Show template in Joomla (parameter) - url

I know it is possible in Joomla! to set the template temporarily to another template with an URL parameter. What is the parameter? And how should the template be indicated?
I expect something like

If you go to the template manager and click on one and then edit, there is a preview button where you can see it in a form in the browser. There is also a link there that says "Open in new window." When I click that it loads my site with this as the query "?tp=1&template=ja_purity"

Ahh... sorry, found it myself.
Lets share it:
I was using the template name as declared in the XML file, instead of using the directory in the template folder (/templates/directoryname)


How to add an external link under a page in Kentico?

We’re using Kentico 11.0.26 with MVC.
I need to add an external link under a page.
In content tree it should look something like this:
Page A
Page A1
Page A2
The problem is that when I click the + button in Pages application, I only see page types, and there is no option to add a link.
Why not use value of page field to store the link and load the value inside of MVC app? Content tree alone does not have capability for this. All nodes have to be pages in one way or the other and plain old link to external domain can not be placed instead of page. To be honest I do not see benefit of having a link inside of content tree even for menu since you have to create menu using document path and not only its name anyway so accessing additional property should not be that much of a problem.
You could create a new content type to represent an external link and put that into your content tree. This would then also give you options to set additional properties of the link such as target and title rather than just a URL.

How do I avoid having to delete content and make it again when changing a template in Umbraco?

I've noticed that when I change a document type's template in Umbraco (by using the Allowed Templates tool under the Templates tab) I get a "can't bind models" error unless I delete any pages with the document type and make them again.
Is there any way to avoid this? Am I changing the page's template in the wrong way?
I didn't realise you have to update the node itself to use the new template :)

How to open a file from Grails app using <a> tag?

This is my first Grails project & I can't seem to do this very simple thing! I am trying to display a list of PDF forms in one page that I have saved under a folder called forms under my_project/grails-app/views/forms and want to open the PDF form in a new window when clicked.
In my .gsp file I am trying to access the forms like this:
Form #1
But that's giving me a 404 error.
I have found couple of solutions like this one or this question (which is very similar to mine)...but first of all, i don't need to upload/download the file. Second, i don't need to render the file either. All I want to do is just click the link and open the PDF file in a new window/tab. Am I saving the PDF files in a wrong place? Please help!! Thank you.
Place your file/directory into grails-app/assets so that you have grails-app/assets/forms/form_one.pdf then you can use the resource tag like this:
Form #1
The grails-app/views directory is used for views rendered by controllers, where as the grails-app/assets directory is used for static and pre-processed assets.

Fine control over Joomla URLs

I would like to convert my existing website to Joomla. However, I need finer control over URLs than I seem to be able to control with Joomla. Assuming that Joomla is installed in the base public_html directory of my user, I would like these pages to keep their URLs:
I am aware that I could use a 301 redirect via .htaccess however I would prefer to actually configure the canonical URL of the page. Is this possible in Joomla or with an extension?
Unquestionably, the defacto standard extension is At It's highly configurable, well supported, and ver well rated.
In Joomla! 2.5 you can use the built-in Redirect component to catch old URLs and send them to the right content without fiddling with the .htaccess.
You can also create menu's and menu items that will match the old paths then all you need is to place the content of your .html files into suitable articles. Remember you can create a menu (and thus a path to the content) but not display the menu anywhere on the site.
The genealogy.php appears to be a separate application so you can approach that by doing two things, first have a /eng/ directory on your new website with the genealogy.php application in it that way it will have the same URL. Then if you want to create a menu item in a Joomla! menu then you can link to it using a menu item of type 'External Link' - you can read more about the menu types by clicking on the help button in the toolbar.
For external pages if you want to wrap the external application in your template use a menu item type of Iframe Wrapper this will place them in the main component area of the template. With a good Joomla! 2.5 template you can use a template style specific (i.e. layout settings) for that page.

How can I find where actually is the theme file?

I am new to Symfony and I need to work to a large project with many themes to modify them. How can I find where actually is the theme file in which module, just looking at the HTML browser output? Or do I need to look somewhere else, routing for example?
What you want to do is use the Web Debug Toolbar.
Once you have that running on the page, using appname_dev.php, simple click the view link and it will show you which templates have been used. If you need to know which layout to use then use logs link, click none the sfPHPView.
