rails backgroundjob running jobs in parallel? - ruby-on-rails

I'm very happy with By so far, only I have this one issue:
When one process takes 1 or 2 hours to complete, all other jobs in the queue seem to wait for that one job to finish. Worse still is when uploading to a server which time's out regularly.
My question: is Bj running jobs in parallel or one after another?
Thank you,

BackgroundJob will only allow one worker to run per webserver instance. This is by design to keep things simple. Here is a quote from Bj's README:
If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database. The act
of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
1) a new long running background runner to be started
2) an existing background runner to be signaled
The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
hostname/rails_env combination. For example you may only have one background
runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works. However,
some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
Runner' section below for more on this.
The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
into the database while logging it's actions. When there are no jobs to run
the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
job running for an empty queue.
You can learn more on the github page: Here


How to Chain Rails ActiveJobs

I am looking for a way to be able run Active Job serially. Ideally, a long running Job 1 is scheduled to run at a certain time. A similarly running Job 2 is slated to run only after Job 1 completes. Job 3 then waits for Job 2 to run to completion before it starts and so on.
I have to admit that I am rather new to background jobs in Rails but I am already using Active Job with Sidekiq as the job runner for simple fire-and-forget tasks.
I like Active Job because it provides a simple enough interface to dive almost immediately into background jobs processing. I can use Sidekiq without having to define workers, for example.
For reference, I have achieved something similar but it was on .NET using the excellent Hangfire library which has continuations where you pass the ID of a parent job ensuring that the job will run only after the parent job has successfully completed.
It would be nice to have something as clean and simple as that using Sidekiq and Active Job but really any alternative ways to achieve the same thing are welcome. It doesn't have to be Sidekiq and Active Job.
The most straightforward way to to this is to call a third job from within a second job, and the second one from within a first job

how to continuously deploy with long running jobs

We currently use delayed_job and rails to manage some long running jobs in our system. Some of these jobs take potentially hours to run, but we also like to deploy rather frequently, often many times a day. The problem with this setup is that we have to restart delayed_job during deployment to pick up code changes, so that any new jobs are processed with the latest code.
The solution we've arrived at is that for any job that needs to run for more than some small amount of time, we fork the delayed job so that it returns immediately, and the forked process handles the work. This way a deploy can restart all the delayed job processes, while the long-running 'job' keeps going until it's finished as an orphaned process.
We've looked at sidekiq, but it looks like we'd have the same issue there when trying to deploy new code.
Has anyone developed a solution they would recommend for dealing with long-running background processes that span multiple deployments?

How can I configure Delayed jobs to not wait for a task before starting the others?

I am using Delayed jobs for my Ruby app hosted in Heroku to perform a very long task that can take up to 5 minutes.
I've noticed that, in development mode at least, when this task is running the ones that come afterwards are not started until that one finishes. I would like other tasks to be able to start running without having to wait for the other to finish (to have at least 3 concurrent tasks, for example).
I don't wish to increase the number of workers in Heroku ($$$).
I noticed the 'pool' param in delayed jobs but I don't fully understand if this is what I need or how to use it.
I achieved it using threads in the task code, but maybe this is not the best way to do it.
If you could tell me exactly how I could achieve concurrency in delayed jobs I would really appreciate it.
A DJ worker only runs a single job at a time. If you want concurrent processing of your background jobs, you'll need multiple background workers.
You are way better off implementing sidekiq.

Sidekiq not adding jobs to queue

Sometime ago I wrote a small Ruby application which uses Sidekiq to convert video files and pushes them further to few online video hosting services. I use two Workers and Queues, one to actually convert file and second to publish converted files. Jobs are pushed to first Queue by Rails application for conversion, and after successful processing Conversion Worker pushes Upload job to second queue.
Rails -> Converter Queue -> Uploader Queue
Recently I discover a massive memory leak in converter library which appears after every few jobs and overloads whole server, so I did a little hack to avoid this by stopping whole Sidekiq Worker process using Interrupt exception and starting it again by Systemd.
It works perfectly until yesterday. I get notification from my client that files are not converted. I did some investigation to find out whats failing and found that jobs are not added to Converter queue. It starts failing without any changes in code or services. When Rails adds jobs to Sidekiq Queue it receives proper Job ID, no exception or warning at all, but the job simply not appears in any Queue. I checked Redis logs, Systemd logs, dmesg, every logs that i could check and did not find even the slightest warning - it seems that jobs get lost in vacuum :/ In fact, after more digging and debugging I discover that if one job is pushed rapidly ( 100 times in a loop ), then there is a chance that Sidekiq will add job to Queue. Of course, sometimes it will add all jobs, and sometimes not even single one.
The second Queue works perfectly - it picks every single job that I add to it. When I try to add 1000 new jobs, second Queue queues them all, when Converter queue gets at best 10 jobs. Things gets really weird when I try to use another Queue - I pushed 100 jobs to a new Queue, of course all of them are added properly and then I instruct Conversion worker to use that new Queue. And it works - I can add new Jobs to that Queue and it seems that all of them are pushed successfully - but when Worker finish processing all jobs that were pushed before that Worker was assigned to this Queue it starts to failing again. Disabling code that restarts Worker after every job didn't help at all.
Funny thing is that in fact jobs are pushed to Queue but only when I pushes them multiple times, and it seems totally random when Job is added properly. This bugs appears from nowhere, for few months things works perfectly and recently starts failing without any changes in code or server. Logs are perfectly clear, Sidekiq is used with the same Redis server without any problems by few other applications - it seems that only this particular Worker have this problem. I did not found any references to similar bug on the web and I spent two days trying to debug this and find source of this weird behavior, and I found nothing, everything seems to work perfectly and Jobs are simply disappearing somewhere between push and Redis database.

Quartz.Net jobs not always running - can't find any reason why

We're using Quartz.Net to schedule about two hundred repeating jobs. Each job uses the same IJob implementing class, but they can have different schedules. In practice, they end up having the same schedule, so we have about two hundred job details, each with their own (identical) repeating/simple trigger, scheduled. The interval is one hour.
The task this job performs is to download an rss feed, and then download all of the media files linked to in the rss feed. Prior to downloading, it wipes the directory where it is going to place the files. A single run of a job takes anywhere from a couple seconds to a dozen seconds (occasionally more).
Our method of scheduling is to call GetScheduler() on a new StdSchedulerFactory (all jobs are scheduled at once into the same IScheduler instance). We follow the scheduling with an immediate Start().
The jobs appear to run fine, but upon closer inspection we are seeing that a minority of the jobs occasionally - or almost never - run.
So, for example, all two hundred jobs should have run at 6:40 pm this evening. Most of them did. But a handful did not. I determine this by looking at the file timestamps, which should certainly be updated if the job runs (because it deletes and redownloads the file).
I've enabled Quartz.Net logging, and added quite a few logging statements to our code as well.
I get log messages that indicate Quartz is creating and executing jobs for roughly one minute after the round of jobs starts.
After that, all activity stops. No jobs run, no log messages are created. Zero.
And then, at the next firing interval, Quartz starts up again and my log files update, and various files start downloading. But - it certainly appears like some JobDetail instances never make it to the head of the line (so to speak) or do so very infrequently. Over the entire weekend, some jobs appeared to update quite frequently, and recently, and others had not updated a single time since starting the process on Friday (it runs in a Windows Service shell, btw).
So ... I'm hoping someone can help me understand this behavior of Quartz.
I need to be certain that every job runs. If it's trigger is missed, I need Quartz to run it as soon as possible. From reading the documentation, I thought this would be the default behavior - for SimpleTrigger with an indefinite repeat count it would reschedule the job for immediate execution if the trigger window was missed. This doesn't seem to be the case. Is there any way I can determine why Quartz is not firing these jobs? I am logging at the trace level and they just simply aren't there. It creates and executes an awful lot of jobs, but if I notice one missing - all I can find is that it ran it the last time (for example, sometimes it hasn't run for hours or days). Nothing about why it was skipped (I expected Quartz to log something if it skips a job for any reason), etc.
Any help would really, really be appreciated - I've spent my entire day trying to figure this out.
After reading your post, it sounds a lot like the handful of jobs that are not executing are very likely misfiring. The reason that I believe this:
I get log messages that indicate Quartz is creating and executing jobs for roughly one minute after the round of jobs starts.
In Quartz.NET the default misfire threshold is 1 minute. Chances are, you need to examine your logging configuration to determine why those misfire events are not being logged. I bet if you throw open the the floodgates on your logging (ie. set everything to debug, and make sure that you definitely have a logging directive for the Quartz scheduler class), and then rerun your jobs. I'm almost positive that the problem is the misfire events are not showing up in your logs because the logging configuration is lacking something. This is understandable, because logging configuration can get very confusing, very quickly.
Also, in the future, you might want to consult the quartz.net forum on google, since that is where some of the more thorny issues are discussed.
Now, your other question about setting the policy for what the scheduler should do, I can't specifically help you there, but if you read the API docs closely, and also consult the google discussion group, you should be able to easily set the misfire policy flag that suits your needs. I believe that Trigger's have a MisfireInstruction property which you can configure.
Also, I would argue that misfires introduce a lot of "noise" and should be avoided; perhaps bumping up the thread count on your scheduler would be a way to avoid misfires? The other option would be to stagger your job execution into separate/multiple batches.
Good luck!
