Ruby command line MVC framework? - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking to write an app for the shell, *nix mostly. And I'm currently in love with Ruby, especially the 'rails way'.
So if there was a framework that applied rails like concepts to the commandline in ruby then that would be really fantastic.
I'v allready looked into SimpleCommand and Hirb, nothing quite what I was looking for.
To elaborate:
What I'm really looking for is a way to use a rails like (directory and application) structure to create a MVC command line application. So basically something like rails that doesn't respond to http, but instead reads and writes to the console.
Its not a shell, if i wanted that then irb works fine. It would be more like your options are A,B,C and they would work a bit like http links.

You should take a look at boson and hirb [2d] menus. First one for creation of commands, second one - for A,B,C options and custom/dynamic views for outputting data.

Maybe you should try script/console in your rails app. Is that what you wanted?


Add a basic UI layer to existing ruby app

First, I am fairly new to Ruby/RoR and so you'll have to forgive me for any wrong terminology, but hopefully I'll get my point across.
I built an ruby app that I am needing to add an extremely simple UI layer using rails. Read up on a previous post of mine that explains the project thoroughly to give you good an idea of what it does. Specifically take a look at the tree outline that I pasted in so you see the existing file structure for the project.
What I need to know, is how to convert this existing project into a rails app? My experience in building something with rails has always started out with rails new app_name, but never anything like this. Any tips would be appreciated.
I saw your parser script, and it is not a daemon (a program that keeps running indefinitely in the background), right?
If I'm right, then you have several options:
The easiest option
Just build a rails application using rails new app_name, and inside some controller action, make a system call to run your script
class SomeController
def some_action
succeeded = system(:ruby, '/path/to/main.rb', '/path/to/some.txt')
# Do some rendering stuff here based on the result of the system call
This approach is somehow nasty for me, and it's not performant because each system call reads your ruby script and compiles or interprets it then runs it.
The harder option
Refactor your script so that it's features can be wrapped into a gem.
Then you install that gem, require it in your rails app, and use it.
I saw your original ruby script is almost there, it shouldn't be that hard to make it become a gem.
Rails is just "something" on top of Ruby. Especially, you can use any plain ruby objects inside of Rails, anywhere, and this is nothing unusual (google "PORO").
In your case, I would make a simple Rails app in the way you have mentioned yourself with rails new. Then trivially refactor your existing code until you have a simple, standalone class that does what you need to be done but takes its input/output from simple ruby data structures (i.e., method arguments, return values, no global state, no file operations). Then you can use that class from inside your Rails controller (taking input from a HTML form, rendering output to HTML), and also from inside your script (reading input from a file or STDIN, rendering output to STDOUT).
Where you put that class is up to you. In the MVC paradigm, it is not "C" or "V", and one could argue about whether it's "M". So put it into app/models/ or lib/, whatever you like more.
These were great answers and I'm sure they would have worked perfectly. However, they were a little bit more complex than what I was looking for.
What I ultimately ended up doing was just cd into the directory above where the ruby app was located and then just simply ran rails new app_name. Rails will ask if you'd like to overwrite any files that exist already. From there I just integrated my script into the controller actions and created the views.

Does every ruby on rails app need to be written on the console terminal?

I don't like using the console terminal. Is it possible to use a text editor like bracket *(MY FAVORITE) to write ruby code? I've seen ruby files. Are those written on an editor? Or is it the case that all these schools teach you the basics through the console and later you can write code on an editor?
Ruby do not have to be written in the terminal.
I myself do most of my coding in sublime and do run some commands in the terminal to run tests and generate some files. (Rails generators are quite awesome by the way)
I have a colleague who uses Ruby mine and from what I understand you can use that to do rails development without using the console.
Yes obviously you can use text editors.
You can write code in editor save it as file_name.rb and run from console as ruby file_name.rb
And this is just a start with Ruby. Just give your 20 minutes and you will get to know
When you will get familiar with all the great things about ruby
You can start with Rails, as it's name suggests it actually get you started
Just go on and you get fell in love with Ruby on Rails what it is called.
It's a lot convenient to use text editors and write codes instead of giving yourself a hard time coding using the console.
Sublime Text is one of the widely used editors, very easy to use and free. I've always used this.
You could also check out some of the best editors here 5 Best editors - Lifehacker
You can use any text editor and save the codes with the .rb extension <file-name>.rb and run it through terminal like this: ruby filename.rb

CKeditor not showing Formatted Code

I have installed CKeditor for my Rails app and while doing the Formatting, the Formatted code does not display in the screen, instead, HTML is rendered, like this
<h2><strong>In this project</strong> you’ll create a simple blog system and learn the basics of Ruby on Rails including: Models, Views, and Controllers (MVC) Data Structures & Relationships Routing Migrations Views with forms, partials, and helpers RESTful design Using Rails plugins/gems The project will be developed in five iterations. I0: Up and Running Part of the reason Ruby on Rails became popular quickly is that it takes a lot of the hard work off your hands, and that’s especially true in starting up a project. Rails practices the idea of "sensible defaults" and will, with one command, create a working application ready for your customization. Setting the Stage First we need to make sure everything is set up and installed. See the Environment Setup page for instructions on setting up and verifying your Ruby, Rails, and add-ons. This tutorial was created with Rails 4.0.0, and may need slight adaptations for other versions of Rails. Let us know if you find something strange! From the command line, switch to the folder that will store your projects. For instance, I use /Users/jcasimir/projects/. Within that folder, run the rails command:</h2>
Use the html_safe method
So, something like:
puts my_variable.html_safe
Lots more info here:

Are there any iPython-like shells for Ruby or Rails?

I love iPython and am learning RoR along with some libraries like Mechanize and I'd like to be able to easily see what I'm working with in terms of introspection. I would like to be able to type "." + TAB and see.
There is an irb tool to help autocomplete
require 'irb/completion'
You should take a look at Pry (an IRB alternative and runtime developer console). It isn't as advanced as the current version of IPython, but it's the most advanced developer console we have in Ruby.
try IRB, or the rails console I don't know if either of them have autocomplete, but they are quality tools.
There is an IPython notebook backed by Ruby kernel. Details about the project
Wirble is a convenient, if infrequently-updated way of bringing together some of these tools. It's not quite as complete as iPython, but gets pretty close. Among other things, it pulls in irb/completion.
For rails, you can do the same, but use script/console from your rails' root directory to start irb.

Viewing a Ruby on Rails script in my native browser

I'm new to developing in Ruby and have mostly been using irb to experiment with code. For longer scripts, it would be helpful to be able to run them in my native browser (similar to how I run php scripts through MAMP). I believe there is a way to do this using localhost:3000 but I have not been able to get it to work. So my question is, what is the best way to view Ruby scripts in my native browser?
Well, running some Ruby code in IRB has nothing to do with using the Rails framework.
Follow a tutorial (for example this one) to learn the Rails framework itself now you have some understanding of the Ruby language.
Good luck.
I don't see how this would really be helpful to you, but it would be pretty easy to put your code into a simple Sinatra route and have that serve the result of the code into a browser if you want. Then you can just…
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
"Hello World! This is file #{$0} live from Boulder!"
And when you access the server on your local computer, it will print whatever you put in the method.
I would be interested to hear why you want to do this rather than IRB, though. This seems like kind of a perverse way to code in most cases.
Rack is a Ruby webserver interface, you probably want to use that to hook your ruby script up with a server.
