Cover - art display for songs - quicktime

I am developing a music player for streaming online data and i need to display cover -art of songs being played. I need to know whether cover - art is a part of data stream or do players set a default image with songs being played.


How can I forbid AVPlayer switching to audio only tracks in HLS stream

The main source of my worries comes from the m3u8 manifests I use to play video in my app.
They contain variants with audio & video and some containing only audio.
The problem occurs when I load this type of manifest in avplayercontroller/avplayer while having a bad network or low bandwidth.
In every case avplayer witch to the tracks with no video to clear some bandwidth, resulting in no image appearing on the player.
I would like to know if there is a way to force avplayer or avplayercontroller to only focus on the manifest tracks containing audio and video and forbid audio only tracks to be selected, loaded, and played.
Thank you in advance to any tips or pointers you can give me on this subject.

Manual Bit rate control of video in swift

I wanted to implement a video quality control in video player in swift.I have used preferredPeakBitRate of avplayer item but I am not able to change the quality of video while the video is playing.I have the manifest file URL that contains different bit rates of video.Kindly suggest me any third party video player that used manual video quality control or tell me how I can achieve using avplayer in swift.

Recording avplayer playing live streaming byte iOS

I want to save avplayer playing byte data save on document directory.(like recording) but i don't want record side voice only song music.
AVAudioRecorder is take speaker voice so, thats why i want to save player live streaming data.
So, Please give any suggestion and source code which apply in my code.

change avplayer play rate and then save video as a movie file

I have a video which I play by using avplayer.
And then I have a feature where user can change rate of the movie to go faster or slower. Is there a way to say this fast or slowed down movie?
I have looked into avassetwriter but I can't find a way to pass in a rate prperty.

Set quality of YouTube video in MPMoviePlayer

I have managed to display a YouTube video in MPMoviePlayerController. Now I want to set different quality of the video just as YouTube has done it.
I am using LBYoutubeextractor to display video in MPMoviePlayer from youtube.
As in the image above, I want to enable the user to change video quality by clicking on various pixel options, like 1080pHD, 720pHD, etc.
How do I achieve this?
