Problem with Devise authentication on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I tried to use Devise 1.0.6 over Rails 2.3. I followed the installation instructions and the user can successfully sign up. However, when I use the registered user account to sign in, the password field is cleared up and nothing happened. Could anyone give me some ideas? Thanks in advance.

Without any further detail the only thing I can advice is to follow Ryan Bates screencast on Devise maybe it can point you to the right direction (even if he uses Rails 3.0 instead of 2.3):
Textual Version


Can I use "gem devise" and Michael Hartl rails tutorial authentication system together?

I have already finished Michael Hartl's rails tutorial and now I have a rails app which users can sign up with their information.
I want to add "Sign up with Facebook and Twitter" feature to my app. But when I tried it just usage of omniauth, I have got some problems.
Now I want to try it with using gem devise and gem omniauth together for adding "Sign up with Facebook and Twitter" feature, without changing my authentication system.
Is it possible? I will be also grateful if you advice different methods for adding omniauth.
Thanks for your attention
Yes you could use Devise and a custom authentication system together.
However I don't recommend you to implement two different authentication systems. It makes your app only unnecessarily complicated.
Here is a great Tutorial on how to use Omniauth together with Devise.
Hope this helps!
Happy coding :)

Installing Devise after completing Michael Hartl's tutorial

I'm planning on installing Devise and Cancan so I can implement some user/page authentication. I followed the Ruby on Rails Tutorial to start my website, so before I begin installing Devise, should I remove the user models/views that I already have from the tutorial? I'm not only worried about the overlap in the code and the security holes but also of breaking things.
You certainly can modify your existing User model to add devise functionality. Here's a brief write up on how to do it.
Here's a similar SO question and some relevant discussion

Implementing a chat application in Ruby on Rails

Basically, the app has to support sign up/sign in functionality and allow user to add friends and allow friends to chat.Since, I am just starting? with rails it's a bit overwhelming. How should I go about it
Also, the aim is not an application for production.
It'll be great if you could link to some working demos of the same.
If you are learning rails there are lots of great resources online. Try googling for a few.
I would suggest Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial - - it includes bits of what you want.
You would need ofcourse to read tutorials for rails beginners, I recommend the official rails guide.
For sign up/sign in, you could use the devise gem, and for chat push you could take a look at private_pub gem.
You can also check out a tutorial I did on how to achieve the same using devise and private_pub gem. I believe this should get you started

Login/Logout process for ROR (Rails 3.2.2)

We are new to ROR, We have issue in creating Login/Logout process in ROR (Rails 3.2.2/ruby 1.9.3p125). Can you please provide some details steps to do below,
How to code for Login/Logout process
How to change the table as well as fields as per my requirement for
How to customize signup and change the table and fields.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Chirag Patel
Please read about devise gem and devise Wiki
i recommend to use gem called sorcery for such problems. it's really awesome one, i use it in every my project, Visit tutorial
No built-in or generated code
Configuration over Confusion
Keep MVC cleanly separated

Rails plugin for User reg, password recovery, the works?

Is there such a plugin for rails that will do everything for user registrations, or must this all be coded from the ground up using various plugins and combining them or just coding some parts by hand?
Check out AuthLogic and Devise.
These will handle all the registration, login, logout, password reset etc for you.
You still have to do some work, but the logic itself is done for you.
I'm a Rails noob, and of all the authentication gems, I found Devise to be by far the least confusing to learn how to use. Ryan Bates's Railscast on Devise is a great help as well.
Be sure to install the correct gem for the version of Rails you're using.
