What is difference between J2ME and J2ME Polish - j2mepolish

I did j2me program...now i need convert to j2me polish...how to do it..

As Graham already stated J2ME Polish is not a new technology but rather a framework to simplify the development of J2ME applications across a broad range of devices. To use Polish you have to include their JARs into your buildpath, familiarize with their ANT build scripts and basically work through the documentation. It takes some time, but it's definitely worth it if you try to develop for different devices. Polish delivers a rich set of UI extensions, preprocessing of your source, localization and so much more. By taking advantage of their device database you can avoid known device bugs and build your application individually for each device.
Take the time to read the documentation.
Everything from installation to application build is explained there.

Dont use J2Mepolish.It causes many problem.If you use j2mepolish then your application become working in a single type of device.Without using j2mepolish your application is working more than 1 type of devices.
If you want to use any framework means then you use "LWUIT".It is well suited to J2ME .
Both J2ME and LWUIT are Sun's (Oracle) product.


Can I code iPhone apps using Eclipse?

As you can probably guess, my knowledge of coding is very limited. Nonetheless, I do know a little Java. I have Eclipse and was wondering if I could use it to code for iOS iPhone/iPad applications. I know that I would almost certainly have to use a language other than Java, but I'm clueless as to what packages or plugins I would need to install in Eclipse to use it to code for iOS. If you guys could answer this question in extreme detail or link me to a very good sequence of video tutorials, I would be extremely grateful.
Yes you can!
If you can live with coding ActionScript, which should be easy to learn with a Java background, you can use Eclipse & AIR to code for iOS (and Android at the same time)
Some resources:
Be aware that many apps in the store have been build on this platform, and the community is pretty alive and supportive.
The short answer is, "not natively."
Apple pretty much restricts "native" iOS development to XCode which, as #Bob said in his answer, is only available for OS X. So that means no Eclipse or Java-based development. However, there are several cross-platform development frameworks and tools that work to varying degrees of quality. Here are a few, in no particular order:
Adobe AIR (see answer by #dogsgod)
There are others, but those are ones that I've at least heard of and might have tried a little bit. Some, like Appcelerator, have IDEs built on Eclipse, so at least the dev environment would be familiar.
IOS apps are written in Objective-C or Swift using XCode. (This also means you'll need a Mac to do so. XCode is only available for OSX.)
So unfortunately this means the answer to your question is no. You cannot use Eclipse to write an iOS app.

What exactly does Haxe export for iphone/ipads?

I am thinking of learning Haxe, after extensive as3 experience and some javascript/nodejs but several people have stated that haxe compiles into a swf and encapsulates it to be run on "insert platform here" making it both incompatible with some native features and with significant overhead.
I am interested in knowing about ipad/iphone specifically. Does this somehow compile into a format compatible with such apple devices? I mean does it translate to x-code then compiles it or what?
I have various clients that want cross platform versions of the same application and Haxe looks like a simple, elegant solution but since my clients are from US, Apple products are a concern to me.
My scope of projects revolves around simple apps with server services and maybe some webcam/microphone action, if this helps for an answer. Cheers.
haxe compiles into a swf and encapsulates it to be run on "insert platform here" making it both incompatible with some native features and with significant overhead.
This is a big misconception. Though as with any cross-platform tech, it's a somewhat nuanced answer.
First, know that Haxe is simply a programming language that compiles to many other language (& bitcode) targets, e.g. JavaScript, C++, PHP, python, SWF, hl, neko and others.
Compiling to C++ is the typical path when building native Android and iOS apps (and Windows and Mac apps, for that matter). Also, Haxe is just the language. Usually a framework is used for building apps, and there are many choices -- OpenFL, or its predecessor Haxe NME, or heaps.io, or HaxeFlixel, or luxe, or Kha.
Each framework is unique in paradigms and workflows, but for example, last time I used OpenFL, it exports an XCode project with C++ code when building for iOS. You are then expected to open and compile the project in XCode and onto your device (or for the app store), just like any other iOS app.
While using a framework is a common way to build apps with Haxe, you can roll your own, if you like, for example:
Compile Haxe to JavaScript, using externs to leverage existing JS libs (e.g. here's a set of Pixi.js externs, or the built-in jQuery externs), and develop mobile web apps with Haxe. Note: many of the above frameworks support a Haxe -> JS workflow.
Compile Haxe to SWF, and then use the Adobe AIR SDK to package your app as a native iOS / Android app. This avoids XCode and is possible from Linux and Windows (where compiling an XCode project is not). Perhaps this flow is what those other people were talking about.

Any way to use some Scala for iOS coding?

I want to be able to use Scala to code iOS programs. Any tools available for this ?
You can run JavaScript on iOS, so you could compile your Scala to JavaScript using Scala.js. This has obvious huge limitations - I wouldn't want to try to code actual native iOS UI - but might be practical for some cross-platform logic. Combining this with React Native might be interesting.
There's also Scala Native as of a couple months ago; that should probably run on iOS. It's not ready for production use, but keep an eye on it.
Well, now you can use RoboVM - a Java library for native IOS development
See also:
an SBT plugin for RoboVM https://github.com/roboscala/sbt-robovm
A blog post aboute Scala development for IOS http://ajhager.com/
Not today, but it may be close:
But, while Apple directly opposes the use of the JVM on iOS devices, it will make little sense to go that way (it's still early days). You will run into one obstacle after another, and won't have any guarantee that the code you write today, will run on the iOS of tomorrow.
Sit on the sideline with your Android, Ubuntu and popcorn, and let the big guys fight it out.
In the meantime.... you can write a thin front-end in PhoneGap (which works on most modern mobile devices), your services with Spray and have fun with your back-end in Scala.
I recently developed a toolchain based on IKVM and MonoTouch that allows you to develop iOS apps in Scala. I put together a demo of the toolchain here:
Currently Codename One doesn't have builtin support for Scala but it supports Kotlin reasonably well. There is a blog post here that covers the process of adapting Codename One to support other JVM languages. By doing that you can instantly get support for other platforms such as iOS, UWP, JavaScript/Web, Android & desktop mac/windows for free.
The core of Codename One which includes the VM's, API's and most of the tools is open source.

Blackberry dev - Question about jre 1.5

I THINK I know the answer to this, but can't find any plain English to confirm it.
I am currently porting an Android app to blackberry. I've gotten over most problems, but ArrayLists are the one I'm stuck on, since they were only introduced in 1.5 .
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to develop for newer blackberry devices, while having java compliance set to 1.5?
I'm thinking that J2ME is the deciding factor with blackberry. So if that only supports 1.3, then EVERY app made for blackberry must be written in eclipse with a compliance level of 1.3 set, and any newer blackberrys would be the same, and therefore ArrayLists are impossible.
Can someone confirm this for me?
PS Would it be possible to create my own ArrayList class, with the angle brackets < > as well?
You have to use Java 1.4 compliance for BlackBerry because they use J2ME.
Use Vector for your dynamic list. You can't use Generics<>.

Should I consider any other tools outside the Apple development tools for iPad development?

The Apple dev site makes it look as tho it has all the tools you want for developing iPad apps. Should I consider any other tools outside the Apple development tools for iPad development?
Thanks so much in advance for your help!
MonoTouch is another option, if you're a .NET developer looking to do iPhone/iPad development. (Currently MonoTouch has experimental, alpha-level support for iPad, but full support shouldn't be far away.) It's not free, but it's a great tool if you're coming from that background.
Plus it compiles to native code for the iPhone, so can be used for App Store builds and everything.
Adobe has some tools where you can author in Flash/Flex/Air and it will compile down into a valid iPhone/iPad application, that can be accepted and sold in the appstore.
There's also a company called Unity3D http://unity3d.com/unity/features/iphone-publishing.html that has some alternative iPhone/iPad development tools (where you program in C#!)
It depends on what kind of tools you're talking about... If you mean applications, you can use any editor you want for example, like TextMate or Vim or anything else (personally, I hate Xcode's built-in editor, it can't even open files in tabs...). You'll still need to use Xcode for building the app and IB for preparing the interfaces though (unless you want to create entire UI in code, which is madness). I'm not aware of any unofficial tools that can build an iPhone app or create NIB interface files.
If you mean frameworks that allow you to code in something else than ObjC (like Adobe's Flash tools or MonoTouch), then these were recently banned by Apple, so you need to stick to the standard ObjC/Cocoa APIs.
