function:
public static byte[] encodeStringMD5(String s) throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes();
MD5Digest digest = new MD5Digest();
digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
int length = digest.getDigestLength();
byte[] md5 = new byte[length];
digest.getDigest(md5, 0, true);
return md5;
So "passMD5" should be an MD5 hash in bytes of my string value "password", right?
Then I need to send the information through HTTP POST to an URL and read the result (XML). See below the rest of the code:
readURL(urlTemplate, email, passMD5);
Where urlTemplate is a String like "http://www.domain.com/myfile.aspx?action=login&enc=1", email a String and password the MD5 hash in bytes.
The readURL below:
private void readURL(String url, String email, byte[] pass) throws IOException {
HttpConnection conn = null;
InputStream in = null;
OutputStream os = null;
byte dataBytes[];
try {
URLEncodedPostData data = new URLEncodedPostData(URLEncodedPostData.DEFAULT_CHARSET, false);
data.append("email", email);
data.append("pass", pass.toString());
dataBytes = data.getBytes();
conn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ_WRITE);
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", data.getContentType());
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(dataBytes.length));
os = conn.openOutputStream();
in = conn.openInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} finally {
ConnectionUtil.close(conn, in);
ConnectionUtil.close(conn, os);
So right now the MD hash of the password in transformed to a String in order to be added to the data.append() function that only takes String parameters...
I think because of this, I don't send the good MD5 hash and it makes a problem.
On the server side in ASP.NET C#, I have this:
byte[] PasswordHash;
if (enc == 0) {
MD5 MD5Hasher = MD5.Create();
PasswordHash = MD5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Password));
} else {
PasswordHash = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Password);
So when I ask this URL "http://www.domain.com/myfile.aspx?action=login&enc=0" and give the password AS IS (so a String, not a byte[] and not MD5 hash) and do
data.append("pass", password);
then it works.
I just have either a problem with creating my MD5 hash or with the HTTP POST or both...
Please help me!
You can't just call "toString()" on a byte[] and expect to get a meaningful result. If you want to convert it to a hex representation of the bytes, you need a method to do that. I suggest going back to your previous question at Blackberry encode MD5 different from MD5 in C# since you had a function there that did the converstion from byte[] to String.
I am using OAuth authenication in Jira to test some methods in jira using JIRA Rest Java Client. I have got the access token using OAuth authenication that I need to pass on Jira URL. Here is all what I have got to get access token.
Token is 38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Token secret is cnDSL8oJyuoaQdRcFDwgHzLppSshQn9b
Retrieved request token. go to http://bmh1060149:8080/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Access token is : 015CeJiH8cpI5R3OKpNco158kApq8YwV
Now I am passing that access token to Jira URL but I am getting an empty array. Please let me know where I am doing wrong or what changes do I need to incorporate into my code to make this thing work. Here is my code.
public void getAllIssueTypesUsingOAuth(JiraCQCredential jcqcred) {
System.out.println("Inside getAllIssuetypeAssociatedToProject for JiraAdapterImpl");
//String username = jcqcred.getUserName();
//String password = jcqcred.getPassword();
String jiraURL = jcqcred.getJiraUrl();
if (!jiraURL.endsWith("/")) {
jiraURL = jiraURL + "/";
try {
String accessToken = JiraAdapterImpl.getAccessToken(); // This method is giving me access token
URL url = new URL(jiraURL + "rest/api/2" + "/" + "issuetype?access_token=" + accessToken);
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String issueTypes = sb.toString();
System.out.println("Issuetype associated to project are\n" + issueTypes);
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(issueTypes);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String issueNames = (String) jsonObject.get("name");
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
Its giving me an empty array like []
Hi After searching the little bit I finally managed to a find the solution to the above problem. After getting the access token just pass that access token to the makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken) method that will give you the resultant data which you want to retrive. Here url is the url which you want to hit to get the resultant data.
private AtlassianOAuthClient getJiraOAuthClient() {
final String baseURI = "http://bmh1060149:8080";
final String consumerKey = "hardcoded-consumer";
final String consumerPrivatekey = "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";
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = new AtlassianOAuthClient(consumerKey, consumerPrivatekey, baseURI, "");
return jiraoAuthClient;
Here is the code to get Access Token
private String getAccessToken() {
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
TokenSecretVerifierHolder requestToken = jiraoAuthClient.getRequestToken();
String authorizeUrl = jiraoAuthClient.getAuthorizeUrlForToken(requestToken.token);
String token = requestToken.token;
String tokenSecret = requestToken.secret;
System.out.println("Token is " + requestToken.token);
System.out.println("Token secret is " + requestToken.secret);
System.out.println("Retrieved request token. go to " + authorizeUrl);
String accessToken = jiraoAuthClient.swapRequestTokenForAccessToken(token, tokenSecret, "");
System.out.println("Access token is : " + accessToken);
return accessToken;
This is the method you call to retrieve the data.
public void getAllCommentOfIssueUsingOAuth() {
logger.info("Inside getAllCommentOfIssue for JiraAdapterImpl");
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
String accessToken = getAccessToken();
String url = "your Jira URL";
String responseAsString = jiraoAuthClient.makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken);
This will give you the resultant JSON data or XML data in resultantString.
I am working on an BB app in which I need to maintain a HTTP connection and with a name of image which is stored on server to get the text written in that image document.
I am getting the response in RTF format.
When I directly hit the server on open browser Chrome, I RTF file get downloaded.
Now I needs to perform that programetically,
1) Either convert the bytes which are coming in response in a simple string format so that I can read that.
2) Download the file as its happening on the browser manually so that by reading that file I read the information written in the document.
please suggest me how can I read the data from server by hitting any URL?
Currently I am working with this code:
try {
byte []b = send("new_image.JPG");
String s = new String(b, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
public byte[] send(String Imagename) throws Exception
HttpConnection hc = null;
String imageName = "BasicExp_1345619462234.jpg";
InputStream is = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] res = null;
hc = (HttpConnection) Connector.open("http://webservice.tvdevphp.com/basisexpdemo/webservices/ocr.php?imgname="+imageName);
hc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;");
int ch;
StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer();
is = hc.openInputStream();
while ((ch = is.read()) != -1)
res = bos.toByteArray();
catch(Exception e){
if(bos != null)
if(is != null)
if(hc != null)
catch(Exception e2)
return res;
The response is like:
I can read the data but its not formatted, so that i can read that programetically too.
I have done with this task....
Actually the mistake was on server side.
When they were performing OCR, the format parameter was not corrected that was reason.
This is my code where the connection problem occuring.
HttpConnection is not getting a response from an connection obj in a input stream. The occuring error is:
Datagram(ConnectionBase).receive (Datagram) line 538
HttpConnection httpCon = null;
InputStream iStream = null;
String url = null;
String result = "";
public GetXmlHttp(String str)
public String RESULT()
httpCon = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url);
iStream = httpCon.openInputStream();//error is here
int httpResponse = httpCon.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("httpResponse code"+httpResponse);
if(httpResponse != 200)
return null;
InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(iStream);
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
char[] ch=new char[1020];
Posting the exception would help, but allso have a look at the API documentation for HttpConnection. There is sample code posted there for getting via an HttpConnection which has at least one significant difference from yours. getResponseCode is called before openInputStream:
void getViaHttpConnection(String url) throws IOException {
HttpConnection c = null;
InputStream is = null;
int rc;
try {
c = (HttpConnection)Connector.open(url);
// Getting the response code will open the connection,
// send the request, and read the HTTP response headers.
// The headers are stored until requested.
rc = c.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc);
is = c.openInputStream();
i am developing and app for blackberry and i need to send a Http Post Request to my server. I'm using the simulator in order to test my app and i found this code in order to send request:
But i can't get it work, because it fails in this line:
int rc = _httpConnection.getResponseCode();
Any idea?
Here is a sample code on how to send a POST request:
HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url, Connector.READ_WRITE);
OutputStream os = c.openOutputStream();
InputStream is = c.openInputStream();
Just make sure you use this code in a separate thread.
public static ResponseBean sendRequestAndReceiveResponse(String method, String absoluteURL, String bodyData, boolean readResponseBody)
throws IOException
ResponseBean responseBean = new ResponseBean();
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
String formattedURL = absoluteURL + "deviceside=true;interface=wifi"; // If you are using WiFi
//String formattedURL = absoluteURL + "deviceside=false"; // If you are using BES
//String formattedURL = absoluteURL + "deviceside=true"; // If you are using TCP
if(DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) // if you are using simulator
formattedURL = absoluteURL;
httpConnection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(formattedURL);
if (bodyData != null && bodyData.length() > 0)
OutputStream os = httpConnection.openOutputStream();
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (readResponseBody)
catch (IOException ex)
System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IOException in NetworkUtil::sendRequestAndReceiveResponse(): " + ex);
throw ex;
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exception in NetworkUtil::sendRequestAndReceiveResponse(): " + ex);
throw new IOException(ex.toString());
if (httpConnection != null)
return responseBean;
public static StringBuffer readBodyData(HttpConnection httpConnection) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException
if(httpConnection == null)
return null;
StringBuffer bodyData = new StringBuffer(256);
InputStream inputStream = httpConnection.openDataInputStream();
byte[] data = new byte[256];
int len = 0;
int size = 0;
while ( -1 != (len = inputStream.read(data)) )
bodyData.append(new String(data, 0, len,"UTF-8"));
size += len;
if (inputStream != null)
return bodyData;
I know this question is pretty old and OP probably solved it by now, but I've just run into the same problem and managed to fix it!
You need to append ;deviceside=true to your URL.
So for example, your URL will change from "http://example.com/directory/submitpost.php" to "http://example.com/directory/submitpost.php;deviceside=true".
I found this here: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/Different-ways-to-make-an-HTTP-or-socket-connection/ta-p/445879
My POST request was timing out after 3 minutes when I did not have this (See My Comment), but it works fine with this appended to the url.
I would also recommend using ConnectionFactory. Here's some of my code:
Network.httpPost("http://example.com/directory/submitpost.php;deviceside=true", paramNamesArray, paramValsArray)
public static void httpPost(String urlStr, String[] paramName, String[] paramVal) throws Exception {
ConnectionFactory conFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
HttpConnection conn = (HttpConnection) conFactory.getConnection(urlStr).getConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < paramName.length; i++) {
byte[] postData = sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length",new Integer(postData.length).toString());
OutputStream out = conn.openOutputStream();
//out.flush(); //Throws an Exception for some reason/Doesn't do anything anyways
//This writes to our connection and waits for a response
if (conn.getResponseCode() != 200) {
throw new Exception(conn.getResponseMessage());
Not sure about the site you posted, but I've successfully used the sample ConnectionFactory code provided on the blackberry site.
Just make sure not to invoke the connection on the EventThread.
That's how you add parameters, Full answer is here:
StringBuffer postData = new StringBuffer();
httpConn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open("https://surveys2.kenexa.com/feedbacksurveyapi/login?");
String encodedData = postData.toString();
httpConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
httpConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length",(new Integer(encodedData.length())).toString());
byte[] postDataByte = postData.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
OutputStream out = httpConn.openOutputStream();
I have a byte array of an image on the server.
Using MVC as a pseudo-REST web service interface.
I'm in need of sending this image back through the HTTP request to the MVC client to render.
My first attempt was using UFT8Encoding to encode it to a string, send that cross then decode it using UTF8Encoding on the client.
However, when I do this, the result on the client is null. I assume due to the format of the string that I'm trying to send back.
This is what I'm doing now to no avail:
byte[] image = GetBarcodeImage(barcode);
if (image != null)
UTF8Encoding enc = new UTF8Encoding();
result = enc.GetString(image);
This is on the client side:
UTF8Encoding encoding= new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] image = encoding.GetBytes(result);
string imageBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(image);
string imgsrc = string.Format("data:image/gif;base64,{0}", imageBase64);
Is there any reason you don't return it as an image from your controller?
var image = GetByteArrayImage();
var stream = new MemoryStream(image);
Response.Expires = 14400;
return File(stream, "image/jpg");
Thin in your client you can just use WebRequest to download the file like any other file and not have to do any other magic.