Nesting UISplitViewController within UINavigationController - ipad

I would like to have a root level controller that appears to be a splitview but I would also like to allow the detail view to essentially take over the entire screen (in both landscape and portrait orientation) - and not as a modal view.
By way of context, my iPad app shows the user a list of experiments (collections of data sampled from sensors) in the master view. Selecting an experiment causes details of experiment (e.g., title, sample rate, etc.) to be displayed in detail view. But I would also like to be able to tap on a button in the detail view and transition to a full-screen graph of, for example, data vs. time.
So, I am wondering if anyone has done this. I already have tried it the other way (uinavigationcontroller within detail view of splitviewcontroller) but that doesn't seem to allow for the full-screen aspect.
Thanks in advance.

I think that a modal view overlay with a full page style would give you what you want.
YourVc * vc = [[[YourVc alloc] initWithNibName:#"YourVc" bundle:nil] autorelease];
[self.splitViewController presentModalViewController:vc animated: true];
The default style for the overlaid modal view controller will take up the entire screen (it won't be a popup.)


Change detail transition animation UISplitViewController

I have a UISplitViewController. When run in compact mode the detail views are "pushed" onto the navigation stack like pages (with the back button in the navigation bar).
I would like to simply change the page transition animation from a push from the side, to a modal style animation: i.e., have the detail view slide in up from the bottom. But only have it animate as a modal when the UISplitViewController is in compact mode (running on smaller devices - i.e., iPhones, etc).
An image for context:
As you can see, this is a normal page transition, but I would like the detail to slide up like a "page sheet" transition if possible.
I've tried modifying the segue in Main.storyboard however that changes the transition even for regular sizes (i.e., iPads, etc) which makes an additional detail view slide over the side-by-side view that's seen on regular sized devices.
Any help is appreciated!
Although it is doable, I would highly recommend against it. If you still want to go ahead with it, the simplest way would be to create two identical viewControllers with two different segues and segue types. Then you can make a check on device idiom and call the relevant segue. Again, I would not recommend such an approach

UISplitViewController - Resizing Detail View

I am using a UISplitViewController in my iPad app and I dont really like the way the popover view slides in and covers a third of the screen and stays there when in Portrait mode.
I am resizing the Detail view when the popover is slid into view and this works fine except the navigation bar at the top stay the full width (And goes underneath the popover).
I basically want it to look like it does when in Landscape mode.
This is the code I use to resize the view:
UIViewController *masterView = [svc.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];
UINavigationController *detailNavView = [svc.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1];
UIViewController *detailView = [detailNavView.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];
detailView.view.frame = CGRectMake(masterView.view.frame.size.width, 0, detailView.view.frame.size.width - masterView.view.frame.size.width, detailView.view.frame.size.height);
I have tried settingdetailNavView.view.frame but nothing happens.
How can I resize the overall detail view including nav bar?
Hmm, I think the UISplitViewController is not really that flexible. It's just something that Apple decided: split in landscape, popover in portrait. The detail view is occupying the whole view (i.e. the main view) of this controller, so you would have to define it as a subview of the main view of another kind of controller to manipulate its navigation bar like this.
The only solution to customize the portrait views is to actually do away with Apple's version of the split view controller and roll your own.
Perhaps the most pragmatic solution is just to dismiss the popover after an item is selected and displayed in the detail view.
The answer is UISplitViewController's preferredPrimaryColumnWidthFraction property - set it from 0.0-1.0 to specify relative spacing master view takes up.

Swap/ Transitioning between views iOS programming

I am a newbie to IOS programming and currently i have a tab bar application with two tabs. I have two questions.
The first tab shows a map, imagine it with some pushpins. There is a button on the navigation bar and when this is clicked i want the map view to to move out and a list view to come in. You can see the UI from the image. The button is called list.
Now when i click list I want this view to go away and the list view to come in. So here are my questions ?
1) How do i do this ? I tried the navigation model but i don't want that because I do not want a back button. I tried to make two different views and just dragged the button to that view but the app crashes. I just want the list button on the nab bar and when clicked the view changes to the list view and the button text changes to map. So now if I click the button again it should go back to the map view and the button changes to list.
2) How do i achieve the animations for this ? Ive seen some app where the page flips around and I've seen some options like reducing the opacity etc but I want to achieve the flip animation.
Thank You for any help I get. I really appreciate it.
Interface Builder can do most of this. Hold down the control key and drag from your map View Controller's UIBarButtonItem titled "List" to your list View Controller, then choose the Action Segue "modal". An arrow appears representing the segue; click on it and use the Attributes Inspector to change the Transition to "Flip Horizontal". Here's a video
Or, you could do this programmatically with presentViewController:animated:completion.
Now to get back to the map from the list, I believe that must be done programatically. Create a method that calls dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: and make your list View Controller's UIBarButtonItem titled "Map" trigger it.
After reading your comments, I am wondering... if the structure of your app is logically a tabbed app structure (as indeed you refer to it as a 'tab bar application'), shouldn't you consider using the UITabViewController instead of a NavigationController? That is what it is designed to do, after all.
If you do use a TabViewController you should reconsider your desire for flip animation, as that doesn't really make UI-sense for tabs. If you can dispense with the flip animation, TabViewController could be a good way to go and you should at least experiment with that before dismissing the idea. It is also designed to grow... you can incorporate any number of tabs in a tab bar. Check out the apple docs (with pictures!)
You will notice that tabs are at the foot of the screen, whereas your 'tab' navController buttons are in a navbar at the top of the screen. This also helps as your app grows, as it is straightforward - from a UI design point of view and programmatically - to incorporate navControllers as navigation tools within individual tabs. For example, if your map/list flip routine does indeed make sense for this part of you app, you can keep this as a single tab (in it's own navigationController) and add other tabs for other parts of the app...
From your comment, you are saying that you are interested in the navController-inside-tabBarController setup. In this case here are some ways to get flip transitions AND no back button..
(1) modal presentation
The easiest way to get what you want is to set up one of your viewControllers (say the map view) to present the other one (the list view) modally.
If in the storyboard:
embed your mapViewController in a navController with a navbar button for navigation to the listView as in your picture
add your listViewController to the storyboard and embed it in it's own navContoller (not the mapViewController's navController). Drag a barButtonItem to this navController and wire it up to an IBAction in listViewController
CTRL-drag from mapViewController's 'list' button to the listViewController to create a segue. Select the segue and in the attributes inspector set the segue type to 'modal', with transition 'flips horizontal' and 'animated' checked. Give it a name in case you want to refer to it in code.
in the listViewController's IBAction add this:
[[self presentingViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
That should achieve your result. You can use the completion block to send information back from the list view to the map view, and/or set the map view as the listView's delegate.
If you are not using the storyboard check this apple guide
Presenting View Controllers from Other View Controllers
especially "Presenting a View Controller and Choosing a Transition Style".
There is one catch with this approach - when the presented view flips onto the screen, the entire previous view, including the tab bar, is flipped out of the way. The idea is that this is a modal view which the user is required to dismiss before doing anything else in the app.
(2) push/pop in a single navController If this does not suit your intent, you can navigate using a single NavigationController with push and popping of views, and you can hide the back button ... but you really would need to keep the back button functionality as you do want to go back to the mapView, not on to a new map view.
To hide the back button try:
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES
in the uppermost viewControllers' viewDidLoad
Then you can add a barButtonItem in the xib/storyboard, with this kind of IBAction:
[self popViewControllerAnimated:NO]
[self popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO]
You would have to construct the flip animation in code as it is not supported as a built-in with UINavigationController (best left as an exercise for the reader!)
(3) swapping views in a single viewController As ghettopia has suggested, you could use a single viewController inside a navController (or with a manually place navBar) and swap two views around using the UIView class methods
This could be a good simplifying solution as your list and map are essentially two views of the same data model.

How to show full screen view within a UITSplitViewController app?

I have an application based off of the UISplitView project template. It works great.
But now i'd like to have a full-screen view, like a modal view. How can this be done so that it takes up the entire screen space?
If not possible, i suppose i could create a UIPopover view and make it fill up the whole screen, though i'd really like the view to take up the entire screen (without the popover type of view bordering).
Maybe I'm missing something, but can't you just create a view controller and present it modally? It works fine with splitview controllers. In other words:
MyModalController *mc = [[MyModalController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MyModalController" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:mc animated:YES];
[mc autorelease];

Custom logic for back button press in UINavigationController

A more detailed explanation of my app layout: clicking on any of the rows of the table view will take the user to the next screen with a back button pointing back to home and a segmented control on the top. A logic in the code determines which of the segments of the segmented control will be preselected. The user can click on any of the indexes of the segmented control to change the content displayed on the screen.
The way I have implemented the above layout is through a navigation controller. The content of each of the pages corresponding to “first, second & third" of the segmented control are all separate view controllers. The reason I have it this way is because each of these pages have significant functionality and controls for the user to interact with. Keeping them each as a separate view controller helps software code organization and data integrity. The home screen is at index zero of the stack of navigation controllers, view controller corresponding to first at index one of the navigation controller and so on. Let's say the user is currently on the second screen with “first”selected in the segmented control. If the user now clicks on "third", two view controllers are pushed onto the stack and vice versa for popping controllers out of the navigation stack.
Two questions:
• any comments on the way I have implemented? Are there suggestions for any better implementations? One specific implementation that I did consider is the possibility of having one view controller with three separate views (one each for first, second & third)? Any comments on this approach?
• I seem to have an extremely hard time controlling the behavior of the “back button”of the navigation controller. When the user has selected “second”in the segmented control, I would still like to have the back button saying “Home” instead of “first” which is the default behavior of the navigation controller. I have figured out how I can customize the text of the back button. However, I can't seem to figure out how to customize the behavior of the button. What I mean by that is, when the user is on "third”, and clicks on the “home button”I'd like to pop three view controllers and land the user on the home screen.
On SO, I saw and tried various techniques with no success:
approach 1: viewwillDisappear(): determine if this function is being called as part of a back button press and implement the logic of popping additional view controllers beyond the standard one view controller pop. For a moment, this logic does indeed pop back to the home page however it immediately crashes with the following message which I don't seem to understand:
approach 2: didPopItem(): I put the following code in this function
- (void)navigationBar:(UINavigationBar *)navigationBar didPopItem:(UINavigationItem *)item {
[[self navigationController] popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
if (self.navigationController.viewControllers.count > 1) {
[self.navigationController popToViewController:[self.navigationController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1] animated:YES];
any comments on the above will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help.
Since the three view controllers are really equal to each other in your view hierarchy, I would suggest replacing the top view controller instead of pushing multiple view controllers when you switch between your segments so that you can go "Back" from any of the three view controllers and you will end up where you want to be.
Something like this should work for you:
- (void)replaceTopViewControllerWith:(UIViewController *)vc {
NSMutableArray *vcs = [[self.navigationController viewControllers] mutableCopy];
[vcs removeLastObject];
[vcs addObject:vc];
[self.navigationController setViewControllers:vcs animated:YES];
