Hook for redraw event in Blackberry - blackberry

Is there a way to add a redraw callback to a live screen object, i.e. not via inheritance?
I want to draw an overlay from an extension for widget sdk (substituting jumpy position:fixed), so the screen is created by the bbwp stub.
I can get it by
and draw on it quite nicely, but I need a way to redraw when appropriate.
I've abandoned the approach to push the overlay as a screen, because i couldn't make it transparent / find a way to pass events through.

If you want to push the overlay as a screen, you should be able to make it's background transparent by overriding the paintBackground() method as follows:
// Make background transparent
protected void paintBackground(Graphics graphics) {
XYRect xy = graphics.getClippingRect();
graphics.pushContext(xy, 0, 0);
graphics.fillRect(xy.x, xy.y, xy.width, xy.height);
Then, to pass touch events through, override the following method and return -1 if you don't want your screen to handle the touch event:
public int getFieldAtLocation(int x, int y) {
return -1;


How do I only respond to touches within a UI Image?

I have been wracking my brain and using every Google search phrase I can think of and have yet to find a solution.
I have a Unity app with a 3D scene and UI elements that float over it. There is one UI element that is an image of a protractor. That image needs to be drug around the scene, rotated, and scaled. All of that works, the only catch is that is doesn't matter if the user touches the protractor or somewhere else, the protractor always reacts.
I started by looking for something along the lines of Swift's someCGRect.contains(someCGPoint) so that I could ignore anything that isn't in the bounds of the protractor. Image doesn't seem to have such a property so I did lots of other searching.
I finally found this video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXc8baUK3iY that has basically what I'm looking for… Except is doesn't work.
The video uses a collider and rigid body and then in code checks to see if the collider overlaps the touch point. Looks like exactly what I need. Unfortunately, no touches ever overlap with the collider no matter where they are. After some Debug.Log I found that the extents of the collider are reported as (0, 0, 0). This is clearly why none of the touches overlap with it, but I can't figure out how to make the extents be anything other than 0.
Here is the info from the colliders and rigid body attached to the image:
Box Collider 2D:
Used by Composite: true
Auto Tiling: false
Offset: (0,0)
Size: (1,1)
Rigidbody 2D:
Body Type: Kinematic
Material: None (Physics Material 2D)
Simulated: true
Use Full Kinematic Contact: false
Collision Detection: Discrete
Sleeping Mode: Start Awake
Interpolate: None
Constraints: None
Composite Collider 2D:
Material: None (Physics Material 2D)
is Trigger: false
Used By Effector: false
Offset: (0,0)
Geometry Type: Polygons
Generation Type: Synchronous
Vertex Distance: 0.0005
There is a button that turns the protractor on and off by use of the following code:
public void toggle() {
this.enabled = !this.enabled;
The protractor starts life visible but Start() calls toggle() straight away so the user sees it as starting out off.
This is the code that performs the test to see if the touches should be responded to:
void checkTouches() {
if (Input.touchCount <= 0) {
bool oneTouchIn = false;
Collider2D collider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
Debug.Log("🔵 The bounds of the collider are: " + collider.bounds);
// The above always logs the extents as (0,0,0).
foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) {
Vector2 touchPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch.position);
if(collider.OverlapPoint(touchPos)) {
// Since the extents are all 0 we never find any overlaps
oneTouchIn = true;
if (!oneTouchIn) {
return; // Always ends up here
// We must have at least one touch that is in our bounds.
// Do stuff with the touch(es) here…
I've been doing iOS development with Objective-C since the SDK was released and with Swift since it come out but I'm very new to Unity. I'm sure the issue is me missing something silly, but I can't find it.
Does anyone know what I'm missing to make the current version work or an alternate way of only responding to touches that are in bounds?
Image doesn't seem to have such a property
No the Image componemt itself doesn't have that ...
But the rect property of the RectTransform component each UI GameObject has.
It is called Contains. So you could do e.g.
RectTransform imgRectTransform = imageObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
Vector2 localTouchPosition = imgRectTransform.InverseTransformPoint(Touch.position);
if (imgRectTransform.rect.Contains(localToichPosition)) { ... }
Alternatively you could use the IPointerEnterHandler and IPointerExitHandler Interfaces in a component on the target Image like e.g.
public class DragableHandler : MonkBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler
public bool IsHover {get; private set; }
//Detect if the Cursor starts to pass over the GameObject
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData pointerEventData)
//Output to console the GameObject's name and the following message
Debug.Log("Cursor Entering " + name + " GameObject");
IsHover = true;
//Detect when Cursor leaves the GameObject
public void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData pointerEventData)
//Output the following message with the GameObject's name
Debug.Log("Cursor Exiting " + name + " GameObject");
IsHover = false;
and than in your script check it using
if(imageObject.GetComponent<DragableHandler>().IsHover) { ... }
just also make sure that we the EventSystem you also add Touch Input Module and check the flag Force Module Active.

Caret position relative to screen coordinates in javaFX

I am trying to find a way to get the corresponding screen location of the caret-position in a text area in JavaFX. I need the location to show Popups in text at the caret location.
I found request or it here:
and some workarounds here:
They work somehow, but there are a few issues with location not updating correctly sometimes. Does anyone have a suggestion of how to get the caret position in terms of screen X and Y?
Just wanted to follow-up with an answer to this question for TextField controls in JavaFX. I'm sure the same could apply to other text input controls as well. I got the idea from looking at some code that involved changing the default colour of the caret using a subclass of TextFieldSkin class. If you look closely, the TextFieldSkin superclass holds a reference to the Path instance which represents the caret in a protected field called caretPath. Although this is kind of a hack'ish solution, it does provide developers with the absolute coordinates of the Caret in a much safer way than most of the hacks I've seen out there.
public class TextFieldCaretControlSkin extends TextFieldSkin {
public TextFieldCaretControlSkin(TextField textField, Stage stage) {
Popup popup = new Popup();
// Make the popup appear to the right of the caret
// Make sure its position gets corrected to stay on screen if we go out of screen
// Add list view (mock autocomplete popup)
popup.getContent().add(new ListView<String>());
// listen for changes in the layout bounds of the caret path
caretPath.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Bounds>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Bounds> observable,
Bounds oldValue, Bounds newValue) {
// get the caret's x position relative to the textfield.
double x = newValue.getMaxX();
// get the caret's y position relative to the textfield.
double y = newValue.getMaxY();
Point2D p = caretPath.localToScene(x, y);
* If the coordinates are negatives then the Path is being
* redrawn and we should just skip further processing.
if (x == -1.0 || y == -1.0)
// show the popup at these absolute coordinates.
p.getX() + caretPath.getScene().getX() +
p.getY() + caretPath.getScene().getY() +
caretPath.getScene().getWindow().getY() -
newValue.getHeight()); // put the popup on top of the caret
To use you'd have to embed this in some sort of subclassed text input control and remember to do textField.setSkin(new TextFieldCaretControlSkin(textField)). There may be better ways to do this since I am not a JavaFX expert but I just wanted to share this solution with the rest of the world just in case it provided some insight.
Hope this helps!
This is how you use RichTextFX to position a popup window 4px to the right of the caret:
InlineCssTextArea area = new InlineCssTextArea();
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.getContent().add(new Label("I am a popup label!"));
area.setPopupAnchorOffset(new Point2D(4, 0));
You still need to control the visibility of the popup window yourself by calling
See also this working demo.

How to draw images to viewport in Max SDK

I want to be able to draw images to the viewport in my 3d Max Plugin,
The GraphicsWindow Class has functions for drawing 3d objects in the viewport but these drawing calls are limited by the current viewport and graphics render limits.
This is undesirable as the image I want to draw should always be drawn no matter what graphics mode 3d max is in and or hardware is used, futher i am only drawing 2d images so there is no need to draw it in a 3d context.
I have managed to get the HWND of the viewport and the max sdk has the function
and i have tried using this function but it does not function properly, the image flickers randomly with user interaction, but disappears when there is no interactivity.
i Have implemented this function in the
RedrawViewsCallback function, however the DrawIconButton() function is not documented and i am not sure if this is the correct way to implemented it.
Here is the code i am using to draw the image:
void Sketch_RedrawViewsCallback::proc (Interface * ip)
Interface10* ip10 = GetCOREInterface10();
ViewExp* viewExp = ip10->GetActiveViewport();
ViewExp10* currentViewport;
if (viewExp != NULL)
currentViewport = reinterpret_cast<ViewExp10*>(viewExp->Execute(ViewExp::kEXECUTE_GET_VIEWEXP_10));
} else {
GraphicsWindow* gw = currentViewport->getGW();
HWND ViewportWindow = gw->getHWnd();
HDC hdc = GetDC(ViewportWindow);
HBITMAP bitmapImage = LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1));
Rect rbox(IPoint2(0,0),IPoint2(48,48));
DrawIconButton(hdc, bitmapImage, rbox, rbox, true);
ReleaseDC(ViewportWindow, hdc);
I could not find a way to draw directly to the view-port window, however I have solved the problem by using a transparent modeless dialog box.
May be a complete redraw will solve the issue. ForceCompleteRedraw

How to override downloaded image with default image to black berry list field

From the past two days i am doing list field with web image in black berry,because i am new.
I am displaying list field with some default image.when i dowloaded the actual image from web it can't replacing on default image.I used one thread to load images one by one.But images are not overriding with default image properly.Please help me.Here is my code
of list field.
public void drawListRow(ListField listField,final Graphics graphics,int index,
final int y, int width)
class ImageDowload extends Task
void doTask()
load=new DowloadImage(picture[inde]);
graphics.drawBitmap(3,y+7,placeholder.getWidth(), placeholder.getHeight(),_bmap, 0, 0);
taskWorker.addTask(new ImageDowload());
String text=(String) get(listField, index);
String pricedetails=price[index];
graphics.drawBitmap(3,y+7,placeholder.getWidth(), placeholder.getHeight(),placeholder, 0, 0);
graphics.drawText(pricedetails+" $",420,y+25);
graphics.drawLine(0, y+74, DConfig.disWidth, y+74);
You definitely don't want to be putting your ask in the drawListRow(), as it's going to fire every time it has to repaint.
Just start the downloading for all images when you create the ListField (or any time that makes sense). In your drawListRow() when you go to paint the Bitmap, check if the downloaded one exists, and if it does draw that, if not draw the default. Now as each image download is complete, just invalidate() the ListField and it will draw the newly downloaded image.

Do screen transitions when the user clicks on a bitmap

I am working on an eBook app where I need to transition the screens from left to right and right to left. I tried many samples that I've found, but I am not successful. How do I change the screen frequently when user clicks on the screen from left to right and right to left. What is the basic idea for transition of pages. I went through the Developer Support Forum thread "page-flip effect" looking for a solution, but I can't see it.
The following code is not logical. In which position do I have to implement flip effect for flipping pages in the screen and how to implement it?
public class TransitionScreen extends FullScreen implements Runnable{
private int angle = 0;
Bitmap fromBmp,toBmp;
public TransitionScreen(){
public TransitionScreen(AnimatableScreen from,AnimatableScreen to) {
fromBmp = new Bitmap(Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight());
toBmp = new Bitmap(Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight());
Graphics fromGraphics = Graphics.create(fromBmp);
Graphics toGraphics = Graphics.create(toBmp);
Object eventLock = getApplication().getEventLock();
synchronized(eventLock) {
// Interpolate myOffset to target
// Set animating = false if myOffset = target
try {
synchronized (Application.getEventLock()) {
} catch (final Exception ex) {
protected void paint(Graphics g){
//control x,y positions of the bitmaps in the timer task and the paint will just paint where they go
g.drawBitmap(0,0, 360,
480, toBmp, 0, 0);
g.drawBitmap(0, 0, 360,
480, fromBmp, 0, 0);
// invalidate();
protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent event) {
if (!this.isFocus())
return true;
if (event.getEvent() == TouchEvent.CLICK) {
// invalidate();
return super.touchEvent(event);
Assuming you're working with version 5.0 or later of the OS, this page has a simple example:
From where did you get the code sample posted in your question? That code does not appear to be close to working.
Update: you can actually animate transitions like this yourself fairly simply. Assuming you know how to use the Timer class, you basically have a class-level variable that stores the current x-position of your first Bitmap (the variable would have a value of 0 initially). In each timer tick, you subtract some amount from the x-position (however many pixels you want it to move each tick) and then call invalidate();.
In each call to the paint method, then, you just draw the first bitmap using the x-position variable for the call's x parameter, and draw the second bitmap using the x-position variable plus the width of the first bitmap. The resulting effect is to see the first bitmap slide off to the left while the second slides in from the right.
A caveat : Because this is java (which means the timer events are not real-time - they're not guaranteed to occur when you want them to), this animation will be kind of erratic and unsmooth. The best way to get smooth animation like this is to pre-render your animation cells (where each is a progressive combination of the two bitmaps you're transitioning between), so that in the paint method you're just drawing a single pre-rendered bitmap.
