rails: sharing information between 2 apps - ruby-on-rails

I've got this medium-sized app that is starting to get too complex. I'm considering splitting it in two. But I'm uncertain about how would I share information between those.
I've been able to make two big groups of models; One group deals with "pictures" and the other one deals with "sales data".
Some utility models, such as the authentication/authorization related ones, will have to be copied over, I guess. But let's concentrate on the two Big Groups.
The two data sets are maintanied by different people, so they would split quite naturally.
The only place the two groups "overlap" are a couple reports, that pull data from both "pictures" and "sales data". The information in both cases resembles an array of hashes, with different depths, pointing to calculus (around 60 numbers per system).
That's pretty much the only thing holding the split; I'm not sure about what would be the best way to share information between both apps.
I'd appreciate any pointers to what would be the best way to accomplish this. Should I try to use the same database for both apps? Should I use some kind of web service instead?

The simple solution would be getting both the applications to use the same database. The problem of doing so would be that you'd get some code duplication on the models on the overlap. You could of course fix it with a git submodule or custom gem... An interesting to look into regarding this would be rails engines.
A different solution would be that 1 application has the data and expose an RESTful API and the other pulls from it. But then you need to decide which one gets to "manage" the reports.
It's a pretty complex decision and I can't help you make it without all the data, but I hope this has been helpful ^^

Also, duplicating the code will create caching problems, concurrency problems.


How to handle database scalability with Ruby on Rails

I am creating a management system and I want to know how "Ruby on Rails" can support me in the mission of ensuring that each customer has their information, records and tables independent from other customers.
Is it better to put everything in a database and put a customer identifier to pull information through this parameter in queries or create a database for each customer automatically?
I admit that the second option attracts me more ... And I know that putting everything in one database will be detrimental to performance, because I assume that customers and their data will increase exponentially!
I want to know which option is more viable in the long run. And if the best option is to create separate databases, how can I do this with Ruby on Rails ??
There are pro and cons for both solutions which really depend on your use case.
Separating each customer in its own database has definitely advantages for scaling, running in different data centres or even onsite. However, this comes with higher complexity. For instance you can't query across customers anymore, you would need to run queries for each customers and aggregate the results. This approach is called multi tenancy (or shardening). There is a good gem called Apartment available (https://github.com/influitive/apartment).
Keeping everything in one database might be simpler to start of as it's less complex but it really depends on your use case.
Adding some more information based on the questions.
There are several reasons to use a one db per client architecture.
You have clearly separated tenants. In case it might make sense to go with the one db approach.
Scale. Having separated databases for each tenant makes scaling of course easier.
If 2) is the main reason you want to go for a one db per client approach I would strongly advise you against it. You add so much more complexity to your app which you might not need for years to come (if ever).
If scaling is your main concern I recommend reading Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. But basically, don't worry about scale for the first few years and focus on your product.

Rails and databases - Store old data in a separate table?

Okay, so I'm putting together a book store with Ruby on Rails. Books are fast moving and varied, so at any point of time there are a small number in the store. Books that have been ordered and shipped must be stored, mainly for the purpose of records.
Hence, I have a situation where a small section of data from a table is going to be very frequently accessed. A much much larger section of it will very rarely accessed at all. My plan is to move books that have been ordered and shipped to a separate table, so that the table of current books is small and very quick to access.
Does this approach make sense? Is there a better way of achieving this?
If I am to use this approach, is there a way of sharing a model between tables in Rails?
I agree with Randy's comment about considering the number of books in the database, and whether or not it's really worth it. Only after you try it, and come back with real performance numbers to consider should you consider optimizing in this way, I believe.
On the other hand, there's plenty of precedent for having the idea of an "archive" table. From a design standpoint, this is totally fine. It's a question of the tradeoff between complexity and performance. But again, only after you try it and see whether or not the performance is acceptable, will you have a solid reason to choose one approach over another.

in a Rails apps, how to organize Cucumber .feature files?

when i got to this project there were cucumber tests in "features/enhanced", which ran with javascript and a few in "features/plain" which did not require js. with the later development of per-scenario #javascript, this doesn't make sense. and as the number of features files we have grows and grows, it'd be awesome if this stayed tidy.
so, in best practice land:
1) how long should .feature files be? i try to keep each narrow and specific with 1 or 2 "Scenarios".
2) what folder/file structure should one keep them in?
2a) how might one group similar features?
1) Once you've done them for a few months you'll soon find what works best for you. My advice is you should make them small ish. We have often split our earlier features down into smaller chunks, but have never ended up combining them. It's handy for making use of backgrounds etc...
2) We had a big problem with this and spent ages doing it one way then another. In the end we gunned to group them by the services that our company provides. e.g. payments, customer registration, stock management
Inconveniently, features don't always conform to a hierarchical tree view of the world, so make liberal use of tagging and your primary grouping of features is less important.
Have you tried yard? There's an example here We've just built it into our CI, it lets you pull together sets of scenarios based on tags, you can do unions, intersections etc... well worth it :)
I would keep the JavaScript and non-JavaScript versions of a scenario together, since they should be very similar.
Anything more than 8 scenarios in a feature file is probably too much.
A useful approach is to have a folder to represent the high-levels features (sometimes call epics or themes), and separate feature files within those folders for the different aspects of the behaviour.
For example, you may have a feature "Employee Directory" which would have separate feature files contains scenarios for a photograph, office location, job title, etc.
Depending on the size and complexity of your app, you could group those folders into other folders.
(Note that none of the above is specific to Rails apps).

Am I the only one that queries more than one database?

After much reading on ruby on rails and multiple database connections, it seems that I have found something that not that many folks do, at least not with ror. I am used to querying many different databases and schemas and pulling back the information either for a report or for one seamless page. So, a user doesn't have to log on to several different systems. I can create a page that has all the systems on one or two web pages.
Is that not a normal occurrence in the web and database driven design?
EDIT: Is this because most all my original code is in classic asp?
I really honestly think that most ORM designers don't seem to take the thought that users may want to access more than one database into account. This seems to be a pretty common limitation in the ORM universe.
Our client website runs across 3 databases, so I do this to. Actually, I'm condensing everything into views off of one central database which then connects to the others.
I never considered this to be "normal" behavior though. I would guess that most of the time you would be designing for one system and working against that.
EDIT: Just to elaborate, we use Linq to SQL for our data layer and we define the objects against the database views. This way we keep reports and application code working off the same data model. There is some extra work setting up the Linq entities, because you have to manually define primary keys and set up associations... however so far it has definitely proven worthwhile. We tried to do so with Entity Framework, but had a lot of trouble getting the relationships set up appropriately and had to give up. The funny thing is I had thought Entity Framework was supposed to be designed for more advanced scenarios like ours...
It is not uncommon to hit multiple databases during a single part of an application's workflow. However, in every instance that I have done it, this has been performed through several web service calls, which among other things wrap the databases in question.
I have not, to my knowledge, ever had a need to hit multiple databases directly at once and merge results into a single report.
I've seen this kind of architecture in corporate Portals- where lots of data is pulled in via different data sources. The whole point of a portal is to bring silo'd systems together- users might not want to be using lots of systems in isolation (especially if they have to sign into each one). In that sort of scenario it is normal, particularly if it is a large company that has expanded rapidly and has a large number of heterogenous systems.
In your case whether this is the right thing to do depends on why you have these seperate DBs.
With ORM's it may be a little difficult. However, it can be done. Pull the objects as needed from the various databases, then use them as a composite to create a new object that is the actual one that is desired. If you can skip the ORM part of the process, then you can directly query the databases and build your object directly.
Pulling data from two databases and compiling a report is not uncommon, but because cross-database queries cannot be optimized by the query engine of either database, OLTP systems typically use a single database, to keep the application performant.
If you build the system from the ground up, it is not advisable to do it this way. If you are working with a system you didn't design, there is no much choice and it is not uncommon (that is the difference between "organic" and "planned" grow).
Not counting master and various test instances, I hit nine databases on a regular basis. Yes, I inherited it, and yes, "Classic" ASP figures prominently. Of course, all the "brillant" designers of this mess are long gone. We're replacing it with things more sane as quickly as we safely can.
I would think that if you're building a new system, and keep adding databases and get to the point of two or three databases, it's probably time to re-think your design. OTOH, if you're aggregating data from multiple, disparate systems, then, no, it's not that strange. Depending on the timliness you need, and your budget for throwing hardware at the problem, and if your data is mostly static, this would be a good scenario for a "reporting server" that pulls the data down from the Live server periodically.

Linq to Sql structure standard

I was wondering what the "correct"-way is when using a Linq to Sql-model in Visual Studio.
Should I create a new model for each of my components, say Blog, Users, News and so on and have all different xxxDataContext's with tables and SPROCs added in each of these.
Or should I create one MyDbDataContext and always work against that?
What's the pro's/con's? My gut tells me to divide it up in smaller context's, but it also feels like that could bring problems as the project expands?
What's the deal? Help me Stackoverflow :)
There will always be overhead when creating the data context as the model needs to be built. Depending on the number of tables in your database this might not be much of a big deal though. If it's only 10 tables or so, the overhead will not be much more than that for a context with say 1 table (sorry, I don't have actual stress testing to show the overhead, but, hey, maybe that gives me something to blog on this weekend).. When looking at large databases the overhead might be a enough to consider using seperate contexts.
The main advantage I would see with using a single data context is that you gain the ability to use JOINs in your LINQ query and that will be translated to T-SQL. Where as if you do the join after the arrays of objects are pulled, the performance might be a bit slower. Additionally, keeping track of multiple data contexts might be confusing and good naming conventions would be needed. So building your own data model w/ business logic which encapsulates the contexts would be a bit harder. I've done this and it's not fun :)
However, if you still feel you want to go that route, then I would recommend putting similar tables (that you might need to join) in the same context. Also, there are some tuts online that recommend using a shared MappingSource when using multiple contexts that use the same source. Information on this can be found here: http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/speedinguplinqtosql.aspx
Sorry, I know that's not really a black and white answer, but hopefully it helps :)
Just wanted to add that I did a small test and ran 20,000 SELECT statements against a small sized table using 2 different data contexts:
DataClasses1DataContext contained mappings to all tables in the db (4 total)
DataClasses2DataContext contained a single mapping for just the one table
Time to execute 20000 SELECTs using DataClasses1DataContext: 00:00:10.4843750
Time to execute 20000 SELECTs using DataClasses2DataContext: 00:00:10.4218750
As you can see, it's not much of a difference.
