how to continuously deploy with long running jobs - ruby-on-rails

We currently use delayed_job and rails to manage some long running jobs in our system. Some of these jobs take potentially hours to run, but we also like to deploy rather frequently, often many times a day. The problem with this setup is that we have to restart delayed_job during deployment to pick up code changes, so that any new jobs are processed with the latest code.
The solution we've arrived at is that for any job that needs to run for more than some small amount of time, we fork the delayed job so that it returns immediately, and the forked process handles the work. This way a deploy can restart all the delayed job processes, while the long-running 'job' keeps going until it's finished as an orphaned process.
We've looked at sidekiq, but it looks like we'd have the same issue there when trying to deploy new code.
Has anyone developed a solution they would recommend for dealing with long-running background processes that span multiple deployments?


Ruby delayed_job gem how to stop process

I am currently using the delayed_job_active_record gem to run some scheduled tasks on a long run basis. The processes run in the background on a separate worker dyno on heroku and rarely go wrong but in some cases I would like to be able to stop a process mid run. I have been running the processes locally and because of the setup I have, the scheduled tasks only kick off the process which is essentially a very long loop.
bin/delayed_job stop
only stops the jobs but since the process has started, it doesn't top this.
Because of this, I can't seem to stop the process once it has got going without restarting the entire dyno. This seems a bit excessive but is my only option at the moment.
Any help is greatly appreciated
I don't think there's anyway to interrupt it without essentially killing the process like you are doing. I would usually delete the job record in the database and then terminate the worker running it so it doesn't just retry the job (if you've got retries enabled for that job).
Another option... Since you know it's long running and, I imagine, has multiple steps... Modularize the operation and/or add periodic checks for a 'cancelled' flag you put somewhere in the model(s). If you detect the cancelled request, you can then give up and do any cleanup needed. This is probably preferred anyway so you can manage what happens when it's aborted more explicitly.

How can I configure Delayed jobs to not wait for a task before starting the others?

I am using Delayed jobs for my Ruby app hosted in Heroku to perform a very long task that can take up to 5 minutes.
I've noticed that, in development mode at least, when this task is running the ones that come afterwards are not started until that one finishes. I would like other tasks to be able to start running without having to wait for the other to finish (to have at least 3 concurrent tasks, for example).
I don't wish to increase the number of workers in Heroku ($$$).
I noticed the 'pool' param in delayed jobs but I don't fully understand if this is what I need or how to use it.
I achieved it using threads in the task code, but maybe this is not the best way to do it.
If you could tell me exactly how I could achieve concurrency in delayed jobs I would really appreciate it.
A DJ worker only runs a single job at a time. If you want concurrent processing of your background jobs, you'll need multiple background workers.
You are way better off implementing sidekiq.

Is it possible to redeploy a Heroku app without restarting some process types

I'm running a Rails app on Heroku, and I have defined a custom process type to perform some long-running jobs, really long-running, a job can easily take something about an hour or more. I know it's better to split it into some small chunks, but that's quite problematic for that task.
And the issue is that when I push a new version — Heroku restarts all the dynos (web, workers, long workers — everything). I wonder is it possible to restart only some process types, e.g. only the web dynos?
No, that isn't possible. The easiest and most scalable way around this would be to split your long-running jobs into smaller chunks.
That way, you would have a lot of very small jobs being processed very quickly. When your app is restarted, you would be able to restart your process, as it wouldn't stop a long-running job.
Alternatively, one-off dynos won't be restarted when your app is deployed.
Using the heroku api, you can programmatically boot one-off dynos. Using that, you could start a one-off dyno for each long-running job you need to process.
That job would be processed (for up to 24 hours, where it would be cycled), and you would be able to deploy your app without restarting it.

Should the resque-scheduler queue be expected to handle /lots/ of delayed jobs?

I am currently using resque and resque-scheduler in an application that will have to handle a lot of recurring jobs - "do this every hour", "do this every day" etc. At the moment, I simply queue up the next run of the job in the job itself, the HourlyJob queue has a .enqueue_at(1.hour.from_now, HourlyJob) etc.
Should I be doing this? It "feels" like I should have a static recurring job using resque-schedulers cron-type functionality that then schedules up say the next 5 minutes worth of delayed jobs... but all I am really doing is moving the work from the (probably fast, redis based) resque-scheduler to my (probably less well implemented, mysql based) code, surely?
Is there anything wrong with how I'm doing it now?
I'd personally use the cron style provided by resque-scheduler, your use case is exactly what it was built for:
Your more directly indicate these are recurring jobs.
Everything is located in the same YAML file rather then multiple job classes/modules.
By queuing the next run of the job inside the actual job:
You run the risk of the next run going missing when your worker/job/server fails.
Your needlessly using more memory in Redis, the scheduler process will not add the jobs to Redis until there ready to be run.
Hops this helps.

rails backgroundjob running jobs in parallel?

I'm very happy with By so far, only I have this one issue:
When one process takes 1 or 2 hours to complete, all other jobs in the queue seem to wait for that one job to finish. Worse still is when uploading to a server which time's out regularly.
My question: is Bj running jobs in parallel or one after another?
Thank you,
BackgroundJob will only allow one worker to run per webserver instance. This is by design to keep things simple. Here is a quote from Bj's README:
If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database. The act
of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
1) a new long running background runner to be started
2) an existing background runner to be signaled
The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
hostname/rails_env combination. For example you may only have one background
runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works. However,
some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
Runner' section below for more on this.
The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
into the database while logging it's actions. When there are no jobs to run
the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
job running for an empty queue.
You can learn more on the github page: Here
