Porting iPhone app to iPad fails to sign? - ipad

I am able to create a new application profile targeted for my iPad, however, when I convert from iPhone to "Universal" device, I am getting an error in signing.
[BEROR]Code Sign error: a valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'rfc1034identifier' could not be found
Also note: I am able to run it in the simulator (which does not require signing).
It is a very old application ~OS version 2.x or 3.1 that had SDK problems which required more manual process to get the signing code into the build settings, so I would not be surprised if there is some residual foo in the build settings.

I ended up starting over and created all the device certificates and provisioning profiles. At least the new XCode knows how to put the values in plist and install the provisioning profile on the device correctly. After I got a good project configured/setup, I did find the problem in the bundle-name setting that was somehow hooked to an expired provisioning profile.
Also, I may have missed the new shorter expiry time. Either way, I am going to mark this one as user error ... but still claim that the build error messages could do a better job of jumping to the location of the error.


The executable was signed with invalid entitlements - oh! my, again

I bounced again in this error when trying to install an app neither on my iPhone and iPad. I applied all the suggested measures to no avail. In particular I removed all the profiles for the app from my iPhone, cleaned the derived folder, restarted the iPhone and Xcode, checked the identity between the profile in the project and in the target (I set automatic in the former), tried removing the Entitlement reference and keeping it and even created a new certificate and provisioning profile; all of this for nothing.
Other targets for this project install fine, it works fine on the simulator and submitting it to the app store for TestFlight testing does not create any problem either; so the problem seems just connected to physical debug devices. What else could it be?
Sometimes an "unknown error" pops up instead of the invalid signing one after a very long time since ending compilation.
Found. The issue was due to the Release choice creeped in the scheme build configuration.

IOS app 'The application could not be verified' on IPhone 6

The app which i created worked well in all devices other than IPhone6 . I got the following error message in XCODE 'The application could not be verified.' . I deleted the app and then reinstalled it as per the suggestion given in the link:
iOS app 'The application could not be verified' only on one device
I want to know that what might be the actual cause of this error message. !!
I don't think, this is an xCode issue. This can happen under many conditions. Like-
Provisioning Profile mismatch:
Scenario 1:
When first time, you had built or installed the app in your device, you may have used a different certificate(paired with a different provisioning profile) than now. So, when you try to re-run the app, the device got confused. The ways to fix it-
Delete the existing app and re-build. That way, you don't have to figure out which certificate, you used the first time.
However, if you know which certificate and provisioning profile you used earlier, then just switch to those.
Scenario 2:
May be you are trying to use distribution profile where you supposed to use development profile.Fix-
Assign any valid development provisioning profile under the code signing.
Device not added:
May be the device is not added in your developer account under Devices or
May be the device is added under Devices, but when you created the provisioning profile, you forgot to select the device on which you are trying to run your app.
Please make sure that your are using the latest version of XCode i.e 6 for creating the build, and then tell us what is the exact error you are getting.

Failed to get the task for process [duplicate]

I have the following error when I try to run a new project on my ipod:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 312.
The program being debugged is not being run.
I've read about Entitlements.plist, and I've tried to add the get-task-allow, but then it doesn't let me compile because of a code signing error. I only have a development provisioning profile, so it's not the same as the people who were trying to debug the distribution build (I'm also in the debug build, so that isn't a problem).
Old projects build and run fine on the ipod, just new projects.
I've tried restarting both xcode and my ipod, but it doesn't help.
I have no more ideas on how to build/run new projects on xcode, so any help is much appreciated!
Oh, and I'm using an iPod 3G with iOS 4.0.1. Xcode is 3.2.3 (64-bit).
It turns out that using a different provisioning profile (one with a wildcard rather than one without) solved this issue.
The key point is to use a Developer profile rather than a Distribution profile.
Check that you're doing signing using a development provisioning profile, not a distribution one.
This error happens when you have set Distribution Provisioning profile in code signing. Change it to Developer Provisioning Profile, then it will work. Worked for me for Xcode SDK 4.5.
There is also a case that your error would happen.
If an app with same Bundle Identifier is launched at background ( probably an App Store version ), Xcode debugger will not know which App it should attach to. To solve it, remove/uninstall the App Store version, and click Run in Xcode again.
The same story can apply if you once build the app with a bundle id then you changed the project bundle id and still kept both app versions. make sure you remove the old one.
If your certificates are not quite right or have become not quite right, this problem can start to happen and you can go round and round playing with provision and entitlement files to no effect. (In nearly all cases, you don't need an entitlement file.)
I'm talking here about debugging on a tethered device in "debug" mode, not any sort of "release" mode.
Here's how I finally determined this was the problem and fixed it:
1) Try to create the simplest Xcode project possible and in Target...General set it up for your "Team". (If you find this impossible to do, that already is a sign of this sort of problem.)
2) Tether your device and try to run on it. Normally, this would go smoothly, but if the opening screen appears on your device for a second or two and then the app crashes and Xcode says it can not attach to some positive task id, then you may have the sort of problem I had.
3) So I then went to another Mac with Xcode and did the same thing, letting Xcode 5 automatically get the needed credentials. (I'm using a "wild card" * app id for all of this.) In my case, much to my surprise the simple app I created on the new Mac ran on the tethered device just fine keeping up its opening screen indefinitely. What a relief. So I then went to keychain access on the new machine, exported all of the relevant keys into one file and then exported the relevant certificated to a .p12 file. I also made a copy of the new working project to take back to the first Mac.
4) Back at the first Mac using the app for the second Mac, it had trouble with the Team ID when I looked at the Target...General screen. Your symptoms might be different, but the point is I couldn't rebuild the app from the second Mac on the first Mac.
5) So I then opened up Keychain Access (possibly not necessary) and double-clicked on the files I brought over, first the one with the keys and then the one with the certificate, providing the p12 password when requested. (Some of this may not actually be necessary, but I'm not sure which and I am describing what worked for me.)
6) I did step 4 again and this time it worked fine! I then found that the other programs that were giving me the "failed to get task" problem now worked fine, too. I just wish I could get back all the time I lost before I tried the process described here.
Conclusion, something was wrong or had become wrong with the certificates or the keys on the first Mac. It was subtle enough that I could still do builds, make ad hoc releases, etc. but I could not run on a tethered device. Though I don't think it is a factor, I was using a corporate developer account and this Mac was set up to do development for several other developer accounts (and these did not display the problem).
After Xcode 5.0 tried and failed (it hung) to update certificates, ... which it suggested me to do. All I did then:
Restart Xcode 5.0
Open Window > Organizer
Select Devices at the top
Select my device (which had a green bullet)
Click the (+) Add to Member Center at the bottom and follow the few simple steps
Go to the Apple Developer Center and make sure that your developer certificate has not expired. Mine had expired so I renewed it and then went back into Xcode (5.1.1) and under accounts preferences I viewed the details of my apple account and hit the little refresh button at the bottom. My iOS development signing identity showed up and I was back in business.
Removing distribution profiles from device in Organizer solved this issue for me
1.Run the Application using development certificates in both debug and release area in code signing identity.
2.Use the development certificate in debug area and distribution certificate in release area.

XCode 4.3 code signing errors

Before Xcode 4.3, I used this method to submit applications to the app store:
-- Compile the application with the appropriate signing certificate which was configured inside the application's build settings
-- Distribute the application into the app store or clients using Xcode's built in submission process. When I was asked to select the signing certificate with which to sign the app, I always selected "Don't Resign".
However, the "Don't Resign" option does not exist in Xcode 4.3. Therefore, my application is resigned, and I always end up with an error saying that the code sign verification failed.
Is there any way around this problem?
I have found out that the compilation errors about code signing are due to a bug in Xcode 4.3. As many other have pointed out in Apple's developer forums, and myself, there are many cases where Xcode will complain about code signing your application if your application contains an image bundle! So, I remove the bundle with the images, and re-imported the images as separate files. I was able to compile the application for Ad Hoc this way, whereas it wouldn't compile with the bundle.
Also, as far as "Don't Resign" is concerned, I noticed that even if the application is already code signed in another step, Xcode 4.3 became smart enough to not re-sign the application with the same certificate, even if it appears to not give you the chance to not to! That's what I have verified with Ad Hoc builds. I will soon try that with production builds.
So, Xcode 4.3 became smarter in one way, and dumber into the other. Apple needs to fix this problem with the bundles, SOON!
Yes, there is a way. Before it used to default to whatever code sign it could find and auto-embed it into your apps. Right now its bugged.
To solve it, you would have to go through the steps of obtaining a new certificate and its private/public key. 3 step process:
Make sure you completely delete your old certs and keys by going to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access. Then Deleting the certificates and private keys associated with your Developer account.
After deleting all that info head Here to generate a new certificate for your app. Download and import to your login keychain
3.In Xcode open your project. Head to your root project folder > targets > build settings and attach the new correct certificates to code sign your app correctly.
If you are unsure about the code-signing process. Either go here or go to the dev provisioning profile under distribution you have some (REALLY OUTDATED) examples to point your way

Problems with code signing for ad-hoc distrubution for iPad App

I've been trying for a weekend now to install my application via ad-hoc means for beta testing and demo purposes. I can install from Xcode just fine, but when I try and take the app file and place it into iTunes, then try and synch, I keep getting the error "The application was not installed on the iPad because it is not signed".
I have gone through all the steps. We went to the provisioning portal and added all the devices. We then downloaded a distribution provisioning profile and installed that onto the development computer. We created an Entitlements.plist file, though there was no get-task-allow attribute, so I had to add in my own. I cleaned the targets, restarted Xcode, built the application under the ad-hoc profile with the Entitlements.plist set for the Code Signing Entitlements.
I take the app file that's generated and drag it into the Applications area of iTunes, hit synch, and I get the error.
I know I am doing something wrong, missing a step, but it must be a convoluted, obscure step that Apple doesn't have in their documentation. So can anyone see the problem in what I'm doing? If you could, let me know. Thanks.
Ok. Yay. Figured this out after some more hair-pulling.
Apparently, the build you follow is important. I kept testing and building to the Simulator folder, and this is wrong.
To deploy to a device, you should clean all targets and then build specifically to the device. You don't have to run it or have something plugged in, but you must build to device. The APP that is produced is different for simulator as it is for device.
Did you set the "Code Signing Entitlements" build setting in your target to "Entitlements.plist"?
