why have most of the files in a dreamweaver site been put into a directory called 'upload'? - upload

I cleaned up someone's style sheet for a Dreamweaver site, by editing the css directly, and now the secretary is having trouble using her old template.
Most of the files in her site reside in subdirectories of the 'upload' directory. For example, I would have expected to see the stylesheet in
../assets/css/ etc.
but in fact I'm finding it in
../upload/assets/css/ etc.
In addition to assets, I am also finding Templates and images as subdirectories of 'upload'.
Do you know why this 'upload' directory was used?
I am considering two possible approaches.
(1) Make sure everything needed is in ../upload/ and remove the subdirectories that are directly in the root directory
(2) Edit the template to remove all references to ../upload/
Note that (2) appeals to me because the file structure will be simpler; but I wonder if the client has some sort of extension in her Dreamweaver that causes everything she ftp's to be put into the 'upload' directory.
Note that so far I have copied my cleaned up css file over to ../upload/assets/ as a short-term solution. But they want to be able to make changes to their template, and add new pages, on their own in future.

The likely problem is how she has her FTP remote settings specified. It appears that it now points to the upload folder rather than the web root. Or, it could be that her FTP user account is tied to the upload folder rather than the web root.


Can you create URLs for files in sphinx regardless of where they are saved?

Can you change the location of 'rst' files in sphinx without changing their URIs? I'm working on a documentation where we want to move some files to different folders, without changing the URIs:
For Example: If you create a sphinx project with $ sphinx-quickstart and add some files and folders:
With the toctree in in index.rst looking like that:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Processing:
Then after building the project with make html, you have a link in your browser as seen here: tutorials/howToFoo.html
If you want to save the the file in a different folder:
Then the URL of your file howToFoo.rst changes depending on where it is saved:
This is a problem because I don't want links to tutorials or scripts to break.
As the project aims to include many people, it will be very probable that there will be changes in the file structure in the future.
Now my question: Can you create a setup where you can move the files without having to write redirects to their new location, every time you move them?
For Cross Referencing inside of Sphinx this is solved for example with targets, explained here:
But this doesn't help me because the link in the browser still stays the same.
What I want is a link SomeNeverchangingLinkFor_howToFoo.html regardless of where the file howToFoo.rst is saved.

having external files in an electron application

I have an electron app, and when I make it, it packages and compiles everything.
Sounds like it works perfectly right?
Well, problem is I want one of the folders to not be compiled, but still be accessible by my static files, so the users can add or remove content from the folders.
I've tried making it in a seperate folder, but then it can't find the files even when it's placed in the correct relative path.
Overall, I want my app to exist next to a folder and my <script src="./folder/script.js"></script> to actually be able to access it.
I'm new to basically anything node or electron so i'm probably making some dumb mistake.
Thanks in advance.
Having your user touching files close to your Electron application may be fraught with danger. If they accidently overwrite an important file or accidently delete an important file then your application may stop working and require the user to perform a re-install.
Instead, have any default files the user may need to "touch" packaged up with your application and then upon your applications first run, copy these files (and any necessary folder structure) over to the users home, desktop, documents, downloads or even userData directory.
That way, your application will always know where to find them and the directory is a directory your user will already be comfortable adding files to and removing files from.
You can always let the use choose where these files are stored as a settings option which persists in an application setting file, using something similar to path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'settings.json');
See Electron's app.getPath(name) for more information.

Absolute path for img and js excluding project folder name Visual Web Dev

I've this little but annoying issue in my project in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I'm developing a website with .aspx files located in a large folder structure i.e. www.domain.com/group1/type1/somefile.aspx, the root folder contains a "styles" (for css), "images" and "js" (for javascripts) folder. I've read a lot about base tag, absolute and relative path today. Finally I realized "absolute path" is the best choice for me.
The main problem is that when I preview (locally) my site in browser the absolute links for image, css, and js are not working, I'm using src="/js/gl.jquery.js" which I believe is correct and will work online.
The source code of the page for the javascript says http://localhost:61700/js/gl.jquery.js, when I switch to relative path script src="../../../js/gl.jquery.js" and preview the website, it works fine, and the source code for the javascript path says http://localhost:61700/ProjectName/js/gl.jquery.js (Notice Visual Studio added the ProjectName in the path) So I'm taking my guess that when the project goes online (on a main domain) it will work correctly, but right now I need to keep developing locally without this issue. Is there a way to fix this in Visual Web Developer? maybe some tag for the web.config file that I can remove when goes online, or some website property?
I know a quick solution will be develop with the relative path, and modify the code when goes online to absolute path, but I'm looking for some cleaner method, as aditional information I didn't choose base tag because I read cause troubles with anchors links (href=xx.html#question3) and I need to use them at some big files. And avoid the relative path because it's possible that the company ask me to move some files in the future and I don't wanna be updating relative paths.
Thanks a Lot!
Problem solved! This is the solution I found Thanks to ScottGu's Blog.
I quote the main thing:
when opened a web-site and run the project, VWD launch and run the built-in web-server using a virtual app path that equals the project’s root directory name. For example: if you have a project named “Foo”, it will launch and run in the built-in web-server as http://localhost:1234/Foo/Default.aspx.
One downside to this is that it makes it hard to fully qualify things like static CSS and image files within your site (for example: using root qualified paths like /images/myphoto.jpg or /css/mycss.css). Note that you can use the “~” app path trick for dynamic resources – but static resources still end up being a pain (js, css, images files.) (This was my issue)
Here is the guy entire post: Click Here
Here is the main solution:
1) Using the solution explorer within Visual Studio, select the web-site project node, (the one with the World icon)
2) There is a properties named "Virtual path" at the bottom. Change the "virtual path" setting it to / to run as a root web-site.
And that's it, setting up the / I can manage my files easily.

Why does Jekyll create new directories with index.html files in them when I create a new post?

Am I missing a setting somewhere? When the site is generated, the markdown files in the _posts directory get converted to directories themselves. Each of those directories has an index.html file in it with the content.
I would obviously just prefer for the posts to be generated without creating a new directory for each post.
This has to do with the way you are configuring permalinks to have pretty permalinks. If you want don't want pretty permalinks and you just want to have .html files on their own and not in their own directories, in your _config.yml file try changing
permalink: pretty
permalink: date
permalink: none
What's the problem with the directories? If you don't want your posts to end .html (which I assume that you don't) then surely you need to use the directory/index.html for it reliably to work without dependence on the particulars of a given webserver. Directories are cheap. You may as well make use of them - it's not like you're rooting through the _site directory manually.

Finding unused images in a Rails app?

I'm familiar with tools like Deadweight for finding CSS not in use in your Rails app, but does anything exist for images? I'm sitting in a project with a massive directory of assets from working with a variety of designers and I'm trying to trim the fat in this project. It's especially a pain when moving assets to our CDN.
Any thoughts?
It depends greatly on the code using the images. It's always possible that a filename is computed (by concatenating two values or string substitution etc) so a simply grepping by filename isn't necessarily enough.
You could try running wget (probably already installed if you've got a linux machine, otherwise http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/ ) to mirror your whole site. Do this on the same machine or network if you can, it'll crawl your whole site and grab all the images
# mirror mysite.com accepting only jpg, png and gif files
wget -A jpg,png,gif --mirror www.mysite.com
Once you've done that, you're going to have a second copy of your site's hierarchy containing any images that are actively linked to by any page reachable by crawling your site. You can then backup your source image directory, and replace it with wget's copy. Next, monitor your log files for 404's pertaining to gif/jpg/png files. Hope that helps.
Finding unsed images should be easier than CSS.
Just find *.jpg *.png *gif with glob, put those filenames to dictionary or array and find those filenames againt html, css, js files, remove filename if found and you will get unused list, and move those images to another folder with same directory structure (It will be good for restoring for just in case)
Basically like this, and of course for the file names that encrypted/encoded/obcuscated will not work.
require "fileutils"
puts img.length.to_s+" images found & "+data.length.to_s+" files found to search against"
data.each do |f|
content+=File.open(f, 'r').read
img.each do |m|
if not content=~ Regexp.new("\\b"+File.basename(m)+"\\b")
FileUtils.mkdir_p "../unused/"+File.dirname(m)
FileUtils.mv m,"../unused/"+m
puts "Image "+m+" moved to ../unused/"+File.dirname(m)+" folder"
PS: I used fileutils, because normal makedirs and mv are not works in my windows version of ruby
And I am not good at ruby, so please double check it before you use it.
Here is the sample results I ran in root folder of sample rails folder in my windows
---\ruby>ruby img_coverage.rb
5 images found & 12 files found to search against
Image depot/public/images/test.jpg moved to ../unused/depot/public/images folder
If your image URLs often come from many computed / concatenated strings and other stuff hard to track programmatically within your source code, and your application is in heavy use, you could try a soft "honeypot" approach like this:
Move all the assets to a different directory, e.g. /attic
Set up an empty /images directory (or what your asset directory is called)
Set up a .htaccess file (if you're on Apache of course) that, using the -f flag, redirects all requests to nonexistent image files to a script
The script copies the requested file from the /attic into the /images directory and displays it
The next request to that image will go directly to the image, because it exists now
After some time and sufficient usage, all needed images should have been copied to the assets directory.
It's a "soft" approach of course because a dialog / situation could have not been opened/entered/used by any user during that time (things like error message icons for example). But it will recognize all used files, no matter where they're requested from, and might help sort out much of the unneeded files.
If your file manager supports it, try sorting your images directory by the files' "last accessed" date. Files that haven't been accessed in a long time most likely aren't used any longer.
Along the same lines, you can also filter or grep through your web server's logs and make a list of the image files that it has served up in the last several months. Any images not in this list are likely unused.
