F# working with DataReader - f#

let reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader()
let getBytesData (x : IDataReader) =
let len = reader.GetBytes(1, int64 0, null, 0, 0);
// Create a buffer to hold the bytes, and then
// read the bytes from the DataTableReader.
let buffer : byte array = Array.zeroCreate (int32 len)
x.GetBytes(1, int64 0, buffer, 0, int32 len) |> ignore
let retVal =
List [ while reader.Read() do
yield (reader.GetString(0), getBytesData reader,
reader.GetDateTime(2)) ]
I have above code to read bytes[] from datareader.
getBytesData function takes reader and returns bytes[] from reader.
everything works fine but it getBytesData function is working very non-functional way.
i am creates zero filled byte array just to create array, is there any way of creating dynamic expanding or fixed lenght array
Is there any way i can optimize in F#?
Sorry for kind of question, but i have started a new project on F# to squeeze all juice out of it, so trying to get each line most optimal way

The GetBytes method of the IDataReader doesn't really provide any options for writing the code in a more functional way (it takes an array that it wants to modify, so we simply must give it some array...).
So your version of code is perfectly fine - even though it's not fully functional, you can at least keep the imperative part localized in that single function and keep the rest of your program functional (which is a good result)!
The only change I would do in your code is that I would move reader to the sequence comprehension (to make it more localized) and I would use the use keyword to make sure that it gets properly disposed (also, you don't need the List identifier in the sequence expression):
let retVal =
[ use reader = selectCommand.ExecuteReader()
while reader.Read() do
yield (reader.GetString(0), getBytesData reader, reader.GetDateTime(2)) ]

In my experience that is the best way to do this. Interacting with native .Net methods need to be used somewhat emparitiviley (thus the |> ignore), so encapsulating in a function then using the fn as part of your functional programming. I have asked questions related to using .Net methods in F# if you are interested.
Also make sure you dispose of the reader afterwards too.


F# seq behavior

I'm a little baffled about the inner work of the sequence expression in F#.
Normally if we make a sequential file reader with seq with no intentional caching of data
seq {
let mutable current = file.Read()
while current <> -1 do
yield current
We will end up with some weird behavior if we try to do some re-iterate or backtracking, My Idea of this was, since Read() is a function calling some mutable value we can't expect the output to be correct if we re-iterate. But then this behaves nicely even on boundary reading?
let Read path =
seq {
use fp = System.IO.File.OpenRead path
let buf = [| for _ in 0 .. 1024 -> 0uy |]
let mutable pos = 1
let mutable current = 0
while pos <> 0 do
if current = 0 then
pos <- fp.Read(buf, 0, 1024)
if pos > 0 && current < pos then
yield buf.[current]
current <- (current + 1) % 1024
let content = Read "some path"
We clearly use the same buffer to enhance performance, but assuming that we read the 1025 byte, it will trigger an update to the buffer, if we then try to read any byte with position < 1025 after we still get the correct output. How can that be and what are the difference?
Your question is a bit unclear, so I'll try to guess.
When you create a seq { }, you're essentially creating a state machine which will run only as far as it needs to. When you request the very first element from it, it'll start at the top and run until your first yield instruction. Then, when you request another value, it'll run from that point until the next yield, and so on.
Keep in mind that a seq { } produces an IEnumerable<'T>, which is like a "plan of execution". Each time you start to iterate the sequence (for example by calling Seq.head), a call to GetEnumerator is made behind the scenes, which causes a new IEnumerator<'T> to be created. It is the IEnumerator which does the actual providing of values. You can think of it in more classical terms as having an array over which you can iterate (an iterable or enumerable) and many pointers over that array, each of which are at different points in the array (many iterators or enumerators).
In your first code, file is most likely external to the seq block. This means that the file you are reading from is baked into the plan of execution; no matter how many times you start to iterate the sequence, you'll always be reading from the same file. This is obviously going to cause unpredictable behaviour.
However, in your second code, the file is opened as part of the seq block's definition. This means that you'll get a new file handle each time you iterate the sequence or, essentially, a new file handle per enumerator. The reason this code works is that you can't reverse an enumerator or iterate over it multiple times, not with a single thread at least.
(Now, if you were to manually get an enumerator and advance it over multiple threads, you'd probably run into problems very quickly. But that is a different topic.)

Performant, idiomatic way to concatenate two chars that are not in a list into a string

I've done most of my development in C# and am just learning F#. Here's what I want to do in C#:
string AddChars(char char1, char char2) => char1.ToString() + char2.ToString();
EDIT: added ToString() method to the C# example.
I want to write the same method in F# and I don't know how to do it other than this:
let addChars char1 char2 = Char.ToString(char1) + Char.ToString(char2)
Is there a way to add concatenate these chars into a string without converting both into strings first?
I also have considered making a char array and converting that into a string, but that seems similarly wasteful.
let addChars (char1:char) (char2: char) = string([|char1; char2|])
As I said in my comment, your C# code is not going to do what you want ( i.e. concatenate the characters into a string). In C#, adding a char and a char will result in an int. The reason for this is because the char type doesn't define a + operator, so C# reverts to the nearest compatable type that does, which just happens to be int. (Source)
So to accomplish this behavior, you will need to do something similar to what you are already trying to do in F#:
char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
// This is the wrong way to concatenate chars, because the
// chars will be treated as ints and the result will be 195.
Console.WriteLine(a + b);
// These are the correct ways to concatenate characters into
// a single string. The result of all of these will be "ab".
// The third way is the recommended way as it is concise and
// involves creating the fewest temporary objects.
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + b.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b));
Console.WriteLine(new String(new[] { a, b }));
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/aEh1FI)
F# is the same way in that concatenating two or more chars doesn't result in a String. Unlike C#, it results instead in another char, but the process is the same - the char values are treated like int and added together, and the result is the char representation of the sum.
So really, the way to concatenate chars into a String in F# is what you already have, and is the direct translation of the C# equivalent:
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
// This is still the wrong way (prints 'Ã')
printfn "%O" (a + b)
// These are still the right ways (prints "ab")
printfn "%O" (a.ToString() + b.ToString())
printfn "%O" (Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b))
printfn "%O" (String [| a;b |]) // This is still the best way
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/ALwI3V)
The reason the "String from char array" approach is the best way is two-fold. First, it is the most concise, since you can see that that approach offers the shortest line of code in both languages (and the difference only increases as you add more and more chars together). And second, only one temporary object is created (the array) before the final String, whereas the other two methods involve making two separate temporary String objects to feed into the final result.
(Also, I'm not sure if it works this way as the String constructors are hidden in external sources, but I imagine that the array passed into the constructor would be used as the String's backing data, so it wouldn't end up getting wasted at all.) Strings are immutable, but using the passed array directly as the created String's backing data could result in a situation where a reference to the array could be held elsewhere in the program and jeopardize the String's immutability, so this speculation wouldn't fly in practice. (Credit: #CaringDev)
Another option you could do in F# that could be more idiomatic is to use the sprintf function to combine the two characters (Credit: #rmunn):
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
let s = sprintf "%c%c" a b
printfn "%O" s
// Prints "ab"
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/Pp9Tee)
A note of warning about this method, however, is that it is almost certainly going to be much slower than any of the other three methods listed above. That's because instead of processing array or String data directly, sprintf is going to be performing more advanced formatting logic on the output. (I'm not in a position where I could benchmark this myself at the moment, but plugged into #TomasPetricek's benckmarking code below, I wouldn't be surprised if you got performance hits of 10x or more.)
This might not be a big deal as for a single conversion it will still be far faster than any end-user could possibly notice, but be careful if this is going to be used in any performance-critical code.
The answer by #Abion47 already lists all the possible sensible methods I can think of. If you are interested in performance, then you can run a quick experiment using the F# Interactive #time feature:
open System
open System.Text
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
Comparing the three methods, the one with String [| a; b |] turns out to be about twice as fast as the methods involving ToString. In practice, that's probably not a big deal unless you are doing millions of such operations (as my experiment does), but it's an interesting fact to know:
// 432ms, 468ms, 472ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = a.ToString() + b.ToString()
ignore s
// 396ms 440ms, 458ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b)
ignore s
// 201ms, 171ms, 170ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = String [| a;b |]
ignore s

Boost spirit can handle Postscript/PDF like languages?

I noticed that Boost spirit offers some limits, in a question here on SO there is an user asking for help about boost spirit and the other user who gave the answer specified that boost spirit works well with statements and not with "generic text" ( I'm sorry if I don't recall it correctly ).
Now I would like to think about Postscript and PDF in terms of tokens and simplify my approach to this formats this way, the problem is that the PDF is kind of a mix between a markup language and a programming language with jumps and tables in it, and I can't think about something similar when considering the most popular file formats like XML, C++ code and others languages and formats.
There is also another fact: I can't really find people that had some kind of experience with boost::spirit wiriting a pdf parser or writer, so I'm asking, boost::spirit it's capable of parsing a PDF file and output the elements as tokens ?
Although this has nothing to do with Boost, let me assure you that the parsing of PDF (and PostScript) are about as trivial as you could want. Let's say that you have a scanner object that returns a series of tokens. The token types you will get from the scanner are:
Dict begin (<<)
Dict End (>>)
Name (/whatever)
Hex array
Left Angle (<)
Right Angle (>)
Array begin ([)
Array end (])
Procedure begin ({)
Procedure end (})
Comment (%foo)
My scanner is a finite-state automata with states for Start, Comment, String, HexArray, Token, DictEnd, and Done.
The way you parse PDF is not by parsing it, but by executing it. Given these tokens, my "parser" looks like this (in C#):
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
PdfProcedure proc = obj as PdfProcedure;
if (proc != null)
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (proc.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
else {
I'll also add that if you give every PdfObject an Execute() method such that the base class implementation is machine.Push(this) and IsTerminal that returns false, the REPL gets easier:
while (true) {
MLPdfToken = scanner.GetToken();
if (token == null)
return MachineExit.EndOfFile;
PdfObject obj = PdfObject.FromToken(token);
if (IsExecuting())
if (token.Type == PdfTokenType.RBrace)
else {
if (obj.IsTerminal)
return Machine.ParseComplete;
There's more support in Machine - Machine has a Stack of PdfObject and a few methods for accessing it (Push, Pop, Mark, CountToMark, Index, Dup, Swap), as well as ExecProcBegin and ExecProcEnd.
Beyond that, it's very light. The only thing that is slightly odd is that PdfObject.FromToken takes a token and if it is a primitive type (number, string, name, hex, bool) returns a corresponding PdfObject. Otherwise, it takes the given token and looks in a "proc set" dictionary of procedure names associated with PdfProcedure objects. So when you encounter the token << that gets looked up in a the proc set and comes up with this code:
void DictBegin(PdfMachine machine)
machine.Push(new PdfMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary));
So << really means "mark the stack as the start of a dictionary. >> gets more interesting:
void DictEnd(PdfMachine machine)
PdfDict dict = new PdfDict();
// PopThroughMark pops the entire stack up to the first matching mark,
// throws an exception if it fails.
PdfObject[] arr = machine.PopThroughMark(PdfMarkType.Dictionary);
if ((arr.Length & 1) != 0)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need an even number of objects.");
for (int i=0; i < arr.Length; i += 2)
PdfObject key = arr[i], val = arr[i + 1];
if (key.Type != PdfObjectType.Name)
throw new PdfException("dictionaries need a /name for the key.");
dict.put((PdfName)key, val);
So >> Pops up to the nearest dictionary mark into an array then puts each pair into the dictionary. Now, I could have done this without allocating the array. I could just pop pairs, putting them into the dictionary until I either hit the mark, fail to get a name or underflow the stack.
The important takeaway is that there really isn't any syntax in PDF, nor is there any in PostScript. At least not so much as you'd notice. The only real Syntax (and the read-eval-(push) loop shows it) is '}'.
So when you this is a PDF 14 0 obj << /Type /Annot /SubType /Square >> endobj what your really seeing is a series of procedures:
Push 14
Push 0
Execute obj (Pop two numbers and push a "definition" object).
Execute dictionary begin
Push /Type
Push /Annot
Push /SubType
Push /Square
Execute dictionary end
Execute endobj (pop the top object and then get (not pop) the next one. If the second is a definition, set its "value" to the first object, else throw).
Since "endobj" is terminal, parsing ends and the top of the stack is the result.
So when you are asked to look up object 14 in the PDF, the cross-reference table tells you where to seek to, you make a new Machine with the stream pointer at that location and run it. If the top of the stack is a "definition" object, you've succeeded.
About now you should be nodding but not trusting me, since you're thinking about PDF streams, which look like this:
<< [/key value]* >> stream ...raw data... endstream endobj
Again, there is no syntax. The proc stream looks at the top of the stack, which should be a PdfDict. If it is, it consumes characters until the next newline (scanner does this), stores the current file position in the stream as data start, reads the stream length from the dict (which may cause another Machine to get newed up), and skips past the end of stream and pushes the new stream object on the stack. endstream is a no-op. The only difference between a PdfDict and a PdfStream is that a PdfStream has a start position and a bool saying that it's a stream, otherwise I dual-purpose the object.
PostScript is almost identical except that the execution environment is a little more complex. For example, you need several stacks in your machine: a parameter stack, a dictionary stack, and an execution stack. From there, you more or less just bind your tokenizer into the set of primitive procedures as well as the word exec, and then most of your interpreter is written in PS itself.
If you're talking about boost, you're looking at C++, which means that you can't be as fast and loose with memory as I am, so you'll want to either use smart pointers or figure out where you scope is and be careful to dispose objects instead of blithely throwing them away, but that's just the normal C++ stuff.
Currently, I make PDF tools for my company in .NET, but in a former life I worked on Acrobat versions 1-4, and most of what I described is exactly what Acrobat did under the hood (well, more or less - it was C, not C++, but it's the same approach).
With respect to the xref table (or xref stream), you read that first - the spec tells you that if you jump to EOF and scan back, you find the start of the xref table. You parse that (which is a CS 101 assignment), parse the trailer, seek to the /Prev if any and repeat until no more /Prev entries. That gives you a complete xref for looking up objects.
As for writing - there are a number of approaches that you can take. The most obvious one is that when an object is meant to be referenced, you create a new reference object by assigning the newest available xref entry to it. Whenever objects refer to other objects for writing, they ask if these objects are referenced. If they are, they write the reference (ie, 14 0 R). When it comes time to write a referenced object, you get the current stream pointer and store it in the xref, then write <objnum> <generation> obj <object contents> endobj. For example, my code to write a dictionary looks like this:
public override ToStream(PdfStreamingContext context)
if (context.HasReference(this)) // is object referenced in xref
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionBegin(this, context);
if (context.HasReference(this))
PdfUtils.WriteObjectDefinitionEnd(this, context);
I've chopped out some chaff so you can see the wheat underneath. The context is an object that holds a new xref table as well as an object for writing to streams that automagically handles appropriate newline discipline, indentation, line wrapping, and so on.
What you should see is that the basics here are straight forward, if not trivial. And now's when you should be asking yourself the question, "if it's trivial, how come there isn't more (serious) competition for Acrobat in the market? The answer is that even though it's trivial, it's still easy to write PDFs that aren't spec compliant and Acrobat handles most of those. The real challenge is to be able to honor the spec and make sure that you include all required values in a dictionary and that they are in range and semantically correct. Hell, even the date time format--which is pretty well-specified--is a mound of special case code in my library to manage where other people have screwed it up royally. Being able to generate consistently correct PDF is hard and consuming the garbage in the sea of PDFs in the world is harder.
I could (and probably should) write a book about how to do this. While a lot of the fringe code is grubby, the overall structure can be very pretty.
tl;dr - If you're thinking of a recursive descent parser for PDF, you're thinking too hard. All you need is a tokenizer and a simple REPL.

Wrapping entities from Z3 C API

I'm experimenting with enumeration sorts in Z3 as described in How to use enumerated constants after calling of some tactic in Z3? and I noticed that I might have some misunderstanding on how to use C and C++ api properly. Let's consider the following example.
context z3_cont;
Z3_symbol e_names[2 ];
Z3_func_decl e_consts[2];
Z3_func_decl e_testers[2];
e_names[0] = Z3_mk_string_symbol(z3_cont, "x1");
e_names[1] = Z3_mk_string_symbol(z3_cont, "x2");
Z3_symbol e_name = Z3_mk_string_symbol(z3_cont, "enum_type");
Z3_sort new_enum_sort = Z3_mk_enumeration_sort(z3_cont, e_name, 2, e_names, e_consts, e_testers);
sort enum_sort = to_sort(z3_cont, new_enum_sort);
expr e_const0(z3_cont), e_const1(z3_cont);
func_decl a_decl = to_func_decl(z3_cont, e_consts[0]);
func_decl b_decl = to_func_decl(z3_cont, e_consts[1]);
e_const0 = a_decl(0, 0);
e_const1 = b_decl(0, 0);
// SEGFAULT when doing cout
e_const0 = to_func_decl(z3_cont, e_consts[0])(0, 0);
e_const1 = to_func_decl(z3_cont, e_consts[1])(0, 0);
cout << e_const0 << " " << e_const1 << endl;
I expected the two variants of code to nicely wrap the C entity Z3_func_decl with a smart pointer so I can use with C++ api, however only the first variant seems to be correct. So my questions are
Is this a correct behavior that the second way doesn't work? If so, how can I better understand the reasons of why it shouldn't?
What happens with unwrapped C entities, as for example Z3_symbol e_name - here I don't wrap it, I don't increment references. So will the memory be managed properly? Is it safe to use it? when the object will be destroyed?
A minor question: I didn't see the to_symbol() function in C++ api. Is it just unnecessary?
Thank you.
Whenever we create a new Z3 AST, Z3 may garbage collect an AST n if the reference counter of n is 0. In the piece of code that works, we wrap e_consts[0] and e_consts[1] before we create any new AST. When we wrap them, the smart pointer will bump their reference counter.
This is why it works. In the piece of code that crashes, we wrap e_consts[0], and then create e_const0 before we wrap e_consts[1]. Thus, the AST referenced by e_consts[1] is deleted before we have the chance to create e_const1.
BTW, in the next official release, we will have support for creating enumeration types in the C++ API: http://z3.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/b2810592e6bb
This change is already available in the nightly builds.
Z3_symbol is not a reference counted object. They are persistent, Z3 maintains a global table of all symbols created. We should view symbols as unique strings.
Note that we can use the class symbol and the constructor symbol::symbol(context & c, Z3_symbol s). The functions to_* are used to wrap objects created using the C API with smart pointers. We usually have a function to_A, if there is a C API function that returns an A object, and there is not function/method equivalent in the C++.

F# ref-mutable vars vs object fields

I'm writing a parser in F#, and it needs to be as fast as possible (I'm hoping to parse a 100 MB file in less than a minute). As normal, it uses mutable variables to store the next available character and the next available token (i.e. both the lexer and the parser proper use one unit of lookahead).
My current partial implementation uses local variables for these. Since closure variables can't be mutable (anyone know the reason for this?) I've declared them as ref:
let rec read file includepath =
let c = ref ' '
let k = ref NONE
let sb = new StringBuilder()
use stream = File.OpenText file
let readc() =
c := stream.Read() |> char
// etc
I assume this has some overhead (not much, I know, but I'm trying for maximum speed here), and it's a little inelegant. The most obvious alternative would be to create a parser class object and have the mutable variables be fields in it. Does anyone know which is likely to be faster? Is there any consensus on which is considered better/more idiomatic style? Is there another option I'm missing?
You mentioned that local mutable values cannot be captured by a closure, so you need to use ref instead. The reason for this is that mutable values captured in the closure need to be allocated on the heap (because closure is allocated on the heap).
F# forces you to write this explicitly (using ref). In C# you can "capture mutable variable", but the compiler translates it to a field in a heap-allocated object behind the scene, so it will be on the heap anyway.
Summary is: If you want to use closures, mutable variables need to be allocated on the heap.
Now, regarding your code - your implementation uses ref, which creates a small object for every mutable variable that you're using. An alternative would be to create a single object with multiple mutable fields. Using records, you could write:
type ReadClosure = {
mutable c : char
mutable k : SomeType } // whatever type you use here
let rec read file includepath =
let state = { c = ' '; k = NONE }
// ...
let readc() =
state.c <- stream.Read() |> char
// etc...
This may be a bit more efficient, because you're allocating a single object instead of a few objects, but I don't expect the difference will be noticeable.
There is also one confusing thing about your code - the stream value will be disposed after the function read returns, so the call to stream.Read may be invalid (if you call readc after read completes).
let rec read file includepath =
let c = ref ' '
use stream = File.OpenText file
let readc() =
c := stream.Read() |> char
let f = read a1 a2
f() // This would fail!
I'm not quite sure how you're actually using readc, but this may be a problem to think about. Also, if you're declaring it only as a helper closure, you could probably rewrite the code without closure (or write it explicitly using tail-recursion, which is translated to imperative loop with mutable variables) to avoid any allocations.
I did the following profiling:
let test() =
let mutable a = 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a <- a + float j
let test2() =
let a = ref 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a := !a + float j
the average for mutable is 50ms, while ref 600ms. The performance difference is due to that mutable variables are in stack, while ref variables are in managed heap.
The relative difference is big. However, 10^8 times of access is a big number. And the total time is acceptable. So don't worry too much about the performance of ref variables. And remember:
Premature optimization is the root of
all evil.
My advice is you first finish your parser, then consider optimizing it. You won't know where the bottomneck is until you actually run the program. One good thing about F# is that its terse syntax and functional style well support code refactoring. Once the code is done, optimizing it would be convenient. Here's an profiling example.
Just another example, we use .net arrays everyday, which is also in managed heap:
let test3() =
let a = Array.create 1 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a.[0] <- a.[0] + float j
test3() runs about the same as ref's. If you worry too much of variables in managed heap, then you won't use array anymore.
